Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider!

1) Guns and their use are a Right, you can't license the exercise of a the democrats found when they tried to implement Poll Taxes and Literacy tests against Blacks to keep them from voting.

2) Neither one is usefull or stops criminals or mass shooters....
Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough
You may be tortured by truth but others are not...we have laws for buying must go through an FBI back round check... Cruz legally purchased his legal weapon after the FBI was given his name and his haunting you tube post...they let him slip through their fingers...they let the Vegas shooter buy hundreds of guns bump stocks and thousands of rounds of ammo in a three month period of time...until the FBI gets their shit together no new gun law will do anything to stop this...

I am absolutely amazed at the level of ignorance that is routinely display on this board about matters of law.

1. You do NOT have to go through a background check to buy a gun from somebody who is not a licensed dealer. For crying out loud, that is one of the laws we want to change!
2. It is not illegal to post anything on social media unless it is a threat to a specific person, or persons.
3. it is not illegal to stockpile thousands of rounds of ammo and/or bumpstocks.
4. the FBI can not do anything to anyone who is not in the process of breaking the law. In fact, if they DID try to do something about the guy in Vegas, they would have been breaking the law, themselves.

Having said the above, how can you or anyone else claim that the gun problem is due to failure to enforce existing laws. In neither Florida, nor Vegas, was any law broken before the first shot was fired.
You talk about ignorance?
1. We are talking about Cruz...he bought his rifle legally and there was indeed an FBI background check...they had his name...they had a complaint...they did nothing...

2. I guarantee you if you threaten a senator or congressman on YouTube the FBI will be at your door the very next day...threaten a school and no one cares?

3. I didn't day it was illegal to stock pile weapons but it should have raised concerns in the fact it did...they took notice enough to have a paper trail on the Vegas shooter but did nothing...not even a interview...

4. You are so wrong on number 4 I will let that one go...

Cruz should have been in Chattahoochee way before he went and bought a gun, but Obama's "PROMISE" policy being implemented by Sheriff Scott Israel kept Cruz off of the state's radar because his violent assaults weren't reported properly.

In my county, if the cops come to your house more than 3x, somebody's going to jail.
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we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

Criminals won't get the training, or they don't do now........and mass shooters will happily comply with all of that....then do their mass shootings....

Nothing you suggest is smart or intelligent...just words to stampede the uninformed into giving you one more step in gun control...
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider!

1) Guns and their use are a Right, you can't license the exercise of a the democrats found when they tried to implement Poll Taxes and Literacy tests against Blacks to keep them from voting.

2) Neither one is usefull or stops criminals or mass shooters....
Got it. Shooters have rights but a classroom full of 2nd graders not so much.
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider!

1) Guns and their use are a Right, you can't license the exercise of a the democrats found when they tried to implement Poll Taxes and Literacy tests against Blacks to keep them from voting.

2) Neither one is usefull or stops criminals or mass shooters....
Got it. Shooters have rights but a classroom full of 2nd graders not so much.

They're not adults, but the ones into whose care they have been placed are.
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider!

1) Guns and their use are a Right, you can't license the exercise of a the democrats found when they tried to implement Poll Taxes and Literacy tests against Blacks to keep them from voting.

2) Neither one is usefull or stops criminals or mass shooters....
Got it. Shooters have rights but a classroom full of 2nd graders not so much.

Until you actually commit a crime, you fascist, you are not a criminal. Mass shooters tend not to commit any other crime before the mass shooting, except for the Parkland shooter, and he was allowed to go free because of you buddy obama and his Promise Policy, where they wanted to reduce crime numbers for teens, by simply not arresting them for actual crimes.......that cost 18 people their lives......that's on you and him....

As to 2nd graders.....who said they don't have Rights? It is already against the law to murder them....except if they are a baby in the womb...then they can be murdered, but not after....
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
-------------------------------------------------- the shooter at 'stoneman' was visited by cops or some agency a number of times at home and I think in school . It was 'mrobamas' policy of ending a school to prison pipeline which allowed that 'murderer' to get away before he murdered anyone if I recall correct BBro ,
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
-------------------------------------------------- the shooter at 'stoneman' was visited by cops or some agency a number of times at home and I think in school . It was 'mrobamas' policy of ending a school to prison pipeline which allowed that 'murderer' to get away before he murdered anyone if I recall correct BBro ,

Over 30 times...he was also caught committing felonies on school grounds......and because of obama's Promise Policy, they did not arrest him and give him a record that would have flagged him on the current, federally mandated background check...
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider!

1) Guns and their use are a Right, you can't license the exercise of a the democrats found when they tried to implement Poll Taxes and Literacy tests against Blacks to keep them from voting.

2) Neither one is usefull or stops criminals or mass shooters....
Got it. Shooters have rights but a classroom full of 2nd graders not so much.

