Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


They didn't, douchebag.

Are you calling Putin a liar, Fool?

What do you think he's going to say with Trump standing right next to him? Why do you believe Putin this time but not any other time?

You people are a special kind of stupid.
Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting - Judicial Watch
In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.

I've always despised McCain. The man is a scumbag. I hope his death is excruciatingly painful.

Wow. You're really awful. Glad I don't know you. It would take forever to get the stench off.

McCain is a scumbag, and anyone who admires him is also a scumbag. He was caught proposing the idea of using the government to persecute innocent people he disagrees with. Stalin would have been proud of him.

And yet you support Trump who goes after all who disagree with him? Intel Media etc etc

He doesn't use the power of the government to persecute them, you sleazy despicable moron. Furthermore, when did sleazy "journalists" become immune from criticism?
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Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.
Candy, sweety, go back to the kid's table - the adults are talking.

Not one of those indictments have anything to do with fake illegal collusion with Russians or anything to do with any crime involving the President.

Obama was found several times by Judges to be both in Contempt of Court and in violation of the Constitution. And its not hard keeping your criminal cabinet members out of jail when you are the President and you own the DOJ, NIA, CIA, FBI, etc...

Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.

The investigation in the multiple scandals of the Trump Crime Syndicate continue unabated...they've already got 5 of Trump's "best people"...there are probably more on the way... "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.
Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.
Just like the child you are, you respond to facts by throwing a tantrum and calling me names. Again, even you know those indictments have nothing to do with any fake news illegal collusion with Russians or any crime involving Trump.

If you want to throw any more tantrums, do it back at the kids table.... "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.
A lot of people aren't nearly as stupid as you. Which is why they understand that this so-called "investigation is a witch hunt. Two of those convictions are bogus. The others have nothing to do with Trump. It doesn't matter how many times your stupidity is pointed out to you, the same claims will be repeated ad nauseum. That's what stupid dishonest douchebags do when they have no facts to support their sleazy accusations. "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!
Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting - Judicial Watch
In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.

I've always despised McCain. The man is a scumbag. I hope his death is excruciatingly painful.

That is Bad Karma..........I can not agree.

That's the Karma McCain earned. I will make a trip to AZ just so I can piss on his grave.
Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.
Just like the child you are, you respond to facts by throwing a tantrum and calling me names. Again, even you know those indictments have nothing to do with any fake news illegal collusion with Russians or any crime involving Trump.

If you want to throw any more tantrums, do it back at the kids table....

Those were facts I responded with douche bag. You can't refute them so you start some nonsense about the kid's table.

I'll ask you a question and you won't answer but here it goes.

Aren't you happy that Captain Mueller was able to uncover Paul Manafort--Trump's one time campaign manager--and his felonies?

Get on your tap shoes's time for you to dance around answering. "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?
If Neonnettle says so it must be true.
Your sources are totally embarrassing. You are without a shame gene.

The basic story is true. HOWEVER -- this article is bunch of speculation. Both Mueller and Comey traded time off from the FBI to go into private consulting and they APPARENTLY got very rich. But that's just part of the swamp.

THIS article is nothing but noise about them "colluding with each other" to MOVE contracts to Lockheed/Martin UNLESS they were contracts within the FBI bidding process. If it wasn't a FBI purchase -- then there's NOTHING wrong with either of them consulting individually.

The left can do no wrong in your eyes. Now who is blinded by stupidity. Trump has been president for 2 years and the left just can’t leave it alone. You’ll have six more years of trying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hey LOOK everybody, the newbie THINKS I'm a lefttard.. Gonna frame this one and hang up in the Mod Room. can be a 'tard (or so I've heard)

I was only a bit "tardish" last night when I "lost it". Reading too much of the content on a message board can trigger "insta-tard", Which is just a temporary condition. I'm better now.

It was just I that heard this story about Comey/Mueller taking breaks from the FBI and cashing in and chalked it up to the nature of the swamp. Someone ATTACKING ME for stating the obvious fallacies about a JOINT conspiracy to profit --- just caused a brief outbreak of insta-tardism. I apologize to all those who continually call me both a Nazi-con AND a Left-Tard. Bless your little hearts. :badgrin: "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...
Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.
Just like the child you are, you respond to facts by throwing a tantrum and calling me names. Again, even you know those indictments have nothing to do with any fake news illegal collusion with Russians or any crime involving Trump.

If you want to throw any more tantrums, do it back at the kids table....

Those were facts I responded with douche bag. You can't refute them so you start some nonsense about the kid's table.

I'll ask you a question and you won't answer but here it goes.

Aren't you happy that Captain Mueller was able to uncover Paul Manafort--Trump's one time campaign manager--and his felonies?

Get on your tap shoes's time for you to dance around answering.
Again, present the specific evidence of illegal collusion involving Trump found in the 3 indictments you spoke of...

And when you can't, as Rosenstein himself that none of them are tied to Trump, do us a favor & STFU.... "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?
Oh really...somehow the President today is having trouble keeping his crime syndicate out of court so you're wrong about that fuck face.
Just like the child you are, you respond to facts by throwing a tantrum and calling me names. Again, even you know those indictments have nothing to do with any fake news illegal collusion with Russians or any crime involving Trump.

If you want to throw any more tantrums, do it back at the kids table....

Those were facts I responded with douche bag. You can't refute them so you start some nonsense about the kid's table.

I'll ask you a question and you won't answer but here it goes.

Aren't you happy that Captain Mueller was able to uncover Paul Manafort--Trump's one time campaign manager--and his felonies?

Get on your tap shoes's time for you to dance around answering.
Again, present the specific evidence of illegal collusion involving Trump found in the 3 indictments you spoke of...

And when you can't, as Rosenstein himself that none of them are tied to Trump, do us a favor & STFU....

Nice dance...I hope you stretched before hand. You're my bitch.
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


They didn't, douchebag.

Are you calling Putin a liar, Fool?

What do you think he's going to say with Trump standing right next to him? Why do you believe Putin this time but not any other time?

You people are a special kind of stupid.

He also had the DNC and podesta emails hacked and her emails given to Wikipedia and then all the media d u h... "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be? "hired" trump to get rid of corruption;

the same guy who has had 5 of his people plead guilty to crimes and felonies.

Isn't he just adding to whatever corruption is already there?

A simple "yes" or "yes" will suffice.

The Trump "associates" that are being hauled into court have ZERO to do with corruption in the Trump Administration, Candy! They're being targeted by you on the left because you think it's a way to get Trump out of office after losing an election that you never thought you'd lose.

If any of you had a dollop of integrity you'd simply run a better candidate next time and admit that the one you ran last time SUCKED instead of trying to invalidate an election that didn't go your way!

Never said they did...but it does speak to the types of people trump hires; does it not?

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...
Everything Hillary as done the last 25 years has been investigated at least once. Just to keep you GOP Dupes in line. But your propaganda machine lies Non-Stop and never retracts Anything super duper... You live on an imaginary planet.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


They didn't, douchebag.

Are you calling Putin a liar, Fool?

What do you think he's going to say with Trump standing right next to him? Why do you believe Putin this time but not any other time?

You people are a special kind of stupid.

He also had the DNC and podesta emails hacked and her emails given to Wikipedia and then all the media d u h...

He did nothing of the sort. You're a deranged psychopath. Almost everything you believe is total bullshit.

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