Committee Hiding Evidence Regarding January 6?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
If true, why have they been hiding this from the American public? What is their motive? Why can't they be open and honest with the American people?

---Now tonight a new report was released of a mysterious website that had over 500 pages of threats---

If true, why have they been hiding this from the American public? What is their motive? Why can't they be open and honest with the American people?
---Now tonight a new report was released of a mysterious website that had over 500 pages of threats---

The report is a load of total horseshit. For one thing, the Fed is made up of paranoid psychopaths who live in fear of everything--- they don't just "stumble" upon massive websites with 500 page conspiracies to overthrow the country! They are probably the one's writing the first page so they can hope to draw in a few goofballs! They monitor everything assuming the worst at all times; everyone and everything is guilty of being out to get them.

The other tell is the claim that: "I was one of the DHS intelligence officials charged with trying to prevent that day’s violence,”--- there was no effort to stop violence that day especially violence that had not happened yet, either that or the Fed is so incompetent that they could have been overthrown by Luxembourg that day and have been red-faced embarrassed by their failures to stop a bunch of unarmed, disorganized fanatics taking selfies ever since.
If true, why have they been hiding this from the American public? What is their motive? Why can't they be open and honest with the American people?

---Now tonight a new report was released of a mysterious website that had over 500 pages of threats---


Because they are democriminals. It's all they have. Their motto is, "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't competin'."

LOL, its the gateway pundit words
And if this is true, Nancy Pelosi should be indicted and jailed. It was Pelosi who blocked National Guard from the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The DHS failed to act, not the NG. The material they got this from was Yahoo, and it didn't mention Nancy Pelosi.
If true, why have they been hiding this from the American public? What is their motive? Why can't they be open and honest with the American people?

6 years of treasonous, criminal 'Get Trump' and you have to ask what their motive is?!


---Now tonight a new report was released of a mysterious website that had over 500 pages of threats---


How 'convenient'...
"Gateway Pundit is better than the Onion."

I demur.

What Onion has that Gateway (and Breitbart, the Federalist, and Great Awakening, et al) does not have is..........

.......well, is a sense of humor.

That is a grace note that I can appreciate.

Who wants to read a bunch of sour notes specifically aimed at a grievance-burdened readership of conspiracy nutters?

What fun is that?
I demur.

What Onion has that Gateway (and Breitbart, the Federalist, and Great Awakening, et al) does not have is..........

.......well, is a sense of humor.

That is a grace note that I can appreciate.

Who wants to read a bunch of sour notes specifically aimed at a grievance-burdened readership of conspiracy nutters?

What fun is that?
The Onion admits that they are full of shit up front. Gateway claims their goofy shit is real.
LOL, its the gateway pundit words
And if this is true, Nancy Pelosi should be indicted and jailed. It was Pelosi who blocked National Guard from the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The DHS failed to act, not the NG. The material they got this from was Yahoo, and it didn't mention Nancy Pelosi.
The GP article is bonkers.

Somehow Nancy Pelosi should be put in jail because of the failure of DHS? Idiotic.
I hope that "mysterious website" wasn't this one. I really didn't mean I was actually going to set Pelosi's pants on fire back in December of '20.
If I saw Pelosi in her underwear I would die of starvation. 🤮
Without stolen elections, Democrats would be in the sideline.

Their motto:


It's funny that none of the leftist parasites here even consider cheating to be dishonorable. They make it very easy to contemplate that time in the future when we will be able to lock them up and not have to deal with them until they become human again, if ever.

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If I saw Pelosi in her underwear I would die of starvation.
Well, time marches on.
When younger Nancy Pelosi had the beauty of youth in abundance. A nano search on Google will demonstrate that.
Even at her age today, Nancy is an attractive and striking doyenne, a handsome grande dame.

Without getting personal....nor with no curiosity whatsoever to see .....but can we presume the good poster Indeependent is a fit and trim model of the frequent and constant keyboard-warrior class?

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