Commie Hag Stein Sticks Michigan With Recount Bill

Everything you know about Hillary is bs GOP hate propaganda, hater dupe. lol. All that Lock her up bs was just for you. Enjoy W 2.0, brainwashed functional moron.

At least I'm "functional" ya hairlip soap-dodger. :lol:
It's absolutely disgusting that liberals have millions to just throw away on a useless recount. These people are so out of touch with the middle class working American.
Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008

She still isn't going to win....:woohoo:

She's not trying to win...she's trying to get the electoral votes from all 3 states negated because they can't meet the 19 December deadline.

I know but she's still never going to be POTUS, not now, not ever :banana:
Everything you know about Hillary is bs GOP hate propaganda, hater dupe. lol. All that Lock her up bs was just for you. Enjoy W 2.0, brainwashed functional moron.
Says a pussy whipped bitch… LOL
Enjoy her getting locked up, brainwashed functional moron. lol
It's absolutely disgusting that liberals have millions to just throw away on a useless recount. These people are so out of touch with the middle class working American.
who believe the election was rigged. Ooops, he won lol. So only the campaign and the future is rigged? At this point, everything about Putin should be recounted ....
Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008

She still isn't going to win....:woohoo:

She's not trying to win...she's trying to get the electoral votes from all 3 states negated because they can't meet the 19 December deadline.

I know but she's still never going to be POTUS, not now, not ever :banana:
Everything you know about Hillary is bs GOP hate propaganda, hater dupe. lol. All that Lock her up bs was just for you. Enjoy W 2.0, brainwashed functional moron.

You overuse "hater dupe" and look middle school doing it....that and you're an ignorant fool
Not at all, it's THE story of US politics the last 30 years. Read my book. You dolts are perfect illustrations. Thanks!
Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008
''You can keep your Doctor if you want to.'' Barack Obama

''They have to go, ALL ILLEGAL immigrants have to be sent back'' Donald Trump

''She needs to go to jail, I will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton'' Donald Trump

''I will build a 40 ft wall across the southern border, and Mexico is going to pay for it.'' Donald Trump

If a man does it, it's all A-OK, if a woman does it, she's lying scum....will say anything!

Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008
''You can keep your Doctor if you want to.'' Barack Obama

''They have to go, ALL ILLEGAL immigrants have to be sent back'' Donald Trump

''She needs to go to jail, I will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton'' Donald Trump

''I will build a 40 ft wall across the southern border, and Mexico is going to pay for it.'' Donald Trump

If a man does it, it's all A-OK, if a woman does it, she's lying scum....will say anything!


You sour-grapes, poor-loser snowflake ass is really PULLING THE GENDER CARD?!

Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008

She still isn't going to win....:woohoo:

She's not trying to win...she's trying to get the electoral votes from all 3 states negated because they can't meet the 19 December deadline.

I know but she's still never going to be POTUS, not now, not ever :banana:
Everything you know about Hillary is bs GOP hate propaganda, hater dupe. lol. All that Lock her up bs was just for you. Enjoy W 2.0, brainwashed functional moron.
That was the crowd chanting lock her up. Had you watched any rallies and not limited your exposure to comedy shows you'd know. Projecting your ignorance doesn't cut it.
Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008
''You can keep your Doctor if you want to.'' Barack Obama

''They have to go, ALL ILLEGAL immigrants have to be sent back'' Donald Trump

''She needs to go to jail, I will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton'' Donald Trump

''I will build a 40 ft wall across the southern border, and Mexico is going to pay for it.'' Donald Trump

If a man does it, it's all A-OK, if a woman does it, she's lying scum....will say anything!

Agreed, but would point out Obama's "LIE!" was a prediction that was not as wrong as portrayed- It was the way doctor/insurance networks were going anyway- you had to pay attention when getting insurance as to what network your doctor was on. More GOP BS as always...
Libs want what they want and will lie to getit.

"Hillary Clinton will do and say anythig to win..."
- Barak Obama, 2008

She still isn't going to win....:woohoo:

She's not trying to win...she's trying to get the electoral votes from all 3 states negated because they can't meet the 19 December deadline.

I know but she's still never going to be POTUS, not now, not ever :banana:
Everything you know about Hillary is bs GOP hate propaganda, hater dupe. lol. All that Lock her up bs was just for you. Enjoy W 2.0, brainwashed functional moron.
That was the crowd chanting lock her up. Had you watched any rallies and not limited your exposure to comedy shows you'd know. Projecting your ignorance doesn't cut it.
So Trump never said he was going to? LOL @ idiot dupe...
Wisconsin was so insulted by Stein's scheme they decided to charge her $3.5M for their trouble. Michigan estimates their recount will cost around $5M of which Stein is paying slightly less than $1M. When asked to comment on the difference, Stein lied and then thumbed her nose at Michigan taxpayers: :shock:

Fidel-worshiping Stein downplayed the cost of the recount in the radio interview Wednesday morning, which aired before Johnson announced the new $4 million estimate. “Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said. “And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”


Pennsylvania will decide on Monday 5 December whether they'll bother with her, or how much they'll charge.

Wisconsin: Recount to cost $3.5M
Mich. recount to start Friday barring Trump challenge

“Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said.“And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”

Have the majority of the people of Michigan requested this recount? No, so the taxpayers of that state shouldn't have to pay for it.

Michigan doesn't even have voting involving the Internet, this is how people know Jill Stein Hillary's Lapdog has the ulterior motive with Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania of preventing them being included in the Electoral College meeting. This then goes to the House of Representatives and they have to decide.

This is typical Leftist behaviour, dividing and pitting people against each other is like oxygen to them. Leftists hate democracy, no wonder they adore POS like Fidel Castro, in the Leftists ideal world they'd all be Fidel Castro.

