Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

dear, it is your analysis that is faulty, which has been shown to you over and over.

You, hm, no longer get a "just once more" card. You are busted at the logic table.

The only thing you've busted is peoples guts from laughing at you.
"Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
That leaves 36 million..."

You do know that the previous administration consistently used the same methodology when it arrived at it's uninsured numbers, don't you? I'm sure you do. Awhile back you used a report dated 2004 that pointed how how the uninsured were being identified. This is the same exact method the Obama Administration used, they simply carried on the approach of the previous administration.
Let's please us intellectual honesty.

the paid shill is a compulsive liar.

And you are a waste of both skin and oxygen. People say you claim to be a lawyer. That can only be true if you bought your diploma from some place in South America.

You have yet to produce a bit of evidence in support of your sad little posts.....ever.
Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC on Wednesday that Obamacare has failed to attract the uninsured, and he offered a scenario in which the insurance company could be forced to pull out of program.

The company will be submitting Obamacare rates for 2015 on May 15.

"Are they going to be double-digit [increases] or are we going to get beat up because they're double-digit or are we just going to have to pull out of the program?" Bertolini asked in a "Squawk Box" interview from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "Those questions can't be answered until we see the population we have today. And we really don't have a good view on that.
Aetna could be forced out of Obamacare: CEO Mark Bertolini
"Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
That leaves 36 million..."

You do know that the previous administration consistently used the same methodology when it arrived at it's uninsured numbers, don't you? I'm sure you do. Awhile back you used a report dated 2004 that pointed how how the uninsured were being identified. This is the same exact method the Obama Administration used, they simply carried on the approach of the previous administration.
Let's please us intellectual honesty.

If the Bush administration was wrong about everything then why did Obama follow the pattern set by it? Shouldn't Obama have gotten his facts straight instead of perpetuating a lie?
"Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
That leaves 36 million..."

You do know that the previous administration consistently used the same methodology when it arrived at it's uninsured numbers, don't you? I'm sure you do. Awhile back you used a report dated 2004 that pointed how how the uninsured were being identified. This is the same exact method the Obama Administration used, they simply carried on the approach of the previous administration.
Let's please us intellectual honesty.

If the Bush administration was wrong about everything then why did Obama follow the pattern set by it? Shouldn't Obama have gotten his facts straight instead of perpetuating a lie?

I agree!
The problem with almost everyone that uses 46 million (Obama/MSM/even conservatives...) or 30 million (Rush Limbaugh,etc..) is that they just haven't looked at what groups made up the supposedly 46 million uninsured.
I'm not sure why in looking at the Census table that clearly states that 9.6 million of the "uninsured" were not citizens.

I'm not sure why people don't understand the below:
"Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules!

And even the Census acknowledges that...
"In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)."”

And why is it acceptable to fudge the 46 million by counting 18 million that don't want insurance, don't need it!

Why weren't these easy simple sources NOT comprehended BEFORE ACA was passed?
Look at this graph.. and the DATE at the bottom is based on PRE-ACA population survey.
$Screen Shot 2014-05-12 at 7.52.04 AM.png

14 million totally eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA!
I'm WAITING for someone to point out the errors in the FACTS that there NEVER were 46 million Americans that wanted health insurance
but couldn't get it hence ACA was to solve the problem???
FACT is of the purported 8 million in Obamacare most are people that already had health insurance AND NOW are getting tax payer subsidies
to make their payments? That seem right when the first premise was so wrong?
NOW we are hearing that ..
The government may be paying incorrect subsidies to more than 1 million Americans for their health plans in the new federal insurance marketplace and has been unable so far to fix the errors, according to internal documents and three people familiar with the situation.
Federal health-care subsidies may be too high or too low for more than 1 million Americans - The Washington Post
Frankly, none of this really matters. dimocrap scum had an opportunity to do something really good for the American people.

But they couldn't set aside, they couldn't rein-in, the radical scum inside their own party.

So typical of dimocrap scum. Everything they do, they FUCK UP. Everything.

Good idea, mandatory participation in Health Coverage. Excellent idea. One that SHOULD have worked. One that we NEEDED to work.

But, nope. dimocrap scum had to be the scum they always are and they FUCKED the American People in the ass because of their selfishness, their radical ideology and their stubbornness.

All they had to do was invite a few Republicans in, take the Swiss Health System and transplant it into the US. Done and done.

Republicans would have gone for it. In fact, if you look at some of the proposals by Republicans.... Which lying scumbag dimocrap scum say we never offered but did, they mirror the Swiss System in many ways.

But nope, dimocrap scum gotta radicalize, gotta demagogue, gotta politicize EVERYZTHING.

These cocksuckers politicize taking a shit.

And the American People get hurt because of it.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

There has been anyone yet to address your claims.

They know they can't.

