Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper. As Secretary of State she is allowed to delete personal emails. You idiot dupes start off with her being a Crimina LOL! You're unbelievable twits.
To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!

They didn't, douchebag.

Are you calling Putin a liar, Fool?

What do you think he's going to say with Trump standing right next to him? Why do you believe Putin this time but not any other time?

You people are a special kind of stupid.

He also had the DNC and podesta emails hacked and her emails given to Wikipedia and then all the media d u h...

He did nothing of the sort. You're a deranged psychopath. Almost everything you believe is total bullshit.

Putin? 17 heads of government security agencies and every Congressman on intelligence committees have said Russians did the hacking. And of course every respected media around the world has reported it except fox and rush or whatever crap you listen to, Super Duper.
Last edited: "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...
Half the people working for Hillary were given immunity. Furthermore, they were allowed to serve as her counsel during her FBI interrogation.
The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper. As Secretary of State she is allowed to delete personal emails. You idiot dupes start off with her being a Crimina LOL! You're unbelievable twits.

Show me where being Secretary of State gives someone the authorization to destroy evidence in an ongoing Congressional investigation, Franco! Those were not "personal" emails because she was running the State Department through the two private servers that she had hidden in her home. Congress has oversight powers over the Executive Branch which is why Clinton hid her emails from them and then destroyed them when they were discovered. Lying to Congress is a criminal act. She lied to them REPEATEDLY! "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
Collusion is not important and I doubt collusion by Trump at least. Why bother? The Russians did a great job, won the election for him. They hacked the DNC and our stupid media enjoyed every phony scandal they could, supplied by your lying propaganda machine, super duper. All these email scandals are garbage.
Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper. As Secretary of State she is allowed to delete personal emails. You idiot dupes start off with her being a Crimina LOL! You're unbelievable twits.

Show me where being Secretary of State gives someone the authorization to destroy evidence in an ongoing Congressional investigation, Franco! Those were not "personal" emails because she was running the State Department through the two private servers that she had hidden in her home. Congress has oversight powers over the Executive Branch which is why Clinton hid her emails from them and then destroyed them when they were discovered. Lying to Congress is a criminal act. She lied to them REPEATEDLY!
Hillary could not give a damn about emails like most other upper government officials. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind like all the GOP supporters.
Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting - Judicial Watch
In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.

I've always despised McCain. The man is a scumbag. I hope his death is excruciatingly painful.

That is Bad Karma..........I can not agree.

That's the Karma McCain earned. I will make a trip to AZ just so I can piss on his grave.

You are a sick little doop. But I'm sure that is not hate LOL "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?
Actually he Obama had a hostile Congress for 7 and 3/4 years. About 40 days in session with 60 votes in the Senate. "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
That was where evidence LED them d u h. Something your hero propagandists have none of on any Democrats. "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...
Half the people working for Hillary were given immunity. Furthermore, they were allowed to serve as her counsel during her FBI interrogation.
And they still had nothing to say against Hillary, stupid. She knows she has to be a total Straight Arrow... The crap you believe.
Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper. As Secretary of State she is allowed to delete personal emails. You idiot dupes start off with her being a Crimina LOL! You're unbelievable twits.

Show me where being Secretary of State gives someone the authorization to destroy evidence in an ongoing Congressional investigation, Franco! Those were not "personal" emails because she was running the State Department through the two private servers that she had hidden in her home. Congress has oversight powers over the Executive Branch which is why Clinton hid her emails from them and then destroyed them when they were discovered. Lying to Congress is a criminal act. She lied to them REPEATEDLY!
All investigated and none of that is true except in dupe world. "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.
The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy! At this point it's become rather obvious that MULTIPLE foreign players had access to the DNC's servers because they had shockingly bad security! That isn't something that's the fault of Donald Trump. The DNC and Hillary Clinton were exposed for the sleazes that they are totally due to their own incompetence.

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!
Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.
Just like the child you are, you respond to facts by throwing a tantrum and calling me names. Again, even you know those indictments have nothing to do with any fake news illegal collusion with Russians or any crime involving Trump.

If you want to throw any more tantrums, do it back at the kids table....

Those were facts I responded with douche bag. You can't refute them so you start some nonsense about the kid's table.

I'll ask you a question and you won't answer but here it goes.

Aren't you happy that Captain Mueller was able to uncover Paul Manafort--Trump's one time campaign manager--and his felonies?

Get on your tap shoes's time for you to dance around answering.
Again, present the specific evidence of illegal collusion involving Trump found in the 3 indictments you spoke of...

And when you can't, as Rosenstein himself that none of them are tied to Trump, do us a favor & STFU....

Nice dance...I hope you stretched before hand. You're my bitch.
No predicted.

You lose.
Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy! At this point it's become rather obvious that MULTIPLE foreign players had access to the DNC's servers because they had shockingly bad security! That isn't something that's the fault of Donald Trump. The DNC and Hillary Clinton were exposed for the sleazes that they are totally due to their own incompetence.

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!
When a hostile superpower government interferes in an election, it probably is a good idea to investigate what happened.
Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?
They're not. The crimes were uncovered in the investigation. They were referred to the appropriate courts. I'm sorry but I really don't know why this is so hard for you guys to understand. Just the other day in South Texas a guy was caught with 25 pounds of meth. The cops found it after he was stopped for a traffic offense unrelated to the meth.

Are the cops/Mueller supposed to just say; "well, we were not looking for meth/tax fraud"; you're free to go?

Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.
The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.
No. It's focused on the Trump campaign because Rosenstein and Mueller hate Trump. It's as simple as that.
Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.
No. It's focused on the Trump campaign because Rosenstein and Mueller hate Trump. It's as simple as that.
It's a conspiracy!!!
The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

Nothing that you posted is even remotely a crime or comes close to being a crime. Meanwhile, hilary actually taking 145 million dollars through her charity for signing off on a deal giving Russia 20% of our uranium is no big deal to you....when she was the Secretary of State....

Mueller referred manafort and cohen to the state courts because Trump can't pardon them for state crimes..... that Russian operative at the meeting with Trump Jr.....has ties to Fusion GPS the company hired by hilary to get the steele dossier which obama then used to get the illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump.

Sessions saw the ambassador at a party, you twit.....there was no reason to recuse himself. Guccifer isn't how they got podestas emails....... he let them in by opening an email in a phishing scam. And if mueller was concerned about Russian interference, he would be looking at hilary's illegal servers and the top secret files on huma abedeins laptop which comey did not look at when he said they checked them all out.

There are dozens of members of congress who used tax money to pay off women while they were in office you twit. Trump did it as a private citizen from his own funds, which means it wasn't illegal....according to a Chair of the FEC....
Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?
They're not. The crimes were uncovered in the investigation. They were referred to the appropriate courts. I'm sorry but I really don't know why this is so hard for you guys to understand. Just the other day in South Texas a guy was caught with 25 pounds of meth. The cops found it after he was stopped for a traffic offense unrelated to the meth.

Are the cops/Mueller supposed to just say; "well, we were not looking for meth/tax fraud"; you're free to go?

Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

Trump said they went to the meeting to get dirt on hilary and all the Russians wanted to talk about was adopton, so Trump jr. left......get the story straight.

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