comgress polarized? blame the GOP

They are NOT the same you lying ack of shit

They are the same, they are procedural rules. They are both used by both parties, if you want them to end a simple 51 majority will end them.

You said that earlier.

Just for the record, it takes more than a simple majority to bring about cloture of a filibuster. Currently it takes 60 Senators to end a filibuster.

Cloture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The three-fifths version of the cloture rule does not apply to motions to end filibusters relating to Senate Rule changes. To invoke cloture to end debate over changing the Senate Rules, the original version of the rule (two-thirds of those Senators "present and voting") still applies.[12]

The procedure for "invoking cloture," or ending a filibuster, is as follows:
A minimum of sixteen senators must sign a petition for cloture.
The petition may be presented by interrupting another Senator's speech.
The clerk reads the petition.
The cloture petition is ignored for one full day during which the Senate is sitting. For example, if the petition is filed on Monday, it is ignored until Wednesday. (If the petition is filed on a Friday, it is ignored until Tuesday, assuming that the Senate did not sit on Saturday or Sunday.)[13]
On the second calendar day during which the Senate sits after the presentation of the petition, after the Senate has been sitting for one hour, a "quorum call" is undertaken to ensure that a majority of the Senators are present. However, the mandatory quorum call is often waived by unanimous consent.
The President of the Senate or President pro tempore presents the petition.
The Senate votes on the petition; three-fifths of the whole number of Senators (sixty with no vacancies) is the required majority; however, when cloture is invoked on a question of changing the rules of the Senate, two-thirds of the Senators voting (not necessarily two-thirds of all Senators) is the requisite majority. This is commonly referred to in the news media as a "test vote".

After cloture has been invoked, the following restrictions apply:
No more than thirty hours of debate may occur.[14]
No Senator may speak for more than one hour.
No amendments may be moved unless they were filed on the day in between the presentation of the petition and the actual cloture vote.
All amendments must be relevant to the debate.
Certain procedural motions are not permissible.
The presiding officer gains additional power in controlling debate.
No other matters may be considered until the question upon which cloture was invoked is disposed of.

The ability to invoke cloture was last attained by a US political party in the 111th Congress, by the Democrats, with the help of two independents.[15]

Or were you speaking of bringing an end to the procedure itself?


The procedure itself.
It is what you have been demanding for several years now. Don't give me your shit, B.B.

You and your party oppose Voter ID Laws because you know that not requiring ID allows illegal aliens to vote. You give free hand outs to illegal aliens for those votes. Buying votes is unethical. That is the DNC way.

How patriotic of you to support them. Not!


Dem's are trying to get bills for illegals to have Driver Licenses. They say because it's for safety reasons. :lol: Never mind it has never ever been a problem,till I.D. laws.
Yeah right. It's so that they can keep the illegals votes.
It's no coincidence that they are pushing for it.
The bills can't get out of the committees, not enough votes. :eusa_boohoo:

You don't have to prove citizenship in many states to get a Driver's License. That should be the next item on the agenda for states. :)

It is, and they are working on it.

Proof of U.S. citizenship must be established when dealing with all levels of U.S. government. Documents proving citizenship must be provided when applying for Social Security benefits and when applying for a U.S. passport.
Increasingly, states are requiring proof of citizenship when applying for “enhanced” drivers licenses as required by the federal Real ID Act.
Why do you defend the horrible tactics of the republican party in congress to subvert the peoples choices

Why do you defend Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats?

Because they are trying to defend what the people voted for.

Unlike the republicans who are subverting the founders wishes

What a bunch of horse shit.

Reid is holding up the process. He should bring those bills to the floor of the Senate, Debate em and vote on em. Thats what they are there for.

Instead he's got them all shelved and he's already said he's not doing a budget. Yup. He's looking out for the folks all right. More like he's looking our for his party.

So who again did you say is holding the American people hostage??
Why do you defend Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats?

Because they are trying to defend what the people voted for.

Unlike the republicans who are subverting the founders wishes

What a bunch of horse shit.

Reid is holding up the process. He should bring those bills to the floor of the Senate, Debate em and vote on em. Thats what they are there for.

Instead he's got them all shelved and he's already said he's not doing a budget. Yup. He's looking out for the folks all right. More like he's looking our for his party.

So who again did you say is holding the American people hostage??

IMHO.. simply wants to ensure there is no record of what his DEMs were for or against in terms of vote... plausible deniability is his goal
what the republicans are doing is controling the government so it will fail

Why do you defend the horrible tactics of the republican party in congress to subvert the peoples choices

The people have chosen Republicans to represnet them. how is doing the will of their constiuents subverting the people's choices?
When the minorty rules you dont have the people in control

Your argument has been that the people dont have control. Since Democrats control the White House and the Senate, are you saying that they are indeed the minority and the people dont have control?

Should I likewise conclude that you oppose gay marriage now too?
Did the founders want the people to decide?

They wanted them to decide who their representatives were. After that it was up to the representatives.

