Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Total corrupted Demrat scum.

All I want to know is

When these garbage is going to jail.

That's all.
Actually believes the mental patient’s propaganda piece.
You were gullible enough to vote for Crooked Donny so you’ll believe anything.

Again, debate the actual topic.

Prove the topic wrong.

Insulting members only shows the height (low?) of your debating skills.

No, the OP needs to prove itself right. And they've offered nothing but accusation, conjecture and a profoundly stupid conspiracy.

The theory is that any contract that Lockheed Martin received while either Mueller or Comey were FBI directors was because Comey and Mueller 'funneled' contracts to them. They had no actual evidence of impropriety. Nor could they factually establish that an FBI director even could 'funnel' billion dollar contracts to an aerospace company.

And of course, their conspiracy is a disjointed mess. As Comey hasn't worked for Lockheed Martin in 8 years. And Mueller NEVER worked for them. Which begs the question, why would Mueller funnel contracts to a company he didn't work for.

The 'report' has no explanations. It has no evidence. It merely has narrative that might as well begin with 'once up on a time'. Backed by nothing.

We aren't obligated to prove Steve Bannon's report 'wrong'. Its Bannon's responsibility to prove his allegations right.

That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.
Actually believes the mental patient’s propaganda piece.
You were gullible enough to vote for Crooked Donny so you’ll believe anything.

Again, debate the actual topic.

Prove the topic wrong.

Insulting members only shows the height (low?) of your debating skills.

No, the OP needs to prove itself right. And they've offered nothing but accusation, conjecture and a profoundly stupid conspiracy.

The theory is that any contract that Lockheed Martin received while either Mueller or Comey were FBI directors was because Comey and Mueller 'funneled' contracts to them. They had no actual evidence of impropriety. Nor could they factually establish that an FBI director even could 'funnel' billion dollar contracts to an aerospace company.

And of course, their conspiracy is a disjointed mess. As Comey hasn't worked for Lockheed Martin in 8 years. And Mueller NEVER worked for them. Which begs the question, why would Mueller funnel contracts to a company he didn't work for.

The 'report' has no explanations. It has no evidence. It merely has narrative that might as well begin with 'once up on a time'. Backed by nothing.

We aren't obligated to prove Steve Bannon's report 'wrong'. Its Bannon's responsibility to prove his allegations right.

That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.

Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

And Trump lied to cover up the meeting, laughably claiming that the meeting was about 'adoption'. Trump also compelled others to lie, personally dictating the 'adoption' lies for Don Jr's public statement on the meeting.

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

And Cohen has admitted that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and the Russian Operative before it happened.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

And you pretend that none of it happened, denying everything. Even Trump's own tweets and Don Jr's own emails.

Good luck with that.
Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Collecting dirt from a woman Obama no illegal

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

Going back at least as far back as Nixon a politician losing their job is the punishment.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

Mueller offered Cohen an immunity deal on something that isn't a crime. With that and Cohen witnessing Mueller bankrupt ab innocent man it is no wonder why he is saying anything Mueller wants to hear.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

How long ago is that story?
Again, debate the actual topic.

Prove the topic wrong.

Insulting members only shows the height (low?) of your debating skills.

No, the OP needs to prove itself right. And they've offered nothing but accusation, conjecture and a profoundly stupid conspiracy.

The theory is that any contract that Lockheed Martin received while either Mueller or Comey were FBI directors was because Comey and Mueller 'funneled' contracts to them. They had no actual evidence of impropriety. Nor could they factually establish that an FBI director even could 'funnel' billion dollar contracts to an aerospace company.

And of course, their conspiracy is a disjointed mess. As Comey hasn't worked for Lockheed Martin in 8 years. And Mueller NEVER worked for them. Which begs the question, why would Mueller funnel contracts to a company he didn't work for.

The 'report' has no explanations. It has no evidence. It merely has narrative that might as well begin with 'once up on a time'. Backed by nothing.

We aren't obligated to prove Steve Bannon's report 'wrong'. Its Bannon's responsibility to prove his allegations right.

That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.

Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

And Trump lied to cover up the meeting, laughably claiming that the meeting was about 'adoption'. Trump also compelled others to lie, personally dictating the 'adoption' lies for Don Jr's public statement on the meeting.

