Comey testifies before congress on Russia investigation

Things to keep in mind congressional insertions of ideological ramblings (pro party) ending with Comey & Rodgers not commenting are just for meaningless cheerleading ra, ra purposes that will be carried on by the media.

Statements of 'no evidence to confirm Trump texts' is meaningless at this point because the evidence, by their testimony, hasn't been explored yet.
It will boil down to the Oct. FISA warrant in its limited scope being overstepped. It deals with the legality of dissemination of raw NSA data disseminated by the 16 agencies that the NSA gave raw data to. By their own testimony even the relatively few (20) individuals with the authority within the NSA have not been investigated in their potential "unmasking" of US individuals in section 702 surveillance. There are 16 other agencies with unknown hundreds potentially in the thousands of other individuals with "unmasking" authority that will have to be investigated.

Saying "no evidence to indicate this or that" means at this point in time. Even awareness that illegality will be uncovered ongoing, based upon the facts can't be indicated by Comey or Rodgers and a "no evidence to indicate" must be the answer.
Comey also answers questions regarding Trump's wiretapping claims

Live: Comey Testifies Before Congress On Russia Investigation

This ought to be good can't wait to hear the bs lies coming out of his mouth.

Before his testimony they said he apologized and said he made a mistake that there was investigations of Trump and his people.
Interesting at the double standard to call lying a mistake when it's Comey, but if Trump is merely mistaken about blame for the wire taps he is called a liar.
I had to shut it off when the first Dem speaking politicized the whole procedure with insinuations and missleading fake correlations that turned my stomach to see how low this country is sinking into propaganda and control by the corrupt cable and media giants. I felt ill thinking how this process will be another ruse, a mere phoney gov't smokescreen that will not resolve or punish those involved and propaganda will live to shape the brain dead forever more.
When did we wake up in the middle of the movie Idiocracy, to find our media worse then Al Jazeera?
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Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
That's not nice, you should never wish anyone harm or ill health. In fact,
he's probably lying to save that life, save himself and family from the Chicago mob tied Progressive movement ..His actions the past year are that of someone threatened to play ball or else.
If these Democrats have had the goods on the Trump campaign, then how did only they have it (the information) instead of all the high ranking officials with security clearance on both sides of the isle, otherwise if the Democrats (weren't using this whole classified situation/investigation as a means to destroy a political opponent, and his campaign along with the Republican party in the way this thing has been conducted or went down, then how come the Republicans don't have the same information the Democrats have ?
the Republicans are about to eat a Hillary email sandwich and chase it down with 2 or 3 Benghazitinnis
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
What should he have done? He said there was evidence, but not enough to convict.

Let's be honest: the fucking Clintons are slippery because they know where the lines are drawn. They are as unethical as all sleazy lawyers, but they know enough not to leave behind enough evidence for a conviction.

No wonder most Americans voted against her.
How did the information get leaked to the MSM, and who leaked it ? How timely was the leaks for maximum impact in the attempted hopes to derail the presidency or a presidency ? The back and forth in all of this in which was caused by the hidden players who have orchastrated all this, just screams that they need to be revealed big time, and if the Obama administration has done any of this to a successor for political reasons, then they should be brought to justice along with everybody else involved.
Obviously it's very easy to merge the two issues 1.) coordination of Trump & Russia to win the election 2.) Unauthorized Illegal tapping by O's admin. of Trump.

- Testimony today was that none in the intelligence community claim anything other than the fact that Russia never thought at anytime close to the election that Trump had a chance. Russia was determined be trying to damage Hillary before her assured victory.
- No indication of vote tampering
- on multiple occasions it was reiterated that there was no evidence of coordination / collusion between Trump & Russia in the course of the electoral process of 2016

Regarding Obama admin. tapping Trump
- there is evidence out there that hasn't been collated yet. 1.) restrictive scope of FISA warrant issued in Oct. was it exceeded 2.) Was this information protected under the strict guidelines and 'unmasked' legally under NSA section 702. 3.) days before O left office he changed the law to allow the vast intelligence community, 16 agencies in addition to the NSA access to this highly sensitive, protected information and those within these agencies who can view this 'unmasked' data.

A display such as today is a hollow, largely meaningless exercise in political maneuvering. Just by asking a question and getting the obligatory "can't comment" response one can poison the ideological / partisan well. Ie."Mr. Comey, how many times did Trump commit treason, raping the hopes and futures of our youth by talking to Russian olligarcs in his business dealings up to the elections?"

Good thing the mainstream media is so discerning and ideologically objective to sort through this sort of stuff.

