Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

There is no such thing as a "responsible gun owner"; there are only degrees of gun ownership negligence.
two: Metal detectors, x ray machines and lots and lots of security guards.

Prison...what you're describing can also be used to describe a prison. Kinda gives you a clue into their mentality, doesn't it?
The White House meeting today shows the difference between the whacky Liberal's and their stupid solutions and the genius of President Trump. He is going to arm the teachers as that is the only way to stop a shooter. It takes 7 to 10 minutes before th cops to respond. That is wasted time.
The "tards" solution.

When the problem is guns, the answer is more guns.

Arm the teachers.

How many teachers want that?
How many teachers would start shooting the students claiming the student made them "scared"? This may work for a Zimmerman who chased down and murdered a black child armed with Skittles and a soda pop. White kids are another matter. You would definitely go to prison.
Wouldn't the teacher be the first one shot?
What if the teacher goes crazy? You want to arm them and send them into a class full of unarmed children?
Sorry teacher no raise and no benefits. But here is a bright and shiny brand new gun with a magazine that holds 60 bullets. Double the number of unarmed children setting in your class.
Now go do your job and teach them a lesson.
two: Metal detectors, x ray machines and lots and lots of security guards.

Prison...what you're describing can also be used to describe a prison. Kinda gives you a clue into their mentality, doesn't it?
A dystonian kind of authoritarian America is what Republicans want for the country. They are already preparing the way.
Voter suppression
Arm the police so they look like the military.
X ray machines
Metal Detectors
The GOP is giving us a full out war on the American way of life pretending it's all about protecting a white majority. But that's not it. The GOP base may think it is, but party elite are simply brown shirts in Brookes Bros Suits.
Was thinking today, and I know it's going to happen this ban on bumpstocks now, and that is great (no need for that to easily fall into the hands of anyone that decides to use a semi-automatic weapon that has been made (through modification), into an almost automatic weapon.. Especially one that can lay down so many rounds per minute upon the innocent citizens as being a weapon of choice now to do so, and to do it for nefarious/murderous purposes)..

IT'S about time. And we don't need silencers or such as add on's either, in which people want to add to their barrels... It makes the weapons far more dangerous in society if were to fall into the hands of a serial killer or worse..... What say y'all ????

Ok now here is another idea maybe.... How about two round clips for all domestic firearms or guns in the U.S. ???? In this idea one can still have as many clips as they want.... The idea is that if a bad guy gets one of these gun's AR-15 for example, and he decides to kill as many as he can with it, then at least the murdering psycho would have to reload the weapon after two rounds are fired each time.

This then gives the fired upon or those under attack (if the attacker only has the one weapon smuggled in due to a much tighter security situation added), it gives them a much longer needed time in order to take advantage of the "break" / clip change, in order to rush the attacker and bring him down hopefully.

From the California bank robbery gone bad shoot out back in February 28, 1997 to current, we have all witnessed what modified weapons can do in society when fall into the wrong hands.

The M-1 rifle used during WW2, only had an 8 round clip for war. The Mauser bolt action had a 5 shot stripper clip used during war. The streets of America shouldn't be representative of a war that has guns that could be used in a war in order to kill many, and worse are being found or used upon the streets by psycho's whom wants to kill us for all sorts of reasons now.......Instead the streets should be representative of peace for our citizens, and safety for our children in order to go about it as a free society upon those streets.

Wonder what the weapons of choice have been on the streets of Chicago etc. ??

Not for banning guns ever, but for making them safer for the streets of our country when or after things go wrong.

In summary -. Ban bumpstocks or modifications made to a weapon after factory in which the product was made, and then after it was sold to the citizenry.

No modifying unless approved by law to do so. Limiting clips to two rounds per clip for domestic use, and no modifications allowed. A person can have more than one clip per weapon though, but no more than 3 for the weapon as in specific to the weapon.

All weapons currently would still be allowed, but without clips that hold more than two rounds per clip or two shots per weapon (a double barrel shotgun for example). This should solve the issue for those wanting to ban guns, and it should solve the issue for those wanting to keep their guns.

