Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.

Why do you love corruption? Do you think it makes you clever? You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?
It's a conspiracy!!! Of everyone in the world except your bought off GOP High School grad ex Coke head DJ's who will say anything LOL!
Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

I ask AGAIN, Candy...why is Mueller investigating Trump AND ONLY TRUMP if the stated goal was protecting our elections? Isn’t it quite obvious that this ISN'T about protecting our elections?
I ask again…do you know what Mueller is doing? All of the known evidence points to Trump’s crime syndicate being complicit with the Russian authorities.

If it WAS then wouldn’t a campaign that paid large sums of money to create a series of phony "dossiers" to smear it's opposition warrant an investigation?
I’m not sure that happened to start with. But even if it did, that doesn’t sound remotely criminal.

Wouldn’t a campaign that colluded with one of the major networks to "fix" one of the major Democratic debates warrant an investigation?
No. Not from this special counsel anyway.

When a police officer makes a traffic stop they need probable cause. If they made that stop not because they had probable cause but because they didn’t like the person driving the car and created a false excuse to make that traffic stop...then anything they discovered after that point would be thrown out of every court in this land!
Every intel agency we have under TRUMP says that the Russians meddled in our elections.
Trump’s campaign manager was at meetings with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact
Trump’s advisor Roger Stone has admitted ties to the hackers who hacked the DNC…fact
Trump’s son and son in law met with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact

The deputy AG—Trump’s deputy AG as well as his AG—though there was enough probable cause to create a special counsel.

That’s what's taken place with the Mueller investigation.

You've started an investigation into "collusion" based in large part on the phony dossiers that Hillary Clinton paid for as the false excuse to investigate and then used THAT as the means to punish anyone that you can who's connected with the Trump presidency! The Federal judge that's overseeing the case has made it quite clear that he has little doubt that this was always about attacking Trump's legitimate election and NOT about election crimes!

Okay…not sure what “case” you’re talking about.

Your turn to answer the questions in blue up there.
Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Why do you love corruption?
I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Do you think it makes you clever?
Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.
Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

I ask AGAIN, Candy...why is Mueller investigating Trump AND ONLY TRUMP if the stated goal was protecting our elections? Isn’t it quite obvious that this ISN'T about protecting our elections?
I ask again…do you know what Mueller is doing? All of the known evidence points to Trump’s crime syndicate being complicit with the Russian authorities.

If it WAS then wouldn’t a campaign that paid large sums of money to create a series of phony "dossiers" to smear it's opposition warrant an investigation?
I’m not sure that happened to start with. But even if it did, that doesn’t sound remotely criminal.

Wouldn’t a campaign that colluded with one of the major networks to "fix" one of the major Democratic debates warrant an investigation?
No. Not from this special counsel anyway.

When a police officer makes a traffic stop they need probable cause. If they made that stop not because they had probable cause but because they didn’t like the person driving the car and created a false excuse to make that traffic stop...then anything they discovered after that point would be thrown out of every court in this land!
Every intel agency we have under TRUMP says that the Russians meddled in our elections.
Trump’s campaign manager was at meetings with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact
Trump’s advisor Roger Stone has admitted ties to the hackers who hacked the DNC…fact
Trump’s son and son in law met with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact

The deputy AG—Trump’s deputy AG as well as his AG—though there was enough probable cause to create a special counsel.

That’s what's taken place with the Mueller investigation.

You've started an investigation into "collusion" based in large part on the phony dossiers that Hillary Clinton paid for as the false excuse to investigate and then used THAT as the means to punish anyone that you can who's connected with the Trump presidency! The Federal judge that's overseeing the case has made it quite clear that he has little doubt that this was always about attacking Trump's legitimate election and NOT about election crimes!

Okay…not sure what “case” you’re talking about.

Your turn to answer the questions in blue up there.

What evidence points to anyone in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia? I'm sorry, Candy but that evidence doesn't exist! Oh, sure the narrative that it does has been pushed hard by the main stream media and Democrats for the past year but it's a narrative based on nothing. Have people connected to Trump had interactions with people who are Russians? Yes they have. It would be virtually impossible for them not to. Have any of those interactions been shown to even remotely equal "collusion"? Not in the slightest and that is the reason the Mueller investigation has moved on to other things and did so quite some time ago.

As for your questions in blue? If every "tax cheat" in America were brought to justice there would literally be more people IN prison than OUT of prison! This isn't about a tax cheat being brought to justice...this is about using a charge of tax evasion to try and get someone connected to Trump to flip on him. I'm speaking about Judge Ellis in the Manafort trial who questioned the intent of the Mueller probe and stated that he felt the prosecution wasn't about Manafort at all but was aimed at Trump. Why am I not surprised that you know nothing about this!
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.

Do they? I've not seen one person saying they're heroes.
you don't get out much.

to a liberal, a hero is anyone anti-trump.

talk about fucking up the core meaning of words...liberals got that going on.
Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Why do you love corruption?
I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Do you think it makes you clever?
Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.
You know why Obama never hired a thief?
He’s never hired anyone.
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I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Obama presided over the most corrupt administration in American history. From using the IRS to harass political enemies, to selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, to using the corrupt DOJ to engage in black mailing banks to not do business with enemies of the party, to funding and supporting ISIS, to assisting Al Qaeda in conquering half of the middle east, to rigging the 2016 presidential election, fucking crook Obama is by far the most corrupt person to infect the presidency of this nation.

