Comer demands explanation for decision to get Ukraine prosecutor (investigating Hunter) fired

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?

Biden's own words.
The left keeps saying that the prosecutor was not investigating Burisma. But from what I'm reading, that probably is not true and he WAS investigating Burisma. At any rate, an honest politician would want the truth out there if he was innocent of any action that even looks compromising whether or not it is/was.

The fact that the left, the administration, the DOJ, the media is so strongly resisting Comer's investigation into that incident suggests perhaps there is no innocence?

The prosecutor was investigating Burisma.
Factually documented.
Ignore any words contrary to that fact.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is bigger than just Joe, his words do not matter if they go against their narrative.
They have to protect their house.
looks like a house of cards at this point.

It's scary how the left just keep on going with their BS even though they know Americans are not on the same page, to say the least.

It's like they think "Oh well.. so we are wrong. So all of America despises us... We will exist forever.."

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?

Comer is a total fucking idiot who is wasting the people's time and money on an investigation of NOTHING.

The American people will make Republicans PAY for this nonsense, at the ballot box.

None of this bullshit is real, and the rest of the world genuinely knows and understands this, and it is beyond us as to why Republicans are so craven and corrupt to keep brazenly LYING to the American people about this stuff.
Comer is a total fucking idiot who is wasting the people's time and money on an investigation of NOTHING.

The American people will make Republicans PAY for this nonsense, at the ballot box.

None of this bullshit is real, and the rest of the world genuinely knows and understands this, and it is beyond us as to why Republicans are so craven and corrupt to keep brazenly LYING to the American people about this stuff.

Biden's own words. of course Biden or any looney left wing dem could be on tape in front of dozens of people committing murder and you would blow it off. Go suck wind.
Comer is a total fucking idiot who is wasting the people's time and money on an investigation of NOTHING.

The American people will make Republicans PAY for this nonsense, at the ballot box.

None of this bullshit is real, and the rest of the world genuinely knows and understands this, and it is beyond us as to why Republicans are so craven and corrupt to keep brazenly LYING to the American people about this stuff.


I walked into a hornet's nest (first few sentences) of IRRATIONALITY! (not to mention BS, sometimes but not always the same thing)

um... I'm outa here!


Biden's own words. of course Biden or any looney left wing dem could be on tape in front of dozens of people committing murder and you would blow it off. Go suck wind.

It's Jim Jones all over again!

Un-freaking believable!

The way leftists don't care WHAT their "leaders" do...

It's like "Lead me into Hell, you awesome liberals in DC! I don't care, as long as YOU are in power! Destroy the country all you want.. don't care as long as YOU are in control... Murder babies... I don't CARE... as long as...

I'm making myself barf...
Dragonlady is a dem apologist pure and simple (mostly simple)
But we knew that

hard not to know..

What we don't know is WHY

Why they want to be lemmings going over a Jim Jones cliff into HELL

Answer me, that...
Yes, if the bidums were innocent, why don't they voluntarily come forward and explain all this stuff about fake corporations and all the money the family got from foreign countries where there is no evidence of them actually working for said govts?

We certainly can't trust ABC .. NBC and the like
Actually I can understand not wanting meddling into my private affairs which will inevitably be broadcast to the world. So I do have some sympathy there. But closed door sessions can be arranged to satisfy those charged with oversight of government functions to mitigate some of that. I would resist giving that private information that should remain private to somebody who is famous for leaking the information to the media. Comer does not have that reputation.

But sometimes it is a tightrope act to find a happy medium between the people's right to know and the citizen's right to privacy per the Fourth Amendment:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Neither this administration nor the media seem to appreciate that there is a Fourth Amendment. I hope the GOP will be more honorable.
"Here's a blatant example, like a confession, so to speak, of essentially withholding aid. Those were loan guarantees from the IMF, but in practical terms, this was money from the US taxpayers, in exchange for a political move."
(Nebosja Malic)

For any intelligent impeachment inquiry, it is necessary to go back to at least 2012.

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?
You would love Comer. Baseless accusations is both if your games. He knows good and well why shokin was fired. There’s an open letter signed by 3 GOP senators calling for shokins office to be reformed prior to joe getting him booted. A convenient fact y’all like to ignore. Go stand in a corner and think about what you’re doing
Actually I can understand not wanting meddling into my private affairs which will inevitably be broadcast to the world. So I do have some sympathy there. But closed door sessions can be arranged to satisfy those charged with oversight of government functions to mitigate some of that. I would resist giving that private information that should remain private to somebody who is famous for leaking the information to the media. Comer does not have that reputation.

But sometimes it is a tightrope act to find a happy medium between the people's right to know and the citizen's right to privacy per the Fourth Amendment:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Neither this administration nor the media seem to appreciate that there is a Fourth Amendment. I hope the GOP will be more honorable.
Hunter's gesture of introducing Metabiota to Burisma is the clue to him violating 'the right to know.' The coming of the American-assisted ChiCom virus violated the people's right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, and is an unreasonable search and seizure of their very minds and flesh.

Metabiota is the link to ChiCom GoF @ Huazhong Agricultural University. The linking Huazhong-Metabiota coronavirus is PEDV (porcine epidemic diarrhea virus). The precise location for this link is Metabiota, Nanaimo, British Columbia.
You would love Comer. Baseless accusations is both if your games. He knows good and well why shokin was fired. There’s an open letter signed by 3 GOP senators calling for shokins office to be reformed prior to joe getting him booted. A convenient fact y’all like to ignore. Go stand in a corner and think about what you’re doing
So Einstein, what's the chron (dates) for your claims?

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?

Shokin was not investigating Hunter.

His investigation of Burisma took place two years before Hunter arrived. And the case was settled with a fine.

All caught up now, sucker?
Comer is a total fucking idiot who is wasting the people's time and money on an investigation of NOTHING.

The American people will make Republicans PAY for this nonsense, at the ballot box.

None of this bullshit is real, and the rest of the world genuinely knows and understands this, and it is beyond us as to why Republicans are so craven and corrupt to keep brazenly LYING to the American people about this stuff.
Oh it's real alright. Crimes were committed. By the way, which Biden family member are you?
Hunter's gesture of introducing Metabiota to Burisma is the clue to him violating 'the right to know.' The coming of the American-assisted ChiCom virus violated the people's right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, and is an unreasonable search and seizure of their very minds and flesh.

Metabiota is the link to ChiCom GoF @ Huazhong Agricultural University. The linking Huazhong-Metabiota coronavirus is PEDV (porcine epidemic diarrhea virus). The precise location for this link is Metabiota, Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Maybe but do you have concrete evidence for Hunter's actions? All I have are what media accounts, hearings, etc. that I've read and watched. It looks bad. Really bad. Certainly it justifies a thorough investigation to determine if his and others' activities include the now President of the United States and compromised the USA in any way, i.e. high crimes and misdemeanors are involved.

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