Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.
This is the leftist MENTALITY,, PATHETIC

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Denise is so right. If you are going to defend the status quote it should be your kids that get killed in these incidences. You've asked for it.

But who cares what she "wishes". Wishes don't do shit. She needs to vote. I need to vote. And everyone who doesn't want common sense gun legislation needs to vote. I'll go with whatever voters decide. If you guys win, then the cry babies need to shut their fucking mouths.

They remind me of the black lives matter pussies who cried all 2016 and then didn't show up to vote Democratic. They get what they deserve.

I supported free Obamacare for poor people. Then poor people didn't show up and vote for Hillary. I hope you take that shit way.

So lets all vote for gun regulations in November.
We need a holistic solution to this problem. You can never stop a nut from killing people but maybe if all they could buy was 10 round clips then maybe instead of 17 people killed it would only be 10. That solution right there will save lives. No question about it. So why do Republicans insist on being able to have 20 round clips? Don't answer that. I know why. It's because they want the most powerful gun they can get their hands on. Well guess what? From now on the most powerful guy you can get only holds 10 rounds.

And if you have a 20 round clip, keep it. It used to be worth $1000 but now it's worth $2000 because they don't make them anymore. If I owned a 20 round clip and they stopped making them, I'd be happy. Just made my gun more valuable. But in 2 or 10 or 20 years, American citizens can only purchase 10 round clips.

Very simple.

Next, register every gun. No you can not buy a gun at a gun show. You can purchase it but it will be about a month before you can pick up your gun, from the police station.

Americans get to vote on this in November. Doesn't matter what you or I think. Lets see what the voters think.

Better yet.........have law enforcement do their jobs so that NOBODY is killed

That is another piece of the puzzle. This isn't something that one thing will solve. Add them all up and we will drastically lower the number incidences.

So just how would only having a 10 round clip stop something like this??? All he would do is to change out clips more often, it only takes seconds to change a clip.

Wow. Where to begin. Ok, no it does not take seconds to reload. Especially when you are nervous. You can't even imagine being the shooter no matter how many times you've played grand theft auto. Ever see the quick and the dead? Clint Eastwood said it wasn't the fastest shot that won most gun fights it's the calm shooter. Clint wasn't fast but he carefully killed everyone in the room while they all shit their pants and tried to shoot quick.

And in those seconds when you are reloading, a couple people might get away. Even if it saves one life per shooting, isn't that worth it?

Yesterday the students said "when we heard him reloading the teacher said run and we all got away". If he had a 100 round gun they wouldn't have had that chance.

You gun nuts have to stop being so stupid and stubborn. You don't see the difference between a 10 round clip and a 20? Then lets give you a 5 round clip. I'm sure you don't see the difference between a 5 and 20 round clip so I'm sure you will be completely happy with a 5 round clip. You just said it makes no difference to you.

Oh, so now you see the difference?

Yeah I know the difference between 10 & 20 rounds possibly making some kind of difference in the number of victims BUT what you don't seem to understand is THIS COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED if law enforcement & FBI did their jobs, NOBODY would have been killed that day. Sounds like a better target to aim for than more pointless gun control.

I don't care how many changes, updates & more rules you put on gun's not going to stop the killing until the actual problems leading up to it are addressed. Otherwise you're only putting a bandaid over a deep festering sore that will never go away

That's all we can do is put a bandaid on the wound. Why? Because I and most Americans wants the right to own a gun. That means if I want to go shoot up a place I can. But right now the most I have is a 5 round gun and it is a pain in the ass to reload. It takes me 1 minute to reload and that's when I'm not nervous.

So what I'm proposing wouldn't have saved those 17 lives last night but it may have saved 5 or 10.

And yes, lets do what you are asking us to do too. If the FBI dropped the ball lets hold them accountable.

Didn't the FBI just drop the ball the last time too? I seem to recall they were warned but didn't follow up on a prior incident.

TEXAS: School district posts warnings teachers may be armed
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

OH IMAGINE that the same sob's who tried keeping POT from being legal in many states pushing fake information to keep peopel stupid about pot.

It isn’t surprising the mainstream media – and late night entertainers – focus on guns instead of SSRIs linked to mass shootings given that they’re well-funded by drug makers.

Virtually every suspected mass shooter was on psychiatric drugs, yet the mainstream media – which is funded by Big Pharma ad revenue – conveniently buries this fact.

