Commies Quick To Trash Trump/NK Nukes Deal

Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.

Yeah sure, trump just got played by Kim Jung Un and the little orange guy is blaming others.
AND it's not assault....Soupy Sales once testified for somebody charged with pie-facing somebody and got him off the assault charge by claiming expertise on the matter, having pied hundreds of stooges in his's now established law unless you break a plate on their face but I assume you used a tin pan on Aldo.

Lord knows you would have to get someone to try and do that for you. And the lily birch still hasn't answered the question.

Answered every time.....with the truth.


There is no truth in you, just rhetoric, still no answer 7 times now.

Oh, nooooozzzzz!!!

A Liberal, faced with the truth...posts 'is not...isssssss nootttttttttttt!!!'

And still no answer. Do you believe Agent Orange walked into a worse situation than Obama. Damn this just ain't that tough a yes or no will do. You can link articles all day on how bad you think Obama was, I get it not my cup of tea either. But you cannot say that you believe Rump walked into a worse situation. Probably because it just ain't true, you know and so do most others! Now go make me a sandwich!

As explained to you 2-3 times already, you dunce....Obama walked into no 'mess' any worse than any competent politician would expect....and he not only couldn't handle it....he made it worse.

1. There was no great mess that Hussein inherited.....just the normal sort of downturn that any competent leader could have handled...

Who says so?

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his [Obama's] election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression

2. Obama made it fact, worse AFTER the recession ended.

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

3. Then, the Obamunists lied, and claimed that's just the way economies are...

“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

4. Then, along came Trump….

“U.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of May’s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,” Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.” US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

5. Now.....when will you be changing your avi to "STOOOPID"???
Sooo....which is Obama more of, a liar or an incompetent....
Anyone who says that Trump inherited a worse mess than what Obama did are either stupid, ignorant, or just plain in denial.

What was the 'mess,' you dolt????

1. There was no great mess that Hussein inherited.....just the normal sort of downturn that any competent leader could have handled...

Who says so?

"The unemployment rate announced three days after his [Obama's] election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression

2. Obama made it fact, worse AFTER the recession ended.

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

3. Then, the Obamunists lied, and claimed that's just the way economies are...

“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

4. Then, along came Trump….

“U.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of May’s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,” Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.” US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

5. Now.....when will you be changing your avi to "STOOOPID"???
Sooo....which is Obama more of, a liar or an incompetent....
Trump does not have a deal

He has a document that says....let’s be friends

The Great Negotiator got nothing
Trump does not have a deal

He has a document that says....let’s be friends

The Great Negotiator got nothing

I don't think that Un wants to be friends with Trump anymore. Especially after he sent a Rocketman CD with a letter to be delivered by Pompeo.

I wonder if that had anything to do with the crappy talks?
Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.
I did not get Trumps reasons for dealing with this guy. It just seemed like stupid working with Stupid, but how wrong it was. It was in the cards the little Rocket Head wanted Trump to come out like a Hero and make a lot of concessions and possibly send money. Did not work that way. Trump took the offer in stride and did none of the above and left the scene. Little Rocket Head returned empty handed and is still wandering what the hell heppened.
Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.
I did not get Trumps reasons for dealing with this guy. It just seemed like stupid working with Stupid, but how wrong it was. It was in the cards the little Rocket Head wanted Trump to come out like a Hero and make a lot of concessions and possibly send money. Did not work that way. Trump took the offer in stride and did none of the above and left the scene. Little Rocket Head returned empty handed and is still wandering what the hell heppened.

Guess you missed the part where Trump called off the exercises with S. Korea. And no, something like those exercises have to be scheduled long in advance (at least 6 months), because of ship rotations. In order to have all these commands hook up again for drills, you have to coordinate the schedules of all involved. And, because we canceled, we're gonna have to wait a while for schedules to synch up again.

And, don't forget, the cancellation took S. Korea by surprise......................

President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to cancel military exercises with South Korea — what happens next?

A spokeswoman for U.S. Forces-Korea said that the military had not been planning for cancellation of the exercises.

Additionally, the South Korean government issued a statement that Trump’s decision on the exercises had caught them by surprise, the New York Times reported.

“USFK has received no updated guidance on execution or cessation of training exercises — to include this fall’s scheduled Ulchi Freedom Guardian,” U.S. Forces Korea spokeswoman Lt. Col. Jennifer Lovett told Military Times in a statement.

