Commiecrats Trying To Erase US History

This latest surge in leftist revisionism is really aimed at Trump....Since they have zero proof that Trump is a "racist", they're attacking historical figures to lay the groundwork for all white men being racists and therefore eligible to be deleted from our history.
It is sad that they are using imperfections in our founders to try to trash the Constitution. We were founded on some of the best principles in history, a charter that tries to protect a free populace from tyranny, and the Commiecrats would rather serve corruption.

We were not a free republic until women and African-descended folks got the vote and were free to exercise the franchise openly and how they pleased. Female people and men who are descended from African cultures have always been a sizeable portion of our population.

Nobody is denying that freedom for many was hard fought, and not there originally. This does not change the fact that we are one of the only countries founded on protecting its populace from tyranny. We should be grateful, and show respect for the freedoms we do have. Democrats are trying to use social justice to say that people should not be protected from an overreaching government. That is sinister.
Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

He's a nitpicker....a critic who can't do what he's criticizing....the drive-by media is full of the useless fucks like Acosta...they have no idea how absurd what they say is.
We were not a free republic until women and African-descended folks got the vote and were free to exercise the franchise openly and how they pleased. Female people and men who are descended from African cultures have always been a sizeable portion of our population.

The Founders had little other than the Magna Carta to go on when they devised our nation. Did you expect them to make slaves, who were little more than livestock, to be equal in their eyes? Try to imagine yourself living in those times and remember the right to vote isn't the only determination of freedom.

You forgot the female half the nation. Abigail Adams brought this up. It was also brought up when a white landowner, who was female, tried to vote in the colonies.

Over one half of Americans had to fight long and hard to achieve freedom. Remember "rule by consent of the governed."
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?
Did anyone say it does or are you just building staw men?
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.

So JFK is a liar and all sex without written permission is rape to you nitwits, right?
Lol, kind of an "all or nuthin'" fella huh?

Try reading what the poster said, not what you wish he had said. It's easier to answer honestly that way.

The racist fuck Blackfag lied - as he always does. And remember Creep, the Hemmings shit all fell apart. Old Tom had nothing to do with it. I know that you Stalinists are OUTRAGED that his brother had a 20 year relationship with a black women, but...
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.


You stupid, lying fuck.

Thomas’ Brother Randolph
That is what is known as "grasping at straws".

A slight possibility and a conservative radio show do not equal proof or even real doubt.

You stupid, gullible fuck.

Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.
You forgot the female half the nation. Abigail Adams brought this up. It was also brought up when a white landowner, who was female, tried to vote in the colonies.

Over one half of Americans had to fight long and hard to achieve freedom. Remember "rule by consent of the governed."

No, I'm not obsessed with virtue-signaling or "feminism" which is practiced mostly by the most UNfeminine women in history (mohawks and work boots). This thread is about leftists trying to rewrite American history, not the suffragettes or minority voting rights. But for the record, what did slave descendents get from gaining the vote? GAMED by your racist party leaders who keep them destitute, locked in the projects, which are nothing more than cultural prisons. I grew up in a segregated Detroit and both races were the better for it....they had their own neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and entertainment venues. LBJ tore down their communities in the name of "urban development", which was actually freeway construction so whites wouldn't have to drive through black neighborhoods. locked them up in projects that weren't maintained, and then....RIOTS ,white-flight, broken families, absent fathers, rampant drug use, ruined schools where white kids are beaten and robbed, and no markets for fresh they don't eat right, are increasingly hostile, and consequently RIOT burning down the little they already had.....that's the democrat party's doing. /rant.
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool. you attempt a conversation and flee with a "funny" typical of hair-brained leftists here. BTW, Lysistrata was a fictional feminist witch who plotted to deny 4th century Greek men sex with women until they obeyed the coven....what an appropriate user-name for a "women's studies" nitwit....:lol:
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.
How do you know it was rape?

Maybe Jefferson (like peanut butter) liked a little dip in the chocolate, and the chocolate was willing. Jefferson is the man who actually stop the importation of slaves.

You have to pull "rape" straight out of your ass because you have no evidence otherwise.

But, that's not the reason your white masters, the communist Democrats, really want to demonize Jefferson. They hate the concept of liberty and freedom,. They actually hate liberalism.

That's why they own you.


He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.
How do you know it was rape?

Maybe Jefferson (like peanut butter) liked a little dip in the chocolate, and the chocolate was willing. Jefferson is the man who actually stop the importation of slaves.

You have to pull "rape" straight out of your ass because you have no evidence otherwise.

