Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Special counsel Robert Mueller's finances go public

He gave up a partnership where he made almost $3.5 million since the beginning of 2016 by taking on the role of special counsel.

Mueller's client list from his former firm, WilmerHale, reads like a who's who of America's most prominent businesses, including Facebook, Apple, Intel, Sony Pictures, Booz Allen Hamilton and the National Football League.

Mueller was also on the paid-speaking circuit in recent years, addressing businesses like Goldman Sachs, charities and lecture series, as well as industry groups like the Nuclear Energy Institute and the Insurance Information Institute.

Mueller's speaking engagements brought him about $241,000 since the beginning of 2016, the report says. His most lucrative speech during that period was to the Mexican bank Banamex for $52,000.

Mueller's disclosure lists assets belonging to him and his spouse valued at a total of between $4.2 million and $15.2 million. The figures aren't precise because the form reports ranges of values, not specific amounts. In addition, some assets like residences and federal government retirement funds do not need to be reported.

Robert S Mueller- Assets - Personal Finances

Found 134 assets totaling $2,150,142 to $6,525,000 in 2011
Idiots don’t know WHY Bob Mueller was picked for this awesome job and was supported by the entire congress.
Hint: it has nothing to do with him being a marine.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was selected by the Deep State to lead the coup because he is 100% compromised, corrupt to the core. He took money from the Russians in the Uranium One deal and has a LONG history of selling the FSB as a service.

Torquemada is corrupt but maintained a thin veneer of respectability. Torquemada is an insider of the corrupt fucks who run the nation, the shadow government of unelected crooks and creeps like Mewler-Torquemada and Comey. The deep state made him their champion to do war against we the people.
Lmao. Not one word you just wrote is even remotely true. Not one. You have been totally brainwashed.
Idiots don’t know WHY Bob Mueller was picked for this awesome job and was supported by the entire congress.
Hint: it has nothing to do with him being a marine.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was selected by the Deep State to lead the coup because he is 100% compromised, corrupt to the core. He took money from the Russians in the Uranium One deal and has a LONG history of selling the FSB as a service.

Torquemada is corrupt but maintained a thin veneer of respectability. Torquemada is an insider of the corrupt fucks who run the nation, the shadow government of unelected crooks and creeps like Mewler-Torquemada and Comey. The deep state made him their champion to do war against we the people.
Jim Jordan went hard after the DOJ and FBI.........Hillary.........Tough questions.......


Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The swamp unleashed a smear campaign on Jordan Tuesday morning, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach.

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.
Anyone who speaks the truth you call the DEEP STATE.
Jim Jordan compromised the House Intelligence Committee investigation by refusing to call 75 witnesses that had valuable information. The closer the evidence got to Crooked Donnie the harder they worked to stonewall the investigation. Jim Jordan is a traitor to this country and if there is any justice in the world should lose his election in November.
IBM Joins the Lockheed Martin Team for FBI's Next Generation Identification Program
BETHESDA, MD - 02 May 2008: Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) today announced that IBM (NYSE: IBM) will join its industry team to develop and maintain the Next Generation Identification (NGI) system for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- the new multi-modal, state-of-the-art biometrics system to be used by state, local and federal authorities.

As the prime contractor on the FBI's NGI program, Lockheed Martin will provide program management and oversight as well as biometric and large systems development and integration expertise. Joining the NGI team as a subcontractor, IBM will provide some information technology services, as well as specific software and hardware to be used in the NGI system.

"Our entire industry team, with the new addition of IBM, is very pleased to start working on the NGI program," said Judy Marks, President, Lockheed Martin Transportation and Security Solutions. "This represents a win for the FBI, the justice community, and most importantly, the public who will benefit from the security of an advanced biometric identification system."

"IBM and Lockheed Martin have a strong history collaborating in the Federal community and we are pleased to join their NGI team," said Dave Amoriell, General Manager, IBM Global Services, Federal. "This industry team can provide the right blend of technology and services needed to support the FBI's critical mission of using intelligence to prevent national threats and improving public safety."
Jim Jordan went hard after the DOJ and FBI.........Hillary.........Tough questions.......


Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The swamp unleashed a smear campaign on Jordan Tuesday morning, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach.

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.
Anyone who speaks the truth you call the DEEP STATE.
Jim Jordan compromised the House Intelligence Committee investigation by refusing to call 75 witnesses that had valuable information. The closer the evidence got to Crooked Donnie the harder they worked to stonewall the investigation. Jim Jordan is a traitor to this country and if there is any justice in the world should lose his election in November.
The video I posted showed the IRS scandal.........Mueller was there to testify on the IRS scandal and couldn't even tell him the lead investigator name......Mueller basically said this.

Actually believes the mental patient’s propaganda piece.
You were gullible enough to vote for Crooked Donny so you’ll believe anything.

Again, debate the actual topic.

Prove the topic wrong.

