Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Ted Cruz Hailed Activist Who Wants Abortion Providers Executed Eight Days Before Planned Parenthood Shooting Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 11/30/2015 11:15 am

Troy Newman, the head of Operation Rescue, has long been known as one of the most radical anti-choice activists in the country, saying that a just government would execute abortion providers and organizing efforts to harass abortion providers and their patients.

But Ted Cruz apparently saw his extremism as a boon, releasing a statement on November 19th touting Newman’s endorsement of his presidential campaign and declaring that America needs more “leaders like Troy Newman.” In his statement, Cruz made clear that he was touting Newman’s endorsement because of the activist’s role in creating the hoax videos smearing Planned Parenthood for selling “baby parts” for profits. Following the shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, the shooter reportedly told authorities “no more baby parts” after he was apprehended. - See more at: Ted Cruz Hailed Activist Who Wants Abortion Providers Executed Eight Days Before Planned Parenthood Shooting
Army Of God Activist Hails Planned Parenthood Shooting: 'They Reap What They Sow' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 11/30/2015 4:50 pm

An activist associated with the militant anti-abortion group Army of God, which has been linked to several terrorist attacks on abortion providers, has posted a brief statement on his website declaring that Planned Parenthood got what it deserved with last week’s shooting at a Colorado Springs clinic that left three dead: Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Robert Lewis Dear aside, Planned Parenthood murders helpless preborn children. These murderous pigs at Planned Parenthood are babykillers and they reap what they sow. In this case, Planned Parenthood selling of aborted baby parts came back to bite them. - See more at: Army Of God Activist Hails Planned Parenthood Shooting: 'They Reap What They Sow'
The Latest: Clinic attack suspect was accused of sex assault
Source: Associated Press

The Latest: Clinic attack suspect was accused of sex assault
Updated 1:23 am, Tuesday, December 1, 2015

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9 p.m.

Police records show that the suspect in the deadly attack at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in South Carolina in 1992.

Fifty-seven-year-old Robert Lewis Dear was arrested in North Charleston, South Carolina, on a charge of criminal sexual conduct after a woman said he put a knife to her neck, forced her into her apartment and sexually assaulted her after hitting her in the mouth. No records show how the case was ultimately handled.

Investigators said Dear told them he knew the woman and had consensual sex with her.

Little information about Dear's background has been released, and documents in the Colorado Springs case have been sealed.

Read more: The Latest: Clinic attack suspect was accused of sex assault

Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.

Ya because no one ever got violent against an abortion clinic before. It's an 'escalation' and 'trend.'
Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates Is Despicable Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates Is Despicable

On Friday, a gunman killed three at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. Later, in explaining his motive to the police, he said "no more baby parts."

Last Monday, gunmen opened fire on Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis who were demanding action against two white Minneapolis police officers involved in the fatal shooting of Jamar Clark, 24, an unarmed black man, on Nov. 15.

Evidence shows the accused shooters were linked to white supremacist organizations operating online.

In a video that surfaced before the shootings, one of two men on the way to the protest says "we're going to go see what these f--- dindus are up to," using slang insulting toward African Americans. He then brandishes a pistol and says, "we are locked and loaded."

Meanwhile, the FBI reports an upturn in threats on mosques and Muslims in the United States.

In Connecticut, police are investigating reports of multiple gunshots fired at a local mosque. Two Tampa Bay-area mosques in Florida received threatening phone messages. One of the calls threatened a firebombing.

In an Austin suburb, leaders of the Islamic Center of Pflugerville discovered feces and torn pages of the Qur'an.

Hate crimes will never be eliminated entirely. A small number of angry, deranged people inevitably will vent their rage at groups they find threatening. Some will do so violently.

But this doesn't absolve politicians who have been fueling such hatefulness.

Perpetrators of hate crimes often take their cues from what they hear in the media. And the recent inclination of some politicians to use inflammatory rhetoric is contributing to a climate of hate and fear.
Hate crimes will never be eliminated entirely. A small number of angry, deranged people inevitably will vent their rage at groups they find threatening. Some will do so violently.

But this doesn't absolve politicians who have been fueling such hatefulness.

Perpetrators of hate crimes often take their cues from what they hear in the media. And the recent inclination of some politicians to use inflammatory rhetoric is contributing to a climate of hate and fear.
The real history of how decades of radical, violent rhetoric led to the Planned Parenthood shooting The religious right is neither: The real history of how decades of radical, violent rhetoric led to the Planned Parenthood shooting

Selected key excerpts.....Read this and tell me again what motivated the Colorado Springs shooting

As we’ll see, the historical record demonstrates that violence directed at abortion providers correlates strongly not to the legalization of abortion, but to the later rise of religious antiabortion activism.

