Communist “Young Pioneers” Skip School for Indoctrination Rallies

Third party independent. Don't buy into parties. They don't want my vote. If a party wants my vote they have to show me things they'll do for me.

I didn't ask about "parties". I meant ideology. There are a shitload of third party candidates and they have platforms ranging from radical left, to radical right.
No radical extremes for me...I prefer something just slightly right. I like the center. Most do.
Its like a ancient B/W Pathe film. Liberals on the march! Liberal storm troopers topple & intimidate! I used to be a liberal, but that isn't what liberalism is about....Dogma and scare tactics and blacklists. I am so much younger than that now.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...
No radical extremes for me...I prefer something just slightly right. I like the center. Most do.

Ok then. What I'm trying to say is this:

Back in the 1950's when Senator Joseph McCarthy was claiming the Russia (a communist/socialist country) was trying to infiltrate the US political system.

Many people (particulary the left) scoffed at him, believing that he was either crazy, or that it could never happen. Other people were just apathetic and unconcerned.

Fast forward 63 years to the 2016 election. What happened? We went through a three year period after the election of Donald Trump, where the idea that the Russians (a communist/socialist county) interfered in our political system, to the point of which the Democratic candidate lost.

So did Russia (a communist/socialist country) change the future of this country? And if so, how is the indoctrination of more children into the communist/socialist ideology going to effect the future of not only this country, but the rest of the world?

I'm just trying to say here, that socialism and communism is not something to be taken lightly, or ignored. It won't just go away if you shut your eyes to it. It will devour everything you hold dear, including your country, your freedom and liberty, and your way of life.

See the post immediately above mine, if you don't believe what I'm saying. Leftists, socialists, and communists, even though they are Americans, will say or do anything to rationalize the belief that "socialism isn't a problem", but they don't really know or care know how wrong they are.
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Its like a ancient B/W Pathe film. Liberals on the march! Liberal storm troopers topple & intimidate! I used to be a liberal, but that isn't what liberalism is about....Dogma and scare tactics and blacklists. I am so much younger than that now.

Yes, who calls themselves "liberals" seems to have changed greatly in the last 20 years.
But I identify it as the democratic party that has changed.
I am still the same liberal I always was, and am against war, against strong central government, etc.
McCarthy was over the other words...a kook. Socialism is tossed around like crazy yet we have nothing socialistic in our laws nor govt programs. I fear it not as it has no viable way of taking hold.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...

I remember when the USS Nautilus went under the North Pole in in 1957, and there was no open water to cross the pole, even in the hottest summer. But not there is no problem with the Northwest Passage, at least in summer. The ice pack has greatly changed.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...

I remember when the USS Nautilus went under the North Pole in in 1957, and there was no open water to cross the pole, even in the hottest summer. But not there is no problem with the Northwest Passage, at least in summer. The ice pack has greatly changed.

Indeed. And the oceans are getting warmer and acidifying.
Its like a ancient B/W Pathe film. Liberals on the march! Liberal storm troopers topple & intimidate! I used to be a liberal, but that isn't what liberalism is about....Dogma and scare tactics and blacklists. I am so much younger than that now.

Yes, who calls themselves "liberals" seems to have changed greatly in the last 20 years.
But I identify it as the democratic party that has changed.
I am still the same liberal I always was, and am against war, against strong central government, etc.

...and yet you'd still vote for a Bernie, a Biden, or a Warren, who believes in a strong central government?

Have I taken crazy pills or something?
McCarthy was over the other words...a kook. Socialism is tossed around like crazy yet we have nothing socialistic in our laws nor govt programs. I fear it not as it has no viable way of taking hold.

Heavily subsidizing agriculture, and bailing out the banks are really socialism, just not done very well.
Socialism does not require government to own the means of production, just regulate it.
We just do it badly like when we bail out the banks, because that costs us more than if we just started our own public banks.
McCarthy was over the other words...a kook. Socialism is tossed around like crazy yet we have nothing socialistic in our laws nor govt programs. I fear it not as it has no viable way of taking hold.

So Russia (a communist/socialist country) had no bearing or effect on the 2016 election?

