Comey likely to face criminal charges soon.

More noise and distractions from Fox.

Can't blame them, though.

It's looking R E A L L Y B A D for Duh Donald.

Between his seeking help from the Ukraine to the hundreds of thousands of Kurd allies that will die because of Trump's sheer fucking stupid arrogance, he's fucking toast.

So Fox has got to do SOMETHING to distract their audience.

I mean... seriously... honest to freakin' GOD... what fucking ALTERNATE REALITY are you living in?




The only way to prevent this bullshit from ever happening again is to TAKE POWER AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT!!! Imagine all the bullshit they have done just so they can spy on YOU.

Fuck all that shit. It must be repealed. Damn the consequences.


A weak government could never convict Comey of his crimes against the people of the United States of America half of whom he holds in derision, and not exclusively those already incarcerated, either.

So, are you saying you want Comey to not have to pay for his criminal use of power, basing actions on feelings and not on the Constitution as when he took his oath of office and signed papers to the effect that he would uphold the Constitution? Do you want him free from the damage he did to not just President Trump but many, many other innocent human beings before Donald Trump came along. Comey was Obama's bitch that narrowed oversigt to him and him alone. That's abuse of the Presidential oath to uphold the Constitution as well, and Hillary Clinton was there with her devious use of the law, Biden with his global funding campaigns, and too many Congressional conspirators to mention in one post.

Sorry to throwback on people you may tend to worship as above the law, Mr. Farnsworth. But this nonstop harassment of the people's choice of Donald Trump as their president needs to be stopped, because the Democrats at the top of the cesspool swamp are going to be uncooperative since they're up to their eyeballs in the poisonous swamp they created. In fact, they are drowning in offenses to the Constitution of this great nation, and when I think of one person who personifies that disdain for other people's rights, it is Maxine Waters, who used her chair in the House of Representatives to bring down the most vicious persecution of staff personnel in a separate branch which goes against the Separation of Powers thesis that is threaded in the Constitution like gluing the parts together to give every American the right of representation by law and by competent use and administration of those laws.

damn! That was the funniest post I have read in a long ass time!




The only way to prevent this bullshit from ever happening again is to TAKE POWER AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT!!! Imagine all the bullshit they have done just so they can spy on YOU.

Fuck all that shit. It must be repealed. Damn the consequences.


A weak government could never convict Comey of his crimes against the people of the United States of America half of whom he holds in derision, and not exclusively those already incarcerated, either.

So, are you saying you want Comey to not have to pay for his criminal use of power, basing actions on feelings and not on the Constitution as when he took his oath of office and signed papers to the effect that he would uphold the Constitution? Do you want him free from the damage he did to not just President Trump but many, many other innocent human beings before Donald Trump came along. Comey was Obama's bitch that narrowed oversigt to him and him alone. That's abuse of the Presidential oath to uphold the Constitution as well, and Hillary Clinton was there with her devious use of the law, Biden with his global funding campaigns, and too many Congressional conspirators to mention in one post.

Sorry to throwback on people you may tend to worship as above the law, Mr. Farnsworth. But this nonstop harassment of the people's choice of Donald Trump as their president needs to be stopped, because the Democrats at the top of the cesspool swamp are going to be uncooperative since they're up to their eyeballs in the poisonous swamp they created. In fact, they are drowning in offenses to the Constitution of this great nation, and when I think of one person who personifies that disdain for other people's rights, it is Maxine Waters, who used her chair in the House of Representatives to bring down the most vicious persecution of staff personnel in a separate branch which goes against the Separation of Powers thesis that is threaded in the Constitution like gluing the parts together to give every American the right of representation by law and by competent use and administration of those laws.

damn! That was the funniest post I have read in a long ass time!

My pleasure. :muahaha:
All the suckers who bought Comey's book should demand refunds, so he'll have to use his retirement fund for legal fees. ( like General Flynn and the many other he's wrongfully prosecuted over the years )

Oh yeah his buddy Robert Mueller did that.
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More noise and distractions from Fox.

Can't blame them, though.

It's looking R E A L L Y B A D for Duh Donald.

Between his seeking help from the Ukraine to the hundreds of thousands of Kurd allies that will die because of Trump's sheer fucking stupid arrogance, he's fucking toast.

So Fox has got to do SOMETHING to distract their audience.

You really should pull your head out of your ass before you suffocate.

And pigs may fly, but wouldn put any money on any of that happening, especially when Barr, Trump, Pompeo, Guliani, and Mnuchin are going to be really fucking busy with that impeachment thing.

The President's attempts to stonewall are being chipped away. Daylight is shining through on the lying scum in the White House, helping Vladimir Putin and the Russians everywhere they can. And in return, Putin is giving Trump and Guliani the best fake smear campaign on the Bidens, that the Kremlin and the KGB can muster.

I long for the day when this board is no longer over run with Russian trolls and other professional liars.

And pigs may fly, but wouldn put any money on any of that happening, especially when Barr, Trump, Pompeo, Guliani, and Mnuchin are going to be really fucking busy with that impeachment thing.

The President's attempts to stonewall are being chipped away. Daylight is shining through on the lying scum in the White House, helping Vladimir Putin and the Russians everywhere they can. And in return, Putin is giving Trump and Guliani the best fake smear campaign on the Bidens, that the Kremlin and the KGB can muster.

I long for the day when this board is no longer over run with Russian trolls and other professional liars.
Please be sure to
keep us posted on that Washington Post ,New York Times ,CNN , ABC, MSDNC narrative okay ?
Well, it seems that for sure John Brennan is in very deep doo-doo. :)
Comey ,as well as a few others could be.
We will find out on Fri. when the Barr report comes out.
I think that a minimum of 40 arrests will be issued before the report to avoid people running off to camel rides in Arabia. And they better put 'em behind bars with no acceptance of being bailed out with Soros funds. Oh, wait. Isn't Soros under consideration for a few campaign funding violations?

