Comer demands explanation for decision to get Ukraine prosecutor (investigating Hunter) fired

It was the Presidents' policy. Comer should direct his question to President Obama.

"They said 'You have no authority. You're not the President' I said 'Call him' ".
Maybe but do you have concrete evidence for Hunter's actions? All I have are what media accounts, hearings, etc. that I've read and watched. It looks bad. Really bad. Certainly it justifies a thorough investigation to determine if his and others' activities include the now President of the United States and compromised the USA in any way, i.e. high crimes and misdemeanors are involved.
"Concrete evidence" is like stating that the "vaccines" work and then requiring "concrete evidence" which Big Pharma already knew was impossible unless the nurse tested each daily to make a graph and then completely dismissed the relevance of an already-established immune system.

The psycho media already knows that "concrete evidence" is impossible. The catch is that education of the populations that are hostage to the media is possible. This education is deadly to the dems for 2024. The investigation must go back to at least 2012, when The Elf spoke about Dual Use in front of the US Senate. Witnessing the reaction of the Bidenochio mafia, there is evidence of media manipulations. Note the chron. Huff (The Truth About Wuhan) estimates August 2019, when SARS2 was very likely already circulating in Wuhan:

27 Sep 2019 Ukraine Agency Says Allegations Against Burisma Cover Period Before Biden Joined
'....but it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.
"Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of the (anti-corruption bureau's) investigation.'

So, what is the chron for the Metabiota-Huazhong coronavirus connection?
"Concrete evidence" is like stating that the "vaccines" work and then requiring "concrete evidence" which Big Pharma already knew was impossible unless the nurse tested each daily to make a graph and then completely dismissed the relevance of an already-established immune system.

The psycho media already knows that "concrete evidence" is impossible. The catch is that education of the populations that are hostage to the media is possible. This education is deadly to the dems for 2024. The investigation must go back to at least 2012, when The Elf spoke about Dual Use in front of the US Senate. Witnessing the reaction of the Bidenochio mafia, there is evidence of media manipulations. Note the chron. Huff (The Truth About Wuhan) estimates August 2019, when SARS2 was very likely already circulating in Wuhan:

27 Sep 2019 Ukraine Agency Says Allegations Against Burisma Cover Period Before Biden Joined
'....but it said the period under investigation was 2010-2012, and noted that this was before the company hired Hunter Biden.
"Changes to the board of Burisma Limited, which are currently the object of international attention, took place only in May 2014, and therefore are not and never were the subject of the (anti-corruption bureau's) investigation.'

So, what is the chron for the Metabiota-Huazhong coronavirus connection?
All I am saying is that before we accuse somebody we should be close to 100% sure of our facts even if it is somebody we really don't like. But also we should demand transparency in government and those in government should always be willing to be fully forthcoming as to what happened at any particular time. For instance when Trump was accused of colluding with Zelensky in a telephone call, he immediately got Zelensky's permission to make the transcript of that call public.

Biden should take lessons.
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Old Brandon bragged in a public speech that he was responsible for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor allegedly to protect Hunter.
For instance when Trump was accused of colluding with Zelensky in a telephone call, he immediately made the transcript of that call public

He was putting the squeeze on Zelensky, and the telephone call was like the check found in a plumbers pocket!
Old Brandon bragged in a public speech that he was responsible for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor allegedly to protect Hunter.
First, why did Hunter need protecting? Has he been accused of something in the Ukraine? Second, since the prosecutor was not pursuing the investigation, like two of his predecessors, how did his removal protect Hunter, especially since the alleged crimes they were suppose to be investigating happened in 2012. Hunter was not an employee then.
He was putting the squeeze on Zelensky, and the telephone call was like the check found in a plumbers pocket!
No. But I have no doubt that's the way you interpreted it. Nobody who doesn't have TDS would interpret it that way.
Old Brandon bragged in a public speech that he was responsible for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor allegedly to protect Hunter.
He never mentioned Hunter when he was talking about having the prosecutor fired. So let's keep that straight as to what actually happened. And that can be debated on another thread as well pretty please.

