Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

Shove off fakey.

Show us where it has been met repeatedly......


You are not a mainstream anything except maybe what comes out a sick cow's ass.
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

NO YOU haven't proven my numbers wrong!
HOW can you disprove the Census saying 10 million of uninsured NOT citizens???
How can you disprove the study and acknowledge by Census that 14 million people through fault of Medicaid are not enrolled prior to ACA!
Finally why in the f...k should 18 million people under 34 making enough to join employers' health plan YET they spend less on health
services BE FORCED to buy health insurance?

That adds up to 42 million that either are not legal, are not enrolled due to Government's fault or DON"T want insurance!
Prove me wrong !

AGAIN all this crappy ACA forced down our throats for WHAT 4 million? Premium for those 4 million subsidized by Govt. less then a 10% tax on the $270 billion lawyers
earn who have CAUSED per physicians the wasteful spending of over $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc.. all out of fear of lawsuits!
NOW if you want that to be the case say so! But don't force health insurance on 18 million people. Don't be covering 10 million illegals.
AND please get your dumb f..k neighbors who are at the poverty level in your trailer park to sign up as they qualified BEFORE ACA!
FINALLY don't let the Obama ineptness as exemplified by VA be the model for ACA! Repeal!
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Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

NO YOU haven't proven my numbers wrong!
HOW can you disprove the Census saying 10 million of uninsured NOT citizens???
How can you disprove the study and acknowledge by Census that 14 million people through fault of Medicaid are not enrolled prior to ACA!
Finally why in the f...k should 18 million people under 34 making enough to join employers' health plan YET they spend less on health
services BE FORCED to buy health insurance?

That adds up to 42 million that either are not legal, are not enrolled due to Government's fault or DON"T want insurance!
Prove me wrong !

AGAIN all this crappy ACA forced down our throats for WHAT 4 million? Premium for those 4 million subsidized by Govt. less then a 10% tax on the $270 billion lawyers
earn who have CAUSED per physicians the wasteful spending of over $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc.. all out of fear of lawsuits!
NOW if you want that to be the case say so! But don't force health insurance on 18 million people. Don't be covering 10 million illegals.
AND please get your dumb f..k neighbors who are at the poverty level in your trailer park to sign up as they qualified BEFORE ACA!
FINALLY don't let the Obama ineptness as exemplified by VA be the model for ACA! Repeal!

FakeMalarkey is just that. A huge FAKE.

He claims a lot of things that are not consistent with his retarded posts.

Nobody's debunked any of your claims.
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

Shove off fakey.

Show us where it has been met repeatedly......


You are not a mainstream anything except maybe what comes out a sick cow's ass.

Tough to be you. The far right has finally been marginalized the last year.

And, yes, the sick old nonsense you all have been positing is aptly met with "not just once more." You are finished.
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

NO YOU haven't proven my numbers wrong!
HOW can you disprove the Census saying 10 million of uninsured NOT citizens???
How can you disprove the study and acknowledge by Census that 14 million people through fault of Medicaid are not enrolled prior to ACA!
Finally why in the f...k should 18 million people under 34 making enough to join employers' health plan YET they spend less on health
services BE FORCED to buy health insurance?

That adds up to 42 million that either are not legal, are not enrolled due to Government's fault or DON"T want insurance!
Prove me wrong !

AGAIN all this crappy ACA forced down our throats for WHAT 4 million? Premium for those 4 million subsidized by Govt. less then a 10% tax on the $270 billion lawyers
earn who have CAUSED per physicians the wasteful spending of over $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc.. all out of fear of lawsuits!
NOW if you want that to be the case say so! But don't force health insurance on 18 million people. Don't be covering 10 million illegals.
AND please get your dumb f..k neighbors who are at the poverty level in your trailer park to sign up as they qualified BEFORE ACA!
FINALLY don't let the Obama ineptness as exemplified by VA be the model for ACA! Repeal!

Yes, over and over, your OP on this has been proven wrong.

No more "just one more time."
Anytime anyone wants to jump on VA, fine, but it is generally better than private industry.

