Commemorating British Casualties of Jewish Terrorism, 1944–1948


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Normally, a gathering of British nationalists in central London, proudly bearing English banners and Union Flags, would be met with a horde of screaming demonstrators bussed in from far and wide. But no disturbance took place last weekend when such a group of patriots assembled near Trafalgar Square and the reason is not hard to discern.

For such interference would have meant drawing attention to a historic episode the British government and the Jewish community leaders would most likely wish forgotten — the killing of 784 British police officers, servicemen, Crown servants and civilian staff by Jewish terrorists in the Palestine Mandate crisis between 1944–48.

So that is why, although every broadcast and print outlet and every political party was circulated with a press release, there was a total media blackout. It was a far cry from the anti-Shomrim demonstration against the establishment of a sectarian Jewish police force a month ago.

All par for the course. The British government’s attempt to “forget” the sacrifice of these servicemen and dump them down the memory hole is very reminiscent of another similarly embarrassing episode, the murderous Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967.
The British servicemen and police were a peacekeeping force serving in what was known as the British Palestine Mandate enclave just after the war. This Mandate was agreed as part of the Balfour Declaration and it was due to elapse in May, 1948.

It was a time of great tension. The Arabs were beginning to realize that the promises and assurances they had been given at Balfour counted for nothing and their homeland was being given away. The Jewish settlers were being reinforced by the illegal immigration of thousands of Jews from war-devastated Europe and reinforced by armaments from the Soviet Union and financial support from the USA.

Holding the line between them were young British servicemen and police, many of whom had come straight from the war in Europe and had taken part in the liberation of such camps as Bergen-Belsen, only to find themselves shot at and blown up by Jewish terrorists. Their deaths left a lasting bitterness among the veterans and their families.

The deaths included the hanging by piano wire of two 20-year-old British Army sergeants, Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin, who in 1947 were kidnapped by Irgun and held hostage for three weeks. Their bodies were left hanging in a eucalyptus grove and were booby trapped with land mines.

Commemorating British Casualties of Jewish Terrorism, 1944–1948

No compensation was paid to the victims of Zionist terrorism and their families
There are no consequences for Jewish terrorism as the Israelis see themselves as the chosen and live above the laws of all other nations.

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