The whole "uninsured" thing is a joke. Barbara B.S. Boxer has always been flapping her botox filled lips about 60 million uninsured. Many people have walked through this argument and in the end....the left won't address it. Why ?

Because there is a significant number of young healthy uninsured they need to fund the smokers, fatties and crack addicts that make up so much of the democractic party.

From your link.....

Too many people conveniently ignore that in his 2007 State of the Union message President Bush proposed a sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not. On the contrary, President Bush’s health plan was declared “dead on arrival” by Democrats in 2007. Yet it is Republicans who were tagged as being uncooperative and intransigent when they resisted the misguided direction that Obamacare seemed to be headed.


Yes, it's Obama's way or the highway.
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

There has been anyone yet to address your claims.

They know they can't.

The whole "uninsured" thing is a joke. Barbara B.S. Boxer has always been flapping her botox filled lips about 60 million uninsured. Many people have walked through this argument and in the end....the left won't address it. Why ?

Because there is a significant number of young healthy uninsured they need to fund the smokers, fatties and crack addicts that make up so much of the democractic party.

THANK YOU! You are so right the supporters and critics alike don't seem to comprehend the magnitude of this phony number!
Because even Limbaugh uses 30 million uninsured and THAT is so wrong because it gives the false impression there are 30 million.
Again 14 million are people who were qualified for MEDICAID BEFORE Obama care. Why in the hell are we then giving responsibility to a group
that couldn't GET those 14 million enrolled?
Finally 18 million people don't want has you agreed and can afford (make over $50k) but spend less then employers' plans.
Fine! That is their choice!

So by this grossly inflated number that conservatives alike can't seem to dispute we have this Obamanation called Obamacare!
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

There has been anyone yet to address your claims.

They know they can't.

The whole "uninsured" thing is a joke. Barbara B.S. Boxer has always been flapping her botox filled lips about 60 million uninsured. Many people have walked through this argument and in the end....the left won't address it. Why ?

Because there is a significant number of young healthy uninsured they need to fund the smokers, fatties and crack addicts that make up so much of the democractic party.

THANK YOU! You are so right the supporters and critics alike don't seem to comprehend the magnitude of this phony number!
Because even Limbaugh uses 30 million uninsured and THAT is so wrong because it gives the false impression there are 30 million.
Again 14 million are people who were qualified for MEDICAID BEFORE Obama care. Why in the hell are we then giving responsibility to a group
that couldn't GET those 14 million enrolled?
Finally 18 million people don't want has you agreed and can afford (make over $50k) but spend less then employers' plans.
Fine! That is their choice!

So by this grossly inflated number that conservatives alike can't seem to dispute we have this Obamanation called Obamacare!

It was always known that many people would still be uninsured after Obamacare. The numbers are proving that out right now. It isn't how many are signing's who isn't.

This is just retarded.

Here is some of the other rhetoric bullcrap that is out there......

But plainly they're not all paying more for less. We know this because the individual market is where people have been getting ripped off by overpaying for inadequate coverage -- "junk" insurance in many cases. It's where premiums are driven up and coverage constrained by pre-existing conditions. Those practices are eradicated by the Affordable Care Act.


If ever there was any doubt that Obamy knows best, this should erase it. Those so called junk plans were just fine in many instances. In fact, the LA times (my favorite toilet paper) is way off on this one as they usually are.

One more case of the case of BS that is put forth on behalf of Nanny-State-Healthcare.
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I agree there is so much bull crap by really ignorant people regarding insurance ,etc...
For example this IDIOTIC so ill informed writer:

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, administrative costs in Medicare are only about 2 percent of operating expenditures.
Defenders of the insurance industry estimate administrative costs as 17 percent of revenue.
Insurance industry-funded studies exclude private plans’ marketing costs and profits from their calculation of administrative costs.
Even so, Medicare’s overhead is dramatically lower.
Medicare administrative cost figures include the collection of Medicare taxes, fraud and abuse controls, and building costs.
Medicare Is More Efficient Than Private Insurance ? Health Affairs Blog

OF Course they are 2%! THEY don't pay any claims!

In fiscal year 2011, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) processed nearly
1.1 billion Traditional Medicare claims, which paid the bills for beneficiary health care at 6,172 hospitals;
15,697 skilled nursing facilities; 11,930 home health agencies; more than 95,000 durable medical equipment suppliers;
and about one million physicians and other medical practitioners.

