Comey was FIRED for Lying To The President, Incompetence, Misconduct & Negligence

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.

Interesting, you know all this because you have an advance copy of his book before publication I take it.
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.

Interesting, you know all this because you have an advance copy of his book before publication I take it.

It's not my problem that the guy is an idiot. He needed to keep his mouth shut, but like The Arrogant Obama Bin Spying who only cares about his "failed legacy" James Comey wants to defend his "FAILED TENURE" at The FBI.

He lied under oath to Congress: Fact
Loretta Lynch called him a liar: Fact
McCabe called him a liar: Fact

He has made contradictory statements in Congress, in his Interview and even in Excerpts of his book.

You don't need to read his piece of trash book to find out it is a work of fiction.

And you don't need to know about All The Leaks of Classified Information coming from James Comey's office or to list all of the FBI policies, and procedures he violated to exonerate Clinton who had clearly committed numerous felonies to know he has No Moral Character or Integrity. He is every bit as dishonest as Hillary Rotten Clinton, James Carvelle, and Obama Bin Lying.
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.
Comey was FIRED for Lying To The President
If he was, the OP-er sure picked the wrong set of essays to support that assertion...

Excerpts from the OP-er's linked discussion:
Why did James Comey blatantly lie about President Trump under oath? As other Quorans have noted, it’s not clear that he did. In fact, it’s pretty clear that Mr. Comey told the truth.

Trump, in his letter to fire Mr. Comey, declared his decision was based on the recommendation of the AG and Deputy AG. In his interview just a couple of days later he said emphatically that he [had] decided to fire Comey much earlier and the letter was irrelevant. Both statements cannot be true.
If the former is a lie then Trump lied in an official document and publicly when dealing with the Director of the FBI. He lied on the record, in his official capacity, to James Comey and the US Public. That would be a grave indictment. If the latter, then Trump lied to Lester Holt, on national television knowingly being seen by the US Public. That would be damaging to his credibility and it would invite a host of questions as to what would motivate him to lie to the citizens he has sworn to serve.
Former director Comey certainly may have made poor decisions in the past, but he has no history of lying. This contradicts starkly with the president’s history of remarkably public half-truths, misstatements, misleading statements and just plain lies. This president on several dozen occasions has contradicted himself—sometimes within the same hour. And so it stands to reason that the former director’s testimony carries more weight than the president’s assertions of it not being true. It’s “the nature of the man.”
Comey already knew, because The Coiffured Cheeto tweeted it, that there might be tapes of [his and Trump's] conversations. And yet under oath he delivered his testimony in the full knowledge that if there were indeed such tapes, they might contradict his testimony if he were to tell lies to the Senate, leaving him open to an indictment for perjury. Quite apart from the additional fact that The Coiffured Cheeto is a serial and confirmed liar, the above considerations indicate Comey’s testimony is far more likely to be true.
Far and away the most comprehensive analysis of all the individual who responded to the Quora question comes from Robert Russ. Below is part of his analysis:

I believe we, even assuming you or any reader is the most hardcore Trump supporter, agree all of these things were written and said, respectively by President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.

Here is my point:
  • Trump in his letter to fire Mr. Comey declared his decision was based on the recommendation of the AG and Deputy AG.
  • In his interview just a couple of days later he said emphatically that he decided to fire Comey much earlier and the letter was irrelevant.
Both statements cannot be true. If Trump told the truth in the first the latter is certainly false. And vice versa.
  • If the former is a lie then Trump lied in an official document and publicly when dealing with the Director of the FBI. He lied on the record, in his official capacity, to James Comey and the US Public. That would be a grave indictment.
  • If the latter, then Trump lied to Lester Holt, on national television knowingly being seen by the US Public. That would be damaging to his credibility and it would invite a host of questions as to what would motivate him to lie to the citizens he has sworn to serve.
In either case he lied. He lied to us Americans. He lied on purpose. [1]

This was not an “I will take out the trash tonight” lie where one honestly forgets to do something [one] said [one] would. This is not a lie like when you say the first car you had was a 6 cylinder when in fact it was a 4 cylinder but you were confused or forgetful. This was an intentional lie to the American Public whichever set of his words you accept.

