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Comey testifies before congress on Russia investigation

No, he didn't say that. He said he didn't believe there was intent and, for that reason, he wouldn't recommend charges. Besides, it's not his place to determine if there's enough evidence to convict. That's the AG's job.....
Ahhh, so you understand it's the AG's job to bring charges. Good for you.

FWIW, here is a nice cold dose of reality. I'm sure you'll find it more refreshing than diving into the hot, shitty stew of political partisanship: Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

....Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.

I know there will be intense public debate in the wake of this recommendation, as there was throughout this investigation. What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.

I know there were many opinions expressed by people who were not part of the investigation—including people in government—but none of that mattered to us. Opinions are irrelevant, and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation, because we did the investigation the right way. Only facts matter, and the FBI found them here in an entirely apolitical and professional way. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this organization.
. The attorney general being as corrupt as she was, would have never brought charges against Hillary no matter what she had done. I mean she met with the woman's husband during the investigation for Pete's sake.
There are plenty of circumstantial reasons to logically think that O's admin. pulled out all the stops they could in saving O's legacy / helping Hillary.
Oct. surprise vids. feeding CNN debate questions, crushing Bernie by nefarious means....
. October surprise vids ? Hmm, is this the kind of thing that caused wiki-leaks to swing into action against Hillary, and against the Dems because of their constant threats, and their hatred towards anyone that was going to do battle against Hillary in the primaries ??
How did the information get leaked to the MSM, and who leaked it ? How timely was the leaks for maximum impact in the attempted hopes to derail the presidency or a presidency ? The back and forth in all of this in which was caused by the hidden players who have orchastrated all this, just screams that they need to be revealed big time, and if the Obama administration has done any of this to a successor for political reasons, then they should be brought to justice along with everybody else involved.

Obama abused his power & meddled in the Israeli elections, that is enough to warrant investigation of his meddling in our own. Obama creating false charges on Sessions knowing his meeting with the Ambassador was protocol as he himself set up that meeting, this is also enough to warrant investigation of using his position of power to call false investigations to gain political advantages for his party, interference and abuse of power to manipulate an election is serious so says the Dems & their media lap dogs, we all know.

Obama needs to be brought to question period. Including asking him if he ordered or requested anyone to lay off charging Clinton.
Did he threaten Comey's wife's career or promise help there? Go deep people, then ask him how much cash cut did he get from the Iran deal....dig deep.. there's enough evidence there....
Comey's comments about "no evidence to support yadayadayada" are completely meaningless, for the sole reason that, when clear evidence of wrongdoing did exist with regards to Hillary Clinton. He admitted there was evidence of wrongdoing and the piece of shit did nothing.

I hope he fucking dies in front of his grandchildren...
What should he have done? He said there was evidence, but not enough to convict.

Let's be honest: the fucking Clintons are slippery because they know where the lines are drawn. They are as unethical as all sleazy lawyers, but they know enough not to leave behind enough evidence for a conviction.

No wonder most Americans voted against her.
. There was enough evidence to indict, and send to a hearing, but Comey was being swayed by the political winds, and worried about the firestorm to come next if Hillary would have pulled it off. Comey is to politically charged in all of this mess. He might not be qualified to do his job anymore, but that's just me ranting. Not sure what is going on now. Hope it all gets worked out, and quick, because this nation needs to get on with getting the nations business done.
Agreed there was enough evidence to indict and also agreed there would be a political shitstorm if the AG indicted (Comey can't indict anyone IIRC), but you're smart enough to realize Clinton wouldn't be convicted because there isn't enough evidence to convict.

His statement "There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation" did more to sway the election, IMO, than the Russians hacking the DNC emails. While the Clintons are legally "slick", elections are won by opinion, not a preponderance of evidence. Too many people didn't trust having another Clinton in the WH and voted appropriately.