We need the other things talked about as well in the new debate now started over the FLA shooting.

A compromise maybe ?

I would rather see us take the guns only from the bad guy's, but the PC crowd won't have it because they will claim that they (the radical killers once caught or in some cases before hand) are human beings also y'all know, and that we are just doing it because they (fill in the blank), figure that we are just stomping all over them in this country, and doing so because they are minorities etc, and that they can't stop us from doing so because we control to many guns and wealth in this country, and they hate the fact that we might always will have that wealth and control.. That's their dilemma in all of this they figure.

Trust me y'all, I don't think we should have to let the bad guy's win ever, but this might be the only way we have left in order to keep our guns of choice, and to stop these idiots from slaughtering the Innocents when they get their evil hands upon a good person's guns/weapon(s).
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Was thinking today, and I know it's going to happen this ban on bumpstocks now, and that is great (no need for that to easily fall into the hands of anyone that decides to use a semi-automatic weapon that has been made (through modification), into an almost automatic weapon.. Especially one that can lay down so many rounds per minute upon the innocent citizens as being a weapon of choice now to do so, and to do it for nefarious/murderous purposes)..

IT'S about time. And we don't need silencers or such as add on's either, in which people want to add to their barrels... It makes the weapons far more dangerous in society if were to fall into the hands of a serial killer or worse..... What say y'all ????

Ok now here is another idea maybe.... How about two round clips for all domestic firearms or guns in the U.S. ???? In this idea one can still have as many clips as they want.... The idea is that if a bad guy gets one of these gun's AR-15 for example, and he decides to kill as many as he can with it, then at least the murdering psycho would have to reload the weapon after two rounds are fired each time.

This then gives the fired upon or those under attack (if the attacker only has the one weapon smuggled in due to a much tighter security situation added), it gives them a much longer needed time in order to take advantage of the "break" / clip change, in order to rush the attacker and bring him down hopefully.

From the California bank robbery gone bad shoot out back in February 28, 1997 to current, we have all witnessed what modified weapons can do in society when fall into the wrong hands.

The M-1 rifle used during WW2, only had an 8 round clip for war. The Mauser bolt action had a 5 shot stripper clip used during war. The streets of America shouldn't be representative of a war that has guns that could be used in a war in order to kill many, and worse are being found or used upon the streets by psycho's whom wants to kill us for all sorts of reasons now.......Instead the streets should be representative of peace for our citizens, and safety for our children in order to go about it as a free society upon those streets.

Wonder what the weapons of choice have been on the streets of Chicago etc. ??

Not for banning guns ever, but for making them safer for the streets of our country when or after things go wrong.

In summary -. Ban bumpstocks or modifications made to a weapon after factory in which the product was made, and then after it was sold to the citizenry.

No modifying unless approved by law to do so. Limiting clips to two rounds per clip for domestic use, and no modifications allowed. A person can have more than one clip per weapon though, but no more than 3 for the weapon as in specific to the weapon.

All weapons currently would still be allowed, but without clips that hold more than two rounds per clip or two shots per weapon (a double barrel shotgun for example). This should solve the issue for those wanting to ban guns, and it should solve the issue for those wanting to keep their guns.

We need the other things talked about as well in the new debate now started over the FLA shooting.

A compromise maybe ?

I would rather see us take the guns only from the bad guy's, but the PC crowd won't have it because they will claim that they (the radical killers once caught or in some cases before hand) are human beings also y'all know, and that we are just doing it because they (fill in the blank), figure that we are just stomping all over them in this country, and doing so because they are minorities etc, and that they can't stop us from doing so because we control to many guns and wealth in this country, and they hate the fact that we might always will have that wealth and control.. That's their dilemma in all of this they figure.

Trust me y'all, I don't think we should have to let the bad guy's win ever, but this might be the only way we have left in order to keep our guns of choice, and to stop these idiots from slaughtering the Innocents when they get their evil hands upon a good person's guns/weapon(s).