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

And Cohen has admitted that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and the Russian Operative before it happened.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

And you pretend that none of it happened, denying everything. Even Trump's own tweets and Don Jr's own emails.

Good luck with that.

Meeting with someone to get dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal, regardless of the nationality.

Here is an example, although the stupid fuck was getting played, are you contending that Adam Schiff thinks he is breaking the law in the recording?

WATCH: Russian Comedians TRICK Adam Schiff Into Thinking Putin Has Naked Pictures of Trump
Using contacts to secure billions in government contracts isn’t necessarily illegal, it’s part of the deep state.

Think Dick Chaney and Halliburton. This is part of the same cesspool of fuckery that makes the ruling class wealthy.

If you hated Dick Chaney for it, you should hate Mueller and Comey for it.

If you gave Chaney a pass, you should give Mueller and Comey a pass.
No, the OP needs to prove itself right. And they've offered nothing but accusation, conjecture and a profoundly stupid conspiracy.

The theory is that any contract that Lockheed Martin received while either Mueller or Comey were FBI directors was because Comey and Mueller 'funneled' contracts to them. They had no actual evidence of impropriety. Nor could they factually establish that an FBI director even could 'funnel' billion dollar contracts to an aerospace company.

And of course, their conspiracy is a disjointed mess. As Comey hasn't worked for Lockheed Martin in 8 years. And Mueller NEVER worked for them. Which begs the question, why would Mueller funnel contracts to a company he didn't work for.

The 'report' has no explanations. It has no evidence. It merely has narrative that might as well begin with 'once up on a time'. Backed by nothing.

We aren't obligated to prove Steve Bannon's report 'wrong'. Its Bannon's responsibility to prove his allegations right.

That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.

Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

And Trump lied to cover up the meeting, laughably claiming that the meeting was about 'adoption'. Trump also compelled others to lie, personally dictating the 'adoption' lies for Don Jr's public statement on the meeting.

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

And Cohen has admitted that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and the Russian Operative before it happened.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

And you pretend that none of it happened, denying everything. Even Trump's own tweets and Don Jr's own emails.

Good luck with that.

Meeting with someone to get dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal, regardless of the nationality.

Its not the nationality that's the concern. Its that this woman was an admitted Russian Operative. With the information, per Don Jr's own email, was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian Government's efforts to aid Trump.

The same Russian Government that was attacking the United States with an influence operation to again, aid Trump.

With Trump's own son caught setting up yet another secret meeting, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

WIth Trump lying repeatedly to try and cover up his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie about his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting where Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative.

And now with Cohen admitting that Trump knew about the meeting at Trump tower ahead of time.

And Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC email hack within the Trump campaign.

You can ignore all this if you wish. But Mueller won't. And isn't.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Numerous snowflakes have said we should trust Mueller because he's a war hero.

Mueller should have stood court-martial for leading his platoon into an ambush the ticket-punching asshole was warned about.
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.

I followed your link to a crap blog site where there's NO information about the author and owners of the site. None.
According to, it's traffic is generated from ads on Facebook.
The blogger is probably a Russian bot, you fucking idiot.
IRS scandals..........Mueller can't even tell him who was in charge of the investigation of IRS targeting
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.
Neonnettle? Theybhabe two full pages of archives on Snopes just for 2018.

This is fake news.
That is why we need a special counsel because "the accusations are so serious".

Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.

Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

And Trump lied to cover up the meeting, laughably claiming that the meeting was about 'adoption'. Trump also compelled others to lie, personally dictating the 'adoption' lies for Don Jr's public statement on the meeting.

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

And Cohen has admitted that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and the Russian Operative before it happened.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

And you pretend that none of it happened, denying everything. Even Trump's own tweets and Don Jr's own emails.

Good luck with that.

Meeting with someone to get dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal, regardless of the nationality.

Its not the nationality that's the concern. Its that this woman was an admitted Russian Operative. With the information, per Don Jr's own email, was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian Government's efforts to aid Trump.

The same Russian Government that was attacking the United States with an influence operation to again, aid Trump.

With Trump's own son caught setting up yet another secret meeting, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

WIth Trump lying repeatedly to try and cover up his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie about his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting where Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative.

