Communist Indoctrination

I thought you rightwing kooks said reagan defeated communism, the 50's are over time to come out of the basement
I am laughing at your post. Name one first world country that doesn't invest in their own country or regulate their economy...Of the top 50. List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every single one of the first world countries on this list responsibly invest and regulates their own economies. There must be a good reason why they do so??? Maybe it has to do with the difference between being a third world shit hole like the Congo, Somalia, or Haiti or not. Please take this to the goddamn flamezone as that is what it is.
I thought you rightwing kooks said reagan defeated communism, the 50's are over time to come out of the basement

Well, by the time the early 1990's came around the dictators that hated personal advancement and capitalism like in the USSR and China were on there way out. What this jackass is saying is we're somehow the same if the government governs the way it should. I just have to laugh.
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'social justice' training... it's all about convincing the kids that the sense of remorse they have for selling themselves into massive debt slavery isn't really their fault, but it's because the rest of the world outside the college hates them for their skin color or their genitals.
We need a businessman President to reform our failed educational system. How about a voucher system that would allow students a choice of being Communist puppets or having a chance at succeeding in life?
I thought you rightwing kooks said reagan defeated communism, the 50's are over time to come out of the basement

We said that Reagan beat Soviet Communism so badly he left them only one option: take up Ted Kennedy on his 1984 offer to take control of the Democrat Party
We need a businessman President to reform our failed educational system. How about a voucher system that would allow students a choice of being Communist puppets or having a chance at succeeding in life?
David Horowitz reported that over 90% of the educators are Democrats. So long as you have Marxist educators indoctrinating students and controlling the education system the outlook is not good.

Political Bias in the Administrations and Faculties of 32 Elite Colleges and Universities - Reports - News - Students For Academic Freedom

Moreover the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" can reasonably be said to reflect a predictable spectrum of assumptions, views and values that affect the outlooks of Americans who finance, attend, administer and teach at these educational institutions. This is why we chose them. It is not our intention to suggest that there should be quotas based on party affiliation in the hiring process at universities. Rather it is our purpose to discover whether there is a grossly unbalanced, politically shaped selection process in the hiring of college faculty. While recognizing the limitations imposed on our study, we believe the figures recorded in this report make a prima facie case that there is.

Summary of Results

In our examinations of over 150 departments and upper-level administrations at 32 elite colleges and universities, the Center found the following:

  • The overall ratio of Democrats to Republicans we were able to identify at the 32 schools was more than 10 to 1 (1397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).
  • Although in the nation at large registered Democrats and Republicans are roughly equal in number, not a single department at a single one of the 32 schools managed to achieve a reasonable parity between the two. The closest any school came to parity was Northwestern University where 80% of the faculty members we identified were registered Democrats who outnumbered registered Republicans by a ratio of 4-1.
  • At other schools we found these representations of registered faculty Democrats to Republicans:
  • Brown 30-1
    Bowdoin, Wellesley 23-1
    Swarthmore 21-1
    Amherst, Bates 18-1
    Columbia, Yale 14-1
    Pennsylvania, Tufts, UCLA and Berkeley 12-1
    Smith 11-1
  • At no less than four elite schools we could not identify a single Republican on the faculty:
  • Williams 51 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    Oberlin 19 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    MIT 17 Democrats, 0 Republicans
    Haverford 15 Democrats, 0 Republicans
  • Faculty registration is just as unbalanced at major research universities as it is at small colleges. At Columbia University, the Center could identify only 6 faculty Republicans. The Center could not locate a single Republican in the history, political science, and sociology departments. Cornell University was just as left-leaning: the departments of English and history were entirely devoid of registered Republicans.
  • Administrators lean just as far to the left: at schools like the University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Melon, and Cornell, we could not identify a single Republican administrator. In the entire Ivy League, we identified only 3 Republican administrators.

These figures suggest that most students probably graduate without ever having a class taught by a professor with a conservative viewpoint. The ratios themselves are impossible to understand in the absence of a political bias in the training and hiring of college instructors. They strongly suggest that the governance of American universities has fallen into the hands of a self-perpetuating political and cultural subset of the general population, which seems intent on perpetuating its control. This is an unhealthy development for the both the educational enterprise and the democracy itself.

It's part of the Communist agenda to defeat America
Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
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Perhaps it's simply being educated that turns true-Americans into liberals? As for the way US history is taught, it alone is probably the biggest changer of true-American into liberals.
Capitalist indoctrination is vastly superior. That way the pawns are too drunk on the kool-said to recognize the wrecking of the planet.

We Need to Literally Declare War on Climate Change

Capitolism produces wealth and prosperity in a society. It is incompatible with Communism which depends on bringing a society down to a 3rd world status in order to crush it.

What is really funny is that the Communists are so stupid that they cannot tell the world that the Capitalists have been ignoring the Depreciation of the Durable Consumer Goods junk for the last 50 years. With One Billion cars on the planet how much does the depreciation amount to each year?

Economic Wargames

Perhaps it's simply being educated that turns true-Americans into liberals? As for the way US history is taught, it alone is probably the biggest changer of true-American into liberals.

Wrong again.

Oregon State is a university-you are not mandated to attend university (if this was a high school it would be very different). For the record I think it's dumb that they're making new students take this class...but the rhetoric of the big bad liberals teaching Communism is schools is laughable (at least at my school).

So what are they teaching? Be specific.

Oregon State is a university-you are not mandated to attend university (if this was a high school it would be very different). For the record I think it's dumb that they're making new students take this class...but the rhetoric of the big bad liberals teaching Communism is schools is laughable (at least at my school).

So what are they teaching? Be specific.

I teach students grammar, how to write, how to improve their syntax, how to comprehend what they read. Why do you think I teach communism to my students? Hell I even have a lesson undo where my students have to read the bill of rights, select one, and then explain why that bill is vital to our nation.

Oregon State is a university-you are not mandated to attend university (if this was a high school it would be very different). For the record I think it's dumb that they're making new students take this class...but the rhetoric of the big bad liberals teaching Communism is schools is laughable (at least at my school).

So what are they teaching? Be specific.

I teach students grammar, how to write, how to improve their syntax, how to comprehend what they read. Why do you think I teach communism to my students? Hell I even have a lesson undo where my students have to read the bill of rights, select one, and then explain why that bill is vital to our nation.

That's great.

Does your school include multiculturalism and diversity studies/training?

How do your students explain the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments?

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