Tom Fitton seems to think the judiciary is so busy piecing together the swamp cells that Judicial Watch will have to do the informational parts.
And to all the swamp creatures, adieu to all evil you used against the people's Constitution..


And pigs may fly, but wouldn put any money on any of that happening, especially when Barr, Trump, Pompeo, Guliani, and Mnuchin are going to be really fucking busy with that impeachment thing.

The President's attempts to stonewall are being chipped away. Daylight is shining through on the lying scum in the White House, helping Vladimir Putin and the Russians everywhere they can. And in return, Putin is giving Trump and Guliani the best fake smear campaign on the Bidens, that the Kremlin and the KGB can muster.

I long for the day when this board is no longer over run with Russian trolls and other professional liars.
Please be sure to
keep us posted on that Washington Post ,New York Times ,CNN , ABC, MSDNC narrative okay ?

They're far more reliable than the daily White House talking points.
Well, it seems that for sure John Brennan is in very deep doo-doo. :)
Comey ,as well as a few others could be.
We will find out on Fri. when the Barr report comes out.
I think that a minimum of 40 arrests will be issued before the report to avoid people running off to camel rides in Arabia. And they better put 'em behind bars with no acceptance of being bailed out with Soros funds. Oh, wait. Isn't Soros under consideration for a few campaign funding violations?

Tom Fitton seems to think the judiciary is so busy piecing together the swamp cells that Judicial Watch will have to do the informational parts.
And to all the swamp creatures, adieu to all evil you used against the people's Constitution..

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch - has he ever won a legal battle - ever? What a tool!!

Well....the IG report came out and there was not a single criminal referral...who could have predicted that?


Wake u-up! The IG did not have the scope of resources that the AG has, and trust me, Comey is goin' down for presiding over unthinkable crimes that Uncle's cops who forget their oaths of office--made to the people of the United States--can be preyed upon by crooks in politics--the kind of crooks who can't remember a damn thing about their criminal activities in the face of the legal eagles of the Grand Jury. I'm sad to say that you're a tad premature in laughing your ass off x5.
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Wake u-up! The IG did not have the scope that the AG has, and trust me, Comey is goin' down for presiding over unthinkable crimes that cops who forget their oaths can be prey to by crooks in politics. The kind of crooks who can't remember a damn thing about their criminal activities in the face of the eagle legals of the Grand Jury. I'm sad to say that you're premature in laughing your ass off x5.

Calm down little girl, I am not the one that made the thread saying that the IG would include criminal referrals...I am just laughing at the moron that did.

But luckily I have this thread bookmarked so I can come back to it in 6 months and laugh at you as well.

Well....the IG report came out and there was not a single criminal referral...who could have predicted that?


Wake u-up! The IG did not have the scope of resources that the AG has, and trust me, Comey is goin' down for presiding over unthinkable crimes that Uncle's cops who forget their oaths of office--made to the people of the United States--can be preyed upon by crooks in politics--the kind of crooks who can't remember a damn thing about their criminal activities in the face of the legal eagles of the Grand Jury. I'm sad to say that you're a tad premature in laughing your ass off x5.

Look at all of the Russian posters here parroting Trump's lies.

Since 2010, Republicans have been relentlessly claiming that Democrats are lawless, power-mad, corrupt criminals who all deserved to be in jail. And here we are, 10 years later, and not a single Democrat is sitting in jail or awaiting sentencing, while all of Trump's men are either in jail, convicted, or awaiting sentencing.

Trump has been impeached for continuing to invite other governments to help him in his re-election bid, and even the evangelicals are starting to question whether this angry, racists, misgynistic man is fit to hold office. All of the people Trump claimed were "out to get him" are suing the government for wrongful dismissal, and they're winning.

Trump continues to make false claims that he was "spied on", and unfairly treated, all while stonewalling and obstructing the very investigations that have proven how dishonest and corrupt Trump is.

The religious right is turning on Trump, precisely because Mike Pence, an extreme right wing evangelical, will become President if he is removed. They'll continue to get their judges, their religious laws, and religious freedoms, without anger, criminality, and utter lack of humanity of Donald Trump. And he won't be in Putin's pocket.
Wake u-up! The IG did not have the scope that the AG has, and trust me, Comey is goin' down for presiding over unthinkable crimes that cops who forget their oaths can be prey to by crooks in politics. The kind of crooks who can't remember a damn thing about their criminal activities in the face of the eagle legals of the Grand Jury. I'm sad to say that you're premature in laughing your ass off x5.

Calm down little girl, I am not the one that made the thread saying that the IG would include criminal referrals...I am just laughing at the moron that did.

But luckily I have this thread bookmarked so I can come back to it in 6 months and laugh at you as well.
I think making such predictions is pretty stupid BUT watching you celebrate the fact that she was wrong and ignoring those that abuse the constitution and the protections it guarantees is the real take away here.

And promising to bring it back up in 6 months? What a loser troll you've become.
Dec 15th article...........and a opinion piece................whether Barr and Durham are preparing a case against Comey is yet to be known...........

Could be Grand Juries already......and the moon could be made of cheese...

Time will tell........but I'll be happy if Comey gets it for that BS of...........LOL...........MISTAKES.....LOL

A couple of mistakes.....maybe.......but 56 in 17 different sections.........well they did that shit on purpose..........unless you are a retard.

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