Communicators with Alec Ross

Ross told The American Prospect, "If Paul Revere had been a modern day citizen, he wouldn't have ridden down Main Street. He would have tweeted."[19]

And the British would have found the armories before the Patriots could find that Tweet buried under mountains of inane crap about the Kardashians' nail salon experience.

Stuff like this applied to this guy's job at the STATE DEPT makes me yearn for the good ole days of British Empire.. Where they only suggested that the natives drink tea, and hail the Queen. What is he doing exactly?

In the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Ross visited with former militia members in demobilization camps to learn about ways to get current militia members to quit fighting.[2] He is now working to implement a State Department outreach program based on their suggestion to use radio to communicate with fighters who are hiding out in the bush. Ross is also putting together a mobile banking program for soldiers who haven’t been paid in years, empowering them with the ability to securely transfer money and save through accounts over cellphones.

Right... The biggest problems in the Congo is that they don't use social media enough to find out where the newest refugee camp is..

Sorry man -- this guy has a NEBULOUS job. And the answer to all the world's problems isn't mobile banking and cashless societies.

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