“In coordination with our ROK partners, we will continue with our current military posture until we receive updated guidance from the Department of Defense and/or Indo-Pacific Command,” the statement said.
Envious commie trash gloating about NK not being disarmed in 3 must be PAINFUL watching a real President in action instead of the Kenyan fairy fake.
Little Rocket Head returned empty handed and is still wandering what the hell heppened.

KJU got a nice vacation in a luxury hotel in Singapore.....
Trump came out like a stupid, ignorant fuck head.

The entire world is LAUGHING at the orange moron....and his supporters like you...LOL
KJU got a nice vacation in a luxury hotel in Singapore.....
Trump came out like a stupid, ignorant fuck head.

The entire world is LAUGHING at the orange moron....and his supporters like you...LOL

Every village has an idiot and you're ours, laughing boy. China has hung him out to dry...he either de-nukes or eats one...his choice.
Obama would not have negotiated pulling out troops, Trump on the other hand.....


President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to cancel military exercises with South Korea — what happens next?

The Pentagon is now working to implement President Donald Trump’s direction that it cancel joint exercises with the Republic of Korea following Trump’s historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“Under the circumstances, we are negotiating a comprehensive and complete deal [on denuclearization]. It is inappropriate to have war games,” Trump said in a press conference following the summit in Singapore. “Number one, we save money. A lot. Number two, it is really something they very much appreciated.”

Will we stay or will we go? A look at removing US troops from South Korea

President Trump said recently he would consider removing U.S. troops to get a better trade deal with South Korea.

By: Todd South

In that press conference in Singapore, Trump also said that he would like to withdraw the thousands of U.S. forces stationed on the Korean Peninsula, but would start with cancellation of military exercises.

“I want to get our soldiers out,” Trump said in Singapore. “I want to bring our soldiers back home. We have 32,000 soldiers in South Korea. I would like to be able to bring them back home.”
“I want to get our soldiers out,” Trump said in Singapore. “I want to bring our soldiers back home. We have 32,000 soldiers in South Korea. I would like to be able to bring them back home.”[/B]

We have no business still being in S.Korea 65 years after the cease-fire...let the SKs defend themselves...they have the money, the weapons, and the manpower...we can sell them some nukes of their own while we're at it.
“I want to get our soldiers out,” Trump said in Singapore. “I want to bring our soldiers back home. We have 32,000 soldiers in South Korea. I would like to be able to bring them back home.”[/B]

We have no business still being in S.Korea 65 years after the cease-fire...let the SKs defend themselves...they have the money, the weapons, and the manpower...we can sell them some nukes of their own while we're at it.

We've been there that long for good reason Tom

Jung Un is the 'eff insane , most miss his 'ol man

We let our guard down , and he'll take full advantage of it , doesn't give a flying fish sushi what's on paper, who shook who's hand

Face it, your man has gone soft

His NK policy is closer to Carter's, than anyone else

snowflake libtards just gained a contestant!

funny Tom?

a tad short of reality on a monday i see

let this m'fucker slide, and he'll be another Iran as far as nukes go

you'll be missin' Obama then

Finally! Some relief from all the WINNING their arch-enemy is doing....simmering, steaming, longing to exhale and lay into him first sign of trouble from Kim. But wait, today's headlines don't quote fact, all the NKs do is YELP about Pompeo laying the wood to them to put some walk behind their talk about disarming. They naturally assumed they were still dealing with pompous leftist twits like in the past. But they're not and now they know it. Remember, Dennis Rodman gave Un Trump's business bible....The Art of the Deal. We can assume Kim can read and read it and was so smitten he's trying to out-Trump Trump and swap roles:


But what our commies are forgetting is that everybody who's sat across a negotiating table from Trump for the last 30 years know exactly how he operates....and yet, nobody beats him at his own game....and nobody ever will. You'd better hope this is just an opening skirmish because Trump is in NO mood for being toyed with.
They thought tRump was coming back and they could roll him over again.
We've been there that long for good reason Tom

Jung Un is the 'eff insane , most miss his 'ol man

We let our guard down , and he'll take full advantage of it , doesn't give a flying fish sushi what's on paper, who shook who's hand

Face it, your man has gone soft

His NK policy is closer to Carter's, than anyone else

snowflake libtards just gained a contestant!


We have no obligation to be cannon-fodder for the SKs and Trump hasn't "gone anything"...WTF, you thought Kim Jung Dung was going to lay down and play dead. This ain't microwaved popcorn...when did you people have to have everything right's only been 3 weeks. Has Kim said the deal is off? NO. I served a combat tour in the RVN '67'-'68 and had buddies who ended up on the Korean DMZ...we're all grey beards now and we're STILL there? ridiculous.

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