Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

you haven't any actual proof that illegales are on health care ... all you have is some rignwingnutcase blogger telling you this total bull shit ... there hasn't been any actual proof telling us deifferent... tell us your source and that will pretty much say rightwingnutcase ...

The contention is that Obama and co. were claiming illegals in their numbers of uninsured.

So I can't really get why you are looking for proof they are on health care. Unless it is because you are drinking.

Here is Reuters explaining it:

UPDATE 1-Obama changes talking points on uninsured | Reuters

Tucked into President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Congress was a new talking point -- that his aim is to get health insurance for 30 million uninsured people, not 46 million.

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," Obama said on Wednesday. Back in August, he had said: "We've got 46-47 million people without health insurance in our country."

Why the change?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama was making the point that under his plan, illegal immigrants would not get health insurance.

"The proposal that the president outlined covers American citizens," Gibbs told reporters. "His plan would not cover illegal immigrants."

The U.S. Census Bureau said in a report on Thursday that the number of people in the United States without health insurance rose to 46.3 million in 2008 from 45.7 million a year earlier.


This totally supports the OP's claim.

Even after this came out....liberal senators like Barbara "Bullshit" Boxer were still saying 50 million. This was even after Obama had modified his numbers.

This was because it is easier to sell it on 50 million instead of 30 million even though you know it is a total lie.
you haven't any actual proof that illegales are on health care ... all you have is some rignwingnutcase blogger telling you this total bull shit ... there hasn't been any actual proof telling us deifferent... tell us your source and that will pretty much say rightwingnutcase ...

The contention is that Obama and co. were claiming illegals in their numbers of uninsured.

So I can't really get why you are looking for proof they are on health care. Unless it is because you are drinking.

Here is Reuters explaining it:

UPDATE 1-Obama changes talking points on uninsured | Reuters

Tucked into President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Congress was a new talking point -- that his aim is to get health insurance for 30 million uninsured people, not 46 million.

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," Obama said on Wednesday. Back in August, he had said: "We've got 46-47 million people without health insurance in our country."

Why the change?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama was making the point that under his plan, illegal immigrants would not get health insurance.

"The proposal that the president outlined covers American citizens," Gibbs told reporters. "His plan would not cover illegal immigrants."

The U.S. Census Bureau said in a report on Thursday that the number of people in the United States without health insurance rose to 46.3 million in 2008 from 45.7 million a year earlier.


This totally supports the OP's claim.

Even after this came out....liberal senators like Barbara "Bullshit" Boxer were still saying 50 million. This was even after Obama had modified his numbers.

This was because it is easier to sell it on 50 million instead of 30 million even though you know it is a total lie.

And as I've written countless times the Census ALSO admits that:
"In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)."”
"UnderReports the 14 million that QUALIFIED for Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
So the inept CMS that manages Medicaid couldn't find 14 million people that the CENSUS stated were at poverty levels that qualified for Medicaid!
Does that sound like a group that should THEN be responsible for 1/6th of the economy?

Subtract then the 14 million that due to the ineptness of CMS are eligible all need to do is register then there AREN'T 36 million uninsured.. but
now 22 MILLION!

Then as I've often written why were 18 million under 34 that refuse employers' health plan as they pay out of their own pocket for medical services less..
WHY were they bogusly counted as "uninsured"? The true number therefore of those that wanted, but couldn't get health insurance is less then 4 million!!
NOT 46 million! Not 36 million! NOT 22 million! But 4 million!
Do you think ACA would have even got to the Congress if the majority of Americans KNEW that 46 million was a bull shit NUMBER?
I know you know that by your comment!
Thanks AGAIN!!!
you haven't any actual proof that illegales are on health care ... all you have is some rignwingnutcase blogger telling you this total bull shit ... there hasn't been any actual proof telling us deifferent... tell us your source and that will pretty much say rightwingnutcase ...

The contention is that Obama and co. were claiming illegals in their numbers of uninsured.