What is pertinent to THIS thread is the media's refusal to cover that story and even when they are forced to comment on it, they characterize it as disinformation by Trump and/or the GOP and/or they say the prosecutor was not investigating Burisma, which is almost certainly not true according to the prosecutor himself if he has been accurately quoted.

Those on the right err when they elaborate to the point they get it wrong on their side. The left errs when they repeat the disinformation and/or do not think the incident merits investigation at all.
It was the Presidents' policy. Comer should direct his question to President Obama.

"They said 'You have no authority. You're not the President' I said 'Call him' ".

Documented to be - not Obama's policy
So there's that.
All I am saying is that before we accuse somebody we should be close to 100% sure of our facts even if it is somebody we really don't like. But also we should demand transparency in government and those in government should always be willing to be fully forthcoming as to what happened at any particular time. For instance when Trump was accused of colluding with Zelensky in a telephone call, he immediately made the transcript of that call public.

Biden should take lessons.
If they are anything, published articles are facts that develop a chron. We're not including the viral chron due to serendipity. To get clued-up about the dem pathology by 2024 so that it's already well-established in the collective Unconscious of the voters, is the goal. We're not finished with it, it's developing. Any thoughts and additions are welcome.

The CIA knows that a well developed chron will help to reveal any lacks of transparency.
So Einstein, what's the chron (dates) for your claims?
The letter was sent out February 2016 same month Biden got Shokin booted. It had bi-partisan support and also support from other Nations. To claim that Bidens actions were personal and not in line with US foreign policy objectives is absurd.

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?
Should have happened at least six months ago.

Why are you all atwitter over a prop player chump who has been dragging his feet?
The letter was sent out February 2016 same month Biden got Shokin booted. It had bi-partisan support and also support from other Nations. To claim that Bidens actions were personal and not in line with US foreign policy objectives is absurd.
The letter was sent out February 2016 same month Biden got Shokin booted. It had bi-partisan support and also support from other Nations. To claim that Bidens actions were personal and not in line with US foreign policy objectives is absurd.
Not that absurd. You should pay more attention to the chron. Hunter was already on the Burisma board.
So do you and your cool stories experts think that I'm spreading falsehoods or that I'm spreading truth that you're just not interested in?
You're spreading the bullshit well enough to reseed a golf course.

Regardless of any of your extremely dubious and specious claims, the use of U.S. taxpayer funds as a bribe to influence the internal political affairs of another nation is as fucked up as it gets.
"As Buck takes care to emphasize:

Not content to let the point pass in a couple of paragraphs, Buck continued:

You are aligned with the devil. God does not give people the power of attorney to judge people. That is something that is reserved by God. Comer is a criminal as are you.
What "crimes" did they commit?

I love Comer. What a true blue American hero!

Yeh, the libs don't like him and don't like this investigation into Dear Leader. They don't care if Dear Leader is corrupt and selling out our country. Nope, that's not it... they don't like their demented party being found out for being a demented party.

But not to worry, libs! That already happened, beginning in 1973 when Roe was decided... continuing like a snowball downhill since...

In another post or thread I said that God waits until the End to judge people.

Why does He do that? He used to judge people immediately (see Old Testament, just about any chapter/verse).

The reason IMO is that He wants US to hold people accountable. If we don't care enough to make sure our government is run in a FAIR and un-corrupt way...

Why should God?
Shokin wasn't investigating Burisma, according to the Ukraine Deputy General Prosecutor...... Who quit or was forced to, because he could not stand working in such a corrupt general prosecutor office...

And the next General Prosecutor who replaced Shokin, ran an investigation on Shokin cases to see who was being investigated during Shokin's year there, and what the new prosecutor general needed to continue with.... and he had no active investigation in to Burisma or the owner.

There are articles in the news from 2015 and 2016, about Shokin and our Diplomats/ambassador calling for the replacement of the General Prosecutor and complaints of total corruption, months and months before Biden's threat on holding back money until their act was cleaned up in their doj, (Prosecutor General's office) is cleaned up and rid of corruption. Google it!

