Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Americans are saying we fight the injustice and realise it's there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we've made, as it's a pathway to success.

DON'T abandon your children.

DON'T get pregnant at 14.

DON'T allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones.
.The not allowing your neighborhood to go to hell has become a major problem these days. As the government tries to find housing for millions of impoverished citizens, many lower working middle class community's are being devastated by poverty sprawl. Once the government gets a foothold in your community or neighborhood, it's all you can do in order to try and get out before you lose your entire life's investment, history, and history in the situation.

The working middle class and upper middle classes are running out of places to take their investments to, especially when the government is staying right on their heels.

i'm talking about something else. i'm talking about these folks who cry when their son is standing there in an orange jumpsuit. where were you when he was 2, 12, and 18? how come you didn't know he had pistol? these folks are not parenting. they're buying shit for their kids, like 500$ sneakers. they wouldn't spend 500$ on Hooked On Phonics.
.Yes, and you said don't allow your neighborhood to turn into a free fire zone.. I responded.
Americans are saying we fight the injustice and realise it's there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we've made, as it's a pathway to success.

DON'T abandon your children.

DON'T get pregnant at 14.

DON'T allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones.
.The not allowing your neighborhood to go to hell has become a major problem these days. As the government tries to find housing for millions of impoverished citizens, many lower working middle class community's are being devastated by poverty sprawl. Once the government gets a foothold in your community or neighborhood, it's all you can do in order to try and get out before you lose your entire life's investment, history, and history in the situation.

The working middle class and upper middle classes are running out of places to take their investments to, especially when the government is staying right on their heels.

i'm talking about something else. i'm talking about these folks who cry when their son is standing there in an orange jumpsuit. where were you when he was 2, 12, and 18? how come you didn't know he had pistol? these folks are not parenting. they're buying shit for their kids, like 500$ sneakers. they wouldn't spend 500$ on Hooked On Phonics.
.Yes, and you said don't allow your neighborhood to turn into a free fire zone.. I responded.

these shootings reflect the collective death wish of a community incapable and unwilling to take care of its young.
David Hogg on what Stoneman Douglas High School is like now: "It's a prison" due to levels of security and surveillance.
Problematic is the idea of placing police as symbols for the superego physically in schools. The prisoners are also afraid to speak of automatic alerting systems, which have been ignored at USMB, while Wisconsin legislation moves via background checks, which is not sufficient: State Journal, "Reps Pass School Security Bill."...'which would establish a new Office of School Safety at the state Department of Justice and give it $100 million to provide one-time grants to school districts for security measures.'

When other technologies finally rival guns, police, etc., there will be an exodus from tradition and towards the money.
"There are plenty of necessary resources and supplies that we should be giving our nation’s teachers. Weapons are not one of them." - Unhinged Patty Murray
"Today many are peacefully exercising their #1A right to march for gun ban. Many support gun ban. But many others see it as infringement of #2A that won’t prevent shootings. Protest is good way of making a point,but making a change will require both sides finding common ground" - Little Marco Rubio
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

10 Million dollar insurance policy on each SSRI antidepressant prescription written should do the trick
how about these kids instead of looking for someone else to solve their problems, why don't they take CPR classes?! and stand up to bullies. see how you can help the situation!
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider! are not a Right.......any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....Murdock v Pennsylvania. Registration is just the first step to confiscation, and besides, there is no reason to register guns......cops don't need it, criminals won't do it...
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

Yes...just like democrats required Literacy Tests to vote....typical left wing attempt to keep people from exercising a Right. The Europeans do this, and their mandatory training is so excessive only the rich can afford the time and money to own the few hunting shotguns they are allowed.
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider! are not a Right.......any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....Murdock v Pennsylvania. Registration is just the first step to confiscation, and besides, there is no reason to register guns......cops don't need it, criminals won't do it...
It sounds like you`re paranoid not to mention brainwashed with your "first step to confiscation" nonsense. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease. Should people with a mental disease be allowed to play with guns at all? Of course not.
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

Uh-huh. Okay.

So let's talk about Las Vegas. Obviously, today is too soon to talk about the St. Valentine's Day massacre, and the seventeen dead kids.

---------------------------------------- probably , hopefully its going to take awhile [years] to put new rules , laws and regulation in place IMO . And that's a good thing for Older Gun Owners many of them dead and gone by the time the rules are in place . And then anti gunner finally realizing because of political events [somewhere] that they NEED some effective and efficient GUNS but can't get them . [chuckle]
why can't we title guns like cars??

issues like licensing and registration, we need to consider! are not a Right.......any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....Murdock v Pennsylvania. Registration is just the first step to confiscation, and besides, there is no reason to register guns......cops don't need it, criminals won't do it...
It sounds like you`re paranoid not to mention brainwashed with your "first step to confiscation" nonsense. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease. Should people with a mental disease be allowed to play with guns at all? Of course not.

Gun Registration was used in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, Britain, France, New York, we know how it is done....

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