Insulting members only shows the height (low?) of your debating skills.

No, the OP needs to prove itself right. And they've offered nothing but accusation, conjecture and a profoundly stupid conspiracy.

The theory is that any contract that Lockheed Martin received while either Mueller or Comey were FBI directors was because Comey and Mueller 'funneled' contracts to them. They had no actual evidence of impropriety. Nor could they factually establish that an FBI director even could 'funnel' billion dollar contracts to an aerospace company.

And of course, their conspiracy is a disjointed mess. As Comey hasn't worked for Lockheed Martin in 8 years. And Mueller NEVER worked for them. Which begs the question, why would Mueller funnel contracts to a company he didn't work for.

The 'report' has no explanations. It has no evidence. It merely has narrative that might as well begin with 'once up on a time'. Backed by nothing.

We aren't obligated to prove Steve Bannon's report 'wrong'. Its Bannon's responsibility to prove his allegations right.

That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.
Two people in the Oval Office. One, Jim Comey who has always been known for telling the truth vs.Donald T Trump a known proven pathological liar. Of course you believe the pathological liar.

So funny you use Crooked Donnie’s own words that the whole world laughs at.
Start at 2:15.........LISTEN..........

In my earlier video.....Mueller said he had no knowledge..........of FBI investigating her........

Take some digging.........but this went to court..........PROOF...........but Mueller basically didn't answer any questions, couldn't even say who was lead in the investigation............and etc......

He freaking knew it..........he's another bought of whore of politicians.
Federal Judge Orders IRS to “Name Specific People” Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

In October 2015 the DOJ announced it was dropping the investigation into the IRS, Lois Lerner, and the unlawful sharing of taxpayer data in the IRS targeting investigation surrounding True The Vote et al.

In essence, not only did the DOJ drop an investigation into the IRS – it also dropped an investigation into itself. The DOJ, via FBI, was part of the entire IRS targeting enterprise. Yeah, there’s a massive conflict there.
Jim Jordan went hard after the DOJ and FBI.........Hillary.........Tough questions.......


Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The swamp unleashed a smear campaign on Jordan Tuesday morning, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach.

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.
Anyone who speaks the truth you call the DEEP STATE.
Jim Jordan compromised the House Intelligence Committee investigation by refusing to call 75 witnesses that had valuable information. The closer the evidence got to Crooked Donnie the harder they worked to stonewall the investigation. Jim Jordan is a traitor to this country and if there is any justice in the world should lose his election in November.
The video I posted showed the IRS scandal.........Mueller was there to testify on the IRS scandal and couldn't even tell him the lead investigator name......Mueller basically said this.

Idiot STILL doesn’t know why the entire Congress was happy when Bob Mueller was chosen for the job he is currently doing.
Mueller is not on trial here even though you Hannity crusaders keep trying to put him on trial.

Hilarious you still think Crooked Donnie is innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator to a felony, with much more evidence to come to seal his fate.

You DO know Mueller now is going knee deep into the Trump criminal empire don’t you.. with giving immunity to Weisselberg. He has all the information on Fat boi’s tax returns, how many porn stars, hookers etc he paid off, money laundering, payoffs to Russian oligarchs etc.
Your criminal president is in deep shit.
You lame ass liberals.................say nothing to these abuses...........To FBI getting rich as hell from Companies that have major contracts with our Gov't........

All the Establishment millionaire club............and say they aren't dirty............LOL

These people who are PAY TO PLAY cronies are the corruption..........They are the Swamp...........

I can go into other articles...........but you will ignore them like I never posted........In this one.......The Swamp Creatures were getting money from Lockhead Martin................

The other I have posted numerous HSBC bank......and low and behold..........Comey getting rich there 2 in the middle of an Investigation.........of

Wait for it.................MONEY drug cartels.........not so amazingly.........charges were recommended......but they paid a fine.......and criminal charges were NOT PRESSED BY ERIC HOLDER.......

Thus ends another chapter in the deep state criminals..............AMEN.
View attachment 212923
Jim Jordan went hard after the DOJ and FBI.........Hillary.........Tough questions.......


Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The swamp unleashed a smear campaign on Jordan Tuesday morning, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach.

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.
Anyone who speaks the truth you call the DEEP STATE.
Jim Jordan compromised the House Intelligence Committee investigation by refusing to call 75 witnesses that had valuable information. The closer the evidence got to Crooked Donnie the harder they worked to stonewall the investigation. Jim Jordan is a traitor to this country and if there is any justice in the world should lose his election in November.
The video I posted showed the IRS scandal.........Mueller was there to testify on the IRS scandal and couldn't even tell him the lead investigator name......Mueller basically said this.

Idiot STILL doesn’t know why the entire Congress was happy when Bob Mueller was chosen for the job he is currently doing.
Mueller is not on trial here even though you Hannity crusaders keep trying to put him on trial.

