Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Why do you love corruption?
I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Do you think it makes you clever?
Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.
You know why Obama never hired a thief?
He’s never hired anyone.


He hired about 1800 people to work in the white house.

None of them are awiting sentencing, in prison, etc...

Compare that to Trump who surrounded himself with felons.
Obama was held in Contempt of Court twice.

Obama was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC twice.

Eric Holder became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured.

IRS Chief Koskinen was Censured for Perjury.

Obama set a new record for most criminal non-compliance with the FOIA.

Obama and his administration aided terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, violent illegal gangs, violent illegals, and enemies of this country ... And you are still a shameless liar.

None of that is was or ever will be remotely comparable to the multple felons Trump has chosen to surround himself with. And there is likely more on the way. Stay tuned.
It's fun watching you try to spin....
None of that is was or ever will be remotely comparable to the multple felons Trump has chosen to surround himself with.



His US AG committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to cover up President Obama's gun-running program that handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels that ended up killing Americans, resulting in US AG Holder being Censured for his crimes, making him the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be NOT as bad as a decade+ old tax evasion and money laundering crime that had no impact on the nation and did not cost American lives like Holder's and Obama's gun-running crime did?!

The President of the United States violating a Judge's court ruling and going ahead and doing what he wanted to do despite what the Judge NOT as bad as 'Scooter Libby' crime indictments / charges designed to treasonously hurt the President?

The President of the United States, a self-professed Constitutional Expert, knowingly violating the US Constitution and being found in violation of the Constitution for attempting to act like a RULER instead of a NOT as bad as several indictments and crimes filed as revenge for Trump winning the Presidency by beating Hillary Clinton?

The President and his administration victimizing the American people by illegally spying on them, illegally spying on the US Senate, illegally spying on the USSC, by stripping Americans of their Constitutional Right to Due Process and instead murdering them in drone strikes, by using a weaponized IRS to target and attack Americans who legally opposed his NOT as bad as Manafort being sentenced for a crime that traitor Mueller protected Hillary's campaign manager from (The Podestas were Manafort's partners and were just as guilty...but Mueller gave them immunity because he was just going after Trump)?!

Corn, girl...honey.....THIS is why no one takes you seriously and why you should REALLY go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk.


None of that is was or ever will be remotely comparable to the multple felons Trump has chosen to surround himself with.



His US AG committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to cover up President Obama's gun-running program that handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels that ended up killing Americans, resulting in US AG Holder being Censured for his crimes, making him the 1st US Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be NOT as bad as a decade+ old tax evasion and money laundering crime that had no impact on the nation and did not cost American lives like Holder's and Obama's gun-running crime did?!

The President of the United States violating a Judge's court ruling and going ahead and doing what he wanted to do despite what the Judge NOT as bad as 'Scooter Libby' crime indictments / charges designed to treasonously hurt the President?

The President of the United States, a self-professed Constitutional Expert, knowingly violating the US Constitution and being found in violation of the Constitution for attempting to act like a RULER instead of a NOT as bad as several indictments and crimes filed as revenge for Trump winning the Presidency by beating Hillary Clinton?

The President and his administration victimizing the American people by illegally spying on them, illegally spying on the US Senate, illegally spying on the USSC, by stripping Americans of their Constitutional Right to Due Process and instead murdering them in drone strikes, by using a weaponized IRS to target and attack Americans who legally opposed his NOT as bad as Manafort being sentenced for a crime that traitor Mueller protected Hillary's campaign manager from (The Podestas were Manafort's partners and were just as guilty...but Mueller gave them immunity because he was just going after Trump)?!

Corn, girl...honey.....THIS is why no one takes you seriously and why you should REALLY go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk.



You began you spin campaign when? Last week.

It's Monday and your desperate attempts to somehow equate whatever it is you wrote--I didn't read it but I'm sure it's undoubtedly moronic--with Trump's Family of Felons is still absolutely hilarious.