So I can't really get why you are looking for proof they are on health care. Unless it is because you are drinking.

Here is Reuters explaining it:

UPDATE 1-Obama changes talking points on uninsured | Reuters

Tucked into President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Congress was a new talking point -- that his aim is to get health insurance for 30 million uninsured people, not 46 million.

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," Obama said on Wednesday. Back in August, he had said: "We've got 46-47 million people without health insurance in our country."

Why the change?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama was making the point that under his plan, illegal immigrants would not get health insurance.

"The proposal that the president outlined covers American citizens," Gibbs told reporters. "His plan would not cover illegal immigrants."

The U.S. Census Bureau said in a report on Thursday that the number of people in the United States without health insurance rose to 46.3 million in 2008 from 45.7 million a year earlier.


This totally supports the OP's claim.

Even after this came out....liberal senators like Barbara "Bullshit" Boxer were still saying 50 million. This was even after Obama had modified his numbers.

This was because it is easier to sell it on 50 million instead of 30 million even though you know it is a total lie.

And as I've written countless times the Census ALSO admits that:
"In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)."”
"UnderReports the 14 million that QUALIFIED for Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
So the inept CMS that manages Medicaid couldn't find 14 million people that the CENSUS stated were at poverty levels that qualified for Medicaid!
Does that sound like a group that should THEN be responsible for 1/6th of the economy?

Subtract then the 14 million that due to the ineptness of CMS are eligible all need to do is register then there AREN'T 36 million uninsured.. but
now 22 MILLION!

Then as I've often written why were 18 million under 34 that refuse employers' health plan as they pay out of their own pocket for medical services less..
WHY were they bogusly counted as "uninsured"? The true number therefore of those that wanted, but couldn't get health insurance is less then 4 million!!
NOT 46 million! Not 36 million! NOT 22 million! But 4 million!
Do you think ACA would have even got to the Congress if the majority of Americans KNEW that 46 million was a bull shit NUMBER?
I know you know that by your comment!
Thanks AGAIN!!!

You'll notice that Billy didn't produce any numbers...just large font flailing.

I appreciate that someone came to the thread....just wish they try to actually address the premises of your numbers so we can see if the libs really do have a case for Obummercare.

Your original comment is right on and it is a shame that we didn't address the needs of 5 million by screwing with the health care of 320 million.

But the left has it's latent wants anyway.
The contention is that Obama and co. were claiming illegals in their numbers of uninsured.

So I can't really get why you are looking for proof they are on health care. Unless it is because you are drinking.

Here is Reuters explaining it:

UPDATE 1-Obama changes talking points on uninsured | Reuters

Tucked into President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Congress was a new talking point -- that his aim is to get health insurance for 30 million uninsured people, not 46 million.

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," Obama said on Wednesday. Back in August, he had said: "We've got 46-47 million people without health insurance in our country."

Why the change?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama was making the point that under his plan, illegal immigrants would not get health insurance.

"The proposal that the president outlined covers American citizens," Gibbs told reporters. "His plan would not cover illegal immigrants."

The U.S. Census Bureau said in a report on Thursday that the number of people in the United States without health insurance rose to 46.3 million in 2008 from 45.7 million a year earlier.


This totally supports the OP's claim.

Even after this came out....liberal senators like Barbara "Bullshit" Boxer were still saying 50 million. This was even after Obama had modified his numbers.

This was because it is easier to sell it on 50 million instead of 30 million even though you know it is a total lie.

And as I've written countless times the Census ALSO admits that:
"In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)."”
"UnderReports the 14 million that QUALIFIED for Medicaid BEFORE ACA was passed!
So the inept CMS that manages Medicaid couldn't find 14 million people that the CENSUS stated were at poverty levels that qualified for Medicaid!
Does that sound like a group that should THEN be responsible for 1/6th of the economy?

Subtract then the 14 million that due to the ineptness of CMS are eligible all need to do is register then there AREN'T 36 million uninsured.. but
now 22 MILLION!

