Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


They didn't, douchebag.
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


You don't understand how Pay to Play works................You had better hope that these DOJ folks and FBI creatures don't get replaced by honest people.

Judicial Watch has the goods...........enough to bury them
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting - Judicial Watch
In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” In response, Lerner responded that “it is her job to oversee it all:”

Henry Kerner asked how to get to the abuse of organizations claiming section 501 (c)(4) but designed to be primarily political. Lois Lerner said the system works, but not in real time. Henry Kerner noted that these organizations don’t disclose donors. Lois Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen timely. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. Henry Kerner said that maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous. Nikole noted that we have budget constraints. Elise Bean suggested using the list of organizations that made independent expenditures. Lois Lerner said that it is her job to oversee it all, not just political campaign activity.
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
Retraction..........Kerner is now on the special council for Trump...........he screwed up there.............

So many scum bags hard to keep track of the names and places..........LOL

You just read the destroy the Tea Party groups............financially...

Wonderful people we have running the country..........Deep the hell did he end up back there again.
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
You like the others ignore the asshats running this investigation and what they did under Obama........

Disprove what I've posted ........................they are DIRTY..........SCUM BAGS.........but hey.........they get into the Millionaires club being dirty........

I remember the pity party on these boards for Comey...........all the years at the FBI........honored service...........Been lining his pockets forever......with ties that bind.......................

Ignore all's what you do.
If Neonnettle says so it must be true.
Your sources are totally embarrassing. You are without a shame gene.

I think if there was truth to this it would have come out a lot earlier. Kinda convenient to net both Comey and Mueller in one thing eh?
AS many as it takes eagle to get that pos to go bonkers He's nothing but a low life crook Is that what you really want in our WH ?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
You like the others ignore the asshats running this investigation and what they did under Obama........

Disprove what I've posted ........................they are DIRTY..........SCUM BAGS.........but hey.........they get into the Millionaires club being dirty........

I remember the pity party on these boards for Comey...........all the years at the FBI........honored service...........Been lining his pockets forever......with ties that bind.......................

Ignore all's what you do.
Trump is a dirty scumbag. Why are you ok with that?
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
You like the others ignore the asshats running this investigation and what they did under Obama........

Disprove what I've posted ........................they are DIRTY..........SCUM BAGS.........but hey.........they get into the Millionaires club being dirty........

I remember the pity party on these boards for Comey...........all the years at the FBI........honored service...........Been lining his pockets forever......with ties that bind.......................

Ignore all's what you do.
Trump is a dirty scumbag. Why are you ok with that?
Which information did I post that is a lie.................on those doing the investigation.........

Plenty there.............and a money trail and pay to play trail from hell.................

That is what this is about................and that is my position............
I want the scum bags who are bought and paid whores gone from our gov't.

Another refusing to address the information I posted in this thread.

Not a single one of you want to go there.................because it shows how corrupt the last POS administration was..............

I don't give a rats behind whether you like my posts or not...........Because you better get used to them.......
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
You like the others ignore the asshats running this investigation and what they did under Obama........

Disprove what I've posted ........................they are DIRTY..........SCUM BAGS.........but hey.........they get into the Millionaires club being dirty........

I remember the pity party on these boards for Comey...........all the years at the FBI........honored service...........Been lining his pockets forever......with ties that bind.......................

Ignore all's what you do.
Trump is a dirty scumbag. Why are you ok with that?
And that's his good point
I for one think trump voters are traitors but keep it up I don't want to get banned again
Feelings are mutual...........and noted..............

Now go on ignoring the abuse of power and corruption in gov't because you have TDS.........

You think I really care what you think when you ignore all that has went on............I got some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.........

Speaking of Arizona..........some of the evidence I posted here.........was from that state and part of the whole deal........Emails and such.......on the targeting of by the IRS.................Openly stating the way to Bankrupt the groups............Oh..........and Mueller hired one of them that said that...........

Nice guy huh..............bunch of winners on the team for Mueller.
I do have ocean front properties but in Fla......yeah and trump and his 40 thieves have clean hands?/ Biggest crook ever in our WH Thanks eagle
You like the others ignore the asshats running this investigation and what they did under Obama........

Disprove what I've posted ........................they are DIRTY..........SCUM BAGS.........but hey.........they get into the Millionaires club being dirty........

I remember the pity party on these boards for Comey...........all the years at the FBI........honored service...........Been lining his pockets forever......with ties that bind.......................

Ignore all's what you do.
Trump is a dirty scumbag. Why are you ok with that?
And that's his good point
As your side ignores the abuse........and lawlessness of those enforcing the law..........getting rich off of it............

Its amazing…you guys never had an issue with Mueller until he was selected to be special counsel in investigating the Russian meddling in our elections.

What makes you say that, commie?

Most of us have had an issue with our DEEPLY corrupt government for decades. We elected Trump to break the collusion between the corrupt Marxist democrats and the toady Republicans.

You have reacted with treason, trying to overthrow the President to protect your fucking corruption.

We work within the system, provided that we can. Once that is no longer an option, then we will deal with you traitors as you deserve.

Surely you can quote your own posts about Mueller prior to his being named special counsel. Right? Of course you can't. You're a fucking liar.
Crooked Donny saw dupes like you coming from a mile away.

I have to admit it, trump is by far the best and most talented liar on the face of this planet. He is so mentally disturbed that he is even believing the lies he tells on a daily bases. There is even a medical term for his illness.
"Pathological liar"​

Which makes Trump unfit to be President.
In my view of things, how about you?

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