Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Now it’s his own DOJ that seems to be the most lethal threat. I guess when you head a crime syndicate like the blob does; that comes with the territory.
Does using the fake news term 'Trump Crime Syndicate' ease your pain from knowing Mueller has no evidence of any crime involving Trump and that all the actual evidence in this whole investigation has exposed the crimes the Democrats have committed? :p
Now it’s his own DOJ that seems to be the most lethal threat. I guess when you head a crime syndicate like the blob does; that comes with the territory.
Does using the fake news term 'Trump Crime Syndicate' ease your pain from knowing Mueller has no evidence of any crime involving Trump and that all the actual evidence in this whole investigation has exposed the crimes the Democrats have committed? :p
Dejas vous! Why does that sound familiar....oh yes...the Clinton crime syndicate you guys are always tossing in. But that is fake news too right?
the IG report showed nothing of what you are claiming.
BS! I posted the links numerous times for even bigger idiots than you.

The US IG recommended Deputy Director of the FBI McCabe be INICTED for crimes, recommended that Strzok be investigated, hammered the FBI for breaking procedures and protocol by not putting Hillary under oath during her interview and not recording the interview, for deceiving the FISA Courts by not telling them the truth about the Trump Dossier and by using Oher as a back-door to Steels, etc....

I just love the way you snowflakes cherry-pick the info in reports that you like and develop amnesia about all of the information that is damning to Democrats....
Dejas vous! Why does that sound familiar....oh yes...the Clinton crime syndicate you guys are always tossing in. But that is fake news too right?
'You guys'? Throwing up BS like this is a white a smokescreen thrown out to try to recover when you're getting your asses kicked...
Now it’s his own DOJ that seems to be the most lethal threat. I guess when you head a crime syndicate like the blob does; that comes with the territory.
Does using the fake news term 'Trump Crime Syndicate' ease your pain from knowing Mueller has no evidence of any crime involving Trump and that all the actual evidence in this whole investigation has exposed the crimes the Democrats have committed? :p
Dejas vous! Why does that sound familiar....oh yes...the Clinton crime syndicate you guys are always tossing in. But that is fake news too right?

Leftard says what?
Dejas vous! Why does that sound familiar....oh yes...the Clinton crime syndicate you guys are always tossing in. But that is fake news too right?
'You guys'? Throwing up BS like this is a white a smokescreen thrown out to try to recover when you're getting your asses kicked...

It's Coyote... not the brightest bulb in the box.
The "court of public opinion" is about as valid as a twelve inch dildo.
Then whine to the president, ya crybaby.

Eat a bag of dicks ya puss.
My, you certainly are an angry little crybaby. Though, I do understand why you Trump cultists are in a bad mood right now.

Still munching on that bag of dicks you Indiana wuss?
I think your depth of thought provides insight into how such an abnomal presidency came to be in the first place. Carry on, at my permission.
The "court of public opinion" is about as valid as a twelve inch dildo.
Then whine to the president, ya crybaby.

Eat a bag of dicks ya puss.
My, you certainly are an angry little crybaby. Though, I do understand why you Trump cultists are in a bad mood right now.

Still munching on that bag of dicks you Indiana wuss?
I think your depth of thought provides insight into how such an abnomal presidency came to be in the first place. Carry on, at my permission.

Munch away Indian guy.
You tell me.
No. I am asking you what sort of evidence would convince you.

So...what sort? Your last answer wasn't an asnwer, but merely reiteration of your position.
my answer is i don't play these games where you herd me into a corner and then go AH HA!!!

i also asked you what else was there other than a bullshit meeting with a lawyer obama had to let into the country to begin with. you refused to answer that and have a conversation cause you busy steering me to where ever you felt we needed to go. so tell me - what evidence do we have that trump colluded cause i have not really seen any yet.
And for some strange reason, you can’t bring yourself to admit that it is good thing that Mueller’s investigation uncovered a tax cheat.
Mueller was not appointed Special Counsel to investigate PEOPLE, specifically Trump's team...and Trump's team ONLY. He was appointed to investigate US illegal collusion with the Russians in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.....

To that end, Mueller's investigation has been a success - he found the criminals and the evidence.

Evidence shows Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a fake document. a fake document she and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI all knowingly, illegally presented falsely as Legitimate Intel to illegally warrants and to deceive Congress into agreeing to appoint their already hand-picked Political Assassin who has already helped Obama in 2014 to hide Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to obtain Uranium One went through.

The problem is Mueller, being 'OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S BOY, has refused to look at any of the EXISTING evidence of REAL crimes because the only REAL existing evidence reveals crime committed by DEMOCRATS - he co-conspirators.

Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russian Interference but interestingly enough refuses to investigate WHEN it started - 2014 - or the President evidence shows knew about it, did nothing about it, and instead let it happen for 2 years...while insisting there was NO WAY anyone could hack our election ... until Trump won.

Yes, Mueller won't investigate 2014 when it 1st began or interview Obama, the President who let it happen, but he dug into Manafort's past - more than a decade ago - to find a crime he, John Podesta, and Tony Podesta which point he quickly gave Hillary's campaign manger and his brother immunity and indicted Manafort.

Seeing as how the crime had nothing to do with why he was appointed Special Counsel he SHOULD have handed the case over to the DOJ for them to prosecute and then get back to work investigating what he was appointed to investigate....while being a good steward of the American people's money. Instead, he and his team personally tried a case having nothing to do with what they were getting paid to do.

And with all of this evidence...and absolutely NONE involving the President to support false accusations of illegal collusion on his behalf...we still have willing 'Gruber' idiots still parroting the lies and false accusations of your liberal 'masters'.

Good Dog.
This is your candidate - we say so. Speak.
- Woof.
Good dog.
This is our enemy. Attack.
Good dog.

You are a well trained mutt....
Best explanation I've seen yet.
I am sure you have evidence for this claim?
Oh great, another snowflake who wants to play the 'Stupid' game.....

I am sure I do, too. I have repeatedly posted the same links, evidence, references to the US IG report, etc over and over again. And every time snowflakes hear the facts brought up again they demand the same links be re-posted.

Feel free to look up all the links in my previous posts or look up the info on Google...or you can do what the other idiots who want to play the 'Stupid' game do when I won't play with them.....falsely declare that if the info isn't re-posted for the 'double-digit'ths time then it must not be true.


No wonder snowflakes have to be told what to say by their handlers - they have the short attention span of a gold fish, can't remember shit and have to be told what to feel, what to think, and what to say.....
They just ignore it.
Gee, that meeting on the tarmac between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton shortly before the decision was made on whether to charge Hillary was completely "innocent"....right, Candy? They didn't discuss the FBI report! Oh, no...they discussed their GRANDCHILDREN!!!

Tell you ever get embarrassed with the naive nonsense you post here?

Court. Guilty pleas. Convictions. :banana::banana::banana::banana:


Your opinions and "outrage" :206::206::206::206:

If there were crimes being committed, they would be persecuted. Your blob hires felons and they got caught. Sorry. :21::21::21::21:

It's prosecuted...not persecuted, Candy! Am I outraged Clinton wasn't charged with crimes? Yes I am. The real question here is why you’re NOT outraged?
Because the authorities whom I have faith in decided there wasn’t anything to prosecute.

The laws that Hillary Clinton violated were put in place in large part because of Richard Nixon's behavior during the Watergate scandal. Both Republicans and Democrats decided that the Executive Branch needed to be more transparent in how they conducted themselves. Barack Obama promised before he was elected that HIS administration would be the most transparent in history...a promise that he then broke over and over and over again!

Persecuted is a Freudian slip of a word choice on your part, Candy because that’s what's happening to Trump associates right now.
Now you’re just being stupid.

They being persecuted for aligning themselves with Trump.
No. They are being prosecuted because they are guilty of committing crimes.

The judge in the Manafort trial was 100% correct when he observed that the prosecution in that case didn't care about Manafort in the slightest and that their goal all along was to get something...ANYTHING...on Trump no matter how many people they had to persecute to do so!

Somehow the Jury found the prosecuting team to be really convincing and found Trump’s boy guilty.

And for some strange reason, you can’t bring yourself to admit that it is good thing that Mueller’s investigation uncovered a tax cheat. have "faith" in Loretta Lynch and James Comey? Why is that, Candy? Because they gave Hillary the result she was looking exoneration written before she was even brought in to testify? Testimony that they let her make while not under oath? Lynch is meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona days before the FBI report on Hillary is due to come out...Comey is leaking information about ongoing investigations to the media through one of his friends...but you have "faith" in them?

You embarrass yourself defending people like Lynch and Comey.
There were two Federal Court Orders to preserve all emails on that server. She violated both of them and with James Comey's permission.

You guys have been accusing her of murder for 20+ years…nothing ever came of it.
You guys have been accusing her of tax fraud….nothing ever came of it.
Now it’s e-mails….nothing ever will come of it.

So either HRC is a master criminal or you guys are just morons. I’m guessing you guys are just morons.

Simple question, Candy...

Did Hillary Clinton hide the fact that she had two private servers in her home that she was running the State Department through from Congress?

If you agree with James Comey's belief that she was too ignorant to understand that what she was doing was illegal? Some "master criminal"! She's either guilty of crimes...or too stupid to grasp that she was breaking the law! And you on the left wonder why people wouldn't vote for her?

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