I kind of thing a false flag is coming something to do with guns which will make the sheep go even more irate than they already are.

How come the mainstream media is giving most of its attention to a handful of gun control activists out of the nearly 2900 students who attend Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School?

You’d think that mainstream reporters would be interviewing as many students as they can who were present at the Feb. 14 shooting in Parkland, Fla., but no: the current media coverage is revolving around a group of teenage gun control advocates.
Why’s the Media Focusing on Gun Control Activists Out of 2900 Students?
Was thinking today, and I know it's going to happen this ban on bumpstocks now, and that is great (no need for that to easily fall into the hands of anyone that decides to use a semi-automatic weapon that has been made (through modification), into an almost automatic weapon.. Especially one that can lay down so many rounds per minute upon the innocent citizens as being a weapon of choice now to do so, and to do it for nefarious/murderous purposes)..

IT'S about time. And we don't need silencers or such as add on's either, in which people want to add to their barrels... It makes the weapons far more dangerous in society if were to fall into the hands of a serial killer or worse..... What say y'all ????

Ok now here is another idea maybe.... How about two round clips for all domestic firearms or guns in the U.S. ???? In this idea one can still have as many clips as they want.... The idea is that if a bad guy gets one of these gun's AR-15 for example, and he decides to kill as many as he can with it, then at least the murdering psycho would have to reload the weapon after two rounds are fired each time.

This then gives the fired upon or those under attack (if the attacker only has the one weapon smuggled in due to a much tighter security situation added), it gives them a much longer needed time in order to take advantage of the "break" / clip change, in order to rush the attacker and bring him down hopefully.

From the California bank robbery gone bad shoot out back in February 28, 1997 to current, we have all witnessed what modified weapons can do in society when fall into the wrong hands.

The M-1 rifle used during WW2, only had an 8 round clip for war. The Mauser bolt action had a 5 shot stripper clip used during war. The streets of America shouldn't be representative of a war that has guns that could be used in a war in order to kill many, and worse are being found or used upon the streets by psycho's whom wants to kill us for all sorts of reasons now.......Instead the streets should be representative of peace for our citizens, and safety for our children in order to go about it as a free society upon those streets.

Wonder what the weapons of choice have been on the streets of Chicago etc. ??

Not for banning guns ever, but for making them safer for the streets of our country when or after things go wrong.

In summary -. Ban bumpstocks or modifications made to a weapon after factory in which the product was made, and then after it was sold to the citizenry.

No modifying unless approved by law to do so. Limiting clips to two rounds per clip for domestic use, and no modifications allowed. A person can have more than one clip per weapon though, but no more than 3 for the weapon as in specific to the weapon.

All weapons currently would still be allowed, but without clips that hold more than two rounds per clip or two shots per weapon (a double barrel shotgun for example). This should solve the issue for those wanting to ban guns, and it should solve the issue for those wanting to keep their guns.

We need the other things talked about as well in the new debate now started over the FLA shooting.

A compromise maybe ?

I would rather see us take the guns only from the bad guy's, but the PC crowd won't have it because they will claim that they (the radical killers once caught or in some cases before hand) are human beings also y'all know, and that we are just doing it because they (fill in the blank), figure that we are just stomping all over them in this country, and doing so because they are minorities etc, and that they can't stop us from doing so because we control to many guns and wealth in this country, and they hate the fact that we might always will have that wealth and control.. That's their dilemma in all of this they figure.

Trust me y'all, I don't think we should have to let the bad guy's win ever, but this might be the only way we have left in order to keep our guns of choice, and to stop these idiots from slaughtering the Innocents when they get their evil hands upon a good person's guns/weapon(s).

I just saw this one come out

Bump stock prices jump after Trump proposes ban, report says
Also deadly gangs in this nation need to be dis-banned and made completely illegal forevermore in this country, and especially in public schools. Now there is a difference in gangs and groups who unite under righteous and legit upright causes. We must not confuse the two. Gangs with illegal weapons are a serious threat that has been ignored for WAYyyyyyyyyyyy to long in this country.