Hilarious you still think Crooked Donnie is innocent despite all the evidence to the contrary.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator to a felony, with much more evidence to come to seal his fate.

You DO know Mueller now is going knee deep into the Trump criminal empire don’t you.. with giving immunity to Weisselberg. He has all the information on Fat boi’s tax returns, how many porn stars, hookers etc he paid off, money laundering, payoffs to Russian oligarchs etc.
Your criminal president is in deep shit.
HE SHOULD BE ON TRIAL....................That's the dang point......

To date............even though the IRS agreed that they targeted Conservatives..............Not a dime was paid to those targeted who had MILLIONS of dollars in legal fees..............fighting the IRS.........FBI...........ATF.............OSHA..............NOTHING.............NADDA...........Even though they admitted guilt............

Thus ends another lesson..........

They target people.........get caught...........bankrupt people.............and walk away.........
You lame ass liberals.................say nothing to these abuses...........To FBI getting rich as hell from Companies that have major contracts with our Gov't........

All the Establishment millionaire club............and say they aren't dirty............LOL

These people who are PAY TO PLAY cronies are the corruption..........They are the Swamp...........

I can go into other articles...........but you will ignore them like I never posted........In this one.......The Swamp Creatures were getting money from Lockhead Martin................

The other I have posted numerous HSBC bank......and low and behold..........Comey getting rich there 2 in the middle of an Investigation.........of

Wait for it.................MONEY drug cartels.........not so amazingly.........charges were recommended......but they paid a fine.......and criminal charges were NOT PRESSED BY ERIC HOLDER.......

Thus ends another chapter in the deep state criminals..............AMEN.
Here’s your swamp you stupid motherfucker.
Federal Judge Orders IRS to “Name Specific People” Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

The American Center for Law and Justice put it thusly:

We know the IRS unconstitutionally targeted conservative groups. We know they illegally demanded, obtained, and held the donor lists of these conservative organizations. Now we learn that in 2012, the height of the targeting, the IRS was involved in a “secret research project” with this confidential, illegally obtained donor information.

That’s more than a big deal. It’s potentially criminal.

The very fact that the IRS was using the phrase “secret research project” should give every American pause. But the fact that this project was conducted as part of a well-orchestrated effort to target and silence conservative Americans is utterly disturbing.
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.
Neonnettle? Theybhabe two full pages of archives on Snopes just for 2018.

This is fake news.
I suspect it's a Russian operation.
I noted on their homepage that they are now having problems posting on Facebook.
So they're asking people for their email addresses for direct contact.
View attachment 212926
You lame ass liberals.................say nothing to these abuses...........To FBI getting rich as hell from Companies that have major contracts with our Gov't........

All the Establishment millionaire club............and say they aren't dirty............LOL

These people who are PAY TO PLAY cronies are the corruption..........They are the Swamp...........

I can go into other articles...........but you will ignore them like I never posted........In this one.......The Swamp Creatures were getting money from Lockhead Martin................

The other I have posted numerous HSBC bank......and low and behold..........Comey getting rich there 2 in the middle of an Investigation.........of

Wait for it.................MONEY drug cartels.........not so amazingly.........charges were recommended......but they paid a fine.......and criminal charges were NOT PRESSED BY ERIC HOLDER.......

Thus ends another chapter in the deep state criminals..............AMEN.
Here’s your swamp you stupid motherfucker.
I just detailed the SWAMP.............and you don't like it..............Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, and all the other pecker woods are dirty as hell............All bought off political whores.....

And your great now trying to take down the President...........with a Pay Off to a WHORE......

Very fitting for the scum bags running the show.
Mueller is following the money with giving immunity to Weisselberg, the chief executive officer of the Trump criminal enterprise.

A source familiar with the Trump Organization said Weisselberg was intimately involved in every aspect of the company’s finances and even helped craft the statement Trump debuted during the campaign describing his net worth.

“Every bill went through him,” the source said of Weisselberg.

Only the truly retarded don’t understand this is the worst possible news for the criminal president.

For Trump, Allen Weisselberg may be the man who knew too much
Federal Judge Orders IRS to “Name Specific People” Who Directed Tea Party Targeting…

The American Center for Law and Justice put it thusly:

We know the IRS unconstitutionally targeted conservative groups. We know they illegally demanded, obtained, and held the donor lists of these conservative organizations. Now we learn that in 2012, the height of the targeting, the IRS was involved in a “secret research project” with this confidential, illegally obtained donor information.

That’s more than a big deal. It’s potentially criminal.

The very fact that the IRS was using the phrase “secret research project” should give every American pause. But the fact that this project was conducted as part of a well-orchestrated effort to target and silence conservative Americans is utterly disturbing.

Your link is to yet another blog.
Their "About Us": Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info: [email protected]
Follow that link and they have terms and conditions on the About Us page. No identity. Anonymous.
Fake news, honey.
Don't any of you fucking redneck idiots ever check your sources?

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