But, that's not the reason your white masters, the communist Democrats, really want to demonize Jefferson. They hate the concept of liberty and freedom,. They actually hate liberalism.

That's why they own you.



Sally probably liked being a house servant rather than a field slave and like half the secretaries in the world, decided getting busy with the boss on occasion was a small price to pay for a life of privilege.
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.
How do you know it was rape?

Maybe Jefferson (like peanut butter) liked a little dip in the chocolate, and the chocolate was willing. Jefferson is the man who actually stop the importation of slaves.

You have to pull "rape" straight out of your ass because you have no evidence otherwise.

But, that's not the reason your white masters, the communist Democrats, really want to demonize Jefferson. They hate the concept of liberty and freedom,. They actually hate liberalism.

That's why they own you.



Sally probably liked being a house servant rather than a field slave and like half the secretaries in the world, decided getting busy with the boss on occasion was a small price to pay for a life of privilege.
Sally Hemmings wasn't a house servant. As Jefferson's sister in law she became mistress of the house after Jefferson's wife died. She ran everything. Jefferson was so close to the Hemmings family that her brother was Jefferson's closest friend and went with him to France as an advisor.

While in France James showed an interest in French culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James to attend school and supported him throughout his education. Upon return to the US James became the head white house chef. He refused to remain once Jefferson's term was over.

These weren't slaves but cherished family members.
I'll admit that the one group who has not achieved full freedom is the homosexual community. I'm not a gay marriage supporter, but I always thought it was wrong for the Republicans to fight civil unions. Why would you deny a partners rights to help a loved one in the hospital, or deny them the benefits of a married couple? I think it is a BIG mistake to use equality as a basis for collectivism. When gay marriage is fully accepted, or when unions are fully enacted, everyone of any race, gender, or sexual preference will have the exact same rules as everyone else. To go from a system where most have a chance to succeed and live their best life to a communist state is wrong. Why would you pitch equality to get a system where everybody loses?
Sally Hemmings wasn't a house servant. As Jefferson's sister in law she became mistress of the house after Jefferson's wife died. She ran everything. Jefferson was so close to the Hemmings family that her brother was Jefferson's closest friend and went with him to France as an advisor.

While in France James showed an interest in French culinary arts. Thomas Jefferson paid for James to attend school and supported him throughout his education. Upon return to the US James became the head white house chef. He refused to remain once Jefferson's term was over.

These weren't slaves but cherished family members.

No, she was a house you believe she didn't do chores, or cook, or do any cleaning? It wasn't that big a house where she sat in an office and sent out directives....absurd.
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool.
No son. I posted the generally accepted facts in the case. You can mark my post "funny" and say "derp" all you want, it won't change the facts. The don't care whether you believe them or not, much like me.
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool.
No son. I posted the generally accepted facts in the case. You can mark my post "funny" and say "derp" all you want, it won't change the facts. The don't care whether you believe them or not, much like me.

My cites prove otherwise.

You communists simply never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

Just like the Mueller Dossier, the facts refuted you, so you just flat out lie.
So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool.
No son. I posted the generally accepted facts in the case. You can mark my post "funny" and say "derp" all you want, it won't change the facts. The don't care whether you believe them or not, much like me.

My cites prove otherwise.

You communists simply never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

Just like the Mueller Dossier, the facts refuted you, so you just flat out lie.
As previously noted, you can disagree all you want, but you can't change the facts.
Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS
More grasping at straws. A dissenting memo written by a descendant of Jefferson trying to defend against an imaginary threat.

Basically nuthin'.


You repeated a lie that was dispelled a decade ago.

You're a lying fool.
No son. I posted the generally accepted facts in the case. You can mark my post "funny" and say "derp" all you want, it won't change the facts. The don't care whether you believe them or not, much like me.

My cites prove otherwise.

You communists simply never let facts interfere with your bigotry.

Just like the Mueller Dossier, the facts refuted you, so you just flat out lie.
As previously noted, you can disagree all you want, but you can't change the facts.

The facts are;

No collusion - which isn't even a crime
No conspiracy - not by ANYONE associated with the campaign or administration
No coordination - not by ANYONE associated with the campaign or administration
No charges of obstruction, not by the Inquisition, not by the AG

The facts at not to your liking, but too fucking bad..
Nazis and muslim filth also love to destroy the artifacts/history of people they don't like, so these liberal spoiled punks are in fine company, aren't they?

I'm not surprised that liberalfilth now has a beheading fetish (like Kathy Griffin's little stunt), liberals have been living on a diet of muslim semen for enough years, I honestly don't see any behavioral difference between these two groups of non-humans.

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