Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students' personal information. The federal government is acquiring a massive amount of data that can be sold to the highest bidders. This is an invasion of student and family privacy and a violation of our 4th Amendment rights.

While many Americans are focused on NSA and other such "phony scandals," the Washington education police are swarming around in schools gathering intimate data on children and families.


Student data mining is merely the Trojan horse for a nationwide tracking system of our citizens. Our children are being used as guinea pigs while those complicit with this Marxist government enjoy their new found riches.

Read more: Articles: Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse
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Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students' personal information. The federal government is acquiring a massive amount of data that can be sold to the highest bidders. This is an invasion of student and family privacy and a violation of our 4th Amendment rights.

While many Americans are focused on NSA and other such "phony scandals," the Washington education police are swarming around in schools gathering intimate data on children and families.


Student data mining is merely the Trojan horse for a nationwide tracking system of our citizens. Our children are being used as guinea pigs while those complicit with this Marxist government enjoy their new found riches.

Read more: Articles: Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

How do they get these new found riches, I sure wouldn't mind a few bucks myself. If we just support common core do they send us a check or what?
Now it is the state governors that are Marxists; is there anyone in the United States anymore that is not a Marxist?
Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students' personal information. The federal government is acquiring a massive amount of data that can be sold to the highest bidders. This is an invasion of student and family privacy and a violation of our 4th Amendment rights.

While many Americans are focused on NSA and other such "phony scandals," the Washington education police are swarming around in schools gathering intimate data on children and families.


Student data mining is merely the Trojan horse for a nationwide tracking system of our citizens. Our children are being used as guinea pigs while those complicit with this Marxist government enjoy their new found riches.

Read more: Articles: Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

How do they get these new found riches, I sure wouldn't mind a few bucks myself. If we just support common core do they send us a check or what?
Now it is the state governors that are Marxists; is there anyone in the United States anymore that is not a Marxist?

they aren't necessarily Marxists... just falling into the trap that's set with a carrot....i.e., vague promises and money$$$ from the Feds...

it's amazing what a dedicated small political faction can accomplish over time....the marxist progs have been incrementally pushing their crap for surprise that they are now mining for data from's all about control....

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