More please. :pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly::pinkygirly:
I didn't read....

Of course you didn't read it - you have to be able to READ to do so.

The fact that you claim the former President committing treason, aiding and abetting our enemies / terrorists, paying ransoms to terrorists for American hostages, illegally spying on American citizens / the US Senate / USSSC Justices, and running the most criminal administration in US history is 'not as bad' as a US citizen being indicted and convicted of a decade+ old tax evasion charge proves how partisanly infantile and insane you are.

Again, this is why no one takes you seriously and finds it so easy to ignore you.
Comey and Mueller also participated in the Russian Bribery Ring and kept their trap zipped to allow Russia to bribe their way towards a Uranium One Deal Approval. Key approvers were Clinton, McCain and Holder. All got paid, while Comey and Mueller got kick backs.
Comey and Mueller also participated in the Russian Bribery Ring and kept their trap zipped to allow Russia to bribe their way towards a Uranium One Deal Approval. Key approvers were Clinton, McCain and Holder. All got paid, while Comey and Mueller got kick backs.
Bribery (also known as 'Influence Peddling' by the Clintons), intimidation, extortion...Obama, Mueller, Holder, and Hillary - at least - knew about it all and hid it until the sale went through.


The same Russian who 'donated' over $100 million to Hillary's personal charity slush fund - the Clinton Foundation' - led the KGB Bank's efforts several years later to purchase uranium one.

Sitting across the table from the man who gave her over $100 million had no impact on her, though, in deciding to allow the Russians - who were engaged in all of these crimes in an attempt to get their hands on Uranium One and 20% of the US' Uranium - to be able to buy the company and get the uranium.

This bitch was / is a traitor, abandoned Americans to needlessly die, who sold out her country, and cheated and broke laws in a failed attempt to win the DNC 2016 Presidential nomination but was still GIVEN the nomination despite the fact that evidence shows she should be in jail......

....and Liberals / Democrats / snowflakes have been helping split this country apart for the last 2 years PLUS over this POS!


Just like with Jonathon Gruber - snowflakes continue to be like Lemmings, going right over the cliff for their 'masters' even when their 'masters' publicly call them stupid....the snowflakes continue to be lemmings, going right over the cliff for Hillary, despite the fact that she attacked 'stupid voters', 'easily manipulated women', threw anyone and everyone under the proverbial bus - even blaming her own party and the Democrats and President who kept her criminal ass out of jail so she would have a shot at winning.

Comey and Mueller also participated in the Russian Bribery Ring and kept their trap zipped to allow Russia to bribe their way towards a Uranium One Deal Approval. Key approvers were Clinton, McCain and Holder. All got paid, while Comey and Mueller got kick backs.
Bribery (also known as 'Influence Peddling' by the Clintons), intimidation, extortion...Obama, Mueller, Holder, and Hillary - at least - knew about it all and hid it until the sale went through.


The same Russian who 'donated' over $100 million to Hillary's personal charity slush fund - the Clinton Foundation' - led the KGB Bank's efforts several years later to purchase uranium one.

Sitting across the table from the man who gave her over $100 million had no impact on her, though, in deciding to allow the Russians - who were engaged in all of these crimes in an attempt to get their hands on Uranium One and 20% of the US' Uranium - to be able to buy the company and get the uranium.


And don't forget Obama's $64 Million Dollars given to him by a Russian owned publishing company as an advance on a book he never wrote over two years ago!
Obama presided over the most corrupt administration in American history. From using the IRS to harass political enemies, to selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, to using the corrupt DOJ to engage in black mailing banks to not do business with enemies of the party, to funding and supporting ISIS, to assisting Al Qaeda in conquering half of the middle east, to rigging the 2016 presidential election, fucking crook Obama is by far the most corrupt person to infect the presidency of this nation.

No criminal convictions. Not any court cases from what I recall. He had his scandals; the most scandalous thing of all was his "I read about it in the papers" forgot the Secret Service scandal by the way.

