Commie-loving Dems pretending they finally see the bear


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yea, the commie loving Dems were always fond of Russia. They never hid their love for all things communist. For years, they mocked Republicans for pointing out that Russia poses a threat. The bear in the woods was said to be a myth by liberals. Looks like now they are seeing the bear, or at least pretending to.

"Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign ran a 30 second TV commercial titled “The Bear.” The video was simply a bear walking slowly through a forest. The narration was equally simple: “There is a bear in the woods. For some people, the bear is easy to see. Others don’t see it at all. Some people say the bear is tame. Others say it’s vicious and dangerous. Since no one can really be sure who’s right, isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear? If there is a bear.” At the end of the narrative a man appeared on screen and the bear retreated.

The ad was devastatingly effective because the American people easily recognized the message. The Russian bear was roaming the world looking for countries and societies to swallow and force into a global communist “workers paradise.” President Reagan had been a lifelong opponent of communism, while American liberals were boosters of the Kremlin Commissars and vociferous opponents of Reagan, and any American politician who stood strong against communist imperialism.

Since at least 1968 the mainstream of the Democrat Party has been knee-jerk in its opposition to American anti-communism and equally knee-jerk in its support of Russian expansionism and mischief making around the globe. Jeanne Kirkpatrick, then America’s ambassador to the U.N., coined the phrase “Blame America First” to describe the Democrats at the 1984 GOP Convention. She was 100 percent correct and by 1984 the American electorate instinctively understood that. This understanding greatly contributed to Reagan’s 49 state sweep in the election.

Which brings us to the current Democrat hysteria about Russian “hacking” of our recent election – a pure fiction – and their artificial horror that President Trump has been civil to Russian President Putin. Here are two predictions you can take to the bank about all this: 1) The Democrat disdain for Russian authoritarianism is 100 percent phony, as 21st century American liberalism is indistinguishable from Russian totalitarianism; and 2) At the first sign that the Commie Cossaks in Moscow are at odds with President Trump on any policy, the Democrats will pivot on a dime and revert to their slogan of “no enemies on the Left” which has guided their foreign policy positions for 50 years. Trump will be the bully and Putin the aggrieved good guy.

For those looking for a bit of déjà vu, feast on some of the epithets (for UCLA grads that means mean words) thrown at President Reagan.

“He has always been drawn to radical activities. He has a propensity toward right wing radical activities … a flawed person with a defective mind … Reagan has a bully syndrome, combined with a very inadequate personality … it’s a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous combination.” – Former CIA Director John Stockwell.

I listed this first so those with short attention spans can add some perspective to the current cow pies being thrown at President Trump by our “intelligence” agencies.

“He is the most dangerous person ever to come this close to the presidency … he is a menace to the human race.” – The Nation” magazine.

This rag is still publishing, and as you might guess said almost exactly the same thing about Donald Trump.

“He is shallow, superficial and frightening” – Time magazine.

Hmm, now where have I heard that recently?

“He’s a criminal who used the Constitution as toilet paper.” – Actor John Cusack, proving that the current generation of Hollywood “stars” is not the first to be brain dead.

Though there’s tons more I think you get the idea. But there’s one more historical tidbit that should not be overlooked in a conversation about Russia, America and elections. That is the fact that the waddling sot from Massachusetts – Senator Ted Kennedy – Democrat hero and role model to testosterone overloaded Democrats everywhere, directly – yes directly – asked the Kremlin Commissars to help defeat Reagan for re-election.

In 1984 communist aggression was still in full flower around the globe, from Afghanistan to Africa to Central America. Because of KGB files released after the collapse of the Soviet Union (thank you Ronald Reagan), we now know that the last “Camelot” torch bearer took time out from his pastimes of mainlining Scotch and drowning his secretarial staff to make secret overtures to the KGB to thwart Reagan’s re-election.

According to the February 2, 1992 “London Times,” “In a letter addressed to then-Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov, dated May 14, 1983, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov explained that Kennedy was eager to ‘counter the militaristic policies’ of Reagan.” Former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., who was Kennedy’s law school roommate at the University of Virginia, traveled to Moscow on May 9 and 10, 1983, just days before Chebrikov’s letter, presumably to make the plea in person.