Until you actually commit a crime, you fascist, you are not a criminal. Mass shooters tend not to commit any other crime before the mass shooting, except for the Parkland shooter, and he was allowed to go free because of you buddy obama and his Promise Policy, where they wanted to reduce crime numbers for teens, by simply not arresting them for actual crimes.......that cost 18 people their lives......that's on you and him....

As to 2nd graders.....who said they don't have Rights? It is already against the law to murder them....except if they are a baby in the womb...then they can be murdered, but not after....

we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
-------------------------------------------------- the shooter at 'stoneman' was visited by cops or some agency a number of times at home and I think in school . It was 'mrobamas' policy of ending a school to prison pipeline which allowed that 'murderer' to get away before he murdered anyone if I recall correct BBro ,

Over 30 times...he was also caught committing felonies on school grounds......and because of obama's Promise Policy, they did not arrest him and give him a record that would have flagged him on the current, federally mandated background check...

Leftist policies breed and enable these mass shooters.

EXCLUSIVE -- FL House Speaker Richard Corcoran: Obama-Era 'No-Arrest Policy' May Have Shielded Florida Shooter
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

Uh-huh. Okay.

So let's talk about Las Vegas. Obviously, today is too soon to talk about the St. Valentine's Day massacre, and the seventeen dead kids.

---------------------------------------- probably , hopefully its going to take awhile [years] to put new rules , laws and regulation in place IMO . And that's a good thing for Older Gun Owners many of them dead and gone by the time the rules are in place . And then anti gunner finally realizing because of political events [somewhere] that they NEED some effective and efficient GUNS but can't get them . [chuckle]

Dear pismoe

the best thing we can do is quit trying to fight to force "other people" to change their approaches to ours.

Just support EVERYONE in implementing the solutions that work for THEM.
QUIT legislating one solution over the other, but support whatever works for YOU.

1. if YOU want gun restrictions and regulations, then implement that in YOUR district.
Work with other people who already want that, and DO IT ALREADY.

Don't rely on or impose this on anyone who doesn't agree.
Reorganize where schools, neighborhoods or business places that have the same approach go ahead and implement that.

People who want something else can do that in their own institutions and organizations.

2. Agree to QUIT fighting over whose solution is right or wrong.
By only working on solutions YOU AGREE TO BE UNDER.

We would all be TOO BUSY solving problems through our own groups, parties,
communities and districts to be FIGHTING and ARGUING over what other people choose for their own groups and districts.

3. So if we agree to UNITE and SUPPORT EVERYONE pursuing their own ideas and solutions, we can fund that and quit fighting or forcing our ideas on anyone else.
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider! are not a Right.......any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....Murdock v Pennsylvania. Registration is just the first step to confiscation, and besides, there is no reason to register guns......cops don't need it, criminals won't do it...
It sounds like you`re paranoid not to mention brainwashed with your "first step to confiscation" nonsense. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease. Should people with a mental disease be allowed to play with guns at all? Of course not.

Gun Registration was used in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, Britain, France, New York, we know how it is done....

Look what happened to Venezuela five years after they confiscated guns.
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider! are not a Right.......any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....Murdock v Pennsylvania. Registration is just the first step to confiscation, and besides, there is no reason to register guns......cops don't need it, criminals won't do it...
It sounds like you`re paranoid not to mention brainwashed with your "first step to confiscation" nonsense. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease. Should people with a mental disease be allowed to play with guns at all? Of course not.

Gun Registration was used in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, Britain, France, New York, we know how it is done....

Look what happened to Venezuela five years after they confiscated guns.

That is exactly the type of country the democrats my signature points out.....

Democrats would rather rule in Hell than live in heaven.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
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  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from and any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.

Registration is a threat to law abiding gun owners....Germany, Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New York, California, registered guns before confiscating them.....

Licensing is a fee to exercise a Right...... unConstitutional according to Murdock v Pennsylvania, as well as the 14th Amendments equal protection clause...

But thanks for playing.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from and any confiscation of guns without due process

2A: We the people have guns.
3A: The military is not welcome to invade the privacy of our homes.
4A: The law is not welcome to invade the privacy of our homes.

  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.

Bullshit. Adolf Hitler style gun registration is a horrible threat when law abiding citizens are considered murderers just because they own firearms.

There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.

Typical Democrat denialism.
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.

Then require a license for all of our rights.

No 4th Amendment licenses? Tough shit the cops can search you, your home, your car and all your accounts anytime they want

That's no problem for law abiding people right?
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.

Because it violates the Rights of others, and you aren't punished before you yell it...... you don't have to get a license to have a conversation in public, you don't have to go through a course on talking in public, and you don't have to pay a fee to be allowed to talk in public.

If you violate the Rights of others with your speech...then you are punished.....after you violate those Rights, not before, you twit.

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