Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

The ultimate “ look over there” nonsense while your prez has been complicit in a felony and Bob Mueller has now every piece of evidence to expose DT for what and who he is.
A third generation mobster of and for Russia dating back to his grandfather.

These Trumpanzees are getting really desperate.
BS...........You guys overlook the abuses of the past administration.
You guys overlook the crimes committed by the ones doing the investigation.
You guys say NOTHING to those who got a Rectal Exam by Federal Agencies because they wanted to start a non profit......

You don't look at ANY OF IT...........

Yet you complain about us bringing it up....

Cry me a river.
“Abuses of the past administration.”
Yet Barack Obama nor Hillary Rodham Clinton have ever been an unindicted co- conspirator to a felony as your criminal president currently is.
You can cry, deflect, stamp your feet from here until doomsday but NOTHING is going to stop Bob Mueller from doing his job.

The fact you don’t realize how it’s now a game changer that the guy who has all the business dealings of the Trump Family, since the 70’s is current working for the prosecution, makes me laugh.

You’re fucked. Trump is fucked.
But keep masturbating about Hillary and Obama. It’s hilarious to watch..

I really doubt the blob is “fucked”…even if Mueller finds the proverbial smoking gun; there is little to no chance that the GOP congress would lift a finger to do anything about it. His administration may be destroyed but personally, even if he is found to have committed impeachable offenses, he’ll skate.
The spineless corrupt GOP won’t vote for impeachment today. But when the Dems take over Congress, look out.
But when Mueller lists the extensive pervasive crimes this president has committed, if the Senate DOESNT vote for impeachment, it will be a dereliction of duty and they will be held accountable by the American people.
You have a problem..................the American people aren't as stupid as you think they are.........

And you have other problems.............You have idiots saying America isn't Great......aka America Sucks.........

You have idiots saying HIGHER TAXES......
You have idiots saying ABOLISH ICE........
You have Waterheads saying ATTACK Trump people...........

You aren't gonna win squat on that agenda.
BTW........Thanks for just saying the true agenda of Dems.
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........

In the other scandals...........with evidence of chargeable many were given immunity to get them..........

Show me Libbies..........Show me EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW............LOL

Put up libbies............while your at the GREAT RUSSIA HOAX............LOL
This idiot Ignores the evidence that all roads lead to Russia with this administration.
Cant wait to see your heads explode when Bob Mueller releases his final report detailing all the money laundering, cheating on his taxes, his long history with the Russian mob and CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE UNITED STATES with working WITH Putin to win the election.
It will be like five 4th of July’s when the truth is revealed, and all you stupid, biased, traitorous fuckers will be able to do is meekly whimper “ deep state.”
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........

In the other scandals...........with evidence of chargeable many were given immunity to get them..........

Show me Libbies..........Show me EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW............LOL

Put up libbies............while your at the GREAT RUSSIA HOAX............LOL
This idiot Ignores the evidence that all roads lead to Russia with this administration.
Cant wait to see your heads explode when Bob Mueller releases his final report detailing all the money laundering, cheating on his taxes, his long history with the Russian mob and CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE UNITED STATES with working WITH Putin to win the election.
It will be like five 4th of July’s when the truth is revealed, and all you stupid, biased, traitorous fuckers will be able to do is meekly whimper “ deep state.”
I see a traitor posting against me right now..............isn't that sweet............You don't like what I've just shown........

You can't hide it from the people forever....and the scumbags are getting exposed.............GOOD LUCK.
Truth isn’t for you.


You're a fucking liar.

You have literally zero integrity - you ONLY care about your filthy traitorous party.

Don’t you ever get tired of lying?

Lying about WHAT, Comrade? :dunno:

This should be rich!

Of course we ALL know you will skip out. You're just a fucking demagogue - you spew shit but NEVER back it up.

Don’t you ever get tired of having to try to defend this whoremonger you voted for?
Don’t you ever get tired of the felonious scum he hired that you’re now defending ?
Don’t you ever get tired of the false equivalences (like above)?

Probably not….

Poor old whore, well past her "sell by date" spewing shit at her betters.

So what am I lying about? Be specific, scumbag?

This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
How many immunity deals have they given out get Trump.........
Plenty ...much to your chagrin because criminals associate with other criminals. We’ve seen up close and personal all the criminals this prez has been tied to.
You obviously don’t understand or want to understand how the system works.
You go after the smaller crooks to get to the bigger crooks.
You go after the smaller drug dealers to flip on the drug kingpins.
Mueller knows exactly what he’s doing which is scaring the living shit out of you because you have to know by now that this prez is as dirty as they come. Has been all of his life, but you sold your soul to this criminal and there’s no turning back now.
Non responsive post on the evidence presented in this thread................avoiding it like the plague........
Its amazing…you guys never had an issue with Mueller until he was selected to be special counsel in investigating the Russian meddling in our elections.

What makes you say that, commie?

Most of us have had an issue with our DEEPLY corrupt government for decades. We elected Trump to break the collusion between the corrupt Marxist democrats and the toady Republicans.