Despite the lack of evidence to convict Hillary of deliberately violating security protocols, her negligence, and "slickness", was clear to all but the most partisan of American voters.
The attorney general being as corrupt as she was, would have never brought charges against Hillary no matter what she had done. I mean she met with the woman's husband during the investigation for Pete's sake.
Agreed. Let's give Comey credit for knowing not to piss up a rope. :)
The attorney general being as corrupt as she was, would have never brought charges against Hillary no matter what she had done. I mean she met with the woman's husband during the investigation for Pete's sake.
Agreed. Let's give Comey credit for knowing not to piss up a rope. :)

I do not agree.

When the right thing needs to be done, you do it. Period. You do it regardless of the political fallout. You do it because it's the right thing to do.

Otherwise you're just a cowardly little fuck who needs to suffer a debilitating stroke...
I do not agree.

When the right thing needs to be done, you do it. Period. You do it regardless of the political fallout. You do it because it's the right thing to do.

Otherwise you're just a cowardly little fuck who needs to suffer a debilitating stroke...
Agreed. What should Comey have done? Arrested Hillary, tried her in the street and shot her in the head?

Of course the right thing needs to be done, but it's also smart to pick your battles. Only an armchair general tells others to run up a hill and die while sitting fat, dumb and happy at his keyboard and sipping on his latte.
I do not agree.

When the right thing needs to be done, you do it. Period. You do it regardless of the political fallout. You do it because it's the right thing to do.

Otherwise you're just a cowardly little fuck who needs to suffer a debilitating stroke...
Agreed. What should Comey have done? Arrested Hillary, tried her in the street and shot her in the head?

No. Don't be stupid.

What he should've done was recommended charges, considering the fact that he was quite clear when he said there were laws broken.

While shooting her in the head would've been an acceptable option for many, it would not have been my first choice...

Of course the right thing needs to be done, but it's also smart to pick your battles.

No, you're wrong.

You either do the wrong thing, or you're not doing the right thing. If you "pick your battles" and don't do the right thing, you're failing at your job. Period...

Only an armchair general tells others to run up a hill and die while sitting fat, dumb and happy at his keyboard and sipping on his latte.

One needs only a cursory understanding of the Constitution and the rule of law to understand what should've been done. If you break the law, you get arrested, charged and prosecuted. That's how our system of justice is constructed. You are afforded the opportunity to defend yourself against whatever charges are made against you.

The system is not constructed to cater to the transgressions of the powerful...
No. Don't be stupid.

What he should've done was recommended charges, considering the fact that he was quite clear when he said there were laws broken....
Correct. Take your own advice. Congressional testimonies are Dog'n'Pony Shows. 99% what is said on them is already well known by all the players.

What you see at these public displays is simply window dressing for what really already happened. You don't think Comey already presented the evidence of broken laws and was told "There's not enough evidence to convict, so we won't be filing charges"? Again, take your own advice.

What are the statute of limitations on treason? Deliberately violating classification laws? If the Trump administration knew there was enough evidence to convict, why didn't Attorney General Sessions bring charges on February 9th? The answer is clear to those who aren't stupid.

Putting all the blame on Comey is idiotic and partisan. Get a clue.
Putting all the blame on Comey is idiotic and partisan. Get a clue.

I can't imagine you're accused of being the smartest guy in the room all too often.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Clinton broke the law before Trump won the election. Comey completed his investigation before Trump won the election. Comey was an abject failure at performing his duties before Trump won the election.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Trump beyond the Obama's and the AG's desire to do everything in their power to see that he was defeated in the general election.

She should've been charged and given the opportunity to defend herself. If she'd done nothing wrong, like she says, chances are she could've won the election (after she got done torpedoing Sanders, that is).

As for being partisan, Comey was a registered Republican well into 2016, and then became an independent.

Partisanship isn't a factor here. Doing what's right as opposed to doing what's wrong is the predominant factor here, and Comey failed to do that...
Putting all the blame on Comey is idiotic and partisan. Get a clue.

I can't imagine you're accused of being the smartest guy in the room all too often.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Clinton broke the law before Trump won the election. Comey completed his investigation before Trump won the election. Comey was an abject failure at performing his duties before Trump won the election.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Trump beyond the Obama's and the AG's desire to do everything in their power to see that he was defeated in the general election.

