Commies bastards expecting handouts every day

The sad part is... there is a ton more truth to this, than you know.

Think about Social Security for example. Prior to the 1930s, old people simply found ways to either save money while working, or found menial jobs to live on after they retire.... or G-d forbid, they had "family" (crazy thought I know). There was no demand for social security ever. In fact the first person to collect social security, didn't even know what it was.

But now after decades of the government stealing from workers, to feed the old... now no one even knows how to take care of themselves.

And like a group of ducks that can no longer hunt for their own food, they have no hope but that the man will come in feed them.

Similarly, now the elderly are virtually incapable of supplying their own needs, and would likely starve if the government doesn't cut them a check.

How do I know this? Greece. Prefect example.

So sadly, the ducks are a very good representation of socialism in action. I wager when this guy dies, many of these ducks will starve to death.
They deserve to die. They drag us all down with their outrageous regular meals expectations. And the ducks as well.

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