This is not to imply that “Teddy” was a communist – he was not. He was a drunk and a whore-monger whose meager IQ points were easily overpowered by ambition and Johnny Walker Red. But is most certainly is to state unequivocally that the current Democrat shock at Russia taking an active interest in our elections is 100 percent phony. The Kennedy / KGB story has been in circulation without credible refutation for a decade or more.

I have no qualms about how President Trump will deal with Vladimir Putin. Trump and Putin will deal with each other as George Patton and the Russian General did in that memorable scene from “Patton,” when they finally agreed to toast the end of the war “one SOB to another.”

And while it is refreshing to hear that the Democrats finally acknowledge the existence of a dangerous bear in the world, and nice that they actually say something bad about Russia – we’ve been waiting only 50 years for them to do so – that tune will change the nanosecond that President Trump is at odds with Putin.

The Democrats will revert to their default foreign policy stance – regardless of the adversary or circumstance, the United States is wrong. There is no bear. Happily President Trump will be leading an America with a newly invigorated self respect and armed forces ready to oppose the bear, ISIS and any other threat to America’s freedoms. Amazing grace."

Democrats Finally See The Bear - California Political Review
In other news: Chicken-hawks elect Putin's lapdog to the White House, keep bitching about liberals being too soft on Russia. Total mental dissonance suspected.
Yea, the commie loving Dems were always fond of Russia. They never hid their love for all things communist. For years, they mocked Republicans for pointing out that Russia poses a threat. The bear in the woods was said to be a myth by liberals. Looks like now they are seeing the bear, or at least pretending to.

"Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign ran a 30 second TV commercial titled “The Bear.” The video was simply a bear walking slowly through a forest. The narration was equally simple: “There is a bear in the woods. For some people, the bear is easy to see. Others don’t see it at all. Some people say the bear is tame. Others say it’s vicious and dangerous. Since no one can really be sure who’s right, isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear? If there is a bear.” At the end of the narrative a man appeared on screen and the bear retreated.

The ad was devastatingly effective because the American people easily recognized the message. The Russian bear was roaming the world looking for countries and societies to swallow and force into a global communist “workers paradise.” President Reagan had been a lifelong opponent of communism, while American liberals were boosters of the Kremlin Commissars and vociferous opponents of Reagan, and any American politician who stood strong against communist imperialism.

Since at least 1968 the mainstream of the Democrat Party has been knee-jerk in its opposition to American anti-communism and equally knee-jerk in its support of Russian expansionism and mischief making around the globe. Jeanne Kirkpatrick, then America’s ambassador to the U.N., coined the phrase “Blame America First” to describe the Democrats at the 1984 GOP Convention. She was 100 percent correct and by 1984 the American electorate instinctively understood that. This understanding greatly contributed to Reagan’s 49 state sweep in the election.

Which brings us to the current Democrat hysteria about Russian “hacking” of our recent election – a pure fiction – and their artificial horror that President Trump has been civil to Russian President Putin. Here are two predictions you can take to the bank about all this: 1) The Democrat disdain for Russian authoritarianism is 100 percent phony, as 21st century American liberalism is indistinguishable from Russian totalitarianism; and 2) At the first sign that the Commie Cossaks in Moscow are at odds with President Trump on any policy, the Democrats will pivot on a dime and revert to their slogan of “no enemies on the Left” which has guided their foreign policy positions for 50 years. Trump will be the bully and Putin the aggrieved good guy.

For those looking for a bit of déjà vu, feast on some of the epithets (for UCLA grads that means mean words) thrown at President Reagan.

“He has always been drawn to radical activities. He has a propensity toward right wing radical activities … a flawed person with a defective mind … Reagan has a bully syndrome, combined with a very inadequate personality … it’s a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous combination.” – Former CIA Director John Stockwell.

I listed this first so those with short attention spans can add some perspective to the current cow pies being thrown at President Trump by our “intelligence” agencies.

“He is the most dangerous person ever to come this close to the presidency … he is a menace to the human race.” – The Nation” magazine.

This rag is still publishing, and as you might guess said almost exactly the same thing about Donald Trump.

“He is shallow, superficial and frightening” – Time magazine.

