comgress polarized? blame the GOP

why did he call us a democracy?

Why did he call us a Republic??

go start a thread on it

“The best principles of our republic secure to all its citizens a perfect equality of rights.” - Thomas Jefferson

You brought it up... and you have been countered against your assertion...

And when you are exposed, as you have been, you attempt to push it off to the side or start another tangent.. like a 2 year old pushing their fingers in their ears and screaming LALALALALA

Why do you defend the horrible tactics of the republican party in congress to subvert the peoples choices
Democrat road blocks.... TDM believes are within founders intentions...

Republicans using the same or similar tactics.. against what the founders intended..

Hence showing TDM's hyper-partisan bias and hypocritical stances
The republicans are subverting the founders wishes with their scorched earth tactics

There are 293 Republicans in the House and Senate, there are 246 Dems in the House and Senate, there is 1 Dem President.

So that means there are more Republicans in Congress than Dems, but that's not how it works. If we had a true democracy as TM claims, the Republicans would control everything. :)

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49." -Thomas Jefferson
How come the liberal media doesn't ever talk about the record number of filabusters in the Senate?

I just dont know

Cons don't even mind when Romney, Bush, Boehner or Ryan lie because they agree with their alterior motives too. So even when you bust a righty on a lie, it doesn't matter because their lie is to protect the greater good.

The question is, do cons REALLY believe the media is still liberal? I guess that is a smart position to take when you are trying to move the country to the right. Its sooo very similar to how Hitler was able to brainwash a country to go along. No the GOP didn't commit genocide, but they sure are evil bastards bent on world distruction for profit.

P.S. Romney isn't a Venture Capitalist, he's a Vulture Capitalist. Difference. Yes a few times he invested his own money in some compapnies, but most of the time they borrowed to buy the company and gamed the tax code to make their profits. They didn't "turn the company around". Usually they hurt the companies. Saddled them with debt. Sometimes bankrupted them and stole their pensions. Either way, Romney won. Do Americans really want a Vulture Capitalist running the country? Why not a Wallstreet banker then? :cuckoo:

You do realize that disagreeing with you and including facts to back up our points of view aren't lies, right?

And No matter how much you want to claim otherwise, Bain Capital is a Venture Capitalist company
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?

That is exactly why people are electing tea party representatives. In order to get back to how the founders designed the system. Checks and balances.
Not minority rule over the majority of which we have become.

Dear idiot,

the republican party is the minority

The people who voted them in is repubs and independents.
The majority is independents and do not like the way both of the parties are taking us.
The republicans are subverting the founders wishes with their scorched earth tactics

There are 293 Republicans in the House and Senate, there are 246 Dems in the House and Senate, there is 1 Dem President.

So that means there are more Republicans in Congress than Dems, but that's not how it works. If we had a true democracy that TM claims, the Republicans would control everything. :)

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49." -Thomas Jefferson

how many voters were behind each election?

or do voters not figure into your little rant
One of the things that has not come true with majority rule, and it is what frightened the framers the most, was the majority could vote themselves all the largess of the nation at the expense of the others, the rich. But that has not happened because the wealthy discovered that money was similar to votes. By using the money they could convince enough of the non-wealthy to vote against their own best interests. The use of money in politics has leveled the playing field and allowed the wealthy hold their own, and the people to fear democracy less.
And the republicans are not teh majority huh?

the American people did NOT elect the republicans to control the country did they?

Not yet, just the House of Representatives ... which they should control in a way they were elected to do so by the majority of Americans. If Americans don't like it they get to vote differently next time. Wow! that's so hard to understand. We don't elected people to "control the country" just the branches of government they represent.
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The republicans are subverting the founders wishes with there scorched earth tactics

Ridiculous, as are the vast majority of your Pelosian takes.

Harry Reid will not permit the Senate to work out compromise - as the Founders intended.

Yes. She does seem to forget that Reid has loads of bills sitting on his desk. Bills passed by the House.

So of course its the Reps who are holding up the works. Not Dem Reid. He's innocent as the driven snow.

Truthsplatters. Another name for one fucking biased idiot.
The republicans are subverting the founders wishes with their scorched earth tactics

There are 293 Republicans in the House and Senate, there are 246 Dems in the House and Senate, there is 1 Dem President.

So that means there are more Republicans in Congress than Dems, but that's not how it works. If we had a true democracy that TM claims, the Republicans would control everything. :)

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49." -Thomas Jefferson

how many voters were behind each election?

or do voters not figure into your little rant

The Republicans have more people in Congress than the Dems. I think we should follow TMs advice and let the majority rule. :) Who's gonna tell Harry Reid and Barack Obama??
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49." ~ Thomas Jefferson

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