Colorado, Utah move to hike smoking age to 21

Very odd that some would fight for the right to harm our children. Would these same people buy cigarettes for children who would not be old enough to buy for themselves?


Once you hit 18 you are not a child. Why does the left keep trying to infantalize our youth?

According to the government a child is a child until age 26.

Yeah, I don't get that. You can die fighting for your country at 18 but you're not "really" an adult????
Why are 12 year olds mature enough to fuck and have abortions but now an 18 year old isn't mature enough to smoke ?
For a country that is supposedly the freest in the world we sure spend a lot of time imposing restrictions on our populace that most other places don't. How about the government just butt out, no pun intended. An 18 year old is a legal adult. He can go off to war and kill somebody for some politician's ambition, so certainly he can choose for himself whether or not to smoke a cigarette.

Colorado, Utah move to hike smoking age to 21 - FOX5 Vegas - KVVU

"He can go off to war and kill somebody ... so certainly he can choose " to kill himself.

Why would anyone but the purveyor of a deadly drug or an addict support the growing of this deadly substance? We put crack and meth cookers and sellers in jail, why not those who grow and sell tobacco?

You're perfectly good with a 13 year old having an abortion without parental consent though, good call numbnuts......... :thup:
if you can go fight some shit war in a godforsaken hellhole at 18-19 .....that 18-19 year old should be able to decide if he/she wants to smoke or drink.....and if he/she has been through a war....they fucking have earned that right....

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