Hmm, now where have I heard that recently?

“He’s a criminal who used the Constitution as toilet paper.” – Actor John Cusack, proving that the current generation of Hollywood “stars” is not the first to be brain dead.

Though there’s tons more I think you get the idea. But there’s one more historical tidbit that should not be overlooked in a conversation about Russia, America and elections. That is the fact that the waddling sot from Massachusetts – Senator Ted Kennedy – Democrat hero and role model to testosterone overloaded Democrats everywhere, directly – yes directly – asked the Kremlin Commissars to help defeat Reagan for re-election.

In 1984 communist aggression was still in full flower around the globe, from Afghanistan to Africa to Central America. Because of KGB files released after the collapse of the Soviet Union (thank you Ronald Reagan), we now know that the last “Camelot” torch bearer took time out from his pastimes of mainlining Scotch and drowning his secretarial staff to make secret overtures to the KGB to thwart Reagan’s re-election.

According to the February 2, 1992 “London Times,” “In a letter addressed to then-Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov, dated May 14, 1983, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov explained that Kennedy was eager to ‘counter the militaristic policies’ of Reagan.” Former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., who was Kennedy’s law school roommate at the University of Virginia, traveled to Moscow on May 9 and 10, 1983, just days before Chebrikov’s letter, presumably to make the plea in person.

This is not to imply that “Teddy” was a communist – he was not. He was a drunk and a whore-monger whose meager IQ points were easily overpowered by ambition and Johnny Walker Red. But is most certainly is to state unequivocally that the current Democrat shock at Russia taking an active interest in our elections is 100 percent phony. The Kennedy / KGB story has been in circulation without credible refutation for a decade or more.

I have no qualms about how President Trump will deal with Vladimir Putin. Trump and Putin will deal with each other as George Patton and the Russian General did in that memorable scene from “Patton,” when they finally agreed to toast the end of the war “one SOB to another.”

And while it is refreshing to hear that the Democrats finally acknowledge the existence of a dangerous bear in the world, and nice that they actually say something bad about Russia – we’ve been waiting only 50 years for them to do so – that tune will change the nanosecond that President Trump is at odds with Putin.

The Democrats will revert to their default foreign policy stance – regardless of the adversary or circumstance, the United States is wrong. There is no bear. Happily President Trump will be leading an America with a newly invigorated self respect and armed forces ready to oppose the bear, ISIS and any other threat to America’s freedoms. Amazing grace."

Democrats Finally See The Bear - California Political Review

You dumbass you just elected Comrade Trump. Putin did a cyber attack on the United States to get his baby elected.
U.S. intelligence agencies: Putin ordered intervention in presidential election – The Denver Post


The Republican party is now the communist party, you have nominated and elected Putin's poster boy.
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News
Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win
But yet you want to suck putins dick. What charged?

What the hell is your problem? Republicans are the only ones who have recognized the threat from Russia. Dems always gushed over every commie leader in the world.

No one loves Putin except maybe the Dems who've always praised Russia.

Just because Putin got the best of Obama does not mean anyone loves him. It means Obama is weak and our enemies have run roughshod over us for the last 8 years. Radical Muslims have taken advantage of his generosity towards them. Do you think that means we love them, too?

Putin also didn't take shit from radical Muslims. He did the right thing, which is more than I can say for our president. I think the left hates him now just because he was willing to kick some Muslim butt. Is that what finally ended the love affair you've guys have had all these years?

Putin is a piece of shit like all commies. It's embarrassing to have our president made to look like wimp by him. It's not a compliment to Russia, you dolt, it's an insult to Obama that he can't care about America as much as a fucking communist does about his oppressed people. That is bad!!! That is what the left refuses to get. The only thing that might be positive about Putin is the fact that he doesn't take any shit. We used to be that way. Sadly, Russia is one country that gives us shit.

We need a president who can be tougher than Putin when the need arises. Obama was not that president.

Hillary handed them a reset button. Guess she was in love with him. She also gave them uranium. That must mean she wants to give him a Lewinsky, according to your logic.

Republicans have warned for years that we need to be defensive when it comes to Russia but the left was always too busy praising them and laughing at the right when we talked about the danger they pose. Now, suddenly, because you guys are upset about that loser, Hillary, you continue to make unfounded accusations and pretend that the right has suddenly embraced the shit you guys have embraced for decades.