As for're full of have zero objective criteria (again, no convictions). That you say that and still support this pervert in the white house who has surrounded himself with admitted and convicted felons is laughable.

I'm amused that you think no criminal convictions means that the Obama Administration wasn't corrupt, Candy! It actually highlights just how corrupt they WERE!
So the absence of corruption is the proof of corruption.. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were two rubber stamp Attorney Generals who had only one job and that was protecting Barack Obama and Democrats! It's why Hillary Clinton was "exonerated" before she was even investigated!

The absence of any real investigations into corruption is the proof of corruption! Care to take a shot at explaining how Hillary Clinton was already "exonerated" before she was even investigated, Candy?

So you're saying she wasn't investigated? I seems to recall her sitting before Congress twice. The Blob won't even sit and talk to Mueller.
You're simply incorrect.[/QUOTE]

Oh you DO recall that? Do you happen to recall her stating under oath that she'd turned over all emails relevant to Benghazi? When she still hiding tens of thousands of just such emails on her two private servers located in her home? Do you also recall that she subsequently erased those emails?

So tell me, Candy...why wasn't Hillary Clinton charged with lying under oath to Congress and with obstruction of justice for the destruction of evidence?
Gee, that meeting on the tarmac between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton shortly before the decision was made on whether to charge Hillary was completely "innocent"....right, Candy? They didn't discuss the FBI report! Oh, no...they discussed their GRANDCHILDREN!!!

Tell you ever get embarrassed with the naive nonsense you post here?

Court. Guilty pleas. Convictions. :banana::banana::banana::banana:


Your opinions and "outrage" :206::206::206::206:

If there were crimes being committed, they would be persecuted. Your blob hires felons and they got caught. Sorry. :21::21::21::21:

It's prosecuted...not persecuted, Candy! Am I outraged Clinton wasn't charged with crimes? Yes I am. The real question here is why you're NOT outraged? The laws that Hillary Clinton violated were put in place in large part because of Richard Nixon's behavior during the Watergate scandal. Both Republicans and Democrats decided that the Executive Branch needed to be more transparent in how they conducted themselves. Barack Obama promised before he was elected that HIS administration would be the most transparent in history...a promise that he then broke over and over and over again!

Persecuted is a Freudian slip of a word choice on your part, Candy because that's what's happening to Trump associates right now. They being persecuted for aligning themselves with Trump. The judge in the Manafort trial was 100% correct when he observed that the prosecution in that case didn't care about Manafort in the slightest and that their goal all along was to get something...ANYTHING...on Trump no matter how many people they had to persecute to do so!
Gee, that meeting on the tarmac between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton shortly before the decision was made on whether to charge Hillary was completely "innocent"....right, Candy? They didn't discuss the FBI report! Oh, no...they discussed their GRANDCHILDREN!!!

Tell you ever get embarrassed with the naive nonsense you post here?

Court. Guilty pleas. Convictions. :banana::banana::banana::banana:


Your opinions and "outrage" :206::206::206::206:

If there were crimes being committed, they would be persecuted. Your blob hires felons and they got caught. Sorry. :21::21::21::21:

It's prosecuted...not persecuted, Candy! Am I outraged Clinton wasn't charged with crimes? Yes I am. The real question here is why you’re NOT outraged?
Because the authorities whom I have faith in decided there wasn’t anything to prosecute.

The laws that Hillary Clinton violated were put in place in large part because of Richard Nixon's behavior during the Watergate scandal. Both Republicans and Democrats decided that the Executive Branch needed to be more transparent in how they conducted themselves. Barack Obama promised before he was elected that HIS administration would be the most transparent in history...a promise that he then broke over and over and over again!

Persecuted is a Freudian slip of a word choice on your part, Candy because that’s what's happening to Trump associates right now.
Now you’re just being stupid.

