comgress polarized? blame the GOP

Truthsplatters is a left wing biased idiot.

She has no problem with filibustering as long as the Dems are doing it.

She sees nothing wrong with that asshole Reid shelving the bills the House sends over. DOA I believe were his words. Talk about tying up the Congress.

She has a problem with folks having a ID to prove they are who they say they are during an election. And of course the Reps cheat and steal elections.

She also thinks the Dems are completely innocent of any of the blame for the meltdown. They are pure as the drive snow and have the peoples best interests at heart. LOL

Oh Yeah. She's right and every right leaning poster on this board is full of shit.

She and Pelosi. Two flamming idiots of the first magnitude.

not a fact in that that post.

why do you ignore the facts
Truthsplatters is a left wing biased idiot.

She has no problem with filibustering as long as the Dems are doing it.

She sees nothing wrong with that asshole Reid shelving the bills the House sends over. DOA I believe were his words. Talk about tying up the Congress.

She has a problem with folks having a ID to prove they are who they say they are during an election. And of course the Reps cheat and steal elections.

She also thinks the Dems are completely innocent of any of the blame for the meltdown. They are pure as the drive snow and have the peoples best interests at heart. LOL

Oh Yeah. She's right and every right leaning poster on this board is full of shit.

She and Pelosi. Two flamming idiots of the first magnitude.

That sums it up nicely.
The framers often used majority rule, even to ratify the Constitution.

Well they had to start somewhere. The thing is once they ratified the Constitution they made sure there was a checks and balances system in place to counter just that. We do NOT elect Presidents by simply counting the Ballot boxes, or New York, and California would ALWAYS be deciding who our next President was. And that is COMPLETELY unacceptable.
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?
Why are you ignoring my question TM?
I will repeat.
Why did Jefferson say he wanted to see the Republican element pushed to the max Tm?
The framers often used majority rule, even to ratify the Constitution.

Well they had to start somewhere. The thing is once they ratified the Constitution they made sure there was a checks and balances system in place to counter just that. We do NOT elect Presidents by simply counting the Ballot boxes, or New York, and California would ALWAYS be deciding who our next President was. And that is COMPLETELY unacceptable.

that is because they contain more Americans.

Do you suggest small states should rule the country?
The Republicans in congress want to be heard, they want to represent the Americans that voted for them. It's not mob rule (democracy), because the Dems controlled Congress doesn't mean they get their way all the time. It's working as it's supposed to.
Go get the definition of the word democracy.

it says nothing about mob rule
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?

That is exactly why people are electing tea party representaivies. In order to get back to how the founders designed the system. Checks and balances.
Not minority rule over the majority of which we have become.
Gridlock in Congress? Blame the GOP -

many years, journalists and scholars have lamented the rise of partisan polarization on Capitol Hill. The number of moderates has vastly declined and the number of bills that receive bipartisan support has greatly diminished. The usual culprits range from the advent of the 24-hour news cycle to changing demographics.

But now observers are starting to note that both parties are not equally to blame, especially in recent years.

In their new book, "It's Even Worse Than It Looks," Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein -- two of the most prominent talking heads in Washington, known for their balanced view and proclivity toward moderation -- say that the Republican Party is to blame.

"The GOP," they wrote in a Washington Post op-ed based on the book, "has become an insurgent outlier in American politics." Mann and Ornstein trace the partisan style back to the emergence of Newt Gingrich and Grover Norquist in the 1970s, when the two men promoted a style of slash-and-burn, take-no-prisoners politics that has remained integral to the strategy of congressional Republicans

The republican actions in congress are unprecidented
The Republicans in congress want to be heard, they want to represent the Americans that voted for them. It's not mob rule (democracy), because the Dems controlled Congress doesn't mean they get their way all the time. It's working as it's supposed to.

They do the job that we send them to do.

I voted for someone to did the majority of the my district. If he stops obstructing, we'll find someone who will.

That is a representative democracy within a republic.

Gotta love it.
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?

That is exactly why people are electing tea party representaivies. In order to get back to how the founders designed the system. Checks and balances.
Not minority rule over the majority of which we have become.

Dear idiot,

the republican party is the minority
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?

That is exactly why people are electing tea party representaivies. In order to get back to how the founders designed the system. Checks and balances.
Not minority rule over the majority of which we have become.

Or the abusive use of the courts by people like FDR.
The Republicans in congress want to be heard, they want to represent the Americans that voted for them. It's not mob rule (democracy), because the Dems controlled Congress doesn't mean they get their way all the time. It's working as it's supposed to.

They do the job that we send them to do.

I voted for someone to did the majority of the my district. If he stops obstructing, we'll find someone who will.

That is a representative democracy within a republic.

Gotta love it.

No it is not.

the founders did not design a system in which the minority rules
why do you refuse to face the facts that the republican party is acting against how the founders designed the system?

Your complete lack of understanding how America's election process works is a testament to America's failing education system. I know your sole mission here is to attack Republican's, but the avenue you are choosing is simply revealing your complete ineptness by taking on a subject far above your level of comprehension. Now if we were to argue basket weaving, I suppose you might have an edge.

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