What Are Medicare Administrative | Medicare News Group

MACs paid the claims! Medicare pays the MACs and the MACs through their cost efficiencies LOSE MONEY!
CMS estimated that in fiscal year 2010 these two programs made more than $65 billion in "improper federal payments," defined as payments that should not have been made or were made in an incorrect amount.
Adding in improper payments made by state Medicaid programs boosts the total by about $10 billion annually.
Health Policy Briefs

Medicare paid dead physicians 478,500 claims totaling up to $92 million from 2000 to 2007. These claims included 16,548 to 18,240 deceased physicians. (U.S. Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations, 2008)
Fraud statistics

REMEMBER folks these are the same LIARS that agree there are 46 million uninsured... WHEN their OWN CMS.. Medicaid group FAILED to enroll
14 million people eligible for MEDICAID before ACA... and that bogus number of 14 million that CMS failed to enroll WAS USED as part of the phony 46 million!

AND they want to do MORE???

From your link.....

Too many people conveniently ignore that in his 2007 State of the Union message President Bush proposed a sweeping health reform plan that would have replaced the current tax exclusion for employer-provided coverage with standard tax deductions for all individuals and families. The Bush plan called for a tax deduction that would have applied to payroll taxes as well as income taxes. Moreover, if one were worried about non-filers, the subsidy could easily have instead been structured as a refundable tax credit in which case even those without any income taxes would have gotten an additional amount. This is the kind of policy detail that easily could have been negotiated had the Democrats been in a cooperative mood in 2007. They were not. On the contrary, President Bush’s health plan was declared “dead on arrival” by Democrats in 2007. Yet it is Republicans who were tagged as being uncooperative and intransigent when they resisted the misguided direction that Obamacare seemed to be headed.


Yes, it's Obama's way or the highway.

By the way note in this list of what the Federal government considers acceptable expenditures of what otherwise is the Federal Government's money.
Yup.. The term is "Expenditures" meaning it is OK to deduct these expenses from the taxes that should be paid by filers.
The largest type of deduction is the $131 billion spent by employers for health insurance.

SOURCE: What are the largest tax expenditures?
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. [*]$131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$ 49.1 Benefits company: Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$ 46.8 Benefits individuals and companies Deductibility of charitable contributions (Obama deducted $245,000 in donations)
    [*]$ 31.5 Benefits company: Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$ 30.0 Benefits individuals:Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$ 29.1 Benefits individuals:Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$ 28.4 Benefits individuals: Child credit
    [*]$ 24.2 Benefits individuals:Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$ 21.5 Benefits individuals:Step-up basis of capital gains at death
GRAND TOTAL OF loopholes, tax credits, etc...... $653.7 billion
Of these 12 deductions 9 benefit individuals,employees,etc..
Where is the left.

Where are the I-know-everything's like Sallow.

Maybe he missed this thread. bet he did.
Well what is frustrating is that Obama critics like Limbaugh etc, still don't understand the numbers!
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans as Obama said.. then later revised to 30 million as he agreed 10 million counted are not citizens!
But Rush etc., don't seem to comprehend that 14 million were eligible BEFORE ACA and the fault lies with Medicaid for not enrolling them.
Finally Rush,etc. totally ignore 18 million people THAT don't WANT to pay their employers' health plans as the spend less out of pocket!

This total of 42 million leaves truly only 4 million. That's what should have attacked and helped!
Well what is frustrating is that Obama critics like Limbaugh etc, still don't understand the numbers!
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans as Obama said.. then later revised to 30 million as he agreed 10 million counted are not citizens!
But Rush etc., don't seem to comprehend that 14 million were eligible BEFORE ACA and the fault lies with Medicaid for not enrolling them.
Finally Rush,etc. totally ignore 18 million people THAT don't WANT to pay their employers' health plans as the spend less out of pocket!

This total of 42 million leaves truly only 4 million. That's what should have attacked and helped!

And you'll notice that some threads are approaching 1000 posts whereas this one got dropped like a hot potato because the left can't show you where you are wrong.
Well what is frustrating is that Obama critics like Limbaugh etc, still don't understand the numbers!
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans as Obama said.. then later revised to 30 million as he agreed 10 million counted are not citizens!
But Rush etc., don't seem to comprehend that 14 million were eligible BEFORE ACA and the fault lies with Medicaid for not enrolling them.
Finally Rush,etc. totally ignore 18 million people THAT don't WANT to pay their employers' health plans as the spend less out of pocket!

This total of 42 million leaves truly only 4 million. That's what should have attacked and helped!

And you'll notice that some threads are approaching 1000 posts whereas this one got dropped like a hot potato because the left can't show you where you are wrong.

I know!

I would like though for people that are now recognizing what an inept group the Obama administration is to also please recognize this phony number!
Whenever someone responds about ACA remind them there never were 46 million that got this crap passed by just 7 votes!
If more people would ask their representatives, why did you vote for something that was based on the phony number of 46 million.. then recite
the simple facts.. 10 million illegals.. 14 million should been covered by Medicaid and 18 million don't want!
Ask your rep then how does that add up to justify destroying our health system?
I'll keep pushing this one to the top to rub the noses of libs in it.

No takers on the challenge.

They are a pathetic lot.

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