Agreed, but would point out Obama's "LIE!" was a prediction that was not as wrong as portrayed-



Barry said the ACA would not cost a dime...
- No govt social benefits program, especially one this massive, in history has EVER done that! Barry was purposefully lying his ass off OR Mr 'I hid my college grades' is dumb as hell!

Barry said it would pay for itself
- Re-read the statement above...AND the GAO was declaring Barry was full of shit, that it would cost Americans out the ass

Barry's lie of the year claim was that if you liked your plan you could keep it.
- AGAIN Barry KNEW the new mandated requirements in the ACA would make almost all plans null and void because they did not include the new mandated coverages - HE KNEW HE WAS LYING!
Wisconsin was so insulted by Stein's scheme they decided to charge her $3.5M for their trouble. Michigan estimates their recount will cost around $5M of which Stein is paying slightly less than $1M. When asked to comment on the difference, Stein lied and then thumbed her nose at Michigan taxpayers: :shock:

Fidel-worshiping Stein downplayed the cost of the recount in the radio interview Wednesday morning, which aired before Johnson announced the new $4 million estimate. “Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said. “And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”


Pennsylvania will decide on Monday 5 December whether they'll bother with her, or how much they'll charge.

Wisconsin: Recount to cost $3.5M
Mich. recount to start Friday barring Trump challenge

“Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said.“And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”

Have the majority of the people of Michigan requested this recount? No, so the taxpayers of that state shouldn't have to pay for it.

Michigan doesn't even have voting involving the Internet, this is how people know Jill Stein Hillary's Lapdog has the ulterior motive with Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania of preventing them being included in the Electoral College meeting. This then goes to the House of Representatives and they have to decide.

This is typical Leftist behaviour, dividing and pitting people against each other is like oxygen to them. Leftists hate democracy, no wonder they adore POS like Fidel Castro, in the Leftists ideal world they'd all be Fidel Castro.

is stienburg also making sure that no white people are counting the votes?
Wisconsin was so insulted by Stein's scheme they decided to charge her $3.5M for their trouble. Michigan estimates their recount will cost around $5M of which Stein is paying slightly less than $1M. When asked to comment on the difference, Stein lied and then thumbed her nose at Michigan taxpayers: :shock:

Fidel-worshiping Stein downplayed the cost of the recount in the radio interview Wednesday morning, which aired before Johnson announced the new $4 million estimate. “Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said. “And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”


Pennsylvania will decide on Monday 5 December whether they'll bother with her, or how much they'll charge.

Wisconsin: Recount to cost $3.5M
Mich. recount to start Friday barring Trump challenge

“Most of that cost, if not all of it, should be handled by the fee,” Stein said.“And if some of it is not, you know, democracy is not free.”

Have the majority of the people of Michigan requested this recount? No, so the taxpayers of that state shouldn't have to pay for it.

Michigan doesn't even have voting involving the Internet, this is how people know Jill Stein Hillary's Lapdog has the ulterior motive with Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania of preventing them being included in the Electoral College meeting. This then goes to the House of Representatives and they have to decide.

This is typical Leftist behaviour, dividing and pitting people against each other is like oxygen to them. Leftists hate democracy, no wonder they adore POS like Fidel Castro, in the Leftists ideal world they'd all be Fidel Castro.

Agreed, but would point out Obama's "LIE!" was a prediction that was not as wrong as portrayed-



Barry said the ACA would not cost a dime...
- No govt social benefits program, especially one this massive, in history has EVER done that! Barry was purposefully lying his ass off OR Mr 'I hid my college grades' is dumb as hell!

Barry said it would pay for itself
- Re-read the statement above...AND the GAO was declaring Barry was full of shit, that it would cost Americans out the ass

Barry's lie of the year claim was that if you liked your plan you could keep it.
- AGAIN Barry KNEW the new mandated requirements in the ACA would make almost all plans null and void because they did not include the new mandated coverages - HE KNEW HE WAS LYING!
..."if you like it". He didn't realize you dupes loved your scam plans lol...
Agreed, but would point out Obama's "LIE!" was a prediction that was not as wrong as portrayed-



Barry said the ACA would not cost a dime...
- No govt social benefits program, especially one this massive, in history has EVER done that! Barry was purposefully lying his ass off OR Mr 'I hid my college grades' is dumb as hell!

Barry said it would pay for itself
- Re-read the statement above...AND the GAO was declaring Barry was full of shit, that it would cost Americans out the ass

Barry's lie of the year claim was that if you liked your plan you could keep it.
- AGAIN Barry KNEW the new mandated requirements in the ACA would make almost all plans null and void because they did not include the new mandated coverages - HE KNEW HE WAS LYING!
Laughing at your own ignorance is a good learn.
Agreed, but would point out Obama's "LIE!" was a prediction that was not as wrong as portrayed-



Barry said the ACA would not cost a dime...
- No govt social benefits program, especially one this massive, in history has EVER done that! Barry was purposefully lying his ass off OR Mr 'I hid my college grades' is dumb as hell!

Barry said it would pay for itself
- Re-read the statement above...AND the GAO was declaring Barry was full of shit, that it would cost Americans out the ass

Barry's lie of the year claim was that if you liked your plan you could keep it.
- AGAIN Barry KNEW the new mandated requirements in the ACA would make almost all plans null and void because they did not include the new mandated coverages - HE KNEW HE WAS LYING!
Laughing at your own ignorance is a good learn.
ACA is a framework on which to build. Of course, the GOP wouldn't allow any tinkering. Amend and call it TrumpCare then. We don't care, if it's good for the country, party first morons...

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