Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?
They're not. The crimes were uncovered in the investigation. They were referred to the appropriate courts. I'm sorry but I really don't know why this is so hard for you guys to understand. Just the other day in South Texas a guy was caught with 25 pounds of meth. The cops found it after he was stopped for a traffic offense unrelated to the meth.

Are the cops/Mueller supposed to just say; "well, we were not looking for meth/tax fraud"; you're free to go?

Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

The lawyer who got him to plead guilty to two charges that aren't crimes is lanny davis.... a clinton minion and now a known paid employee of a putin ally.......those guilty pleas give them a way to attack Trump through his company...which is why lanny davis, clinton minion and putin employee, told his client to plead to them.
given the horseshit articles the op comes up with on a daily basis, I'll qualify this one as PURE HORSESHIT.

Still harping on your Obama lies when you know HES NOT UNDER A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION like your unindicted co - conspirator to a felony is.
Your deflections are obvious and funny.

A lie is something not true, motherfucker. Obama DID use the IRS on enemies of the party - irrefutable fact. FURTHER, we had it SHOVED IN OUR FACE that there is no justice, that you Communists are not subject to the laws that govern the rest of us.

Obama belongs in prison - we ALL know it. Nixon was forced to resign for FAR, FAR less - yet with Obama you worship him as your god.
This reminds me of White Wingernuts saying Hillary had the power to sell uranium.
Influence in Washington.............yeah.........they had a part in it......unless you think the Ruskies paid them money to speak because they liked how they talked...

To sell uranium? Come on. You may be gullible, but we aren't.

If the Russians liked Hillary so much, they wouldn't have worked to hard to get Trump elected. Duh!


Lying as always, huh deantard?

Team Hillary, which includes the corrupt and seditious hierarchy of the Obama DOJ and FBI, actually thought they could get away with everything. Hillary would win, Trump would be in the dock, and they would get away with everything from using the Clinton Foundation as a corrupt pay-for-play cash cow, to lying to the FISA court to conduct surveillance on American citizens, to real collusion with the Russians to transfer to them 20 percent of the raw material for nuclear weapons, our uranium supply.

Certainly we would have never heard of one William Douglas Campbell, the FBI informant with extensive and deep knowledge of how the Russian of Vladimir Putin used bribery, extortion and other tools in their bag of tricks to penetrate America’s nuclear industry, and how they used Hillary Clinton to gain access to our uranium. }

The ENTIRE inquisition is nothing more or less than a cover up of the criminal Obama regime.

Because the Communists have been above the law since the Clinton years, the swamp and it's filthy, corrupt media need to draw attention away from their criminal acts.
Surely you can quote your own posts about Mueller prior to his being named special counsel. Right? Of course you can't. You're a fucking liar.

My own posts, you fucking liar?

Show them.

Now I'll bet I can show YOUR posts attacking Comey, da Comrade?

This whole Inquisition, from start to finish, is nothing but a kabuki play to distract from the 8 years of criminal acts by the fucking crook Obama.

And we all know it

Oct. 30, 2016: Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, accused the FBI director of breaking the Hatch Act, a federal law, by publicly disclosing new information about the Clinton investigation 11 days ahead of the presidential election.

“I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election,” Reid wrote in the letter. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”

Oct. 31, 2016: The next day, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, echoed concerns similar to Reid’s and called for Comey to resign his FBI post. Cohen reiterated that call in a Nov. 3 opinion column published in The Hill.

told Bloomberg News that he had lost confidence in Comey for his handling of Clinton’s email investigation.

“I do not have confidence in him any longer,” Schumer said at the time. “To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this.”
It's a conspiracy of everyone in the world but High School grad X cokehead DJs on the GOP propaganda machine!!!
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Let me ask you a question, you honestly think that the people Hillary had working for her could withstand having their financial statements for the past ten years gone over with a microscope? What you on the left are doing right now to people that supported Trump will inevitably come back to bite you in the ass because if there's one thing I've learned over years of watching politics in's that the vast majority of our "leaders" feel that there is one set of rules for us and another for them. So if you want to start turning over rocks and looking for violations...don't be shocked when dozens of prominent Democrats start biting the dust when THEIR pasts start getting examined! Just saying...