There were very few reports of even minor incidents of violence as abortion laws were liberalized in the ’60s and early ’70s, because abortion was not a major controversy. It wasn’t until the mobilization of the Christian right in the late ’70s that violence started becoming a fact of life for doctors and clinics, as abortion suddenly became a highly charged moral, political and religious issue.

The timeline shows that the rise of antiabortion violence correlates almost exactly with the rise of the modern religious right. The formation of the so-called Moral Majority in the late ’70s is often cited as the launching point of the modern religious right, and it’s noteworthy that the group’s leader, Jerry Falwell, used passionate rhetoric and dark imagery in discussing abortion, casting it as horrific, a form of mass murder, a product of true evil.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

Anyone who believes that is a fucking moron......No one who ever knew him said anything about his having any gender identity issues NO ONE! He certainly was not trying to live as a woman.....and now this:

The Planned Parenthood shooter wasn’t a transgender leftist activist as Republicans claimed. It turns out that a clerical error on his voter registration card is responsible for the shooter being labeled a female.

According to The Gazette: Republican Excuse Falls Apart As Clerk Admits Error In Planned Parenthood Shooter’s Registration

Ryan Parsell, El Paso County’s chief deputy clerk and recorder, said his office incorrectly recorded Dear’s gender in October 2014, leading to the issuance of both a driver’s license and voter’s registration card erroneously identifying him as a woman.

“The Clerk and Recorder’s Office processes over 500,000 transactions a year,” Parsell said. “Mistakes are going to be made, and it is a reminder to us of the important job that we do to see that a mistake made by us has had national implications.
Does anyone else remember when Republican leaders, and many on USMB, said they were only concerned about federal funds being used to pay for abortions? I knew that was a crock of shit then - and they are certainly openly proving it now. Their goal has always been to end all abortions - regardless of the mental, physical, or financial circumstances of women who choose to exercise their legal right to abortion.

Law enforcement had better do a better job of protecting Planned Parenthood and other women's reproductive healthcare facilities from rabid anti-abortion terrorists. Women have every right to safely exercise their legal rights without fear of harassment and harm.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.

I don't think he's gay either, he's a loon who went over the edge. People should call it for what it is and stop trying to create the agenda.

There is nothing to create." Pro-life" terrorism is nothing new. Dear's motive doesn't change that.

40 years of attacks on abortion clinics, mapped

Violence against clinics isn't new. Most clinics experience multiple attacks.
Since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States. In some cases, a small group of clinics have been targeted multiple times.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
Neither is there that he is a christian, but that doesn't stop the op. His voter card has him as a female.

People who know him have said that he is a Christian. No one who knows him said that he thought that he is, or wants to be, a woman.
Violence against clinics isn't new. Most clinics experience multiple attacks.
Since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States. In some cases, a small group of clinics have been targeted multiple times.

Tbat is nothing compared to the deadly violence that these butcheries daily perpetrate against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
Neither is there that he is a christian, but that doesn't stop the op. His voter card has him as a female.

False! The clerk now admits that was an error on both his driver’s license and voter’s registration card.

Republican Excuse Falls Apart As Clerk Admits Error In Planned Parenthood Shooter’s Registration

Clerical glitch causes speculation about Colorado Springs shooting suspect's gender identity
Violence against clinics isn't new. Most clinics experience multiple attacks.
Since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States. In some cases, a small group of clinics have been targeted multiple times.

Tbat is nothing compared to the deadly violence that these butcheries daily perpetrate against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

Bob Blaylock supports terrorism.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

There it is.....Silly's not gonna let the lie die, is she?

Silly is not going to around much longer to spread these lies, since she's made herself ill in the process.
Violence against clinics isn't new. Most clinics experience multiple attacks.
Since 1977 there have been eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers across the United States. In some cases, a small group of clinics have been targeted multiple times.

Tbat is nothing compared to the deadly violence that these butcheries daily perpetrate against the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

Except one is perfectly legal and the other is
Pro-life jihad. You read like the latter. The fact that you believe that murder, bombings and arson is "nothing" shows clearly the dangerous, twisted logic of those who perpetrate such attacks.

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