Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Tax frauds being brought to justice is usually a good thing.

Unless they are Tim Geitner.

He is above the law - a perq of being a high ranking Communist.

Why Trump ass kissers object is anyone’s guess.

You sure the fuck objected to Hillary being held for her proven crimes, You sure the fuck objected to Lois Lerner going to prison, though proven to have violated countless felony statutes. You objected to Holder going to prison, though PROVEN to have engaged in perjury.

You're just a fucking hack.
So, Canadians aren't allowed to have opinions?

Free speech only extends to US citizens?

Does the government of Canada guarantee or even tolerate free speech?


Canada is a closed society where speech is heavily regulated by an increasingly ham handed leftist government.
my answer is i don't play these games where you
Nobody could say "Aha!!" if you don't give them reason to do so. Take some responsibility for yourself, you are a grown man.

I'll put you down for,"too big a sissy to answer the question."

Do any of you other trump cultists have the stones to answer the simple question?
so now i'm not taking responsibility for myself.

got it.

i'll put you down as a "leading the witness dickhead" and we can go WHEEE at each other. now you're being a penis with the whole trump cultist shit cause you're being binary - with you or against you - and if against you; fair game for your bullshit and they MUST WORSHIP TRUMP; even though in reality that's far from the case.

so since that is simply a major signal for a closed mind, i'll go back to ignoring you.

have a day.
my answer is i don't play these games where you
Nobody could say "Aha!!" if you don't give them reason to do so. Take some responsibility for yourself, you are a grown man.

I'll put you down for,"too big a sissy to answer the question."

Do any of you other trump cultists have the stones to answer the simple question?

Does referring to anyone who supports Donald Trump as a "cultist" somehow make you feel superior, Fort? It's the same kind of snarky comment that got Hillary Clinton into trouble when she referred to those who she couldn't convince to vote for her as a "basket full of deplorables".

I support Trump's agenda because I think it's been good for the country. PERIOD! The economy is doing great. Unemployment is at record lows. He's cut stupid regulations. He's cut taxes. He's working to secure the border. He's working on getting a coherent and common sense immigration system in place. He's revisiting trade deals that were made by previous administrations and weren't advantageous for US businesses and workers. He's showing support for our greatest ally in the Middle East. He's putting pressure on the Palestinians to change their support of terrorists if they want our money to prop themselves up. He's working with Russia to try and calm things down in both Syria and places like the Ukraine while maintaining sanctions on Russia to curb their bad behavior. He's gotten rid of the agreement Obama signed with Iran that essentially looked the other way while they finished building nukes. He's working to bring North Korea into normal relations with both South Korea and other nations.
he can't handle the fact that opposing views can also be educated as well, so demean the person, feel better about yourself.

jr high level really. i just walked away and went back to captain kangaroo for more intelligent conversation.

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