Comey: Put Up or Shut Up


May 23, 2014
Comey needs to release his "supposed memo." Comey is a crybaby and stirred up shit during Bush years when he worked for Ashcroft. Comey...put up or shut up.
Funny how everyone used the Bush incident to say that Comey was a Stand Up Guy.....funny how he only stood up to Republicans.......funny how he refused to place hilary under oath, refused to record her interrogation...and refused to send a recomendation to prosecute her for her illegal server, destroying subpoenaed emails....30,000 of them......

Comey is a vile human being.......he has been working for the democrats and is nothing more than one of their minions.....
When the Republicans try to prevent Comey from testifying, you'll be here justifying that. It's what you do, shill for TheParty, and the fact that you had the opposite opinion a day before never slows you down.
When the Republicans try to prevent Comey from testifying, you'll be here justifying that. It's what you do, shill for TheParty, and the fact that you had the opposite opinion a day before never slows you down.

Who is going to prevent him, asswipe? I don't shill for anyone....I stand up for the truth....and comey has been playing for the democrats since he got into office.......
Funny how everyone used the Bush incident to say that Comey was a Stand Up Guy.....funny how he only stood up to Republicans.......funny how he refused to place hilary under oath, refused to record her interrogation...and refused to send a recomendation to prosecute her for her illegal server, destroying subpoenaed emails....30,000 of them......

Comey is a vile human being.......he has been working for the democrats and is nothing more than one of their minions.....
Comey is a shit bag.
A Question!

If Comey cleared Flynn in January, what would be the point of Trump asking him to end the investigation in February? questions like that are just going to confuse their attacks on Trump....
Comey needs to release his "supposed memo." Comey is a crybaby and stirred up shit during Bush years when he worked for Ashcroft. Comey...put up or shut up.

Uh, he did and there's more attention fool, the world is moving fast.
Comey needs to release his "supposed memo." Comey is a crybaby and stirred up shit during Bush years when he worked for Ashcroft. Comey...put up or shut up.

Uh, he did and there's more attention fool, the world is moving fast.

Uh, no he fucking didn't. He talked to Times reporter over the phone.
Let's get this straight...

Have a meeting with someone.
Walk out of the meeting and write whatever I want onto a piece of paper (call it "memo").
That somehow makes it true.
No one has ever seen or read this memo except for "anonymous sources".
These "anonymous sources" decided to never mention it until months after it was allegedly written (February 14).
Even if the memo exists and what these "anonymous sources" say is true, it isn't clear that the supposed contents outline anything illegal.
Despite all this, media reports it for 12 hours straight as if it was fact.
This is somehow Watergate 2.0.
After all of these leaps, media honestly believes this is impeachable.

What am I missing here?
Comey needs to release his "supposed memo." Comey is a crybaby and stirred up shit during Bush years when he worked for Ashcroft. Comey...put up or shut up.

Really? What else did you expect out of another democrat. Twas no accident Comey laid down enough indictments on the Hilldabeast to hang half of Congress, then concluded that no prosecutor in his/her right mind would ever take the case?
Comey destroyed his own credibility. He acted like the gutless wonders in the Senate when they said "Even though Bill Clinton lied under oath, lied to Congress, obstructed justice, and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment".
At this point why would ANYONE trust Comey? The man is a piece of lying shit
Looks like the RWNJ's are in a panic. If Comey showed those memo's to other people in the FBI and they wrote memo's to that effect, then it is you fellows, and your senile old orange clown that are going to look like fools.
Let's get this straight...

Have a meeting with someone.
Walk out of the meeting and write whatever I want onto a piece of paper (call it "memo").
That somehow makes it true.
No one has ever seen or read this memo except for "anonymous sources".
These "anonymous sources" decided to never mention it until months after it was allegedly written (February 14).
Even if the memo exists and what these "anonymous sources" say is true, it isn't clear that the supposed contents outline anything illegal.
Despite all this, media reports it for 12 hours straight as if it was fact.
This is somehow Watergate 2.0.
After all of these leaps, media honestly believes this is impeachable.

What am I missing here?

The fact that the democrats were one election away from having it all......a left wing supreme court, the end of gun rights, the end of republican candidates as the democrats opened the borders, single payer healthcare....and then Trump won.......

They fight total political war....they are not going to let this happen...they are going to do everything they have to to get power back as soon as they can.....and they will attack anyone, by any means to make it happen....

And a guy that no one the democrats have stated they do not trust Comey.....gets automatic credibility just because he is in the the left wing reporters have all been saying that notes from an FBI agent are automatically trusted.......the guy no one trusts, who has shown that he is a partisan hack.....what he says he wrote down or said to his coworkers is supposed to be trusted.....

The Republican Senate or House could issue a subpoena and have that memo tomorrow.

That is, if they wanted to. And every loyal American wants them to do that.

And yet ... they do nothing.

That is, they're actively covering for Trump, as are all the Trump cultists here.
Excellent! Chaffetz just demanded everything!

Of course, he's not running for re-election to anything right now, so he can afford to piss off the Republican base. Maybe he's angling to get the VP spot from President Pence.
Comey destroyed his own credibility. He acted like the gutless wonders in the Senate when they said "Even though Bill Clinton lied under oath, lied to Congress, obstructed justice, and cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment".

If right after the meeting with Trump, Comey said that he was asked to stop investigation on Flynn, there wouldn't be a reason not to believe him. Now, months later, after he was fired for not doing his job, he just sounds like disgruntled former employee.
Funny how everyone used the Bush incident to say that Comey was a Stand Up Guy.....funny how he only stood up to Republicans.......funny how he refused to place hilary under oath, refused to record her interrogation...and refused to send a recomendation to prosecute her for her illegal server, destroying subpoenaed emails....30,000 of them......

Comey is a vile human being.......he has been working for the democrats and is nothing more than one of their minions.....

He even acquiesced to Loretta Lynchs DOJ request to label it as a non-criminal investigation barring the possibility of a grand jury with subpoena power to be convened meaning any cooperation the FBI received in the investigation was entirely voluntary.

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