That’s likely because Big Pharma spent nearly $6 billion on TV, magazine and digital advertisements in 2016 alone, a healthy sum ad-dependent news outlets cannot ignore.

In fact, the media is so dependent on this ad revenue that some outlets have even launched “health content businesses” to attract consumers targeted by Big Pharma.

There are hundreds of cases of violence committed by persons taking psychiatric drugs, as documented by sites such as, in addition to the suspected mass shooters who were on SSRIs:

“SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are the pharmaceutical companies latest cash cows,” wrote Dr. Moira Dolan. “Their use has skyrocketed in the last 10 years.”


Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media
Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough
You may be tortured by truth but others are not...we have laws for buying must go through an FBI back round check... Cruz legally purchased his legal weapon after the FBI was given his name and his haunting you tube post...they let him slip through their fingers...they let the Vegas shooter buy hundreds of guns bump stocks and thousands of rounds of ammo in a three month period of time...until the FBI gets their shit together no new gun law will do anything to stop this...

I am absolutely amazed at the level of ignorance that is routinely display on this board about matters of law.

1. You do NOT have to go through a background check to buy a gun from somebody who is not a licensed dealer. For crying out loud, that is one of the laws we want to change!
2. It is not illegal to post anything on social media unless it is a threat to a specific person, or persons.
3. it is not illegal to stockpile thousands of rounds of ammo and/or bumpstocks.
4. the FBI can not do anything to anyone who is not in the process of breaking the law. In fact, if they DID try to do something about the guy in Vegas, they would have been breaking the law, themselves.

Having said the above, how can you or anyone else claim that the gun problem is due to failure to enforce existing laws. In neither Florida, nor Vegas, was any law broken before the first shot was fired.
You talk about ignorance?
1. We are talking about Cruz...he bought his rifle legally and there was indeed an FBI background check...they had his name...they had a complaint...they did nothing...

2. I guarantee you if you threaten a senator or congressman on YouTube the FBI will be at your door the very next day...threaten a school and no one cares?

3. I didn't day it was illegal to stock pile weapons but it should have raised concerns in the fact it did...they took notice enough to have a paper trail on the Vegas shooter but did nothing...not even a interview...

4. You are so wrong on number 4 I will let that one go...
Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.
Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group, media outlets across the world failed to issue retractions when it emerged that this story was completely fake news.

The farce began when the Anti-Defamation League and Associated Press reported that a representative of the Republic of Florida Militia, a group that believes in a “white ethnostate,” told them that Cruz was a member of the organization.

However, it quickly emerged that the story had begun as a prank on the notorious 4chan messaging board after members had convinced another individual, Jordan Jereb, to falsely tell the media that Cruz was an “affiliate” of the white supremacist group.

This was then picked up by the ADL and the Associated Press and .................

Fake News: Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of “White Supremacist” Group Not Retracted

Hey, if the KKK says he's a member what do you expect the media to do? The media didn't create the fake news the Klan did.

You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

Once again bullshit , Jimmy Carter won the South, the new rednecks wanted something the Democrats refused to do give them manufacturing jobs , that's why the started to vote republican
You should learn how the DEMOCRAT are the bastards who formed teh group KKK...... this is one small reason so many of you GU haters are fkn morons you know nothing and believe EVERYTHING you SHOULDN'T...


Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.

BS the north is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2018..

The Democrat party would be dead today if they didn't have racism, everyone knows that.
Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.

BS the north is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2018..

The Democrat party would be dead today if they didn't have racism, everyone knows that.

Someone made that claim back in 2016 and it turned out to be bullshit. I can't remember the state or the cities but I think it was in Alabama. And it doesn't even matter because this is true all over south. All over the south you will find influential middle class white neighborhoods and right next to them poor black communities. Why are you cutting the blacks off from economic opportunity? Are you suggesting the blacks are too stupid to become middle class? Because I'm claiming you white southerners have cut them off from the economic opportunity.

And actually, blacks are starting to move into White neighborhoods both here and up north. Tyey need to. We all know blacks don't do well running their own cities. Not their fault because they don't have the money to pay higher taxes so they have better schools and police. It's good they are moving to our neighborhoods. And yes, in Michigan we left Detroit when blacks moved in. We got to stop doing that. That's why crime goes up. If we stay put the criminal element won't take over.