And if the President lied to us, all of us, intentionally - Why?

And if the President lied to us, all of us, intentionally - What else would he lie to us about?

And if the President lied to us, all of us, intentionally - What else has he lied to us about?

And if the President lied to us, all of us, intentionally - Then Comey’s repeated statement, under oath, that he recorded meeting because the President seemed likely to lie and is a liar and had lied is at least true. Undeniably true. Number 4 from the very beginning of this article you have agreed with throughout was a mistaken belief by the defenders of Trump versus Comey on this topic. And as soon as you accept that logical argument it immediately makes the sworn testimony of Former FBI Director James Comey more credible than that of Donald J. Trump.

Maybe Comey lied. If he did I will leave it to conspiracy theorist to answer WHY. But we know Trump lied. We know he lied about Comey. We know he lied about the contents of this very narrow subject. Blatantly.

  1. This is the point at which Russ demonstrates the verity of "Number 4," which he refers to a bit later in his remarks. "Number 4" says, "Trump lied and is a liar."
Comey was FIRED for Lying To The President, Incompetence, Misconduct & Negligence

When will the president fire himself since he does it all the time..
More fun for James Comey who eventually will be Indited, and his ill advised interview and book will prompt a Special Counsel to look in to his criminal activities and corruption and collusion in The FBI with The Clinton Campaign.

When Comey lied about wiretapping Trump Tower

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing

FBI texts suggest Comey could have lied under oath, staffers used Gmail for official business

James Comey lied under oath, will congress do something?
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.

Hmm... Lying, incompetence, negligence, misconduct, and causing a Special Counsel to investigate --- yup, those all apply in spades to Rump van Tinkle for sure.

So when will he be firing himself?

Many people are waiting for that. Believe me. More people than anybody since Reagan. I've got three million illegals dancing on rooftops right now. Very fine people. It's unbelievable what they found.
Comey is also a dumb ass, because his book and interview are now pretty much guaranteed to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed to Investigate him, and Corruption in The FBI, and Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration. Loretta Lynch and McCabe have both called him a liar. The wicked are often caught in their own snares, and this is no different.

James Comey may as well move back to Russia, or Cuba, or somewhere where he can work in Government as part of a Banana Republic. He has now been caught lying under oath, and in his interview and book. He also lied about his meeting with The President, whom he had only spoken with for a few minutes and had only met with 3 times in total. He intentionally concealed from The President that Comey knew that The Dossier was false and salacious, and was funded by Hillary Clinton and The DNC, and was sourced by Russian KGB Agents. Yet he still lobbied a FISA Court for Surveillance Warrants On The President and also hid these same facts from them.

Hmm... Lying, incompetence, negligence, misconduct, and causing a Special Counsel to investigate --- yup, those all apply in spades to Rump van Tinkle for sure.

So when will he be firing himself?

Many people are waiting for that. Believe me. More people than anybody since Reagan. I've got three million illegals dancing on rooftops right now. Very fine people. It's unbelievable what they found.
Many people are waiting for that. Believe me. More people than anybody since Reagan. I've got three million illegals dancing on rooftops right now. Very fine people. It's unbelievable what they found.

Amazing how libs always protect caught scumbags. Comey will be his own undoing.
I love the IGNORE button.
Cowards and pretenders do take the easy road, HUH!

Using a blogging site like 'Quora' with its function of collecting OPINIONS for discussions as if it's relative to anything at all for the sole purpose of employing an inflammatory topic line to misdirect readers is something your type of propagandist would do; trying to persuade the low hanging fruit.

On another note, your use of English idioms has improved greatly since you replaced the "First Tree"!
Comey is also a dumb ass,

Why was Comey fired?

Well was the reason your Dear Leader gave for the firing?

Trump said of Comey: “He’s a showboat, he’s a grandstander, the FBI has been in turmoil. You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that. You take a look at the FBI a year ago, it was in virtual turmoil, less than a year ago. It hasn’t recovered from that.” He explained: “I was going to fire Comey. My decision. I was going to fire Comey. There’s no good time to do it, by the way. I was going to fire regardless of recommendation.

And, in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said: ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won.’”

Hmmm nothing about lying......or misconduct.....or negligence.

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