Thirty thousands die each year from preventable infections in private industry medical centers.

The far right has shot its bolt now, thank heavens.
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

Shove off fakey.

Show us where it has been met repeatedly......


You are not a mainstream anything except maybe what comes out a sick cow's ass.

Tough to be you. The far right has finally been marginalized the last year.

And, yes, the sick old nonsense you all have been positing is aptly met with "not just once more." You are finished.

It's great to be me....don't project.

You bet they were marginalized. What an idiot.

The "mainstreamers" (I still think of a cow squirting liquid crap when I think of you) are now talking more right wing and, in case you were not aware, Nebraska just put up a Tea Party candiate for senate. Good chance he'll win.

To bad Fakey.

You're the one whose mom has to wash his sheets every day because of his wet dreams.
Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

The OP has been met repeatedly by your opponents, quite successfully.

Thus you don't get "just once more".

NO YOU haven't proven my numbers wrong!
HOW can you disprove the Census saying 10 million of uninsured NOT citizens???
How can you disprove the study and acknowledge by Census that 14 million people through fault of Medicaid are not enrolled prior to ACA!
Finally why in the f...k should 18 million people under 34 making enough to join employers' health plan YET they spend less on health
services BE FORCED to buy health insurance?

That adds up to 42 million that either are not legal, are not enrolled due to Government's fault or DON"T want insurance!
Prove me wrong !

AGAIN all this crappy ACA forced down our throats for WHAT 4 million? Premium for those 4 million subsidized by Govt. less then a 10% tax on the $270 billion lawyers
earn who have CAUSED per physicians the wasteful spending of over $850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc.. all out of fear of lawsuits!
NOW if you want that to be the case say so! But don't force health insurance on 18 million people. Don't be covering 10 million illegals.
AND please get your dumb f..k neighbors who are at the poverty level in your trailer park to sign up as they qualified BEFORE ACA!
FINALLY don't let the Obama ineptness as exemplified by VA be the model for ACA! Repeal!

Yes, over and over, your OP on this has been proven wrong.

No more "just one more time."

Please show us Fakey, you liar.

If Alan Grayson was right about anyone, it was you.

Get off the overturned barstool and argue with facts against the premise of the OP...not something you want to argue against.
The facts have disproved the far right for year, so no more "just once more."

Love listening the far right wankers cry as the mainstream pushes them away and begins to reach to the center.

Boehner wants to pass an immigration bill, a comprehensive one involving borders, business, and reform, but can't until after this election. Otherwise, you neeks will try to pull down GOP candidates this fall.

With less than 10 TP caucus members come early spring, the bill will pass making Hispanics happy and you wankers meaningless.

We need the women and minorities in the party than the far weird right. After almost six years next spring, my predictions will come true.
The facts have disproved the far right for year, so no more "just once more."

Love listening the far right wankers cry as the mainstream pushes them away and begins to reach to the center.

Boehner wants to pass an immigration bill, a comprehensive one involving borders, business, and reform, but can't until after this election. Otherwise, you neeks will try to pull down GOP candidates this fall.

With less than 10 TP caucus members come early spring, the bill will pass making Hispanics happy and you wankers meaningless.

We need the women and minorities in the party than the far weird right. After almost six years next spring, my predictions will come true.

You have not produced a fact in your entire posting career on this board.

Boehner is no more interested in immigration than I am interested helping you if you have a heart attack. He only cares about his position. You are a major dupe.

Notice you ignored your head in the sand or up your ass.

Keep dreaming Jakey....your mom will keep washing your sheets.
The facts have disproved the far right for year, so no more "just once more."

Love listening the far right wankers cry as the mainstream pushes them away and begins to reach to the center.

Boehner wants to pass an immigration bill, a comprehensive one involving borders, business, and reform, but can't until after this election. Otherwise, you neeks will try to pull down GOP candidates this fall.

With less than 10 TP caucus members come early spring, the bill will pass making Hispanics happy and you wankers meaningless.

We need the women and minorities in the party than the far weird right. After almost six years next spring, my predictions will come true.

You have not produced a fact in your entire posting career on this board.

