Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.

Technically yelling fire in a crowded theater isn't illegal. And really what would happen today if someone stood up and shouted "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater?
He would be booed, hissed and have various food items thrown at him and then be escorted out by security. He would not be charged with any crime

It's Time to Stop Using the 'Fire in a Crowded Theater' Quote
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.

Journalists should have to get a license to write or speak in public and before they publish anything they need to go through government censors as "common sense" speech they don't violate the Rights of others with their speech.
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.

Technically yelling fire in a crowded theater isn't illegal. And really what would happen today if someone stood up and shouted "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater?
He would be booed, hissed and have various food items thrown at him and the be escorted out by security. He would not be charged with any crime

It's Time to Stop Using the 'Fire in a Crowded Theater' Quote

But Butt Catcher has to use the cliched leftist points, it's all he has. That, and a few adjectives.
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

So does yelling fire in a crowded theater. It infringes on free speech.

Journalists should have to get a license to write or speak in public and before they publish anything they need to go through government censors as "common sense" speech they don't violate the Rights of others with their speech.

Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is exactly what they do, with a megaphone, even.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from and any confiscation of guns without due process

2A: We the people have guns.
3A: The military is not welcome to invade the privacy of our homes.
4A: The law is not welcome to invade the privacy of our homes.

  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.

Bullshit. Adolf Hitler style gun registration is a horrible threat when law abiding citizens are considered murderers just because they own firearms.

There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.

Typical Democrat denialism.

Your hyperbole is laughable. 3a and 4a are sophistry, no one is suggesting the military or ATFE use a drag net to confiscate guns.

Due Process is required; the LE Agency must prepare an affidavit listing the probable cause to obtain a search warrant, listing exactly what was to be seized (unless something illegal is in plane sight). This document is signed by the agent under penalty of perjury, a serious felony.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
And no one advocates for 'confiscating' guns.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
And no one advocates for 'confiscating' guns.

No just registering so the government knows who has them when they do decide to confiscate them
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

Firearm regulatory measures enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law do not violate the Second Amendment; the courts have held that training requirements are Constitutional.
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

Firearm regulatory measures enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law do not violate the Second Amendment; the courts have held that training requirements are Constitutional.
What case was that exactly?
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
And no one advocates for 'confiscating' guns.

You mean except for every single one of the democrat party Presidential Nominees, the Left wing Justices on the Supreme Court, and the democrat party leaders at the local and state mean except for them...right?
we need:

_10 percent tax on all firearms sales
_federal age of gun ownership raised to 21
_more mental health spending...the shooter at Sante Fe and Stoneman Dougman needed help
I would add mandatory training/instruction as we do with drivers licenses.

That turns gun ownership into a privilege instead of a right. FAIL! Next!

Firearm regulatory measures enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law do not violate the Second Amendment; the courts have held that training requirements are Constitutional.

Wrong...any fee attached to that training is unConstitutional, and those training requirements can be challenged under the 14th Amendment equal protection clause......
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
Both are unnecessary, arbitrary, and ineffective restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms; as such, they infringe on the right to same.
But, you know this.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
And no one advocates for 'confiscating' guns.

No just registering so the government knows who has them when they do decide to confiscate them

Half-Truth ^^^. When the government agents decide they have Probable Cause (PC) to secure a warrant, having guns is something all LE is concerned with, for many of us have attended funeral services of men and women murdered by firearms while serving and protecting the community.
Half-Truth ^^^. When the government agents decide they have Probable Cause (PC) to secure a warrant, having guns is something all LE is concerned with, for many of us have attended funeral services of men and women murdered by firearms while serving and protecting the community.
And yet, in states that have universal registration, pre-checking the gun registry is not part of the SOP for serving a warrant.
  • There is no right to privacy written in COTUS
  • The 4th Amendment protects gun owners from any confiscation of guns without due process
  • Registration of guns is no threat to law abiding citizens
  • Licensing to own or possess a firearm is no threat to law abiding citizens.
  • There is no infringement; only those who fail to obey the law will experience what other law breakers experience.
  • We live in the United States. Our rights to life, liberty and happiness are articulated in the Bill of Rights, and other amendments to COTUS. Yet they are not without conditions: No one has the right to deprive by any means these "unalienable rights".
  • Those who oppose gun controls are allowing others to be deprived of the unalienable rights, and thus are morally culpable of the deaths committed by domestic terrorists.
And no one advocates for 'confiscating' guns.

No just registering so the government knows who has them when they do decide to confiscate them

Half-Truth ^^^. When the government agents decide they have Probable Cause (PC) to secure a warrant, having guns is something all LE is concerned with, for many of us have attended funeral services of men and women murdered by firearms while serving and protecting the community.

It will actually not change the procedure of the police conducting a warrant. Because the cops are smart enough to know that criminals who obtain their weapons illegally, which by the way is most criminals, there will be no record of those guns.
Half-Truth ^^^. When the government agents decide they have Probable Cause (PC) to secure a warrant, having guns is something all LE is concerned with, for many of us have attended funeral services of men and women murdered by firearms while serving and protecting the community.
And yet, in states that have universal registration, pre-checking the gun registry is not part of the SOP for serving a warrant.
Criminals who obtain weapons illegally will not register them
Half-Truth ^^^. When the government agents decide they have Probable Cause (PC) to secure a warrant, having guns is something all LE is concerned with, for many of us have attended funeral services of men and women murdered by firearms while serving and protecting the community.
And yet, in states that have universal registration, pre-checking the gun registry is not part of the SOP for serving a warrant.
Criminals who obtain weapons illegally will not register them
Registration is nothing more than a necessary step in the confiscation of firearms from the law abiding.
This is why anti-gun loons want it.

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