Then as I've often written why were 18 million under 34 that refuse employers' health plan as they pay out of their own pocket for medical services less..
WHY were they bogusly counted as "uninsured"? The true number therefore of those that wanted, but couldn't get health insurance is less then 4 million!!
NOT 46 million! Not 36 million! NOT 22 million! But 4 million!
Do you think ACA would have even got to the Congress if the majority of Americans KNEW that 46 million was a bull shit NUMBER?
I know you know that by your comment!
Thanks AGAIN!!!

You'll notice that Billy didn't produce any numbers...just large font flailing.

I appreciate that someone came to the thread....just wish they try to actually address the premises of your numbers so we can see if the libs really do have a case for Obummercare.

Your original comment is right on and it is a shame that we didn't address the needs of 5 million by screwing with the health care of 320 million.

But the left has it's latent wants anyway.

And that's the truly sad part of ACA! There would have been bipartisan support in determining how to help those 5 million!
YET ACA for example taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer! WOW! Good intention... so why not go after the big boys that
cause $850 billion a year in claims to Medicare/insurance companies/out of pocket payers that do one thing!
Reduce the risk of a physician being sued!
See people have been grossly mislead about the motivation of physicians for tort reform especially from lawyers!
Almost everyone associates "defensive medicine" with malpractice insurance skyrocketing premiums... BUT THAT is peanuts!

90% of physicians report they send claims totaling over $850 billion a year for duplicate tests, referrals,etc... all because they fear being sued!
What group causes these lawsuits? Lawyers!
So tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year and use the $27 billion to pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 5 million that truly want and need insurance!

At the same time tax hospitals on their "uninsured" expenses IF they do not want to participate in the "uninsured health insurance company" program.
With this any "uninsured" patients' hospital costs are NOT padded and passed on to medicare/insurance companies but are paid from the UHIC claims.
With both these activities we would
A) reduce the $850 billion a year in defensive claims filed with Medicare/private insurance because lawyers 10% taxes would reduce correspondingly!
B) Hospitals wouldn't be padding and passing on (I've seen some rare cases where medicare is billing 6,000% what the costs were to perform the services!) to the payers!

Two simple solutions that DOESN'T destroy our health system, but rather covers the truly 5 million that want and need coverage!
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Here's your source:

The number of people with health insurance decreased from 255.1 million in 2008 to 253.6 million in 2009.
So it was 253.6 million with health insurance. In 2009, the US population was 306.27 million people.

That 's a difference of about 52 million. Well above your 36 million.

We do count legal immigrants in our census information. But they don't make up that large a group. In 2009 they represented about 1.13 million people.

That's the family sponsored legal immigrants, the folks brought over by companies for employment, the refugees seeking asylum, all of them. Even if every single one didn't have insurance, your numbers wouldn't work. And there's nothing to indicate their rate of insurance coverage is any different than the general population. So with about 85% coverage that is typical for other US residents, that would mean that about 170,000 didn't have coverage.

58 times less than you estimated.

Which I would categorize as grossly inaccurate.
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Here's your source:

The number of people with health insurance decreased from 255.1 million in 2008 to 253.6 million in 2009.
So it was 253.6 million with health insurance. In 2009, the US population was 306.27 million people.

That 's a difference of about 52 million. Well above your 36 million.

We do count legal immigrants in our census information. But they don't make up that large a group. In 2009 they represented about 1.13 million people.

That's the family sponsored legal immigrants, the folks brought over by companies for employment, the refugees seeking asylum, all of them. Even if every single one didn't have insurance, your numbers wouldn't work. And there's nothing to indicate their rate of insurance coverage is any different than the general population. So with about 85% coverage that is typical for other US residents, that would mean that about 170,000 didn't have coverage.

58 times less than you estimated.

Which I would categorize as grossly inaccurate.

