Communist revolutionaries burn American flags outside Jason Aldean concert, claiming 'America was never great'

its ok for blacks to do this. but if it is blm flags they cry like babies l. send them back to africa. the dud just sang the truth. these flag burning communists need to go.

its ok for blacks to do this. but if it is blm flags they cry like babies l. send them back to africa. the dud just sang the truth. these flag burning communists need to go.
Yep. Burn a BLM flag and it's classified a hate crime. Burn the American flag and it's classified 'free speech.' It's nuts.

Does illustrate quite bluntly illustrate the kind of trashy mentality that stages these kinds of protests though.

its ok for blacks to do this. but if it is blm flags they cry like babies l. send them back to africa. the dud just sang the truth. these flag burning communists need to go.
Ungrateful simians.
Yep. Burn a BLM flag and it's classified a hate crime. Burn the American flag and it's classified 'free speech.' It's nuts.

Does illustrate quite bluntly illustrate the kind of trashy mentality that stages these kinds of protests though.
Communist revolutionaries are so 1960s. Burning flags lol! Like that's gong solve a lot of mankind's problems.
Yep. Burn a BLM flag and it's classified a hate crime. Burn the American flag and it's classified 'free speech.' It's nuts.

Does illustrate quite bluntly illustrate the kind of trashy mentality that stages these kinds of protests though.

Already covered in the thread noted in my link.

its ok for blacks to do this. but if it is blm flags they cry like babies l. send them back to africa. the dud just sang the truth. these flag burning communists need to go.

are ya trihhered?

good, they pwned the trumpies!
That was simply an idea stated by Jefferson and not actually in law. Even then the idea of starting Congress with prayer started with Jefferson as a member so one would have thought he would have spoke up.
This history is more complicated than you try to make out.
A fair argument can be made here.

Not so as long as it's not directed only to one belief. As long as all are treated the same, it's good.
You forget the prepositional differences 'of' and 'from.' The latter is just as constitutionally valid as the former, even though the former is used in the Constitution. duh
You forget the prepositional differences 'of' and 'from.' The latter is just as constitutionally valid as the former, even though the former is used in the Constitution. duh

There are no protections "from".
The 4th Amendment is a protection from something.

You can make the argument that the entire Constitution is meant to be a protection from a tyrannical government.

The government can't do the things one argued to be protected against.

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