She should've been charged and given the opportunity to defend herself. If she'd done nothing wrong, like she says, chances are she could've won the election (after she got done torpedoing Sanders, that is).

As for being partisan, Comey was a registered Republican well into 2016, and then became an independent.

Partisanship isn't a factor here. Doing what's right as opposed to doing what's wrong is the predominant factor here, and Comey failed to do that...
. Upon what happened in the election, I don't trust Comey. He seems highly unstable to me. Very politically motivated, and he gets caught in the tossing of the waves easily. I wonder if he's got a huge ego, and is on some sort of power Trip ?
I can't believe Trump hasn't fired that piece of shit...
The FBI Director is appointed and serves for a 10 year term...

the president can't fire him without cause, without an impeachable type offense.

It is purposely set up this way so that the extremely powerful FBI director is non partisan, without strings or obligation or a conflict of interest with the President, or anyone....

which imo, is good, and how it should be.
I can't imagine you're accused of being the smartest guy in the room all too often.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.
Clinton broke the law before Trump won the election. Comey completed his investigation before Trump won the election. Comey was an abject failure at performing his duties before Trump won the election.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Trump beyond the Obama's and the AG's desire to do everything in their power to see that he was defeated in the general election.

She should've been charged and given the opportunity to defend herself. If she'd done nothing wrong, like she says, chances are she could've won the election (after she got done torpedoing Sanders, that is).

As for being partisan, Comey was a registered Republican well into 2016, and then became an independent.

Partisanship isn't a factor here. Doing what's right as opposed to doing what's wrong is the predominant factor here, and Comey failed to do that...
Correct. With a comment that Director Comey's boss, President Trump, "has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion", clearly you are not the brightest bulb on the family tree much less the smartest guy in the room.

The fact remains if there was enough evidence for a conviction, then both the current President and the current AG are part of the problem. If there is not enough evidence, then it's understandable why those charges are not being made.
Putting all the blame on Comey is idiotic and partisan. Get a clue.

I can't imagine you're accused of being the smartest guy in the room all too often.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Clinton broke the law before Trump won the election. Comey completed his investigation before Trump won the election. Comey was an abject failure at performing his duties before Trump won the election.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Trump beyond the Obama's and the AG's desire to do everything in their power to see that he was defeated in the general election.

She should've been charged and given the opportunity to defend herself. If she'd done nothing wrong, like she says, chances are she could've won the election (after she got done torpedoing Sanders, that is).

As for being partisan, Comey was a registered Republican well into 2016, and then became an independent.

Partisanship isn't a factor here. Doing what's right as opposed to doing what's wrong is the predominant factor here, and Comey failed to do that...
. Upon what happened in the election, I don't trust Comey. He seems highly unstable to me. Very politically motivated, and he gets caught in the tossing of the waves easily. I wonder if he's got a huge ego, and is on some sort of power Trip ?
Then the President should fire and replace him. IMHO, he's doing his duty and seems to have the support of Congress even though, at times, he's either pissed off the far Left or the far Right.
I can't believe Trump hasn't fired that piece of shit...
The FBI Director is appointed and serves for a 10 year term...

the president can't fire him without cause, without an impeachable type offense.

It is purposely set up this way so that the extremely powerful FBI director is non partisan, without strings or obligation or a conflict of interest with the President, or anyone....

which imo, is good, and how it should be.
Oops. Good to know. Can he be impeached?
I can't believe Trump hasn't fired that piece of shit...
The FBI Director is appointed and serves for a 10 year term...

the president can't fire him without cause, without an impeachable type offense.

It is purposely set up this way so that the extremely powerful FBI director is non partisan, without strings or obligation or a conflict of interest with the President, or anyone....

which imo, is good, and how it should be.
Oops. Good to know. Can he be impeached?
I think the person in the Director position can be impeached perhaps by Congress, but I am not certain, it's just a guess, and I would imagine they would have to have a pertty darn good criminal reason....to impeach.
Comey serves at the pleasure of each and every president in that "potential" 10 year span. He can be dismissed at any time for a reason or not. There actually was surprise back at the end of Jan. that Trump actually stuck with Comey. Look it up if you doubt me....

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