DOES NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE a non-citizen should NOT BE COUNTED AS An American and therefore NOT be counted as "uninsured"!
The Census table makes that clear distinction:
PLEASE don't portray yourself so stupid as to say the Census Bureau that says:
10 million per the Census of the Census' inflated 46 million uninsured were not citizens.
A) Go to this Census site: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
B) Scroll down to Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage (Numbers in thousands)
C) Scroll down to where it shows: Not a citizen in 2009 -- 9,936,000!

So again... WHEN using Obama's statement:I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. "
Which was used to PASS ACA... He counted the 10 million non-citizens!
That's why they've backed down as proves:
It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million | PolitiFact

NOW that's the number that Obama/Politifact and now everyone uses because NON-CITIZENS aren't Americans!
BUT before ACA passed Obama used that number to FLUFF it up to 46 million!!!
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

After all I am not like Obama who was called a god by NewsWeek editor.

I generally though provide LINKS for any statements and I truly don't like to waste my time if I"M WRONG!

There are major points I've continued to make here but NO ONE SEEMS TO refute them!

HENCE I'm right and yet NONE of you are man enough to admit it!

Example I. There have never been 46 million Americans that wanted and could not get health insurance! LIE!
1) The Census tells us that when they counted that 46 million included were 10 million non-citizens!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Here's your source:

The number of people with health insurance decreased from 255.1 million in 2008 to 253.6 million in 2009.
So it was 253.6 million with health insurance. In 2009, the US population was 306.27 million people.

That 's a difference of about 52 million. Well above your 36 million.

We do count legal immigrants in our census information. But they don't make up that large a group. In 2009 they represented about 1.13 million people.

That's the family sponsored legal immigrants, the folks brought over by companies for employment, the refugees seeking asylum, all of them. Even if every single one didn't have insurance, your numbers wouldn't work. And there's nothing to indicate their rate of insurance coverage is any different than the general population. So with about 85% coverage that is typical for other US residents, that would mean that about 170,000 didn't have coverage.

58 times less than you estimated.

Which I would categorize as grossly inaccurate.

Now as far as a DIFFERENT number of UNINSURED?? How about this gross discrepancy???

So the above total is 301,219,252 insured people covered under the above...
Timeframe: U.S. (2012)
Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
That leaves 8,978,248 UNINSURED..... (Strange isn't it? Obama said there were 46 million uninsured???

NOT 46 million!!!

And this doesn't take in account the 14 million that told Census they didn't have health insurance but they qualified AS THE CENSUS STATEs:
Nearly one-third [14.7 million] were reachable through public programs, such as Medicaid and the SCHIP program for children

AND this also doesn't count the 18 million that don't want insurance!

MY point is with such confusion over how many are insured and want insured and are able to get insurance... WHY the f...k did ACA come into existence
if they can't even tell us exactly how many people are truly uninsured??
Remember Obama's backed down because of the 10 million NON-CITIZENS to 36 million!
And of those 36 million again 14 million should be as medicaid states enrolled... this was before ACA!
And of the remaining 22 million... 18 million don't want or need... SO WHY are they being forced to buy something for less then 5 million people???

so I've blown apart your "non-citizen" retort... please explain away the other 31 million????
So we had Skylar foolishly ignore the Census table 1 that shows CLEARLY 9.6 million or nearly 10 million that the CENSUS counted as "uninsured"
ARE NOT Americans as Obama clearly stated BEFORE ACA was passed and he needed to "PUFF" the numbers!!
Obama: "I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. "

Now the Census and even Obama say (AFTER ACA WAS PASSED BASED ON PUFFED numbers !!) 36 million!

NO ONE ... NO ONE has yet to contradict the FACT that the CENSUS agrees that 14 million counted as uninsured SHOULD BE ENROLLED!
So why are they bogusly being counted as "uninsured" when the same administration that wanted ACA "single payer health plan" can't even
get these 14 million registered?

Finally NO ONE NO ONE can tell me why 18 million people were counted THAT DON"T want to be counted as "uninsured"!
The only obvious reason was to PUFF THE NUMBERS!
Blown way out of reality. Blown up to pass ACA! A 820% exaggeration!
41 million exaggeration when in reality less then 5 million that want and NEED health insurance.