Two of Shokin's prosecutors, labeled the Diamond Prosecutors, were caught being paid off by corrupt businesses with a slew of loose diamonds. Shokin refused to prosecute them, which was the straw that broke the camel's back, and this prominent and vocal Ukrainian Anti Corruption league, insisted Shokin be fired...they had it with him! Then the Ukrainian President at the time, finally asked Parliament, to kick him out.... And they did.

This was 3 to 4 months after Biden made his demand on firing him to the Ukraine President and 9 months after our Ambassador called for Shokin and others be kicked out and the department cleaned up.

David Sakvarelidze was five months into a new job as Ukraine’s reformist deputy chief prosecutor when a witness came forward with intelligence that would change the course of everything.

The witness, a sand producer in the Kiev region, complained of men extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars. It took a while to persuade the man to give evidence. But when he did, and the investigation began, the trail led to two of the country’s highest-placed prosecutors.

A search of the men’s apartments revealed a scene that looked like a comic heist: bags full of cash, diamonds and other precious stones. But that was not the only incriminating evidence. Documents seized at the time indicated the men appeared to have a connection to the top prosecutor in the land, Viktor Shokin.
Police found copies of Shokin’s passports, property registration certificates and even his licence to carry firearms. One of the two men, it transpired, was Shokin’s former driver who had subsequently climbed the ranks behind his boss.

For Sakvarelidze, there were clear suspicions the two men may have been carrying out the business of the chief. But his attempts to investigate were frustrated. Soon, he faced a corruption investigation himself. At loggerheads with Shokin, he was pushed out of his job within the year.

The top prosecutor would also depart in March 2016...

NOTE! THIS ARTICLE BELOW, is BEFORE Biden made his demand to fire Shokin...
November 4, 2015

Why Poroshenko’s Support for Shokin Is Dangerous

By Josh Cohen
In a recent Brussels meeting with the President of the European Commission, Poroshenko received a promise that in exchange for implementing graft-fighting measures, the European Union would eliminate visa requirements for Ukraine’s 46 million citizens. In return, Ukraine would implement a series of anti-corruption reforms. At the top of the list is the nomination of a new independent prosecutor tasked with bringing down corrupt government officials. An eleven member selection panel—seven nominated by the Verkhovna Rada and four by Shokin—are to choose the best candidate for the post.

Shokin’s nominees are closely associated with the old system. At the Prosecutor General’s Office, Yury Hryshchenko managed Volodymyr Shapakin, the so-called “diamond prosecutor” who was arrested earlier this year in a sting operation for bribery with $400,000 dollars of cash in his office and $100,000 of diamonds in his home. First Deputy Prosecutor General Yury Sevruk has stymied reforms in the Prosecutor General’s Office. Reformers believe that making anti-reform individuals like Hryshchenko and Sevruk directly responsible for selecting the most important anti-corruption figure makes the process a mockery.

But it gets even worse. After Jan Tombinski, the European Union’s Ambassador to Ukraine, criticized Shokin’s appointments, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the National Council on Reform urging Shokin to replace his appointees to the selection panel with qualified candidates.

Shokin doubled down, dismissing outside criticism and asserting his right to put whomever he wants on the panel. Shokin followed this up by allegedly threatening to prosecute Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry “for criminal acts intended at undermining the authority of state institutions” in a letter that Ukrainiska Pravda obtained and published. It seems Shokin prefers to use his prosecutorial discretion to threaten the very people seeking to free Ukraine from its endemic graft.

His behavior raises an obvious question: Why doesn’t Poroshenko fire Shokin?

Read more


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Not that absurd. You should pay more attention to the chron. Hunter was already on the Burisma board.
So what? Why did 3 GOP senators sign a letter calling for reform to Shokins office? Were they covering for Hunter Biden as well?
You're spreading the bullshit well enough to reseed a golf course.

Regardless of any of your extremely dubious and specious claims, the use of U.S. taxpayer funds as a bribe to influence the internal political affairs of another nation is as fucked up as it gets.
Great lets dig into that then... What specific claim of mine are you calling bullshit and can you explain or show why it is bullshit.... or are we going to get the typical dodge and insult reply??

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