Coming soon: The State of the Union

well there goes the dumbo parrot fantasy narrative that claims they didn't do what trump now wishes to own, as if he is the only reason we are talking about these issues.

thanks for proving what liars the trumptards are. :thup:

No capitalization run on sentence snowflake response.

dumbo parrot is a descriptor for those who spread the trump fantasy narrative...

...that fantasy narrative claimed by trump, AS IF nothing had been done about these issues by other leaders, and AS IF trump was the only reason the country is now facing these issues... as he SHAMELESSLY and dangerously panders to base fear and loathing in our country.

btw how should one describe YOUR response, besides useless dickery..??
dumbo parrot is a descriptor for those who spread the trump fantasy narrative...

...that fantasy narrative claimed by trump, AS IF nothing had been done about these issues by other leaders, and AS IF trump was the only reason the country is now facing these issues... as he SHAMELESSLY and dangerously panders to base fear and loathing in our country.

btw how should one describe YOUR response, besides useless dickery..??

You really disliked your English teacher didn't you.
the state of the union is grrrrreat! :eusa_clap:

Flynn and one other Trump campaign staffer have pleaded guilty to perjury, and two more senior campaign officials have been indicted. So far, more than 20 members of the White House staff have either been fired or resigned from their positions. Every day there is another story about who will be next to go. Will it be Rex Tillerson, who has been quoted calling Trump a “moron”? Sessions, who has lied repeatedly about his contacts with Russians during the campaign and enraged Trump when he recused himself from the Russia investigation? Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, chairman of a bank in Cyprus used in Russian money laundering and photographed on numerous occasions falling asleep at meetings, including state occasions in Saudi Arabia and in the White House itself?

See a pattern here? Resignations. Firings. Indictments. Hearings. Special prosecutor. Leaks. Media hordes. And all over Washington, D.C., offices filled with eager beaver investigators burrowing into every corner of the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, the Trump White House and Trump’s business empire.

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has worked his way through the White House staff and the Trump campaign, taking testimony from one witness after another, just like the Watergate special prosecutor worked his way through the Nixon White House and campaign. There is only one witness left to interview: Donald J. Trump.

There is one difference between the two cases. Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski never questioned Richard Nixon about his role in the Watergate burglary and cover-up. He didn’t have to. On July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court decided in United States v. Nixon that the president had to release the White House tapes. Fifteen days later, the inevitable happened. Facing impeachment and the probability of being prosecuted after leaving office, Nixon made a deal for a pardon and resigned.

Now Washington’s immune system is about to expel yet another infection from the body politic. The end game is here. Even Trump knows it.

Defeat is inevitable. Everybody knows it, even Trump
I like the SOTU address he gave a year earlier, where he said this:

"All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace... We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

Flashback: Bill Clinton SOTU condemned illegals as lawbreakers robbing jobs, taxes

Did you like all of it, or only section cherry picked by the Washington Examiner? For the curious, below is a link to the entire address.

State of the Union 1995 (delivered version) < William Jefferson Clinton < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

I hesitated, but decided to point out the cherry picking as done by JGailt, is to lie by omission. For the fact is the cherry picked part was in fact spoken by President Clinton, but the context of the entire speech speaks to his effort to bring our nation together. Of course history tells us the Republicans then and now seek only one thing, the power to govern, and to divide us to gain that power.
the state of the union is grrrrreat! :eusa_clap:

Flynn and one other Trump campaign staffer have pleaded guilty to perjury, and two more senior campaign officials have been indicted. So far, more than 20 members of the White House staff have either been fired or resigned from their positions. Every day there is another story about who will be next to go. Will it be Rex Tillerson, who has been quoted calling Trump a “moron”? Sessions, who has lied repeatedly about his contacts with Russians during the campaign and enraged Trump when he recused himself from the Russia investigation? Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, chairman of a bank in Cyprus used in Russian money laundering and photographed on numerous occasions falling asleep at meetings, including state occasions in Saudi Arabia and in the White House itself?

See a pattern here? Resignations. Firings. Indictments. Hearings. Special prosecutor. Leaks. Media hordes. And all over Washington, D.C., offices filled with eager beaver investigators burrowing into every corner of the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, the Trump White House and Trump’s business empire.

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has worked his way through the White House staff and the Trump campaign, taking testimony from one witness after another, just like the Watergate special prosecutor worked his way through the Nixon White House and campaign. There is only one witness left to interview: Donald J. Trump.

There is one difference between the two cases. Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski never questioned Richard Nixon about his role in the Watergate burglary and cover-up. He didn’t have to. On July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court decided in United States v. Nixon that the president had to release the White House tapes. Fifteen days later, the inevitable happened. Facing impeachment and the probability of being prosecuted after leaving office, Nixon made a deal for a pardon and resigned.

Now Washington’s immune system is about to expel yet another infection from the body politic. The end game is here. Even Trump knows it.

Defeat is inevitable. Everybody knows it, even Trump

On the bright side, a bunch of Hillary staff didn't have to commit suicide....
dumbo parrot is a descriptor for those who spread the trump fantasy narrative...

...that fantasy narrative claimed by trump, AS IF nothing had been done about these issues by other leaders, and AS IF trump was the only reason the country is now facing these issues... as he SHAMELESSLY and dangerously panders to base fear and loathing in our country.

btw how should one describe YOUR response, besides useless dickery..??

You really disliked your English teacher didn't you.

my writing on this forum is spontaneous and informal, daryl. shocking you had such a hard time understanding the meaning of my post. tho i still believe it's mostly due to your default dickery mode.

btw was that a question without a question mark.. oh my, how confusing!

:uhoh3: FTR i once earned a degree to teach english. true story.
No thanks, I'll pass.

It'll just be another opportunity for trump lovers to watch their bumbling orange perv beat off in public, again, for an hour-and-a-half.
Maybe he will just repeat himself year after year like Obama did. Mediocrity is what Obama wanted and got. Those days are over.
Do you know that a guilty plea to Perjury is to admit to a felony, and only a fool or someone with more to hide will do so?
Yeah, and THAT is why this is so dangerous.

They can interrogate you once, get statements on record, and when they interrogate you again, if there is ANY discrepancy, they charge you.

Comey lied to US, but they aren't held accountable to the same standard. This is why a powerful Godvernment is so dangerous.
sure, daryll... your lame contributions are absolutely meltworthy. :uhoh3:
sure, daryll... your lame contributions are absolutely meltworthy. :uhoh3:

I try to be careful with the especially melty like yourself. You may want to remove heavy object or easily thrown ones while watching the SOTU. :lol:
Justice Ginsburg to skip State of the Union, signals she has no plans to retire

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be attending President Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday.

Instead, she will be at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, for a talk that was announced in August, the Providence Journal reported.

Ginsburg, 84, also has sent signals recently that she intends to keep her seat on the bench for years to come.

When asked how long she intends to serve, she said she will stay as long as she can go “full steam,” drawing inspiration from her model, Justice John Paul Stevens, who stepped down in 2010 at age 90.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Ginsburg's nomination by President Bill Clinton and her confirmation as the second woman on the court -- following former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

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