Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

Again....the Supreme Court assumes that the Ways and Means committee will abide by their oath and use those returns only to investigate.....not to smear a US citizen.

Says you, pretending to be the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said none of this.

Back in reality, you're nobody. And the Supreme Court upheld the appellant court ruling that found that Ways and Means had a legitimate legislative purpose in acquiring Trumps tax returns and had the authority to make private financial information public as part of those investigative and legislative processes.

Without a single dissent. Every single Supreme Court Justice rejected Trump's request to overturn the appellant court ruling.

Your entire argument is ignoring the appellant ruling and pretending you know better. Good luck!
Says you, pretending to be the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said none of this.

Back in reality, you're nobody. And the Supreme Court upheld the appellant court ruling that found that Ways and Means had a legitimate legislative purpose in acquiring Trumps tax returns and had the authority to make private financial information public as part of those investigative and legislative processes.

Without a single dissent. Every single Supreme Court Justice rejected Trump's request to overturn the appellant court ruling.

Your entire argument is ignoring the appellant ruling and pretending you know better. Good luck!
The Supreme Court didn't have to say it. Congress has an oath to uphold the constitution.
That goes without saying.
The Supreme Court assumes (incorrectly I might add) that Congress isn't filled with lying communists that break our laws and the constitution. They can't just take Trump's word for it. Congress has to prove they aren't trustworthy with his private information.
What congress does from here on out is what will turn this from a legal exercise to an illegal one. They can't do whatever they hell they want with his returns. They have to abide by the constitution....and the law.
The Supreme Court didn't have to say it. Congress has an oath to uphold the constitution.
That goes without saying.

Uh-huh. You're literally claiming to speak for the Supreme Court, while ignoring their actual ruling.

The Supreme Court upheld the appellant court ruling without a single dissent. Your fantasy that the Supreme Court will somehow overrule ITSELF is making me feel bad for you.

You lost. The 3 judge appellant court dismantled your entire argument, word for word. The full appellant court upheld that ruling. The Supreme Court upheld that ruling.

Ignore the ruling all you like. Your willful ignorance won't change a thing. Nor is anyone going to be arrested or charged with any crime because you refuse to acknowledge the ruling contradicting you.
Laughing.....says the fella that insisted that ONLY Trump could authorize the release of his tax documents. And that Trump had no due process, despite court ruling after court ruling contradicting you on both counts.

You don't know what you're talking about.

There's exactly NOTHING that prevents the Ways and Means committee from releasing non-classified records in their possession. If you believe there is, show us in the law.
That has already been done in this thread, but your illiteracy prevented you from understanding it.
Uh-huh. You're literally claiming to speak for the Supreme Court, while ignoring their actual ruling.

The Supreme Court upheld the appellant court ruling without a single dissent. Your fantasy that the Supreme Court will somehow overrule ITSELF is making me feel bad for you.

You lost. The 3 judge appellant court dismantled your entire argument, word for word. The full appellant court upheld that ruling. The Supreme Court upheld that ruling.

Ignore the ruling all you like. Your willful ignorance won't change a thing. Nor is anyone going to be arrested or charged with any crime because you refuse to acknowledge the ruling contradicting you.
Sorry, but if they start releasing his returns to the public it will prove they didn't have a legitimate legislative purpose to obtain them in the first place and reverse any right they have to those returns.
That has already been done in this thread, but your illiteracy prevented you from understanding it.

Or....I've actually read the appellant court ruling that affirms that....

1) The Ways and Means Committee has a legitimate legislative interest in Trump's tax returns
2) The Ways and Means Committee has the authority to release private financial information to the public as part of their investigative and legislative processes.

"The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome. It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes. "

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.
Uh-huh. You're literally claiming to speak for the Supreme Court, while ignoring their actual ruling.

The Supreme Court upheld the appellant court ruling without a single dissent. Your fantasy that the Supreme Court will somehow overrule ITSELF is making me feel bad for you.

You lost. The 3 judge appellant court dismantled your entire argument, word for word. The full appellant court upheld that ruling. The Supreme Court upheld that ruling.

Ignore the ruling all you like. Your willful ignorance won't change a thing. Nor is anyone going to be arrested or charged with any crime because you refuse to acknowledge the ruling contradicting you.
BTW...they only have a few more days till they are kicked off the committee and replaced by Republicans.
Then they will be truly fucked.
Sorry, but if they start releasing his returns to the public it will prove they didn't have a legitimate legislative purpose to obtain them in the first place and reverse any right they have to those returns.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The Ways and Means Committee affirmed they do have a legitimate legislative purpose in acquiring Trump's tax returns. And the 3 judge appellant court sided with the Ways and Means Committee. The full appellant court affirmed that ruling. The Supreme Court affirmed that ruling.....without a single dissent.

You say they're all wrong and you know better.

Smiling.....good luck with that.
BTW...they only have a few more days till they are kicked off the committee and replaced by Republicans.
Then they will be truly fucked.