Boehner is no more interested in immigration than I am interested helping you if you have a heart attack. He only cares about his position. You are a major dupe.

Notice you ignored your head in the sand or up your ass.

Keep dreaming Jakey....your mom will keep washing your sheets.

Your opinion and unsubstantiated. You don't get "just once more."

You clearly do not know Boehner at all. He wants to be Speaker for many years more and he can't do with it with the shrinking majority he's got.

I have disscussed Nebraska elsewhere so, no, not "just once more." You will find this interesting: Thaw Continues as Sasse, McConnell Have 'Warm' Meeting | National Review Online. Sasse will move into the mainstream GOP if elected.
The facts have disproved the far right for year, so no more "just once more."

Love listening the far right wankers cry as the mainstream pushes them away and begins to reach to the center.

Boehner wants to pass an immigration bill, a comprehensive one involving borders, business, and reform, but can't until after this election. Otherwise, you neeks will try to pull down GOP candidates this fall.

With less than 10 TP caucus members come early spring, the bill will pass making Hispanics happy and you wankers meaningless.

We need the women and minorities in the party than the far weird right. After almost six years next spring, my predictions will come true.

You have not produced a fact in your entire posting career on this board.

Boehner is no more interested in immigration than I am interested helping you if you have a heart attack. He only cares about his position. You are a major dupe.

Notice you ignored your head in the sand or up your ass.

Keep dreaming Jakey....your mom will keep washing your sheets.

Your opinion and unsubstantiated. You don't get "just once more."

You clearly do not know Boehner at all. He wants to be Speaker for many years more and he can't do with it with the shrinking majority he's got.

I have disscussed Nebraska elsewhere so, no, not "just once more." You will find this interesting: Thaw Continues as Sasse, McConnell Have 'Warm' Meeting | National Review Online. Sasse will move into the mainstream GOP if elected.

He presented numbers in the OP. You have not tackled one yet. You are a liar and a disgrace to the human race.

I do know Boehner and he's a hack. He's been one from the start.

Your last claim is laughable. He was a Tea Party favorite and he got elected...all against you wishes and wet dreams.

Go back and read the OP. It says nothing about "uninsured" as a general class. He wasn't disputing those numbers.

If I have to explain it to you I will. I know two people who were (and are) uninsured and they want it that way.

Your link is meaningless in the context of the OP.

I'm disputing nothing either ... quote me.

the link is there for either side to use as necessary as a point of reference for whatever reason

The Census Bureau breaks out that information and reports that 9.7 million of the uninsured are noncitizens.
So the number of Americans without insurance is actually closer to 36 million.
OK so where was I wrong?????

That leaves 36 million...
B) Politicfact totally ignored what the Census SAID:

2) Did you know that the CENSUS AGREES with this statement:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules!
That means of the 36 million there were EVEN BEFORE ACA 14 million people that qualified and needed to be reached for existing government health programs!!! Did Politifact comprehend what the Census did that 14 million people were REACHABLE..!

So that leaves 22 million!

3) Politicfact made NO mention that 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 a year didn't WANT to use their employers health plan. Didn't need it!
Yet Politicfact totally ignored these 18 million...
THAT leaves 4 million of the supposedly 46 million which was the pathetic downtrodden number Obama/ used to pass by just 7 votes ACA!

ALSO having lived in Tampa Bay I KNOW VERY VERY WELL!
They are owned by the NON-Profit tax avoiding Poynter Institute.
What YOU obviously don't know about PolitiFact and St Pete times (Now Tampa Bay times) is they are also called "Pravada West".. because they are extremely
liberal and totally biased!
Visit this BIASED WHICH they honestly describe themselves as biased web page to see how disgustingly BIASED Politfact is BUT WON"T ADMIT IT!!:

PolitiFact Bias

How can I trust you when you admit to partisanship?
Our admission of partisanship is a trademark of our honesty--one you won't get from PolitiFact.
We rely on the quality of our work to earn your trust.
We won't knowingly post bad information or spurious arguments.
We do choose much of our subject matter based on ideological preferences.
We discuss our individual political and philosophical leanings on our personal blogs, found linked on the home page.