I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Oh, you mean like this, you lying fuck?

Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're nowhere near clever. You are a ham handed hack, a brazen liar with no sense of subtlety.

Dull witted and devoid of integrity.

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.


Spewing hatred is what you mindless fucks do, it's all you do. You don't even have the ability to think.

Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

I ask AGAIN, Candy...why is Mueller investigating Trump AND ONLY TRUMP if the stated goal was protecting our elections? Isn’t it quite obvious that this ISN'T about protecting our elections?
I ask again…do you know what Mueller is doing? All of the known evidence points to Trump’s crime syndicate being complicit with the Russian authorities.

If it WAS then wouldn’t a campaign that paid large sums of money to create a series of phony "dossiers" to smear it's opposition warrant an investigation?
I’m not sure that happened to start with. But even if it did, that doesn’t sound remotely criminal.

Wouldn’t a campaign that colluded with one of the major networks to "fix" one of the major Democratic debates warrant an investigation?
No. Not from this special counsel anyway.

When a police officer makes a traffic stop they need probable cause. If they made that stop not because they had probable cause but because they didn’t like the person driving the car and created a false excuse to make that traffic stop...then anything they discovered after that point would be thrown out of every court in this land!
Every intel agency we have under TRUMP says that the Russians meddled in our elections.
Trump’s campaign manager was at meetings with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact
Trump’s advisor Roger Stone has admitted ties to the hackers who hacked the DNC…fact
Trump’s son and son in law met with people who had ties to the Kremlin…fact

The deputy AG—Trump’s deputy AG as well as his AG—though there was enough probable cause to create a special counsel.

That’s what's taken place with the Mueller investigation.

You've started an investigation into "collusion" based in large part on the phony dossiers that Hillary Clinton paid for as the false excuse to investigate and then used THAT as the means to punish anyone that you can who's connected with the Trump presidency! The Federal judge that's overseeing the case has made it quite clear that he has little doubt that this was always about attacking Trump's legitimate election and NOT about election crimes!

Okay…not sure what “case” you’re talking about.

Your turn to answer the questions in blue up there.

What evidence points to anyone in the Trump campaign colluding with Russia? I'm sorry, Candy but that evidence doesn't exist! Oh, sure the narrative that it does has been pushed hard by the main stream media and Democrats for the past year but it's a narrative based on nothing. Have people connected to Trump had interactions with people who are Russians? Yes they have. It would be virtually impossible for them not to. Have any of those interactions been shown to even remotely equal "collusion"? Not in the slightest and that is the reason the Mueller investigation has moved on to other things and did so quite some time ago.

As for your questions in blue? If every "tax cheat" in America were brought to justice there would literally be more people IN prison than OUT of prison! This isn't about a tax cheat being brought to justice...this is about using a charge of tax evasion to try and get someone connected to Trump to flip on him. I'm speaking about Judge Ellis in the Manafort trial who questioned the intent of the Mueller probe and stated that he felt the prosecution wasn't about Manafort at all but was aimed at Trump. Why am I not surprised that you know nothing about this!

Well, the jury seemed to believe it was about Manafort....he was found guilty.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Obama presided over the most corrupt administration in American history. From using the IRS to harass political enemies, to selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, to using the corrupt DOJ to engage in black mailing banks to not do business with enemies of the party, to funding and supporting ISIS, to assisting Al Qaeda in conquering half of the middle east, to rigging the 2016 presidential election, fucking crook Obama is by far the most corrupt person to infect the presidency of this nation.

No criminal convictions. Not any court cases from what I recall. He had his scandals; the most scandalous thing of all was his "I read about it in the papers" forgot the Secret Service scandal by the way.

As for're full of have zero objective criteria (again, no convictions). That you say that and still support this pervert in the white house who has surrounded himself with admitted and convicted felons is laughable.
Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Why do you love corruption?
I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Do you think it makes you clever?
Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.
You know why Obama never hired a thief?
He’s never hired anyone.


He hired about 1800 people to work in the white house.

None of them are awiting sentencing, in prison, etc...

Compare that to Trump who surrounded himself with felons.
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.
And millions to each other. Let’s not forget that part.
Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.
I’m sure Obama does that his administration was so clean. That it drives you crazy is fun to watch.

Why do you love corruption?
I don’t. Trump seems to love it; he hires felons and is the world’s leading sleaze bag.

Do you think it makes you clever?
Other things make me clever. Saying Trump leads a crime syndicate and President Obama had a clean administration makes me informed and truthful. It makes you crazy that you have to spend all of your time defending the blob. Again, fun to watch but sort of sad.

You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?

Whatever loser…. Your blob is the one saluting commie generals and groveling to Putin.
You know why Obama never hired a thief?
He’s never hired anyone.


He hired about 1800 people to work in the white house.

None of them are awiting sentencing, in prison, etc...

Compare that to Trump who surrounded himself with felons.
None of them had Torquemada investigating everything they had ever done their entire lives. Neither Manafort nor Cohen were administration employees, and Flynn and Popadopolous appear to have done nothing illegal. Your attempt to equate the two administrations is a total FAIL.
and Flynn and Popadopolous appear to have done nothing illegal

Because you don't know what they did, because Mueller purchased that information for himself from them in return for their freedom. Mueller is not going to share this information with you.

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