Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend


Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.
Some hostile to privacy right have already committed acts of domestic terror, such as the murder of George Tiller in 2009; it's not an escalation but continuation.

Yes...tiller the baby killer...who killed babies late term.......not able to draw sympathy for him.....
Another murder supporter.
The rabid anti-abortion rhetoric is equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theater. People can get hurt or killed - and do!
Thousands of precious, innocent children slaughtered every day, in cold blood. If a few of the subhuman monsters responsible for this violence get hurt or killed from time to time, then I'm going to have a difficult time finding any tears to shed for them.
The rabid anti-abortion rhetoric is equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theater. People can get hurt or killed - and do!
Thousands of precious, innocent children slaughtered every day, in cold blood. If a few of the subhuman monsters responsible for this violence get hurt or killed once in a while, then I'm going to have a difficult time finding any tears to shed for them.
So you are basically condoning murder. Tell me something Bobby, are you really pro life, or just pro embryo ? What about birth control and sex ed?
So you are basically condoning murder. Tell me something Bobby, are you really pro life, or just pro embryo ? What about birth control and sex ed?

If you defend abortion, then it is you who is on the side of murder.

I don't advocate murder, but I'm not going to shed any tears over a murdering subhuman scumbag who is killed by another subhuman scumbag.
So you are basically condoning murder. Tell me something Bobby, are you really pro life, or just pro embryo ? What about birth control and sex ed?

If you defend abortion, then it is you who is on the side of murder.

I don't advocate murder, but I'm not going to shed any tears over a murdering subhuman scumbag who is killed by another subhuman scumbag.
You didn't answer the question. Are you pro life or just pro embryo?
Do you support government subsidized day care and nutritional programs for women who chose to carry the child to term? These are not hard questions.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

He had a black boyfriend....according to who?

There's you. Citing you. And.....
So you are basically condoning murder. Tell me something Bobby, are you really pro life, or just pro embryo ? What about birth control and sex ed?

If you defend abortion, then it is you who is on the side of murder.

I don't advocate murder, but I'm not going to shed any tears over a murdering subhuman scumbag who is killed by another subhuman scumbag.

How about a dead cop?

Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.
Better take that Hillary bumper sticker off your car.

Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.
Better take that Hillary bumper sticker off your car.
The rabid anti-abortion rhetoric is equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theater. People can get hurt or killed - and do!
Thousands of precious, innocent children slaughtered every day, in cold blood. If a few of the subhuman monsters responsible for this violence get hurt or killed from time to time, then I'm going to have a difficult time finding any tears to shed for them.

You’re 7 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Conservative Terrorist Than A Muslim Extremist
If you’ve been listening to the vitriol spewed by the Right — and even if you haven’t — you’ve probably heard whispers that ISIS is sneaking terrorists into the country as Syrian refugees. While this is not in any way true, our conservative friends absolutely believe it, and their politicians — Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and the rest of the Clown Car™ — absolutely capitalize on the opportunity to demonize Muslims, all while completely ignoring the true terrorist threat: crazy white people.

“We have no idea who these people are, we are the worst when it comes to paperwork,” Trump said of refugees from Syria who are fleeing ISIS in mid-November. “This could be one of the great Trojan horses.” The billionaire adamantly declared that “we cannot let them into this country, period,” because refugees represent a “problem.”

One very real issue that conservatives all ignore is the threat the Right poses, a threat far greater than any Muslim —
one that was very recently placed on full display by Robert Lewis Dear’s attack on a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado.

Dear, a Christian conservative, killed three and injured nine in his terrifying attack,
in which he set up propane tanks in the parking lot of the Planned Parenthood and went in shooting.
This Hilarious Video Shows That Christian And Islamic Fundamentalists Are Made For Each Other (VIDEO)

A four-minute video making the rounds on social media is hilariously demonstrating just how much Christian fundamentalists have in common with Islamic fundamentalists.

Created by Syrian Republic, the video begins with a pro-Confederate Christian fundamentalist from Texas aiming a shotgun at an AK-47-toting Islamic fundamentalist in Afghanistan. They are insulting each other, threatening to wipe out each other’s countries, until they discover that their religions and beliefs are actually very compatible.

They first discover that both of their gods are the gods of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “Allah just means God,” the Islamic extremist tells his Christian counterpart.

The Christian extremist shows admiration for the AK-47 and learns that the Islamic extremist killed some communists with it, which only makes his admiration grow. Then they both realize they have a shared hatred of President Obama and a desire to overthrow the American government and replace it with a theocracy where prayer and God rule. The Christian extremist is also “so jelly” that the Islamic extremist has killed foreigners crossing the borders of his country.
The true issue, before accusing someone of anti-abortion terrorism, is why did he not go after actual PP employees and patients? It would seem rather pointless to go on a rampage and not actually target those you claim to be targeting.
Here it is, pretty much all that we know so far about this guy....

Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion

In 1997, Dear’s then wife, Pamela Ross, once called the police to accuse him of domestic violence, The New York Times reported. Ross said that Dear could have flashes of anger, but usually he would later apologize.

Dear was politically conservative, religious, owned guns and believed that abortion was wrong — but he was not obsessed with any of these issues, Ross said.

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