How do you know PolitiFact is biased?
Through a variety of factors. Journalists tend to lean ideologically left.
The St. Petersburg Tampa Bay Times, which started PolitiFact in conjunction with the Congressional Quarterly, is a traditionally liberal paper.
We note that PolitiFact's stories appear to damage Republicans far more often than Democrats despite the fact that PF tends to choose about as many stories dealing with Republicans as for Democrats.
If the selection process was blind then either proportions should be approximately even or else the party with worse ratings should receive more ratings overall according to what PolitiFact lists as its selection criteria. Plus our independent research helps confirm the hypothesis.
Last edited:
You have not produced a fact in your entire posting career on this board.

Boehner is no more interested in immigration than I am interested helping you if you have a heart attack. He only cares about his position. You are a major dupe.

Notice you ignored your head in the sand or up your ass.

Keep dreaming Jakey....your mom will keep washing your sheets.

Your opinion and unsubstantiated. You don't get "just once more."

You clearly do not know Boehner at all. He wants to be Speaker for many years more and he can't do with it with the shrinking majority he's got.

I have disscussed Nebraska elsewhere so, no, not "just once more." You will find this interesting: Thaw Continues as Sasse, McConnell Have 'Warm' Meeting | National Review Online. Sasse will move into the mainstream GOP if elected.

He presented numbers in the OP. You have not tackled one yet. You are a liar and a disgrace to the human race.

I do know Boehner and he's a hack. He's been one from the start.

Your last claim is laughable. He was a Tea Party favorite and he got elected...all against you wishes and wet dreams.

Your opinions have you unmanned and unthinking. They are unsubstantiated and mean nothing. Sasse was and was not and was supported by various factions in the GOP, including the split TP factions, one of which eventually opposed while the other generally folded.

McConnell and Sasse get along fine, which should off air raid sirens for you. :lol:

You do not know Boehner at all. Yes, he dearly wants a comprehensive immigration program and he will get it next year.

Tough to be you.
Your opinion and unsubstantiated. You don't get "just once more."

You clearly do not know Boehner at all. He wants to be Speaker for many years more and he can't do with it with the shrinking majority he's got.

I have disscussed Nebraska elsewhere so, no, not "just once more." You will find this interesting: Thaw Continues as Sasse, McConnell Have 'Warm' Meeting | National Review Online. Sasse will move into the mainstream GOP if elected.

He presented numbers in the OP. You have not tackled one yet. You are a liar and a disgrace to the human race.

I do know Boehner and he's a hack. He's been one from the start.

Your last claim is laughable. He was a Tea Party favorite and he got elected...all against you wishes and wet dreams.

Your opinions have you unmanned and unthinking. They are unsubstantiated and mean nothing. Sasse was and was not and was supported by various factions in the GOP, including the split TP factions, one of which eventually opposed while the other generally folded.

McConnell and Sasse get along fine, which should off air raid sirens for you. :lol:

You do not know Boehner at all. Yes, he dearly wants a comprehensive immigration program and he will get it next year.

Tough to be you.

Your analysis is as worthless as Nancy Pelosi. There are no opinions Fakey. Either you argue with the OP's NUMBERs or you don't. You choose not to which only outs you as the moronic piss-for-brains liar that you are.

Sasse was the most far right candidate there was. And he was selected. I know that screws up your view of the world and you have to keep yourself in salty sheets by convincing yourself that it's O.K.

Boehner will get whatever will keep him in power. He'll screw the country like he has for the past four years. He's a total dick and not worthy of his position. But you keep sending him money. And he'll use it to keep himself in more.

Go back and read the OP. It says nothing about "uninsured" as a general class. He wasn't disputing those numbers.

If I have to explain it to you I will. I know two people who were (and are) uninsured and they want it that way.

Your link is meaningless in the context of the OP.

I'm disputing nothing either ... quote me.

the link is there for either side to use as necessary as a point of reference for whatever reason

As already stated, the link is of no value (to either side) to the claims made by the OP.

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