I'm sure there will be any number of politically motivated actual witch hunts as there was with Ben-Gotcha. Amazingly; they turned up nothing. Obama had a hostile Congress for nearly 6 years...number of successful suits brought? Zero. If there are any improprieties anywhere; they should be investigated. I'm all for it!

My turn to ask a question....
Why is it that any defense of Trump you try to mount always involves Hillary, Bill, Obama, Clinton, etc...?

I bring up Hillary Clinton because she was Trump's opposition in the election. You on the left have been pushing a narrative that she lost because Trump "colluded" to steal what should have been hers. How can you make THAT charge and then object when someone points out that it was actually the Clinton campaign that used political dirty tricks throughout the primaries and leading up to the election? Did Trump pay someone to anonymously smear Hillary like she did to him? Did Trump conspire with one of the news networks to get an advantage in one of the debates he was in like Clinton did? Did Trump use a charitable foundation to help pay part of the salaries of the people working for his reelection like Clinton did? Did Trump destroy tens of thousands of emails that were being sought by Congressional investigators like Clinton did?

My question for you, why is this "investigation" of what took place in the last election...focused on the GOP side and not the Democratic side? With all of the can that be?

Well, it's focused on the election the best I can tell. Which is why Mueller referred Manafort and Cohen to the Federal District Courts. What was he supposed to have done; ignore the crimes he uncovered? Don't you think that it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because there were meetings between Trump Jr, his campaign manager, his son-in-law and a Russian operative? Don't you think it is focused on the Trump Campaign primarily because of his AG meeting with the Russian ambassador and his not being truthful to Congress during his confirmation hearing? Don't you think that Trump's campaign advisor and his admitted ties to Wikileaks and the hacker Guccifer2.0 is a cause for concern since Guccifer2.0 is credited with the electronic penetration of our political apparatus?

As for Trump's collusion; we've seen the shady maneuvering he undertook (charitably putting it) to pay off porn stars he slept with. It was so sleazy that his own attorney who once said he'd take a bullet for Trump recorded him!!!! This is just my opinion but I don't think that the blob would think twice about doing the same maneuvering to pay hackers to hack Hillary, the DNC, etc... I seriously doubt he would give it a second thought.

What is focused on the election? Manafort is about financial crimes from long before Trump even declared he was a candidate! Cohen was in hot water for fraudulent bank loans! How are either of those things in any way related to the election?
They're not. The crimes were uncovered in the investigation. They were referred to the appropriate courts. I'm sorry but I really don't know why this is so hard for you guys to understand. Just the other day in South Texas a guy was caught with 25 pounds of meth. The cops found it after he was stopped for a traffic offense unrelated to the meth.

Are the cops/Mueller supposed to just say; "well, we were not looking for meth/tax fraud"; you're free to go?

Aren't you happy that a tax cheat was brought to justice for God's sake?

As for the meeting at Trump Tower? Nothing illegal happened there. I'm sorry but it didn't! Some people told the Trump campaign they had dirt on Hillary. A meeting was held to hear them out. When it quickly became apparent they didn't have any dirt on Hillary and were actually there pushing another agenda...the meeting rapidly ended.
According to whom?

As for the meeting itself; first the Trumps said it was about adoptions; now they say it was to get dirt on the campaign. Can you really trust anything they say?

There has been ZERO evidence tying the Trump campaign to any of the electronic penetration of our "political apparatus", Candy!
So Roger Stone's admitted actions were just Roger doing it on his own?

Paying off anyone to keep them from saying bad things about you before an election isn't illegal. I'm sorry but it's not! Quite frankly...THAT...pales in comparison to paying someone to make up bad things about your opponent before an election. That's what Hillary and the DNC DID!

