Commiecrats Trying To Erase US History you attempt a conversation and flee with a "funny" typical of hair-brained leftists here. BTW, Lysistrata was a fictional feminist witch who plotted to deny 4th century Greek men sex with women until they obeyed the coven....what an appropriate user-name for a "women's studies" nitwit....:lol:

I thought that I replied, as I did type one and I don't know what happened to it.. So I will say again.

WTF is "virtue signalling"? Is this something from a talk-show nut?

You apparently do not like women who promote democracy and equality for themselves and everyone else. People are free to dress as they please. Looks don't matter. Policy does. If you were serious, you would know this. Women-hating men don't look so hot, either. Not a babe in the bunch as far as I can tell, including your lovers, the orange whore and pigpence. Most of the women who promote equal rights in DC wear suits and dresses as their daily attire. I know. I used to work downtown. I used to call it "full navy jacket."

Your racism speaks for itself. Many descendents of slaves have done quite well for themselves. Many of them do not live in poverty-stricken ghettos. Come to DC and take a ride through the neighborhood known as the "Gold Coast." If you want to see poverty, go to parts of southwest DC and rural West Virginia.

I never took women's studies. I studied history and law. There is nothing wrong with filling in the gaps in what we discuss in American history. In high school, we did study such issues as slavery and the rise of the labor movement, but nobody said much about what the female half of the population was doing and experiencing. All students should be taught the history of obtaining the franchise, group by group, the history of the colonies, and the history of Native Americans, for starters. One cannot draw any conclusions from history when it is not complete.

The "founding fathers" were the "defenders of liberty" only for themselves.

Custer had it coming.
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool.
No son. I posted the generally accepted facts in the case. You can mark my post "funny" and say "derp" all you want, it won't change the facts. The don't care whether you believe them or not, much like me.

My cites prove otherwise.

You communists simply never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

Just like the Mueller Dossier, the facts refuted you, so you just flat out lie.
As previously noted, you can disagree all you want, but you can't change the facts.

The facts are;

No collusion - which isn't even a crime
No conspiracy - not by ANYONE associated with the campaign or administration
No coordination - not by ANYONE associated with the campaign or administration
No charges of obstruction, not by the Inquisition, not by the AG

The facts at not to your liking, but too fucking bad..
You should read the report.

Also I'll take the attempted distraction as capitulation.

You lose.

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