Then please explain why every Democrat on this discussion board would disagree with you. And why did we just go through three years of 24/7 "Russian collusion"?
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It's a mute point. I do believe the election is over. Socialism will never gain any popularity except for .000000000001 of the voters. It's another non issue really.
Its like a ancient B/W Pathe film. Liberals on the march! Liberal storm troopers topple & intimidate! I used to be a liberal, but that isn't what liberalism is about....Dogma and scare tactics and blacklists. I am so much younger than that now.

Yes, who calls themselves "liberals" seems to have changed greatly in the last 20 years.
But I identify it as the democratic party that has changed.
I am still the same liberal I always was, and am against war, against strong central government, etc.

...and yet you'd still vote for a Bernie, a Biden, or a Warren, who believes in a strong central government?

Have I taken crazy pills or something?

Hillary was for strong central government, but typically democrats have not been.
For example, in the 70s the republicans were strong on business, and business like war profits, they supported the military intervention in Vietnam.
Liberals are for individual liberties, so were then against the big military build up, and were against the war in Vietnam.

The only strong central government the liberals were for back 20 years ago, was civil rights, but that was really a judicial issue because the states were screwing up.

I lived under socialism in Wisconsin, with many socialist governors, mayors, etc., and they were not at all for centralization.
They were just fugal.
The city buses, school buses, garbage trucks, and snow plows were all owned by the county, so then then could use the same drivers for all of these, as needed. Great system. Saved lots of money over what 4 private companies would have cost.
McCarthy was over the other words...a kook. Socialism is tossed around like crazy yet we have nothing socialistic in our laws nor govt programs. I fear it not as it has no viable way of taking hold.

So Russia (a communist/socialist country) had no bearing or effect on the 2016 election?

Then please explain why every Democrat on this discussion board would disagree with you. And why did we just go through three years of 24/7 "Russian collusion"?

Actually Russia is a Stalinist country, which is actually profit motivated and nothing communal, and Stalin killed all the socialists, communists, and Anarchists.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...

I remember when the USS Nautilus went under the North Pole in in 1957, and there was no open water to cross the pole, even in the hottest summer. But not there is no problem with the Northwest Passage, at least in summer. The ice pack has greatly changed.

Indeed. And the oceans are getting warmer and acidifying. should be prepared for the UFO’s to come get you and save you from global warming!
Last edited:
McCarthy was over the other words...a kook. Socialism is tossed around like crazy yet we have nothing socialistic in our laws nor govt programs. I fear it not as it has no viable way of taking hold.

So Russia (a communist/socialist country) had no bearing or effect on the 2016 election?

Then please explain why every Democrat on this discussion board would disagree with you. And why did we just go through three years of 24/7 "Russian collusion"?

Actually Russia is a Stalinist country, which is actually profit motivated and nothing communal, and Stalin killed all the socialists, communists, and Anarchists.
Yep. Russia is a kleptocratic, oligarchic dictatorship. Its supreme leader is probably the richest man who has ever lived.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...

I remember when the USS Nautilus went under the North Pole in in 1957, and there was no open water to cross the pole, even in the hottest summer. But not there is no problem with the Northwest Passage, at least in summer. The ice pack has greatly changed.

Indeed. And the oceans are getting warmer and acidifying. should prepared for the UFO’s to come get you and save you from global warming!

You mean, save my grandchildren. Yes, I know you don't care. No need to show your ass.
Communist youth around the world cut class today to participate in indoctrination rallies in multiple countries.They should all be suspended. Global warming is the new Marxist youth indoctrination issue.
'Our house is on fire.' Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
They used to march in Moscow

They used to march in Eastern Europe too...

We have communist youth organizations in the United States...

Wonder how much George Soros contributed to this
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People’s Climate March

Crusty old men get mad when even young children are smarter than they are...

I remember when the USS Nautilus went under the North Pole in in 1957, and there was no open water to cross the pole, even in the hottest summer. But not there is no problem with the Northwest Passage, at least in summer. The ice pack has greatly changed.

OMG! Get the Chinese and India to stop polluting. Why should U.S. economy be hurt by draconian environmental laws first suggested in 1970’s?

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