It's so innocent; it's gotten an attorney to plead guilty to two counts of nothing then.

I ask AGAIN, Candy...why is Mueller investigating Trump AND ONLY TRUMP if the stated goal was protecting our elections? Isn't it quite obvious that this ISN'T about protecting our elections? If it WAS then wouldn't a campaign that paid large sums of money to create a series of phony "dossiers" to smear it's opposition warrant an investigation? Wouldn't a campaign that colluded with one of the major networks to "fix" one of the major Democratic debates warrant an investigation?

When a police officer makes a traffic stop they need probable cause. If they made that stop not because they had probable cause but because they didn't like the person driving the car and created a false excuse to make that traffic stop...then anything they discovered after that point would be thrown out of every court in this land! That's what's taken place with the Mueller investigation. You've started an investigation into "collusion" based in large part on the phony dossiers that Hillary Clinton paid for as the false excuse to investigate and then used THAT as the means to punish anyone that you can who's connected with the Trump presidency! The Federal judge that's overseeing the case has made it quite clear that he has little doubt that this was always about attacking Trump's legitimate election and NOT about election crimes!
We don't even have any evidence that the Russians did hack the DNC emails.

And thanks to the DNC since they tampered with evidence we will never know.

Not just the DNC, but James Comey and the FSB who allowed the discredited Crowstrike to purge the VM's . The Obama DOJ, including the FSB colluded with the democrats to cover up what happened.

Note that the Marxist party last Monday came out AGAIN and claimed they were hacked. Turned out the Communists were lying they with the corrupt leftist press changed the narrative once the Manifort verdict was out.

{The Democratic National Committee thought it had again been the victim of hacking this week. They contacted the FBI after the computer security firm Lookout Inc. alerted them to a phishing scheme. Turns out it was a false alarm. A third party "not authorized by the DNC or its vendors" set up the site to test Democrats' resiliency to phishing attacks. }
DNC: Oops Just Kidding We Weren't Hacked Again

Phishing? :rofl:

Who here doesn't get 30 phishing attempts or more each week?

Note to aging stripper candycorn - that Nigerian "prince" isn't really going to leave you a billion dollars,,,, :eusa_whistle:
Obama no guilty pleas or convictions.
Trump 3 so far; more on the way.
Shove that up your ass.

You wear it as a badge of honor that the law did not apply to the openly corrupt Obama regime.

Why do you love corruption? Do you think it makes you clever? You're pulling one over on the "rubes," as you Communists like to call normals? Or is your goal simply to destroy the foundations of society because of your deep hatred of America and a free people?
I've always despised McCain. The man is a scumbag. I hope his death is excruciatingly painful.

The first TEA party rally I attended in 2006 was pointed at Open Borders McCain and Dubya over their scheme to erase the Southern border. I wonder how much cash Open Borders took from Mexico to promote that?
The first TEA party rally I attended in 2006 was pointed at Open Borders McCain and Dubya over their scheme to erase the Southern border.
Well, sure. The TEA party was never about "smaller government" or ending corruption. It was always just a front for organizing xenopobes and bigots.
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Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada was selected by the Deep State to lead the coup because he is 100% compromised, corrupt to the core. He took money from the Russians in the Uranium One deal and has a LONG history of selling the FSB as a service.

Torquemada is corrupt but maintained a thin veneer of respectability. Torquemada is an insider of the corrupt fucks who run the nation, the shadow government of unelected crooks and creeps like Mewler-Torquemada and Comey. The deep state made him their champion to do war against we the people.
Lmao. Not one word you just wrote is even remotely true. Not one. You have been totally brainwashed.