They being persecuted for aligning themselves with Trump.
No. They are being prosecuted because they are guilty of committing crimes.

The judge in the Manafort trial was 100% correct when he observed that the prosecution in that case didn't care about Manafort in the slightest and that their goal all along was to get something...ANYTHING...on Trump no matter how many people they had to persecute to do so!

Somehow the Jury found the prosecuting team to be really convincing and found Trump’s boy guilty.

And for some strange reason, you can’t bring yourself to admit that it is good thing that Mueller’s investigation uncovered a tax cheat.
And for some strange reason, you can’t bring yourself to admit that it is good thing that Mueller’s investigation uncovered a tax cheat.
Mueller was not appointed Special Counsel to investigate PEOPLE, specifically Trump's team...and Trump's team ONLY. He was appointed to investigate US illegal collusion with the Russians in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.....

To that end, Mueller's investigation has been a success - he found the criminals and the evidence.

Evidence shows Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a fake document. a fake document she and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI all knowingly, illegally presented falsely as Legitimate Intel to illegally warrants and to deceive Congress into agreeing to appoint their already hand-picked Political Assassin who has already helped Obama in 2014 to hide Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to obtain Uranium One went through.

The problem is Mueller, being 'OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S BOY, has refused to look at any of the EXISTING evidence of REAL crimes because the only REAL existing evidence reveals crime committed by DEMOCRATS - he co-conspirators.

Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russian Interference but interestingly enough refuses to investigate WHEN it started - 2014 - or the President evidence shows knew about it, did nothing about it, and instead let it happen for 2 years...while insisting there was NO WAY anyone could hack our election ... until Trump won.

Yes, Mueller won't investigate 2014 when it 1st began or interview Obama, the President who let it happen, but he dug into Manafort's past - more than a decade ago - to find a crime he, John Podesta, and Tony Podesta which point he quickly gave Hillary's campaign manger and his brother immunity and indicted Manafort.

Seeing as how the crime had nothing to do with why he was appointed Special Counsel he SHOULD have handed the case over to the DOJ for them to prosecute and then get back to work investigating what he was appointed to investigate....while being a good steward of the American people's money. Instead, he and his team personally tried a case having nothing to do with what they were getting paid to do.

And with all of this evidence...and absolutely NONE involving the President to support false accusations of illegal collusion on his behalf...we still have willing 'Gruber' idiots still parroting the lies and false accusations of your liberal 'masters'.

Good Dog.
This is your candidate - we say so. Speak.
- Woof.
Good dog.
This is our enemy. Attack.
Good dog.

You are a well trained mutt....
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.

Do they? I've not seen one person saying they're heroes.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Numerous snowflakes have said we should trust Mueller because he's a war hero.
Numerous like how many? 10? 20? Out of 300m? I hear people saying let him do the job without obstructing. Otherwise the job cant be done no matter who's driving.
No criminal convictions. Not any court cases from what I recall. He had his scandals; the most scandalous thing of all was his "I read about it in the papers" forgot the Secret Service scandal by the way.

As for're full of have zero objective criteria (again, no convictions). That you say that and still support this pervert in the white house who has surrounded himself with admitted and convicted felons is laughable.

I'm amused that you think no criminal convictions means that the Obama Administration wasn't corrupt, Candy! It actually highlights just how corrupt they WERE!
So the absence of corruption is the proof of corruption.. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were two rubber stamp Attorney Generals who had only one job and that was protecting Barack Obama and Democrats! It's why Hillary Clinton was "exonerated" before she was even investigated!

The absence of any real investigations into corruption is the proof of corruption! Care to take a shot at explaining how Hillary Clinton was already "exonerated" before she was even investigated, Candy?

So you're saying she wasn't investigated? I seems to recall her sitting before Congress twice. The Blob won't even sit and talk to Mueller.
You're simply incorrect.