Laughing.....BTW, your desperate attempt to change the topic and flee from your own failure is noted.

I accept your concession with all the grace it warrants.
Laughing.....BTW, your desperate attempt to change the topic and flee from your own failure is noted.

I accept your concession with all the grace it warrants.
Liar. I didn't change the topic.

This is the topic.

They have until the next House is sworn in on Jan 3rd to prove they didn't have a legitimate purpose to obtain those returns.

Trust me....they well prove it.
Liar. I didn't change the topic.

This is the topic.

They have until the next House is sworn in on Jan 3rd to prove they didn't have a legitimate purpose to obtain those returns.

Trust me....they well prove it.

The Republicans taking over the ways and means committee is the topic? Or are you now desperately fleeing to that because you lost so thoroughly on your claims that the release of Trump's tax returns was a felony?

Your entire argument has devolved into ignoring the appellant court's rulings and the Supreme Court's upholding of that ruling....

..and insisting you know better. one is being arrested or charged with any crime just because you're butthurt you lost a debate.
Laughing.....BTW, your desperate attempt to change the topic and flee from your own failure is noted.

I accept your concession with all the grace it warrants.
Let's assume they only had Trump's returns for a few days.
What kind of investigation are they going to conduct in 2 weeks?

I believe they've had those returns illegally for at least a couple of years.....and already have their fake story laid out in detail.
That will prove they broke the law if this goes to the press.
The Republicans taking over the ways and means committee is the topic? Or are you now desperately fleeing to that because you lost so thoroughly on your claims that the release of Trump's tax returns was a felony?

Your entire argument has devolved into ignoring the appellant court's rulings and the Supreme Court's upholding of that ruling....

..and insisting you know better. one is being arrested or charged with any crime just because you're butthurt you lost a debate.

Sorry. I simply pointed out the big picture to you.

This is me laughing at you.
Let's assume they only had Trump's returns for a few days.
What kind of investigation are they going to conduct in 2 weeks?

I believe they've had those returns illegally for at least a couple of years.....and already have their fake story laid out in detail.
That will prove they broke the law if this goes to the press.
Lets assume that your personal opinion on the matter is gloriously irrelevant to the actual legality of the Ways and Means Committee's actions. As you're nobody and your personal opinions are legally meaningless.

The Ways and Means Committee's assertions that acquiring Trump's tax returns served a legitimate legislative process however......are full of relevance and meaning. As affirmed by the 3 judge appellant court who sided with them.

And the full appellant court which upheld that ruling. And the Supreme Court that upheld that ruling, without a single dissent.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance won't matter.

Sorry. I simply pointed out the big picture to you.

This is me laughing at you.

Nope. Your entire argument now is nothing more than ignoring the appellant court that dismantled your entire pseudo-legal argument, word for word.

Again, good luck with that.
SCOTUS released as to the committee as they have the right to look into it, if they think there is something, that will be found, that may be of proof of some kind of malfesance, that would otherwise remain hidden if not for their oversight of process and the IRS, and applies to all citizens or their tax return and specifically says, regarding tax returns "shall be turned over upon request". That does not justify giving the returns in total to the full congress. Also, while watching the roll call vote the chairman did mention public release at a later time, but redacting personal information, such as account numbers, banks, etc, which is particular wrong and not covered by any law, that I am aware of.
I think they just voted to release the tax returns to the public. I don't know about any redactions. My guess is that even if they are there, there will be some leaks, some slip-ups, some oversights, exposing some sensitive information further harming Trump. Oops.

Just because you have legal ground to do something, does not mean it is right to do it
That is a rather profound truth. Kind of a corollary to many in the government's view that just because something is ILLEGAL doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T do it-- so long as you never get caught. :smoke:

follow the tradition, that only goes back to Nixon, not long in my view.
Yes, and voluntary.

This, at this point in time, is nothing but a naked partisan power move, while that committee still has the power. I don't care if the IRS looks up them with an anal probe, but unless there is some malfeasance they would like to be made public and need them for evidence (mind you, courts of law and prosecution are the place for that), this is bullshit.
Same as the 8/8 raid on Trump's house-- -- if you really think you've got the goods on an ex-president so heinous as to justify the need to raid his home or force the public airing of years and years of his tax returns despite no legal compunction, then fine so long as you can justify it, and to date, NOTHING has been produced to justify anything, because if it were, then why haven't charges been filed against Trump?

But then, after the two impeachments: one over a phone call asking if Biden had been involved in dirt in Ukraine and following OLC counsel in not turning over unsubpoenaed documents to uphold the separation of powers between coequal branches, and the other stupidly a week before leaving office anyway over a party's displeasure and personal feelings that Trump was somehow responsible for a few hundred irate voters enticed to break into the Capitol when the Capitol was unprepared to fully stop it, nothing surprises me anymore.

Who knows, Trump might end up being the guiltiest man in the world, but even if he is, it shouldn't take sham investigations flouting the law to prove it as a country is only as sound as its willingness to adhere to its OWN LAWS.

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