Before the deal was brokered in 2009, the FBI under Robert Mueller—who is now special counsel in the Russia investigation into potential collusion with the Trump campaign—had begun an investigation into corruption and extortion by senior managers of a company owned by the Russian government’s nuclear company, Rosatom. According to court filings revealed by The HillTuesday, in 2009 the FBI found enough evidence to suggest Vadim Mikerin, who headed the Rosatom subsidiary Tenex, was corrupt and high-level officials at Rosatom knew about his bribery scheme. In 2014, he pled guilty in a U.S. court case to orchestrating more than $2 million in bribe payments through shadowy accounts in Cyprus, Latvia, and Switzerland.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley announced his committee's probe of the deal during a hearing with Attorney General Jeff Sessions Wednesday.

The FBI said it had no comment to Newsweek questions about whether Mueller alerted senior Obama administration officials, including Clinton, about the investigation before they brokered the deal. The DOJ did not immediately respond to questions. As secretary of state, Clinton, along with then-Attorney General Eric Holder, presided on the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment that approved the deal.}

Robert Mueller was the FBI director when Clinton brokered the Uranium One deal

You're a fucking retard, but at least you're a traitor, right?
Hillary Clinton wasn’t even involved in the Uranium deal you stupid mfer. How many times does it have to be explained to you.

We have written that Trump is wrong to claim that Clinton “gave away 20 percent of the uranium in the United States” to Russia. Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom.
The Facts on Uranium One -

Plus all of your propaganda is not going to save your criminal president from Bob Mueller finding out every dirty thing this POS prez has done in the last 10 years.


You really do think you can just lie and it will all go away.

Here's the deal, America elected Trump to EXPOSE and STOP you filthy corrupt scum.

IF you use the deep state to overthrow the government, then we will use more aggressive means to bring you criminals to heel.

You don't get to win.

What you going to do shirley; start typing in all caps? LOL.

You Communists are seriously stupid.

We elected Trump in response to your assault on this nation.

If you stage a coup to undo the legal election, we will respond as necessary.
The snowflakes keep telling us that Mueller and Comey are a couple of all American heroes with the purest of motives. Their history doesn't seem to support their image:

Comey & Mueller Caught Funneling Billions in FBI Contracts to Lockheed Martin

A pair of leading Government Accountability Institute researchers has revealed that two former FBI Directors, James Comey and Robert Mueller, took advantage of their government contacts and security clearance to enrich themselves. Seamus Bruner of the GAI, and author of Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption, has exposed the real reason Comey is paid upwards of $6 million a year by his new employer Lockheed Martin. Together with GAI President Peter Schweizer, Bruner has discovered a trail of lucrative FBI contracts that were funneled from then-director Mueller to Comey's new firm.

The first TEA party rally I attended in 2006 was pointed at Open Borders McCain and Dubya over their scheme to erase the Southern border.
Well, sure. The TEA party was never about "smaller government" or ending corruption. It was always just a front for organizing xenopobes and bigots.


You fucking commies and your hatred for America.

Yes, a border is needed for the nation to survive - but then you don't want America to survive; that's what this all comes down to.
And we have a border. If you have a point, try to use your big boy words.

We barely have a border. McCain sought, as you Stalinists seek, to erase that border so that third world peasants can flood in and displace the Americans who won't go along with your Marxist schemes.
And we have a border. If you have a point, try to use your big boy words.

We barely have a border. McCain sought, as you Stalinists seek, to erase that border so that third world peasants can flood in and displace the Americans who won't go along with your Marxist schemes.
You really are a freak. I am neither Stalinist nor Marxist, not that an uneducated slob like you understands either term. I think the best way to embarrass an angry moron like you is to just let you talk. Carry on, idiot.


What happened to you that made you hate America so deeply?

I certainly don't hate America. However, conservatives clearly DO hate America with their willful embrace of nonsensical stories solely meant to undermine TRUTH, JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Trump and his sycophantic supporters have all embraced Russia which is antithetical to both truth and justice, and hence, the American Way, as well.

I don't worry too much, however, because men like Trump eventually get their comeuppance. He will eventually leave office in disgrace. It's just a question of when and how.
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