Oh you DO recall that? Do you happen to recall her stating under oath that she'd turned over all emails relevant to Benghazi? When she still hiding tens of thousands of just such emails on her two private servers located in her home? Do you also recall that she subsequently erased those emails?

So tell me, Candy...why wasn't Hillary Clinton charged with lying under oath to Congress and with obstruction of justice for the destruction of evidence?[/QUOTE]

There were two Federal Court Orders to preserve all emails on that server. She violated both of them and with James Comey's permission.
And for some strange reason, you can’t bring yourself to admit that it is good thing that Mueller’s investigation uncovered a tax cheat.
Mueller was not appointed Special Counsel to investigate PEOPLE, specifically Trump's team...and Trump's team ONLY. He was appointed to investigate US illegal collusion with the Russians in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.....

To that end, Mueller's investigation has been a success - he found the criminals and the evidence.

Evidence shows Hillary Clinton colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a fake document. a fake document she and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI all knowingly, illegally presented falsely as Legitimate Intel to illegally warrants and to deceive Congress into agreeing to appoint their already hand-picked Political Assassin who has already helped Obama in 2014 to hide Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to obtain Uranium One went through.

The problem is Mueller, being 'OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S BOY, has refused to look at any of the EXISTING evidence of REAL crimes because the only REAL existing evidence reveals crime committed by DEMOCRATS - he co-conspirators.

Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russian Interference but interestingly enough refuses to investigate WHEN it started - 2014 - or the President evidence shows knew about it, did nothing about it, and instead let it happen for 2 years...while insisting there was NO WAY anyone could hack our election ... until Trump won.

Yes, Mueller won't investigate 2014 when it 1st began or interview Obama, the President who let it happen, but he dug into Manafort's past - more than a decade ago - to find a crime he, John Podesta, and Tony Podesta which point he quickly gave Hillary's campaign manger and his brother immunity and indicted Manafort.

Seeing as how the crime had nothing to do with why he was appointed Special Counsel he SHOULD have handed the case over to the DOJ for them to prosecute and then get back to work investigating what he was appointed to investigate....while being a good steward of the American people's money. Instead, he and his team personally tried a case having nothing to do with what they were getting paid to do.

And with all of this evidence...and absolutely NONE involving the President to support false accusations of illegal collusion on his behalf...we still have willing 'Gruber' idiots still parroting the lies and false accusations of your liberal 'masters'.

Good Dog.
This is your candidate - we say so. Speak.
- Woof.
Good dog.
This is our enemy. Attack.
Good dog.

You are a well trained mutt....
Gosh almighty, you play DUMB and Dumber, quite well!

Mueller was hired to take over the FBI investigation in to the Russian government interference in to our election process, AND if any Trump Campaign people conspired with the Russian operatives to help the Russians accomplish their mission, wittingly.... AND any other crimes that may not be related, that they came across, during their investigation of the Russian interference.

The DNC/Clinton hired GPS to do opposition research on Candidate Trump.... they took over paying for the investigation that GPS was doing on opposition research that began with the Free Beacon as their clients.... and all finance roads on Trump, lead to Russia....

So GPS hired Steele, who was an expert investigator on Russia, to continue the investigation in to Trump and his Russian financial ties. No one from the Clinton campaign or DNC was working with the Russian government to continue their meddling in to our election that supported the Trump campaign and denigrated the Clinton campaign.

Steele's sources for information were not Russian government people trying to get Trump elected, and land Hillary with a loss.... Steele's sources did NOT steal the DNC, DCCC, and Clinton campaign emails and disburse them, on a politically timed and likely directed by a politico, basis....
There were two Federal Court Orders to preserve all emails on that server. She violated both of them and with James Comey's permission.

You guys have been accusing her of murder for 20+ years…nothing ever came of it.
You guys have been accusing her of tax fraud….nothing ever came of it.
Now it’s e-mails….nothing ever will come of it.

So either HRC is a master criminal or you guys are just morons. I’m guessing you guys are just morons.

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