No American's or their children should have to suffer gang's in this country. If the civil rights movement is causing any of this stuff to get a pass under the protection of that cause or movement, then it needs to be revisited in order to address these issues, and how we as a nation should be looking to seperate those supposed protections from that gang for whom thinks that it has protections under that movement or federal legislation.
Was thinking today, and I know it's going to happen this ban on bumpstocks now, and that is great (no need for that to easily fall into the hands of anyone that decides to use a semi-automatic weapon that has been made (through modification), into an almost automatic weapon.. Especially one that can lay down so many rounds per minute upon the innocent citizens as being a weapon of choice now to do so, and to do it for nefarious/murderous purposes)..

IT'S about time. And we don't need silencers or such as add on's either, in which people want to add to their barrels... It makes the weapons far more dangerous in society if were to fall into the hands of a serial killer or worse..... What say y'all ????

Ok now here is another idea maybe.... How about two round clips for all domestic firearms or guns in the U.S. ???? In this idea one can still have as many clips as they want.... The idea is that if a bad guy gets one of these gun's AR-15 for example, and he decides to kill as many as he can with it, then at least the murdering psycho would have to reload the weapon after two rounds are fired each time.

This then gives the fired upon or those under attack (if the attacker only has the one weapon smuggled in due to a much tighter security situation added), it gives them a much longer needed time in order to take advantage of the "break" / clip change, in order to rush the attacker and bring him down hopefully.

From the California bank robbery gone bad shoot out back in February 28, 1997 to current, we have all witnessed what modified weapons can do in society when fall into the wrong hands.

The M-1 rifle used during WW2, only had an 8 round clip for war. The Mauser bolt action had a 5 shot stripper clip used during war. The streets of America shouldn't be representative of a war that has guns that could be used in a war in order to kill many, and worse are being found or used upon the streets by psycho's whom wants to kill us for all sorts of reasons now.......Instead the streets should be representative of peace for our citizens, and safety for our children in order to go about it as a free society upon those streets.

Wonder what the weapons of choice have been on the streets of Chicago etc. ??

Not for banning guns ever, but for making them safer for the streets of our country when or after things go wrong.

In summary -. Ban bumpstocks or modifications made to a weapon after factory in which the product was made, and then after it was sold to the citizenry.

No modifying unless approved by law to do so. Limiting clips to two rounds per clip for domestic use, and no modifications allowed. A person can have more than one clip per weapon though, but no more than 3 for the weapon as in specific to the weapon.

All weapons currently would still be allowed, but without clips that hold more than two rounds per clip or two shots per weapon (a double barrel shotgun for example). This should solve the issue for those wanting to ban guns, and it should solve the issue for those wanting to keep their guns.

We need the other things talked about as well in the new debate now started over the FLA shooting.

A compromise maybe ?

I would rather see us take the guns only from the bad guy's, but the PC crowd won't have it because they will claim that they (the radical killers once caught or in some cases before hand) are human beings also y'all know, and that we are just doing it because they (fill in the blank), figure that we are just stomping all over them in this country, and doing so because they are minorities etc, and that they can't stop us from doing so because we control to many guns and wealth in this country, and they hate the fact that we might always will have that wealth and control.. That's their dilemma in all of this they figure.

Trust me y'all, I don't think we should have to let the bad guy's win ever, but this might be the only way we have left in order to keep our guns of choice, and to stop these idiots from slaughtering the Innocents when they get their evil hands upon a good person's guns/weapon(s).

I just saw this one come out

Bump stock prices jump after Trump proposes ban, report says
.Yep, it is time for gun lovers to get one for their collections now. Then they will have to keep them there under lock and key until the culture changes again.
two: Metal detectors, x ray machines and lots and lots of security guards.