And now with Cohen admitting that Trump knew about the meeting at Trump tower ahead of time.

And Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC email hack within the Trump campaign.

You can ignore all this if you wish. But Mueller won't. And isn't.

Ride or die, huh?

Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

It can’t possibly be that HIllary just lost.

The DNC got the Dossier from a former British intelligence agent who got information from Russian operatives. Why isn’t this colluding with a foreign power to get dirt on Trump?
Jim Jordan went hard after the DOJ and FBI.........Hillary.........Tough questions.......


Powerful House Republican Implicated in College Sex-Abuse Scandal

The swamp unleashed a smear campaign on Jordan Tuesday morning, accusing him of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach.

The law firm handling this case is none other than Perkins Coie; the same law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign and paid for the fake Russia dossier.
Idiots don’t know WHY Bob Mueller was picked for this awesome job and was supported by the entire congress.
Hint: it has nothing to do with him being a marine.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was selected by the Deep State to lead the coup because he is 100% compromised, corrupt to the core. He took money from the Russians in the Uranium One deal and has a LONG history of selling the FSB as a service.

Torquemada is corrupt but maintained a thin veneer of respectability. Torquemada is an insider of the corrupt fucks who run the nation, the shadow government of unelected crooks and creeps like Mewler-Torquemada and Comey. The deep state made him their champion to do war against we the people.
"There’s not a more respected man in the country than Bob Mueller."

What? Are you buddies now? Bob?
Reporting facts obviously confuses you.
Go ahead, I dare you to name another American with the creds and respect Bob Mueller has.
Prove the 'propaganda' thread WRONG!

When you resort to insults, you've already lost the debate.

The president beats his wife.

Prove it wrong.
And it would be CNN And MSNBC which conveniently fail to fully disclose that it's at Golf that he beats his wife playing a full course and thus you demonize an innocent man while using it as an excuse to sabotage nation and foreign affairs. Prove that wrong.

Oh well...apparently for some, there is no need to be accurate and no motivation for the board to police it's content so we should just make ridiculous allegations left and right and hope it sticks....

Wasn't it better when we, the users of the message board, were responsible enough to not post crap you know is inaccurate as the OP just did?
IF you resort to ad hominens and personal attacks instead of refuting the subject then you are validating the other persons commentary. The whole idea of intellectual honest discussion is to openly discuss facts and share resources, proof, knowledge, subjective opinions and deductions, in order to come to rational conclusions or admissions.
YOU do not know how to be intellectually honest, your party admits nothing and constantly uses tactical warfare that includes cheating, abuses of power, mobster like strong arming and racketeering, threats, ruining careers with the very thing you are arguing against making up stuff. Furthermore to discuss that here when the MSM is most guilty of your complaint and the many sock puppet accts here do the same is amazingly hypocritical. Even the people in question do what you complain about therefore how can they be protected by common decency when they themselves don't practice it?
IF someone is doing wrong then you'd be able to out it by refutation not cussing and acting like 5 year olds. If you can't intellectually refute it then your the one who has the problem resorting to smoke screens and even censorship of free discussion no matter how far off you think it might be.
When I first discussed spygate, and the reasoning behind it and Trump blasted the spying you all made ad hominem attacks against me and MSM and you guys blasted Trump as nuts and conspiracy freaks, but then we were both proven right and no apology followed, just more excuses for your censoring speach that was right all along.
GALILEO was far out there to the Main Stream
but proven right all along. Giordano Bruno was burnt on a stake for being right all along.
YOU ARE CENSORING dedicated people & brilliant minds through what you believe subjectively and with affiliation bias as far fetched, because you don't have the talent or free will nor intellect nor connections, nor honest news sources
to notice things you've been kept from by those controlling what you perceive and think thus your narrative is theirs and not your own=you thus are a slave, pied piper to their agenda.

Says the poor, hapless soul that insisted that Obama's visitor records were sealed....despite them being publicly available. And then followed up with claims that if you downloaded the visitor records....that Obama could spy on you.

You've made your own bed, Ha.
Skylar goof: "being publicly available"

Except for you right? Because you've yet to answer the visitor log questions as to number of times Obama had The Russian and what did it pertain. *playing the Jeapordy theme song for skylars anticipated answer before the next century.*

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