Comey chastises Flynn


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Comey is of the DARK SWAMP! His corruption has been revealed. He should probably just hide for a few years unless he wants to be prosecuted.

Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”
Comey is a criminal, but lefties like Jake love him...just like he loved Cankles.
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,” Comey wrote, quoting Amos 5:24. So Comey tweets on Flynn's plea deal. Former FBI director James Comey tweets Bible verse about ‘justice’ after Flynn pleads guilty - The Boston Globe

The mighty rise, the mighty fall.

Trump can see clearly his most likely future until he leaves office.

El Orange-o has wrought his own political damnation.

So was he encoding Julius Caesar's birthday in that verse and is gloating about playing part in his own soft coup
Ides of March,
or is it Radar's Birthday (Korean War)?
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Kushner's dad did, and Trump is going to find out after all these years he is not above the law. Many of his attorneys and tax accountants need to be taken down as well.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Kushner's dad did, and Trump is going to find out after all these years he is not above the law. Many of his attorneys and tax accountants need to be taken down as well.

I believe if they get Trump in anything it will be taxes and or possibly RICO statues.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??
And if Flynn is being busted for lying to the FBI about the same lies he told the vice president which got him fired? Your argument goes down in flames! Remember Madcow with the tax returns? It's going to be a dry hole.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??
And if Flynn is being busted for lying to the FBI about the same lies he told the vice president which got him fired? Your argument goes down in flames! Remember Madcow with the tax returns? It's going to be a dry hole.

I doubt he lied to the VP. Flynn was a scapegoat. Maddow revealed a lot with the taxes, I imagine someone from the Trump admin sent them to her to prove he paid taxes at least for that year, after he started the Apprentice. Of course with just a 1040 who know where the income came from. What is revealed is how much he paid in AMT. Why doen't he show his returns now or since.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??
And if Flynn is being busted for lying to the FBI about the same lies he told the vice president which got him fired? Your argument goes down in flames! Remember Madcow with the tax returns? It's going to be a dry hole.

I doubt he lied to the VP. Flynn was a scapegoat. Maddow revealed a lot with the taxes, I imagine someone from the Trump admin sent them to her to prove he paid taxes at least for that year, after he started the Apprentice. Of course with just a 1040 who know where the income came from. What is revealed is how much he paid in AMT. Why doen't he show his returns now or since.
He's not LEGALLY required to show you anything. Pence is on record of having fired Flynn for lying. The only thing those taxes showed is he paid more than the Clinton's or the Sanders.
Amos right back at ya!
Amos 6:12
Will horses run on the rock, or will one plow with cattle, for you have perverted justice to hemlock and the fruit of righteousness to wormwood(bitter poison)?
6:13 Those who rejoice over a thing of nought, who say, "With our strength we have taken horns(powers) for ourselves."
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream,” Comey wrote, quoting Amos 5:24. So Comey tweets on Flynn's plea deal. Former FBI director James Comey tweets Bible verse about ‘justice’ after Flynn pleads guilty - The Boston Globe

The mighty rise, the mighty fall.

Trump can see clearly his most likely future until he leaves office.

El Orange-o has wrought his own political damnation.
People who quote the Bible are usually the most vile, I have noticed.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??
And if Flynn is being busted for lying to the FBI about the same lies he told the vice president which got him fired? Your argument goes down in flames! Remember Madcow with the tax returns? It's going to be a dry hole.

I doubt he lied to the VP. Flynn was a scapegoat. Maddow revealed a lot with the taxes, I imagine someone from the Trump admin sent them to her to prove he paid taxes at least for that year, after he started the Apprentice. Of course with just a 1040 who know where the income came from. What is revealed is how much he paid in AMT. Why doen't he show his returns now or since.

hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??

Why didn't O show his transcripts?
Comey is of the DARK SWAMP! His corruption has been revealed. He should probably just hide for a few years unless he wants to be prosecuted.

Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”
Ah! A vast conspiracy!

They always find someone else to blame. As Trump would say, "Sad".

An aside: whenever I quote Trump I feel nauseous.
I hope Trumps children all go down! I hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison.

Dude, you have a mental sickness...

Remember Lock her UP, Lock her UP, Lock her UP.

Who is laughing now??

Me .. childish emotional responses tend to make me laugh and a corrupt/failed Obama Administration can't logically be trusted.

Hillary and the Bj Bill are toast, nothing more than pariahs for the Democratic Party and fun to have around, I find Dem. hypocrisy laughable as well.
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