You're wrong. And this is the first time EVER that any liberal has had anything bad to say about one of our enemies. You guys sympathize with radical Muslims and always offered kindness to communist leaders. Castro was just as bad as Putin but you guys adored him till the day he died.

Ted Kennedy once asked Russia's help in stopping Reagan. Yup, invited them to interfere in an election to protect Dems. No one has ever been able to dispute that and the left was okay with what he did. Of course, the left was okay with him drowning one of his staff.

So, stop with the nonsense about the right loving Putin. Deal with your own feelings of adoration for dictators.

I realize that most of you only understand brief talking points and you believe whatever rumors are delivered every day from the lib leaders. Try to exercise your brain for once and see if you can get your head around things. Only good thing about Putin is his willingness to protect his country, something we used to have until the Muslim sympathizer got in office. It's not about love for Putin, it's about our own weak leader being easily made a fool of by some commie bastard. Never thought I'd see that day.

Kennedy once enlisted Russia's help because the Dems wanted the White House. That was an outright illegal act but the left doesn't care what their own do as long as they stay true to the agenda.

There is zero proof that Trump had help from Russia yet suddenly the left takes issue with something they've done in the past.

Hillary had Saudi Arabia and other countries behind her campaign. Soros interfered more than any other, not just with the election but with the anarchy in our streets.

Why don't you guys clean your own house before making unsubstantiated accusations about the right.
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But yet you want to suck putins dick. What charged?

What the hell is your problem? Republicans are the only ones who have recognized the threat from Russia. Dems always gushed over every commie leader in the world.

No one loves Putin except maybe the Dems who've always praised Russia.

Just because Putin got the best of Obama does not mean anyone loves him. It means Obama is weak and our enemies have run roughshod over us for the last 8 years. Radical Muslims have taken advantage of his generosity towards them. Do you think that means we love them, too?

Putin also didn't take shit from radical Muslims. He did the right thing, which is more than I can say for our president. I think the left hates him now just because he was willing to kick some Muslim butt. Is that what finally ended the love affair you've guys have had all these years?

Putin is a piece of shit like all commies. It's embarrassing to have our president made to look like wimp by him. It's not a compliment to Russia, you dolt, it's an insult to Obama that he can't care about America as much as a fucking communist does about his oppressed people. That is bad!!! That is what the left refuses to get. The only thing that might be positive about Putin is the fact that he doesn't take any shit. We used to be that way. Sadly, Russia is one country that gives us shit.

We need a president who can be tougher than Putin when the need arises. Obama was not that president.

Hillary handed them a reset button. Guess she was in love with him. She also gave them uranium. That must mean she wants to give him a Lewinsky, according to your logic.

Republicans have warned for years that we need to be defensive when it comes to Russia but the left was always too busy praising them and laughing at the right when we talked about the danger they pose. Now, suddenly, because you guys are upset about that loser, Hillary, you continue to make unfounded accusations and pretend that the right has suddenly embraced the shit you guys have embraced for decades.

You're wrong. And this is the first time EVER that any liberal has had anything bad to say about one of our enemies. You guys sympathize with radical Muslims and always offered kindness to communist leaders. Castro was just as bad as Putin but you guys adored him till the day he died.

Ted Kennedy once asked Russia's help in stopping Reagan. Yup, invited them to interfere in an election to protect Dems. No one has ever been able to dispute that and the left was okay with what he did. Of course, the left was okay with him drowning one of his staff.

So, stop with the nonsense about the right loving Putin. Deal with your own feelings of adoration for dictators.

I realize that most of you only understand brief talking points and you believe whatever rumors are delivered every day from the lib leaders. Try to exercise your brain for once and see if you can get your head around things. Only good thing about Putin is his willingness to protect his country, something we used to have until the Muslim sympathizer got in office. It's not about love for Putin, it's about our own weak leader being easily made a fool of by some commie bastard. Never thought I'd see that day.

Kennedy once enlisted Russia's help because the Dems wanted the White House. That was an outright illegal act but the left doesn't care what their own do as long as they stay true to the agenda.