The tapping of Trump, by the testimony of Comey & Rogers has to do with raw FISA, NSA data and illegal handling of that data, it hasn't been collated yet so a "no evidence to support at this time" simply is that. They don't have information to support at this time. The media will have you think that that is the big conclusive determination when in reality the investigation is only starting. There is evidence of illegal mishandling of unmasked Trump NSA / FISA data. There will be a time when this is presented but only when the investigation is wrapped up tighter than a drum, such is the nature of the gov. agencies. Even though they know what's coming down the pike, only at this point will those like Comey say "there is evidence to support"...
How did the information get leaked to the MSM, and who leaked it ? How timely was the leaks for maximum impact in the attempted hopes to derail the presidency or a presidency ? The back and forth in all of this in which was caused by the hidden players who have orchastrated all this, just screams that they need to be revealed big time, and if the Obama administration has done any of this to a successor for political reasons, then they should be brought to justice along with everybody else involved.
Two words: Washington Politics*

* which is 99.999% pure American bullshit :D
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...

That's not nice, you should never wish anyone harm or ill health.

I'm nice when it's warranted.

Comey does not warrant "nice"...
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
What should he have done? He said there was evidence, but not enough to convict.

No, he didn't say that. He said he didn't believe there was intent and, for that reason, he wouldn't recommend charges. Besides, it's not his place to determine if there's enough evidence to convict. That's the AG's job. And, seeing as she got all chummy with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, it surprised no one that no charges were filed. But if there was evidence that she broke the law, he should've recommended charging her. By recommending anything else, he spared the AG of assuming that responsibility.

If I get blind drunk and drive the Benz into a group of school children, killing them all, should I expect to get a pass because there was no intent? Of course not. I should expect to get fucked by the legal system because I did something wrong, "intent" notwithstanding. The same should've been the case with Clinton. She broke the law. He said she broke the law. He admitted that anyone else would've been treated differently.

I would truly like to learn of his demise, just so that I might relieve my bladder upon the dying grass of his grave...
Comey also answers questions regarding Trump's wiretapping claims

Live: Comey Testifies Before Congress On Russia Investigation

This ought to be good can't wait to hear the bs lies coming out of his mouth.

Before his testimony they said he apologized and said he made a mistake that there was investigations of Trump and his people.
Interesting at the double standard to call lying a mistake when it's Comey, but if Trump is merely mistaken about blame for the wire taps he is called a liar.
I had to shut it off when the first Dem speaking politicized the whole procedure with insinuations and missleading fake correlations that turned my stomach to see how low this country is sinking into propaganda and control by the corrupt cable and media giants. I felt ill thinking how this process will be another ruse, a mere phoney gov't smokescreen that will not resolve or punish those involved and propaganda will live to shape the brain dead forever more.
When did we wake up in the middle of the movie Idiocracy, to find our media worse then Al Jazeera?
. The Demon-crats screaming on all the networks they know, they know, they know, well what the hell do they know already, and when did they know it ? If they know so dam much, then who told them as a party what they as a collective know ???? Are Republicans the only ones who don't know ??? Are Republicans being made a fool of by the Demon-crats because of what they know ???? We're they (the repubs) kept out of the discovery process by Demon-crats early on if surveillance was going on, and if so did it make the whole witch hunt a political assassination of a political opponent by an opposing party in an American campaign ??? If I were Trump after all the grandstanding by the Demon-crats, I would have figured that the former adminstration was engaged in illegal surveillance tactics in order to bring down a political candidate named Trump.
No, he didn't say that. He said he didn't believe there was intent and, for that reason, he wouldn't recommend charges. Besides, it's not his place to determine if there's enough evidence to convict. That's the AG's job.....
Ahhh, so you understand it's the AG's job to bring charges. Good for you.

FWIW, here is a nice cold dose of reality. I'm sure you'll find it more refreshing than diving into the hot, shitty stew of political partisanship: Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

....Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.

I know there will be intense public debate in the wake of this recommendation, as there was throughout this investigation. What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.

I know there were many opinions expressed by people who were not part of the investigation—including people in government—but none of that mattered to us. Opinions are irrelevant, and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation, because we did the investigation the right way. Only facts matter, and the FBI found them here in an entirely apolitical and professional way. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this organization.

There are plenty of circumstantial reasons to logically think that O's admin. pulled out all the stops they could in saving O's legacy / helping Hillary.
Oct. surprise vids. feeding CNN debate questions, crushing Bernie by nefarious means....
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
What should he have done? He said there was evidence, but not enough to convict.

Let's be honest: the fucking Clintons are slippery because they know where the lines are drawn. They are as unethical as all sleazy lawyers, but they know enough not to leave behind enough evidence for a conviction.

No wonder most Americans voted against her.
. There was enough evidence to indict, and send to a hearing, but Comey was being swayed by the political winds, and worried about the firestorm to come next if Hillary would have pulled it off. Comey is to politically charged in all of this mess. He might not be qualified to do his job anymore, but that's just me ranting. Not sure what is going on now. Hope it all gets worked out, and quick, because this nation needs to get on with getting the nations business done.
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