Prison...what you're describing can also be used to describe a prison. Kinda gives you a clue into their mentality, doesn't it?
A dystonian kind of authoritarian America is what Republicans want for the country. They are already preparing the way.
Voter suppression
Arm the police so they look like the military.
X ray machines
Metal Detectors
The GOP is giving us a full out war on the American way of life pretending it's all about protecting a white majority. But that's not it. The GOP base may think it is, but party elite are simply brown shirts in Brookes Bros Suits.
You can attribute a few of those to scum we let into this country, and in your case, the scum that is born here.
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parents might know their children longer than anyone else and understand their impulses better than anyone but that's not the same thing as actually knowing what they're doing at any given moment. we need better parenting!
why can't technology that's commercially available and acceptable for more mundane purposes be used to ensure safety??

if we develop technology that you can't unlock your phone unless you've got the right fingerprint, why can't we do it for guns? if a child can't open a bottle of aspirin, we should make sure they can't pull a trigger on a gun.
people are not going to church. people are not being taught God. you can tell that by the respect that's given when you pray.

the homes are not the incubators they used to be. to actually nurture children and give them all the tools they need to begin in the world without robbin and stealin and killin. a lot of them are mimicking what they see. we have a lot of teenage mothers who don't know anything about parenting. they don't have the help to help them parent because their mothers are very young. you've got grandmothers who are 32 because kids are having babies so young. nobody knows anything about being a parent at that age. kids are growing up on their own and being taught that the world owes them something.
people are not going to church. people are not being taught God. you can tell that by the respect that's given when you pray.

the homes are not the incubators they used to be. to actually nurture children and give them all the tools they need to begin in the world without robbin and stealin and killin. a lot of them are mimicking what they see. we have a lot of teenage mothers who don't know anything about parenting. they don't have the help to help them parent because their mothers are very young. you've got grandmothers who are 32 because kids are having babies so young. nobody knows anything about being a parent at that age. kids are growing up on their own and being taught that the world owes them something.
.Kids that are growing up on their own, are then being raised by Hollyweird, and trying to be accepted so bad that they are vulnerable to getting involved with the wrong crowd or individuals.
Americans are saying we fight the injustice and realise it's there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we've made, as it's a pathway to success.

DON'T abandon your children.

DON'T get pregnant at 14.

DON'T allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones.
it takes a village to raise a child. but most people don't live in villages. many live in impoverished, isolated urban communities, and few Americans, really want to talk honestly and practically about what to do to raise a child in those conditions.

after a 16 year old was shot in Dallas, a person commented: "i have 2 adult kids and there's no way they would've been walking out on the streets after dark, AND i always knew where they were. i blame the victims, all parents can do better"

the boy in question was accompanying his friend on a short walk home to his grandmother's house. his mom knew exactly where he was. she just couldn't save him.
Americans are saying we fight the injustice and realise it's there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we've made, as it's a pathway to success.

DON'T abandon your children.

DON'T get pregnant at 14.

DON'T allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones.
.The not allowing your neighborhood to go to hell has become a major problem these days. As the government tries to find housing for millions of impoverished citizens, many lower working middle class community's are being devastated by poverty sprawl. Once the government gets a foothold in your community or neighborhood, it's all you can do in order to try and get out before you lose your entire life's investment, and history in the situation.

The working middle class and upper middle classes are running out of places to take their investments to, especially when the government is staying right on their heels.
Americans are saying we fight the injustice and realise it's there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we've made, as it's a pathway to success.

DON'T abandon your children.

DON'T get pregnant at 14.

DON'T allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones.
.The not allowing your neighborhood to go to hell has become a major problem these days. As the government tries to find housing for millions of impoverished citizens, many lower working middle class community's are being devastated by poverty sprawl. Once the government gets a foothold in your community or neighborhood, it's all you can do in order to try and get out before you lose your entire life's investment, history, and history in the situation.

The working middle class and upper middle classes are running out of places to take their investments to, especially when the government is staying right on their heels.

i'm talking about something else. i'm talking about these folks who cry when their son is standing there in an orange jumpsuit. where were you when he was 2, 12, and 18? how come you didn't know he had pistol? these folks are not parenting. they're buying shit for their kids, like 500$ sneakers. they wouldn't spend 500$ on Hooked On Phonics.

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