Comey "most definitely" wants to testify before Congress -- and he wrote more memos: Source

Comey is accusing Trump of pressuring him to end the Flynn investigation. If that's true, Comey is required by law to inform the DOJ. He did not. That means (if what he said is true) he committed a crime that could land him in jail. Put the MF under oath and let's get this over with.
If Comey is stupid enough to talk about these to any one, knowing a special counsel has been appointed, then he can go to jail for obstructing and interfering in an official federal investigation.

That special counsel you idiots wanted just gagged your story..

That Special Counsel means that shit is now real.

Republicans are no longer willing to rationalize or defend Trump's behaviour. McConnell said he's sick of the drama coming out of the White House because their agenda isn't getting worked on.

Lying, fighting with the press, lying, sharing Intel with the Russians, lying, firing his staff, lying, attacking anyone who criticizes him, and lying.

One way or another, Trump isn't going to last. The impeachment clock is running faster.
Comey perjured himself... his credibility is crap..

good luck with your wet dream of impeachment..

your horseshit opinion is irrelevant ... and I never said anything about wanting Trump impeached, you're an idiot.
Over 25 years as an LEO (law enforcement officer).. My opinion is very relevant because you don't have a damn clue.

When you retired, did they let you keep your bullet?
Comey "most definitely" wants to testify before Congress -- and he wrote more memos: Source
Source: CBS News

WASHINGTON -- Former FBI Director James Comey "most definitely" wants to testify before Congress -- and wrote other memos in addition to the one claiming President Trump asked him to drop an FBI investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told CBS News' Andres Triay.

The Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform have invited Comey to testify about the FBI investigation into Russian meddling and any ties to Mr. Trump's associates, as well as the events surrounding his ouster.

On Wednesday, the Department of Justice appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel in charge of the Russia investigation.

But the memo documenting Comey's February meeting with the president that prompted that invitation may not be the only memo that exists. Comey wrote other memos, although this source didn't elaborate on that point. Other people familiar with Comey's style of working told CBS News they fully expect more Comey memos exist.

Read more: Comey "most definitely" wants to testify before Congress -- and he wrote more memos: Source - CBS News

The fire is burning and isn't going to be put out by a bunch of cock sucking anti-government idiots. Burn mother fucker burn!

More good news! Trump messed with the wrong guy. And wait until Mueller finishes with Trump.
Put away your cell phones! Just write on a piece of paper where and when you were harassed by Police and your lawsuit is golden.
That Special Counsel means that shit is now real.
Oh please, just another bullshit attempt
to give an appearance of competency in government.
Republicans are no longer willing to rationalize or defend Trump's behaviour. McConnell said he's sick of the drama coming out of the White House because their agenda isn't getting worked on
Rationalize and defend Trump's behavior...
lol...they can't even rationalize and defend THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR!

I'm sick of the drama too! Enough is enough already!
I voted for Trump because I was sick of the bullshit
The Russians didn't influence my vote,
the emails didn't influence my vote
I wasn't paid or offered anything in return for my vote
I wanted change, and I've fucking had it with these bitches!

They're used to doing whatever the fuck they want,
not having an outsider, who doesn't want to play along!

Its easier for these mother fuckers
to use Russia as an excuse instead of keeping it real.
They don't like who the people voted in office!
Well, that's too fucking bad, its time to start dealing with it!

The only agenda these mother fuckers want to work on
is whatever will work to get rid of Trump now,
or keep him from getting reelected.
Lying, fighting with the press, lying, sharing Intel with the Russians, lying, firing his staff, lying, attacking anyone who criticizes him, and lying
And, you're referring to?
Sorry, sounds like so many of our corrupted officials
One way or another, Trump isn't going to last.
The impeachment clock is running faster.
One way or another, these mother fuckers
will have to deal with Trump voters who are fed up!

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