Come on people!!! If you can't disprove the numbers then I don't expect the Obamatrons EVER EVER to agree.. BUT the rest of you!
It is important to get this number out because millions of people including conservatives STILL believe that 46 million phony balony number!
At least people are trying to respond....finally.

None of the usual cast of characters (those who won't argue facts) will get close.
OP- How many times do we have to end this idiocy lol?

Don't want to get insurance? NO MORE FREELOADERS!!

10 million illegals included? They pay taxes, own homes- PASS IMMIGRATION REFORM WITH A GOOD SS WORK ID CARD!!!
And Rush is right. There were 45 million uninsured PEOPLE. Now 30 million. There's a first time for everything!
OP- How many times do we have to end this idiocy lol?

Don't want to get insurance? NO MORE FREELOADERS!!

10 million illegals included? They pay taxes, own homes- PASS IMMIGRATION REFORM WITH A GOOD SS WORK ID CARD!!!

OK let's buy your premise... Don't want insurance.. NO MORE FREELOADERS... FRANCO.. how many are in that category?? 18 million!
Franco.. 10 million are NOT citizens so when Obama said:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today.

Finally FRANCO ADMIT it this administration can't handle anything obviously and proof is the 14 million people the administration have let
slip through the crack that qualify for Medicaid! They were already eligible why weren't they enrolled except through gross ineptness of Obama!

FRANCO the facts are
1) 10 million were counted but not Americans when Obama used the 46 million and NOW he backs down on that!
2) 14 million should have been enrolled but the inefficiency of Medicaid slipped through the crack! Tell me how good would ACA be using this example!
3) 18 million don't want and don't need to buy health insurance so why are you forcing them if there are only 5 million that truly want and need?
Do you get it???
There never were 46 million uninsured AMericans!

This is simple I guess you are such a simpleton you still don't get it!
OP- How many times do we have to end this idiocy lol?

Don't want to get insurance? NO MORE FREELOADERS!!

10 million illegals included? They pay taxes, own homes- PASS IMMIGRATION REFORM WITH A GOOD SS WORK ID CARD!!!

OK let's buy your premise... Don't want insurance.. NO MORE FREELOADERS... FRANCO.. how many are in that category?? 18 million!
Franco.. 10 million are NOT citizens so when Obama said:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today.

Finally FRANCO ADMIT it this administration can't handle anything obviously and proof is the 14 million people the administration have let
slip through the crack that qualify for Medicaid! They were already eligible why weren't they enrolled except through gross ineptness of Obama!

FRANCO the facts are
1) 10 million were counted but not Americans when Obama used the 46 million and NOW he backs down on that!
2) 14 million should have been enrolled but the inefficiency of Medicaid slipped through the crack! Tell me how good would ACA be using this example!
3) 18 million don't want and don't need to buy health insurance so why are you forcing them if there are only 5 million that truly want and need?
Do you get it???
There never were 46 million uninsured AMericans!

This is simple I guess you are such a simpleton you still don't get it!

Don't count (pardon the pun) on Franco to do the numbers.

He's a lying twit who wouldn't know truth if it coiled up, hissed, and bit him on his fat ass.
OP- How many times do we have to end this idiocy lol?

Don't want to get insurance? NO MORE FREELOADERS!!

10 million illegals included? They pay taxes, own homes- PASS IMMIGRATION REFORM WITH A GOOD SS WORK ID CARD!!!

So old ! So boring! So WRONG! Please FRANCO how many times are you going to make the stupid ass comment" they pay taxes..own homes"!
THEY CAN"T because they are ILLEGAL! They may have a bogus SS # which is ILLEGAL just as their coming in ILLEGALLY!
Legitimate people with legitimate SS# should be pissed at Idiots like you who obviously approve of bogus SS# used to buy homes???
Come on get real FRANco!

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