Of course, the whole set up of the government was to keep the Federal government small and keep power as localized as possible so that people can govern themselves.
TDM totally lost this whole argument and all the sub arguments, too. Both parties need to understand they represent us, the people. It's not about Dems or Republicans, it's about what's right for the Country. The Dem controlled Senate hasn't even looked at any of the multiple Jobs bills sent over from the Republican controlled House. They haven't passed a budge in almost 4 years, yet it's the GOP that's the problem.

All I can say is thank goodness those people we elected in the shellacking of 2010 are doing what we sent them there to do.

BTW, everyone does know that a democracy is mob rule. Thomas Jefferson tells us so.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."
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Why do you defend the horrible tactics of the republican party in congress to subvert the peoples choices

Why do you defend Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats?

Because they are trying to defend what the people voted for.

Unlike the republicans who are subverting the founders wishes

So the House of Representatives, the chamber of Congress that was explicitly created to represent the people passes bills and when Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats refuse to vote on them, they are defending what the people voted for?

If the people voted for Republicans, then how is opposing Republicans supporting what the people want?
They are NOT the same you lying ack of shit

Then why dont you explain how they are different in detail instead of completely ignoring the points and calling someone who disagrees with you a liar.

I dont understand why you dont have more self respect for what you write and say. You post here but dont even really try to communicate with anyone. You just fly off the handle if anyone has the slightest disagreement with your interpretation of reality. That doesnt persuade anyone to accept your position. Quite the opposite.

Even putting in a slightly greater effort on your skills would vastly improve your post quality.

It's also a good idea not to post emotionally.
TDM totally lost this whole argument and all the sub arguments, too. Both parties need to understand they represent us, the people. It's not about Dems or Republicans, it's about what's right for the Country. The Dem controlled Senate hasn't even looked at any of the multiple Jobs bills sent over from the Republican controlled House. They haven't passed a budge in almost 4 years, yet it's the GOP that's the problem.

All I can say is thank goodness those people we elected in the shellacking of 2010 are doing what we sent them there to do.

BTW, everyone does know that a democracy is mob rule. Thomas Jefferson tells us so.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."

You forget. Although she will claim otherwise, her words have always proven that for her, it is party over country, always has been and always will be.
what the republicans are doing is controling the government so it will fail

Well, they were elected to govern... would you want them to abdicate their responsibility to the constituents who voted them in?

Oh my God, here we go again, the lines are drawn in the sand, some understand the financial implications and read the CBO reports while others continue to drink cool aid and wear rose colored glasses. Face it knuckle heads, were broke, the dollar is on a collision course with destiny, that is, pop goes the bubble. You can attempt to defer and shove this issue on to the backs of the next generation, however, expect the down grade in exchange for fiscal irresponsibility, higher interest rates, collapse of the dollar. For some of you it's time to understand the concept of financial sustainability and unfunded liabilities. Dam I get pissed when elected people demonstrate incompetence and pretend the issue doesn't exist. As for those of you self righteous punks that do not understand basic finance, accounting, and economics, it's about time to man up and face the hard fact that your progressive liberal policy agenda has failed. Funny it only took one generation. Congratulations on that one, you succeeded in destroying the largest and most powerful economic machine the world has known.
[Congress] polarized? blame the GOP

TdM is so stupid, she thinks we want Congress to be able to pass any more "laws."

But as long as the country is getting run into the ground with far-left-wing idiocy, I am ALL FOR polarization and stagnation.

I hope they can't even agree on when to reconvene after a break.
what the republicans are doing is controling the government so it will fail

Well, they were elected to govern... would you want them to abdicate their responsibility to the constituents who voted them in?

Oh my God, here we go again, the lines are drawn in the sand, some understand the financial implications and read the CBO reports while others continue to drink cool aid and wear rose colored glasses. Face it knuckle heads, were broke, the dollar is on a collision course with destiny, that is, pop goes the bubble. You can attempt to defer and shove this issue on to the backs of the next generation, however, expect the down grade in exchange for fiscal irresponsibility, higher interest rates, collapse of the dollar. For some of you it's time to understand the concept of financial sustainability and unfunded liabilities. Dam I get pissed when elected people demonstrate incompetence and pretend the issue doesn't exist. As for those of you self righteous punks that do not understand basic finance, accounting, and economics, it's about time to man up and face the hard fact that your progressive liberal policy agenda has failed. Funny it only took one generation. Congratulations on that one, you succeeded in destroying the largest and most powerful economic machine the world has known.

Im a little confused what that has to do with anything i said...
[Congress] polarized? blame the GOP

TdM is so stupid, she thinks we want Congress to be able to pass any more "laws."

But as long as the country is getting run into the ground with far-left-wing idiocy, I am ALL FOR polarization and stagnation.

I hope they can't even agree on when to reconvene after a break.

It is odd that people measure Congress's success at the number of laws they pass regardless of how well crafted those laws are, what benefits they actually accomplish, and whether Congress has authority to enact them.

Congress could pass a law outlawing gravity. And there would be some cheering at this initiative though most of us realize that Congressional decree really wont make it so.

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