You have reacted with treason, trying to overthrow the President to protect your fucking corruption.

We work within the system, provided that we can. Once that is no longer an option, then we will deal with you traitors as you deserve.
Trump has been the most corrupt president in history and you’re still waiting for him to fix the system.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Yeah, I mean the way Trump used the IRS to attack his enemies,...

Oh wait, that was the crooked fuck Obama.

Well, the way Trump sent his AG to rig the election. Damn, fuckwad Obama again.

The way Trump used the DOJ to engage in racketeering to try and drive legal businesses out of business. Nope, that was the crooked fucker Obama again.

Oh I know, Trump sold guns to Mexican drug cartels... Oh wait...
Accusations backed by nothing. Where as the special counsel was created because of the testimony of FBI director James Comey before congress. With the President and his people caught lying again and again about contacts with Russia.

Sworn testimony of the FBI director v. a no-name blog........not the same thing.
"Accusations backed by nothing."

Sort of like the Russian collusion witch hunt? Comey's testimony was entirely perjury.

Trump has publicly admitted to collusion. Admiting that the purpose of the meeting between his campaign and a Russian operative in Trump tower.....was to collect dirt on Hillary from the operative.

And the emails from his campaign have already been released.....confirming that his campaign knew the information was to be from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

And Trump lied to cover up the meeting, laughably claiming that the meeting was about 'adoption'. Trump also compelled others to lie, personally dictating the 'adoption' lies for Don Jr's public statement on the meeting.

Trump then tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

Trump also tried to get the FBI Director to give Trump's former National Security Adviser a pass for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia.

And Cohen has admitted that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and the Russian Operative before it happened.

With Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC server hack among the Trump campaign.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps between Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between Trump's campaign officials and the Russians.

And you pretend that none of it happened, denying everything. Even Trump's own tweets and Don Jr's own emails.

Good luck with that.

Meeting with someone to get dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal, regardless of the nationality.

Its not the nationality that's the concern. Its that this woman was an admitted Russian Operative. With the information, per Don Jr's own email, was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian Government's efforts to aid Trump.

The same Russian Government that was attacking the United States with an influence operation to again, aid Trump.

With Trump's own son caught setting up yet another secret meeting, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin.

WIth Trump lying repeatedly to try and cover up his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. With Trump compelling others to lie about his campaign's collusion with the Russian government. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting where Trump's campaign met with a Russian Operative.

And now with Cohen admitting that Trump knew about the meeting at Trump tower ahead of time.

And Cohen's lawyer revealing that there was preknowledge of the DNC email hack within the Trump campaign.

You can ignore all this if you wish. But Mueller won't. And isn't.
The term "Russian operative" is meaningless. It's intended to make her sound sinister. In reality, she's just a lobbyist, and Loretta Lynch took special measures to let her into the country solely so she could setup the Trumps for the "collusion" accusations.

Before you can "admit" to something, you have to prove it actually occurred. Even if trump did know about it, meeting a Russian isn't against the law. I'm sure all you psycho morons will be claiming otherwise for the next 6 years, however.

The claim that the Trump campaign knew about the DNC email attack doesn't pass the laugh test. We don't even have any evidence that the Russians did hack the DNC emails.
More progress by Mueller since this factual meme was created.
You have to be bordering on insanity if you don’t see this isn’t going to end well for your fuhrer.
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

You can lead a fucking commie traitor to truth, but you can't make the pile of shit have integrity....
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

You can lead a fucking commie traitor to truth, but you can't make the pile of shit have integrity....

I just put up enough information to need to build a new prison for............LOL

They will not look..........They know that these asshats are corrupt as hell.............they don't care......

Just like that one video............Congressman challenging them with this information, suddenly gets caught up in a legal matter that he covered up a rape many many moons ago...................

The Establishment targets anyone who tries to uncover their BS.
Its amazing…you guys never had an issue with Mueller until he was selected to be special counsel in investigating the Russian meddling in our elections.

What makes you say that, commie?

Most of us have had an issue with our DEEPLY corrupt government for decades. We elected Trump to break the collusion between the corrupt Marxist democrats and the toady Republicans.

You have reacted with treason, trying to overthrow the President to protect your fucking corruption.

We work within the system, provided that we can. Once that is no longer an option, then we will deal with you traitors as you deserve.
Trump has been the most corrupt president in history and you’re still waiting for him to fix the system.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Yeah, I mean the way Trump used the IRS to attack his enemies,...

Oh wait, that was the crooked fuck Obama.

Well, the way Trump sent his AG to rig the election. Damn, fuckwad Obama again.

The way Trump used the DOJ to engage in racketeering to try and drive legal businesses out of business. Nope, that was the crooked fucker Obama again.

Oh I know, Trump sold guns to Mexican drug cartels... Oh wait...
Still harping on your Obama lies when you know HES NOT UNDER A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION like your unindicted co - conspirator to a felony is.
Your deflections are obvious and funny.
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


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