Coloradoans will hold illegal-gun-magazine swap on July 1


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
In the last election, Colorado got a new law saying they couldn't buy, sell, trade etc. magazines that hold more than 15 rounds. The first day for this new law to go into effect, is July 1, 2013.

Civil disobedience is the act of deliberately and publicly doing something that violates a law but which in fact does no harm and violates no one's rights. The people doing it, often notify the press and police in advance, so they can make a public spectacle of getting arrested for doing something harmless, and demonstrate the absurdity of the law.

This will be done at the central govt building in Colorado, on July 1.


Gun activists plan for civil disobedience to kick off Colorado magazine ban

Gun activists plan for civil disobedience to kick off Colorado magazine ban

6/18/13 | by Chris Mandia

Two formal events have sprung up online that are encouraging Colorado gun owners to engage in civil disobedience and break the law the day it goes into effect.

July 1 is the starting date for the controversial law that will ban the sale, transfer or possession of magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds.

The first of the two events dubbed “Magazine Swap at the Capital,” urges those from Colorado and surrounding areas to buy, sell and swap ammo magazines that hold more than 15 rounds to gather at the state capital. The following event is set for July 2 and encourages people to upload images and video to various social media outlets.

Although a majority of Colorado sheriffs have signed on to a lawsuit to try to overturn the new law, it’s unclear if law enforcement will make arrests during both events. Breaking this new law can result in a class 2 misdemeanor in the state.
Why not do this on the 4th of July?

More fitting.
Typical examples of Civil Disobedience include:

There's a lawn near City Hall where lots of families have had weekend picnics, it's sort of a tradition. Then the City Council passes a new law saying you can't walk on the grass near City Hall. THe excuse they give, is that people litter, tear up the grass etc.

So one guy decides to do Civil Disobedience. He calls the newspapers, explains that last month it was fine to have a picnic there, but this month it isn't. So he's going to pack a picnic lunch, and go to that lawn at noon this Friday, walk onto the grass, sit down, and have a picnic as people have done for years. He also calls the police and tells them the same thing.

That Friday, he shows up with his pcinic basket. TV cameras are there, and so are the cops. He heads for the lawn, and the cop tells him he can't walk on the grass due to the new law. He acknowledges that he understand the law, and that he's going to do it anyway, because he's had picnics there for years with no harm or ill effect. He walks onto the grass and sets down his picnic basket. The cop goes to him, slips on the cuffs, tells him he's under arrest for violating the new Dont-walk-on-the-grass law, and puts him in the patrol car and brings him to the police station.

It makes the 10:00 news, there's a big uproar, the City Council gets justly embarrassed, and they repeal the new law.

That's the kind of thing that will happen in Colorado on July 1. For the same reason.
Why not do this on the 4th of July?

More fitting.

Already explained, in the 2nd sentence of the OP.

Just because the law goes into effect on Monday, it would still be better to do this on Independence Day.

Wish I was there. I would show up as James Madison. Toting a high capacity "musket". :D
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