Birmingham changes as blacks move to the suburbs
Why do white racists love to point out that the white racists used to be democrats? The fact is today you are the KKK and you are a republican. So do you realize this has completely changed over time?

In the 60's you would be a Democrat. Get it?

The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.

BS the north is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2018..

The Democrat party would be dead today if they didn't have racism, everyone knows that.

Clemon won a huge victory against school segregation in Jefferson County in 1971, but had to argue the case again this year, after yet another community fought to split from the county’s school system.

From Alabama to California, rich communities are bringing back school segregation.

Don't act like whites and blacks live in harmony where you live bro.
The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.

BS the north is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2018..

The Democrat party would be dead today if they didn't have racism, everyone knows that.

Clemon won a huge victory against school segregation in Jefferson County in 1971, but had to argue the case again this year, after yet another community fought to split from the county’s school system.

From Alabama to California, rich communities are bringing back school segregation.

Don't act like whites and blacks live in harmony where you live bro.

you never lived down here bro

38 years Chicago area, racist and segergated as hell

14 years down in South Carolina, we live next to each other, we worked together, we play together, we hang out together in bars , church and waffle house.

You don't know shit about america
The racist Democrats of the sixties are still the racist Democrats of today. The lie that racist Democrats changed to Republicans is a farce on it's face. But, it does demonstrate just how easily some people can be duped when they hear what they want to hear. The Democrat party created that lie, and their pawns in the lame stream media pushed it. You should ask yourself why you believe something that doesn't really make sense.

It makes perfect sense. Blacks used to vote GOP. When they switched parties because the Democrats pushed for civil rights, the white Republican racists switched to the GOP. It's called the southern strategy.

How come when the white nationalist KKK racists who are clearly Trump supporters ran over that ANTIFA girl Trump and the KKK said those white racists were "good people".

Your comment that the KKK vote Democratic is laughable. I don't know how to talk to someone who comes from your world. A world where right is wrong, up is down and stupid thinks it's smart.

You don't have a clue as to what the southern strategy was, and the Democrats did not push for civil rights. Go back and look at who voted for the civil rights act, and who voted against it.

The southern strategy was no more than a cost benefit political decision by the Nixon campaign. They did not think that they could win the Black vote in the South, so they decided not to spend campaign money on a lost cause. They put that money into winning the White voters in the South. No different than Republicans deciding not to put campaign money into New York or California, or Democrats deciding not to put campaign dollars into deep red states.

The Republican party stupidly allowed the Democrat party to spread a big lie because they didn't think the masses would believe the lie. they did not count on the power of the lame stream press, and it has cost them the Black vote for decades.

That's a bit ridiculous. We see every year that the Republican party is racist towards blacks. Just wanting to do away with affirmative action makes you the right party for blacks to vote against. I don't want to hear how AA isn't fair towards whites. Us liberals and blacks are too stupid to buy that shit.

So we aren't so stupid we buy your bs.

BS the north is way more racist and segergated then the South is in the year 2018..

The Democrat party would be dead today if they didn't have racism, everyone knows that.

Clemon won a huge victory against school segregation in Jefferson County in 1971, but had to argue the case again this year, after yet another community fought to split from the county’s school system.

From Alabama to California, rich communities are bringing back school segregation.

Don't act like whites and blacks live in harmony where you live bro.

Yeah it's liberals moving to Alabama bringing their rasisim and segergation with them...

Liberals like I always said are like vultures they destroy their homes move on and destroy that place also
Yup! Just like after little kids were drowning in swimming pools we demanded fences around them, and got them. Public safety over your small penis issues every time.

We had people murdered with we made it against the law to murder people with guns......and drowning kills more kids than guns do dipshit....even with fences...
I’m talking about regulations. Get someone to explain it to you.
These threads--after every shooting..are as stylized and as meaningless as Kabuki theater.

It's mind-numbingly stupid.
Says the guy who just joined in November.

Are you so butt-ignorant as to think that this is the only place online one sees comments on these matter?

Or are you such an ass as to think that this is the only place that matters?

Or --...well fill in the blanks..I guess. A quick review of your posts reveals zero originality and a slavish adherence to the slobber that drips from the mouths of the talking I guess my questions are rhetorical.
if you think terrorists and lunatics will be stopped by a small plastic "GUN FREE" sign, you're either stupid or living in la la land!

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