There is zero proof that Trump had help from Russia yet suddenly the left takes issue with something they've done in the past.

Hillary had Saudi Arabia and other countries behind her campaign. Soros interfered more than any other, not just with the election but with the anarchy in our streets.

Why don't you guys clean your own house before making unsubstantiated accusations about the right.
What about Trump gushing over Putin? You okay with that?
The left have no loyalties, they will eat their own for the liberal agenda. Its no surprise to me they turned on Putin, just a few years ago they were humping his leg.
The left have no loyalties, they will eat their own for the liberal agenda. Its no surprise to me they turned on Putin, just a few years ago they were humping his leg.
And now now you are. Looks like you are the left 'eh comrade?
But yet you want to suck putins dick. What charged?

What the hell is your problem? Republicans are the only ones who have recognized the threat from Russia. Dems always gushed over every commie leader in the world.

No one loves Putin except maybe the Dems who've always praised Russia.

Just because Putin got the best of Obama does not mean anyone loves him. It means Obama is weak and our enemies have run roughshod over us for the last 8 years. Radical Muslims have taken advantage of his generosity towards them. Do you think that means we love them, too?

Putin also didn't take shit from radical Muslims. He did the right thing, which is more than I can say for our president. I think the left hates him now just because he was willing to kick some Muslim butt. Is that what finally ended the love affair you've guys have had all these years?

Putin is a piece of shit like all commies. It's embarrassing to have our president made to look like wimp by him. It's not a compliment to Russia, you dolt, it's an insult to Obama that he can't care about America as much as a fucking communist does about his oppressed people. That is bad!!! That is what the left refuses to get. The only thing that might be positive about Putin is the fact that he doesn't take any shit. We used to be that way. Sadly, Russia is one country that gives us shit.

We need a president who can be tougher than Putin when the need arises. Obama was not that president.

Hillary handed them a reset button. Guess she was in love with him. She also gave them uranium. That must mean she wants to give him a Lewinsky, according to your logic.

Republicans have warned for years that we need to be defensive when it comes to Russia but the left was always too busy praising them and laughing at the right when we talked about the danger they pose. Now, suddenly, because you guys are upset about that loser, Hillary, you continue to make unfounded accusations and pretend that the right has suddenly embraced the shit you guys have embraced for decades.

You're wrong. And this is the first time EVER that any liberal has had anything bad to say about one of our enemies. You guys sympathize with radical Muslims and always offered kindness to communist leaders. Castro was just as bad as Putin but you guys adored him till the day he died.

Ted Kennedy once asked Russia's help in stopping Reagan. Yup, invited them to interfere in an election to protect Dems. No one has ever been able to dispute that and the left was okay with what he did. Of course, the left was okay with him drowning one of his staff.

So, stop with the nonsense about the right loving Putin. Deal with your own feelings of adoration for dictators.

I realize that most of you only understand brief talking points and you believe whatever rumors are delivered every day from the lib leaders. Try to exercise your brain for once and see if you can get your head around things. Only good thing about Putin is his willingness to protect his country, something we used to have until the Muslim sympathizer got in office. It's not about love for Putin, it's about our own weak leader being easily made a fool of by some commie bastard. Never thought I'd see that day.

Kennedy once enlisted Russia's help because the Dems wanted the White House. That was an outright illegal act but the left doesn't care what their own do as long as they stay true to the agenda.

There is zero proof that Trump had help from Russia yet suddenly the left takes issue with something they've done in the past.

Hillary had Saudi Arabia and other countries behind her campaign. Soros interfered more than any other, not just with the election but with the anarchy in our streets.

Why don't you guys clean your own house before making unsubstantiated accusations about the right.
What about Trump gushing over Putin? You okay with that?

Please link to Trump gushing over communism. As I said, it's one thing to point out a quality in a person but the left has always praised communism itself.

Some lately have commented on Putin's devotion to his country (such as it is) while the left has always embraced socialist and communist countries AND their leaders.

If you can't see the difference, there is little point in trying to have a rational discussion.

Libs are hooked on talking points and you can't argue with a walking bumper sticker.
Russia, the home of communism, trying to rebuild the USSR. With the help of the GOP, they might succeed.

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